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Page 25 Vol. 68, No. 1, Spring 2004 Mississippi LibrariesIV. NEW BUSINESSA. Action Item: Approve submitting requestfor quotations for 2004 conference eveninsurance – P. Plauché announced that theNatchez Convention Center does not provide anevent insurance rider. The Insurance Committeeinvestigated obtaining event insurance and identifiedthe following companies as possible insurers:RVNuccio & Associates, Sporting Insurance, andGalescreek Insurance. Estimated cost is approximately$300 and the Fiscal Management Committeeis aware of this cost. R. Sherard suggested thatMLA obtain quotes from all three. This way wewill be able to compare costs and build a relationshipwith a company in case we need this type ofcoverage in the future. T. Latour moved to requesta quotation from all three companies for the liabilityinsurance for the 2004 conference. S. Hayes seconded.The motion passed unanimously.B. Action Item: Authorize J. Flanders to signcontracts with the Vicksburg ConventionCenter and select hotels – P. Plauché statedthat the MLA handbook Chapter 1, Vice President/President-ElectConference Duties II. F2,grants permission for contracts to be signed by theincoming president. In reviewing the Vicksburgcontract R. Sherard recommended that we modifythe paragraph concerning insurance. Also the statementsabout security need to be examined. MLAdoes not need to be tied into having a certain numberof security officers per person. He feels it ispossible to talk to the convention sales representativesand get this modified. B. Beal suggested thatthese issues be taken care of by the 2004 Board.R. Sherard moved to authorize signing of the contractcontingent on further review by legal counciland with better contract language. G. Segars seconded.The motion passed unanimously.C. 2003 Fiscal Management Committee AnnualReport – L. McKay, Chair, Fiscal ManagementCommittee reported that the Fiscal ManagementCommittee met on December 11, 2003 atthe Eudora Welty library. Twelve MLA memberswere present. Missy Lee, MLA bookkeeper, presenteda financial report through December 8,2003. L. McKay and the committee reviewed the2003 budget and adopted a proposed 2004 budget.A motion came from the standing committeeto accept the budget as presented. R. Sherard seconded.The motion passed unanimously. L.Mckay also recommended that P. Plauché, J. Flanders,and J. Smith go to the bank after the meetingto change the signature cards on the checkingaccount. These cards would be held until the firstof the year as the 2003 board in office untilDecember 31, 2003. S. Morris seconded. Themotion passed unanimously. L. McKay alsoannounced that the Fiscal Management Committeewill examine MLA’s CD investments at their nextquarterly meeting as low interest rates have resultedin lower than expected income.”D. MLC Report – S. Smith gave a brief report concerningMLC activities. In recent weeks, wormvirus issues in the MissIn Network that affectedpublic libraries. Technicians have been working toclean and repair all affected systems. S. Smithannounced she would recommend that the MLCboard grant two different grants to MLA. The firstis for $8,500 to support MLA Legislative Day programmingand National Library Week public relationsmaterial. The second is a $10,000 speakersgrant for the MLA conference. MLC is conductingnumerous continuing education programs throughoutthe state. During January there will be a serieson how libraries can measure their contribution tothe community. S. Smith also announced that thenew building is coming along and they hope tomove in during the fall of 2004.In a brief summary of the legislative activitiesfor the year, S. Smith commented that this yearthere are many unknown factors. There are newindividuals in statewide offices as well as the legislature.MLA Legislative day will be on February 3rd.Morning and afternoon activities will take place atthe Agriculture and Forestry Museum. The day isscheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. with an opportunityfor committees to meet or for individuals toattend a program on an art exhibit that is coming toJackson. At 11:00 a.m. the Legislative Committeewill meet. At 1:30 p.m., the MLA President willspeak. Awards will be given at 1:45 p.m. Fortyfiveminutes later the invited speaker will give histalk. A speaker has not been confirmed as yet.After a 3:30 p.m. break, the legislative update willbe given at 4:00 p.m. The reception at the EudoraWetly will be from 6 to 8:00 p.m. The theme thisyear is Mississippi’s future @ your library. Materialabout this event will be going out in December.The committee is also planning district legislativedays. Librarians from different areas of the statewill be invited to attend legislative sessions throughoutthe entire session. This will keep libraries andlibrarians on the minds of the legislators. Moreinformation about this new program is forthcoming.E. National Library Week Grant – R. Sherardmoved that J. Flanders be authorized to sign the$8,500 National Library Week from the MississippiLibrary Commission if it is awarded. B. Bealseconded. The motion passed unanimously.V. COMMITTEE REPORTSA. Archives & History – No ReportB. MLA Awards – No ReportC. Conservation – No ReportD. Constitution, By-Laws & OrganizationalReview – No ReportE. Continuing Education – No ReportF. Copyright – No ReportG. Election – No ReportH. Handbook – No ReportI. Insurance – No ReportJ. Membership – No ReportK. Intellectual Freedom – No ReportL. Information Literacy – No ReportM. Credentials – No ReportN. Mississippi Authors Award – A. Maysannounced that the committee had received thetwo video copies of the awards dinner. One will bearchived by MLA and the other added to the collectionat MLC.O. MLA Children’s/Young Adult Awards –No ReportP. Publications – No ReportQ. Publicity – P. Plauché announced that MaryPerkins is working on the next electronic newsletter.Please submit any information to be included.R. Scholarship – No ReportS. Web Page – No Report.VIII.ROUND TABLE REPORTSA. Black Caucus – No ReportB. ECTRT – No ReportC. Friends/MS Libraries – F. Hartness reportedthat the Friends are prepared to help with theevents of Legislative Day. She also reported thatthe Friends conference programs were very successful.D. GODORT – No ReportE. LIRT – No ReportF. NMRT – No ReportG. TSRT – No ReportH. SPRT – No ReportI. 2YCRT – No ReportJ. YPSRT – No ReportIX. OTHER BUSINESS AND ANNOUNCEMENTSP. Plauché thanked everyone for their support andcommitment during her presidency. She and MJAnderson presented those leaving the board plaquesrecognizing their contributions to MLA.X. ADJOURNMENTThere being no further business by the board, a motionwas duly made, seconded and unanimously passed toadjourn. The board adjourned at 11:48 a.m.Respectfully submitted,Sara E. Morris, SecretaryDECEMBER 12, 2003BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING:Juanita Flanders, PresidentSusan Cassagne, Vice President/President ElectJennifer Smith, TreasurerAllison Mays, SecretaryPrima Plauché, Immediate Past PresidentMary Beth Applin, SELA CouncilorPeggy Price, ACRL ChairBettie Cox, School Libraries ChairRandy Sherard, Trustee Section ChairAnne Lipscomb Webster, Special Libraries Chair[not present: Robert Lipscomb, Deborah Lundy]Others in attendance:Fred Hartness, FMLMolly Signs, Web CommitteeNancy TenhetMary Julia Anderson, Executive SecretaryTerry Latour, Delta State UniversityLinda McKay, Fiscal ManagementPresident Flanders called the meeting to order at 11:55.The agenda was presented and a quorum was declared.I. INTRODUCTIONSThe following persons were introduced:A. New Board MembersB. Round-Table ChairpersonsC. Committee ChairpersonsD. Nancy Tenhet, as the new Parliamentarian, non-votingmember of the BoardII. OFFICER AND STAFF REPORTSNone given at this time.III. COMMITTEE REPORTSA. Legislative Day Activities Report – Since thiswas covered in the previous board meeting, it wasnot discussed at this time.IV. OLD BUSINESSNone discussed.V. NEW BUSINESSNone discussedVI. ANNOUNCEMENTSJ. Flanders will send out the dates of the future boardmeetings via email.VII. ADJOURNMENTThere being no further business by the board, a motionwas duly made, seconded and unanimously passed toadjourn. The board adjourned at 12:05.Respectfully submitted,Allison P. Mays, Secretary

MISSISSIPPI LIBRARYASSOCIATIONMEMBERSHIP FORMMEMBERSHIP YEAR 2004 (January-December 2004)Name _______________________________________Library ______________________________________Position______________________________________Mailing address ____________________________________________________________________________City_____________________ State _______________Zip_____________________Home Phone __________________________________Business Phone ________________________________Fax _________________________________________E-mail _______________________________________Type of Library_________________________________New Membership Renewal A. MEMBERSHIP TYPESMembership (Any person currently working in a library orinformation center or those who provide support for its manyservices. Mark by salary range or current library affiliation)$0 to $9,999 $15 per year $________$10,000 to $19,999 $25 per year $________$20,000 to $29,999 $35 per year $________$30,000 to $39,999 $45 per year $________$40,000 to $49,999 $50 per year $________$50,000 to $59,999 $55 per year $________$60,000 or above $60 per year $________Student Full or Part-time(2 Year Limit) $10 per year $________Retired $15 per year $________Trustee $15 per year $________Friend of Library $15 per year $________Institutional Membership $45 per year $________Vendor $40 per year $________Lifetime membershipOne-time payment $1000 $________Installment PlanPayable up to 5 years $1250-$250/year $________A. MEMBERSHIP TYPES SUBTOTAL $________http://www.misslib.org/601.352.3917 Fax 601.352.4240B. SECTIONSEnter “FREE” for one section membership. (Enter $6.00 foradditional sections.)Academic (ACRL)$_________Public$_________School$_________Special$_________Trustee$_________B. SECTIONS SUBTOTAL $_________C. ROUNDTABLESJoin one or more roundtables for opportunities in professionalgrowth $3.00 EACH.ANRT$_________(Automation and Networking)BLACK CAUCUS$_________ECTRT$_________(Educational Communication and Tech)GODORT$_________(Government Documents)LIRT$_________(Library Instruction)NMRT$_________(New Members)SCRT$_________(Special Collections)TSRT$_________(Technical Services)2YCRT$_________(2 Year College)YPSRT$_________(Young People’s Services)C. ROUNDTABLES SUBTOTAL $_________D. SCHOLARSHIPDonation to Peggy May Scholarship $_________Donation to Virgia Brock-Shedd Scholarship $_________D. SCHOLARSHIP SUBTOTAL $_________GRAND MLA TOTAL(DUES GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) ANDSCHOLARSHIP D)$_________Check enclosed (Make payable to Mississippi Library Association)and mail to MLA, P.O. Box 20448, Jackson MS 39289-1448. All dues include subscription to MississippiLibraries. Please charge my MLA dues to my: VISA MasterCardAccount Number _______________________________Expiration Date_________________________________Signature_____________________________________Dues must be paid by January 15 in order to receive the March issue ofMississippi Libraries and for annual election of officers.MLA may at times supply its membership list to professional organizations orlibrary vendors. Check the box if you do not want your name included.

MISSISSIPPI LIBRARYASSOCIATIONMEMBERSHIP FORMMEMBERSHIP YEAR 2004 (January-December 2004)Name _______________________________________<strong>Library</strong> ______________________________________Position______________________________________Mailing address ____________________________________________________________________________City_____________________ State _______________Zip_____________________Home Phone __________________________________Business Phone ________________________________Fax _________________________________________E-mail _______________________________________Type of <strong>Library</strong>_________________________________New Membership Renewal A. MEMBERSHIP TYPESMembership (Any person currently working in a library orinformation center or those who provide support for its manyservices. Mark by salary range or current library affiliation)$0 to $9,999 $15 per year $________$10,000 to $19,999 $25 per year $________$20,000 to $29,999 $35 per year $________$30,000 to $39,999 $45 per year $________$40,000 to $49,999 $50 per year $________$50,000 to $59,999 $55 per year $________$60,000 or above $60 per year $________Student <strong>Full</strong> or Part-time(2 Year Limit) $10 per year $________Retired $15 per year $________Trustee $15 per year $________Friend of <strong>Library</strong> $15 per year $________Institutional Membership $45 per year $________Vendor $40 per year $________Lifetime membershipOne-time payment $1000 $________Installment PlanPayable up to 5 years $1250-$250/year $________A. MEMBERSHIP TYPES SUBTOTAL $________http://www.misslib.org/601.352.3917 Fax 601.352.4240B. SECTIONSEnter “FREE” for one section membership. (Enter $6.00 foradditional sections.)Academic (ACRL)$_________Public$_________School$_________Special$_________Trustee$_________B. SECTIONS SUBTOTAL $_________C. ROUNDTABLESJoin one or more roundtables for opportunities in professionalgrowth $3.00 EACH.ANRT$_________(Automation and Networking)BLACK CAUCUS$_________ECTRT$_________(Educational Communication and Tech)GODORT$_________(Government Documents)LIRT$_________(<strong>Library</strong> Instruction)NMRT$_________(New Members)SCRT$_________(Special Collections)TSRT$_________(Technical Services)2YCRT$_________(2 Year College)YPSRT$_________(Young People’s Services)C. ROUNDTABLES SUBTOTAL $_________D. SCHOLARSHIPDonation to Peggy May Scholarship $_________Donation to Virgia Brock-Shedd Scholarship $_________D. SCHOLARSHIP SUBTOTAL $_________GRAND MLA TOTAL(DUES GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) ANDSCHOLARSHIP D)$_________Check enclosed (Make payable to <strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong>)and mail to MLA, P.O. Box 20448, Jackson MS 39289-1448. All dues include subscription to <strong>Mississippi</strong>Libraries. Please charge my MLA dues to my: VISA MasterCardAccount Number _______________________________Expiration Date_________________________________Signature_____________________________________Dues must be paid by January 15 in order to receive the March issue of<strong>Mississippi</strong> Libraries and for annual election of officers.MLA may at times supply its membership list to professional organizations orlibrary vendors. Check the box if you do not want your name included.

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