English - Kohler Engines

English - Kohler Engines

English - Kohler Engines


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SV470-SV620Owner's ManualIMPORTANT:Read all safety precautions and instructions carefully beforeoperating equipment. Refer to operating instruction ofequipment that this engine powers.Ensure engine is stopped and level before performing anymaintenance or service.Warranty coverage as outlined in the warranty card and on<strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com. Please review carefully as it provides youspecifi c rights and obligations.Record engine information to reference when ordering parts or obtaining warranty coverage.Engine ModelSpecifi cationSerial NumberPurchase Date20 590 06 Rev. A <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com

StartingWARNINGCarbon Monoxide can causesevere nausea, fainting or death.Avoid inhaling exhaust fumes.Engine exhaust gases contain poisonouscarbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide isodorless, colorless, and can cause death ifinhaled.WARNINGRotating Parts can cause severeinjury.Stay away while engine is inoperation.Keep hands, feet, hair, and clothing awayfrom all moving parts to prevent injury. Neveroperate engine with covers, shrouds, orguards removed.Refer to operating instructions of equipmentthis engine powers for specifi c startinginstructions.Cold Weather Starting Hints1. Use proper oil for temperature expected.2. Disengage all possible external loads.3. Use fresh winter grade fuel. Winter gradefuel has higher volatility to improve starting.Stopping1. If possible, remove load by disengaging allPTO driven attachments.2. Position throttle control between half and fullthrottle; stop engine.Angle of OperationRefer to operating instructions of equipmentthis engine powers. Do not operate this engineexceeding maximum angle of operation; seespecifi cation table. Engine damage could resultfrom insuffi cient lubrication.Engine SpeedNOTE: Do not tamper with governor setting toincrease maximum engine speed.Overspeed is hazardous and will voidwarranty.High Altitude OperationThis engine may require a high altitudecarburetor kit to ensure correct engineoperation at altitudes above 4000 ft.(1219 meters). To obtain high altitude kitinformation or to fi nd a <strong>Kohler</strong> authorized dealervisit <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com or call 1-800-544-2444(U.S. and Canada).This engine should be operated in its originalconfi guration below 4000 ft. (1219 meters) asdamage may occur if high altitude carburetor kitis installed and operated below 4000 ft. (1219meters).4 <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com20 590 06 Rev. A

Change Oil and FilterChange oil while engine is warm.1. Clean area around oil fi ll cap/dipstick.Remove drain plug and oil fi ll cap/dipstick.Allow oil to drain completely.2. Clean area around oil fi lter. Place a containerunder fi lter to catch any oil and remove fi lter.Wipe off mounting surface. Reinstall drainplug. Torque to 125 in. lb. (14 N·m).3. Place new fi lter in shallow pan with open endup. Fill with new oil until oil reaches bottomof threads. Allow 2 minutes for oil to beabsorbed by fi lter material.4. Apply a thin fi lm of clean oil to rubber gasketon new fi lter.5. Refer to instructions on oil filter for properinstallation.6. Fill crankcase with new oil. Level should beat top of indicator on dipstick.7. Reinstall oil fi ll cap/dipstick and tightensecurely.8. Start engine; check for oil leaks. Stop engine;correct leaks. Recheck oil level.9. Dispose of used oil and fi lter in accordancewith local ordinances.Oil Sentry (if equipped)This switch is designed to prevent enginefrom starting in a low oil or no oil condition. OilSentry may not shut down a running enginebefore damage occurs. In some applicationsthis switch may activate a warning signal. Readyour equipment manuals for more information.Fuel RecommendationsWARNINGExplosive Fuel can cause fi resand severe burns.Do not fi ll fuel tank while engine ishot or running.Gasoline is extremely fl ammable andits vapors can explode if ignited. Storegasoline only in approved containers, inwell ventilated, unoccupied buildings, awayfrom sparks or fl ames. Spilled fuel couldignite if it comes in contact with hot parts orsparks from ignition. Never use gasoline as acleaning agent.NOTE: E15, E20 and E85 are NOT approvedand should NOT be used; effects ofold, stale or contaminated fuel are notwarrantable.Fuel must meet these requirements:● Clean, fresh, unleaded gasoline.● Octane rating of 87 (R+M)/2 or higher.● Research Octane Number (RON) 90 octaneminimum.● Gasoline up to 10% ethyl alcohol, 90%unleaded is acceptable.● Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) andunleaded gasoline blend (max 15% MTBE byvolume) are approved.● Do not add oil to gasoline.● Do not overfi ll fuel tank.● Do not use gasoline older than 30 days.Fuel LineLow permeation fuel line must be installed oncarbureted <strong>Kohler</strong> Co. engines to maintain EPAand CARB regulatory compliance.6 <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com20 590 06 Rev. A

Spark PlugsCAUTIONElectrical Shock can cause injury.Do not touch wires while engineis running.Clean out spark plug recess. Remove plug andreplace.1. Check gap using wire feeler gauge. Adjustgap, see specifi cation table for adjustment.2. Install plug into cylinder head.3. Torque plug to 20 ft. lb. (27 N·m).Air CleanerNOTE: Operating engine with loose ordamaged air cleaner componentscould cause premature wear andfailure. Replace all bent or damagedcomponents.NOTE: Paper element cannot be blown outwith compressed air.Loosen knobs and remove air cleaner cover.Precleaner (if equipped):1. Remove precleaner.2. Replace or wash precleaner in warm waterwith detergent. Rinse and allow to air dry.3. Saturate precleaner with new engine oil;squeeze out excess oil.4. Reinstall precleaner into cover, aligning holein precleaner with upper cover knob.Paper Element:1. Remove element from base; replaceelement.2. Install element with pleated side out and seatrubber seal onto edges of base.Reinstall air cleaner cover and secure withknobs.Breather TubeEnsure both ends of breather tube are properlyconnected.Air CoolingWARNINGHot Parts can cause severeburns.Do not touch engine whileoperating or just after stopping.Never operate engine with heat shields orguards removed.Proper cooling is essential. To prevent overheating, clean screens, cooling fi ns, and otherexternal surfaces of engine. Avoid sprayingwater at wiring harness or any electricalcomponents. See Maintenance Schedule.Repairs/Service PartsWe recommend that you use a <strong>Kohler</strong>authorized dealer for all maintenance,service, and replacement parts for engine.To fi nd a <strong>Kohler</strong> authorized dealer visit<strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com or call 1-800-544-2444(U.S. and Canada).StorageIf engine will be out of service for 2 months ormore follow procedure below.1. Add <strong>Kohler</strong> PRO Series fuel treatment orequivalent to fuel tank. Run engine 2-3minutes to get stabilized fuel into fuel system(failures due to untreated fuel are notwarrantable).2. Change oil while engine is still warm fromoperation. Remove spark plug(s) and pourabout 1 oz. of engine oil into cylinder(s).Replace spark plug(s) and crank engineslowly to distribute oil.3. Disconnect negative (-) battery cable.4. Store engine in a clean, dry place.20 590 06 Rev. A <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com7

TroubleshootingDo not attempt to service or replace major engine components, or any items that require specialtiming or adjustment procedures. This work should be performed by a <strong>Kohler</strong> authorized dealer.ProblemNoFuelImproperFuelDirt InFuelLinePossible CauseDirtyDebrisScreen Oil IncorrectLevelEngineOverloadedDirty AirCleanerFaultySparkPlugWill Not Start ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Hard Starting ● ● ● ● ● ●Stops Suddenly ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Lacks Power ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Operates Erratically ● ● ● ● ● ●Knocks or Pings ● ● ● ●Skips or Misfi res ● ● ● ● ●Backfi res ● ● ● ● ●Overheats ● ● ● ● ● ●High FuelConsumption● ● ●Engine SpecificationsModel Bore Stroke DisplacementOil Capacity(Refill)Spark PlugGapMaximum Angleof Operation(@ full oil level)*SV470SV480SV530SV540SV5903.7 in.(94 mm)3.4 in.(86 mm)36.4 cu. in.(597 cc)1.6 U.S. qt.1.5 L0.03 in.(0.76 mm)25°SV600SV610SV620*Exceeding maximum angle of operation may cause engine damage from insuffi cient lubrication.Additional specifi cation information can be found in service manual at <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com.Exhaust Emission Control System for models SV470-SV620 is EM for U.S. EPA, California, andEurope.Any and all horsepower (hp) references by <strong>Kohler</strong> are Certifi ed Power Ratings and per SAE J1940& J1995 hp standards. Details on Certifi ed Power Ratings can be found at <strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com.© 2011 by <strong>Kohler</strong> Co. All rights reserved.<strong>Kohler</strong><strong>Engines</strong>.com20 590 06 Rev. A

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