Paper - M1 : Business Marketing - Surana college

Paper - M1 : Business Marketing - Surana college

Paper - M1 : Business Marketing - Surana college


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ItilililtilltiltIililtilil ilt ililPG - 134lll semester M.B.A. (Day) Degree Examination, January 2012(2007-09 Scheme)MANAGEMENT<strong>Paper</strong> - <strong>M1</strong> : <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong>Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75SECTION _ A1. Answer any six questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (6x2=12)a) What is B2B marketing ?b) Explain derived demand in industrial marketing.c) Mention the components of business market.d) What are the different buy-situations ?e) State the role of gate-keeper in buying centre.f) What is co-option strategy in business marketing ?g) State the importance of logistics manaEement in industrial marketing.h) Mention the advantages of multichannel marketing system.SECTION _ BAnswer any three questions. Each question carries g marks.(3xg=24)2. What are the different categories of business buyers ? Explain the components ofindustrial market.3. Briefly discuss the nature of demand for industrial goods with suitabie examples.4. Explain the webster and wind moderfor business buying process.5. Discuss the significance of partnering and relationship in industrial marketing.6. Write a note on :"a) Competitive biddingb) Geographic pricing strategiesP.T.O"

PG-134llilil]ilililililililililililtSECTION - CAnswer any two questions. Each question carries r2 marks.(2x12=2417 - Give an account oi classification of industrial goods and their marketing implications.Briefly explain few differences between consumer goods and industrial goods.B. "Role of personal selling is very important in marketing of industrial goodssubstantiate this statement with a suitable illustration for electronic gadgets likeLCD projectors and photocopies for a educational institution.I' Discuss the importance of logistics management for industrial goods. Mention thefactors influencing the channel design decisions.SECTION _ D10. This section is compulsory. lt carries l5 marks. (1xl5=15)Vinod Nair, sales executive of Zerise Documentation Ltd., encounters the Head,Depaftment of Management Studies of the University, to sellphotocopying machine."We already have a photocopying machine. lam sorry Mr. Nair, we don t need anymore machine", says the Head. "But that machine you have now is kept in thelibrary and I understand that it is fully employed. You have a very large quantity ofcourse materials to reproduce. lfeelthat you need some more copiers", suggestsNair. The Head retorts. "Look Mr. Nair, we have a typing pool of four full timetypists and one section officer to produce the course materials. We also have aduplicating machine and an operator for that. lf we have to make one copy of anydocument, we photocopy it, if we want four or five coi:ies we type it and if morecopies are needed we cut stenci! and take copies. The present arrangement cantake care of our requirements. We certainly clon't need any more photocopyingmachine. Anybody would like to have additional facilities, but we have financialconstraints so that we can't afford the luxury of an additional photocopier,,""But Sir..." Although Nairtried to putfonvard his proposition, he was stopped bytheHead who had to leave immediately to meet the Vice Chancellor as pei theappointment. Nair pleadeds for an appointment some time later when the Headcould spare some tiine. "lf you are very par.ticular about meeting me you may do sosomewhere next week. But, I have already told you that we don't need anothercopier. So, if you are inclined to waste some time you may take an appointmentand meet me". Saying this the Head stands up to leave forthe meeting.Questions :1) Should Nair regard it as a closed chapter or should he meet the Head again ?2) lf you feel that Nair should endeavour again to make a sale, draw up a strategythat would enable him to make the Head favorably disposed.

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