Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ... Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

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60Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise EditionUser ManualAlarmsThe Picture Perfect Enterprise configuration provides the following alarms on the nethost:• Host to Host Comm Fail: Occurs when the network connection between the nethost and asubhost is broken, or when a host goes down.• Remote Database Connect Error: Occurs when the remote Informix databases cannot bereached.All alarms that are routed to the Alarm Monitor on each of the subhosts are also automaticallyforwarded to the nethost’s Alarm Monitor. Therefore the nethost’s Alarm Monitor displays all activeand pending alarms for the entire system.Enterprise Replication introduces four pre-defined logical alarms and associated input groups:• Sequence Object 90% full• Aborted Transaction (conflicts) reported• ER Server stopped or suspended• Server clock out of syncFor more information about these alarms, see Which new alarms are introduced and howdo I proceed if those alarms display in the Alarm Monitor? on page 113The alarm for exceeding 90% of database space now includes a check for the ER database spaces(entrepdbs and entrepsbs).Database scheduled jobs (tasks/sensor), cron jobs, or the database itself catch these conditions andtrigger the alarms. The new alarms and input_group data are added to the system during netlanand subhost installation.These alarms do not have a reset state because it is not possible to detect a "resolved" state versusa "normal good" state. Once the alarmed issue has been resolved, the operator has to respond tothe alarm and/or delete the alarm manually.

Chapter 4Managing your network database61Network alarm monitorThe Network Alarm Monitor feature allows the operator to view and respond to local and remotealarms on the nethost. The Network Alarm Monitor does not require any type of specialconfiguration. All the subhosts that are in the network must be defined in the Hosts table of PicturePerfect and in the /etc/hosts file. See Enterprise system software installation on page 7 fordetails.All alarms that are routed to the Alarm Monitor on each of the subhosts are forwarded automaticallyto the nethost. An operator on the nethost can respond to remote alarms as well as to local alarms.For remote alarms, the Network Alarm Monitor obtains the alarm instructions and responses from thesubhosts.Notes: To view Alarm Instructions, for alarms originated at a subhost, the operator must be defined as anoperator on the subhost as well. Alarms are filtered to the display based on facilities. For furtherinformation on Alarm Filtering, refer to the Picture Perfect 4.6 User Manual, System Parameters Form.The Network Alarm Monitor indicates that the operator is responding to a remote alarm, and theRSVP button can be used to respond. All responses entered on the nethost are sent to the subhostwhere the alarm originated. Remote responses are logged to alarm history on the subhost.All alarm history from all subhosts is uploaded to the nethost alarm history after a predetermined timeinterval. This is accomplished using subhost polling (see Refreshing database history tables onpage 51 for more information).If any subhost is not online with the nethost, its alarms are not reflected on the Network AlarmMonitor as they occur. When the subhost is restarted and is back online with the nethost, all subhostalarms are forwarded to the Network Alarm Monitor. When the nethost recovers from acommunications failure, it queries the subhosts for their alarms and displays them on the NetworkAlarm Monitor.Notes: Define each subhost’s alarms with a description of the alarm origin on the Network Alarm Monitor.Alarm instructions and responses should be defined for subhost operators and nethost operators.Figure 5. Remote Alarm-Response Window

60<strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Edition</strong><strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>AlarmsThe <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> configuration provides the following alarms on the nethost:• Host to Host Comm Fail: Occurs when the network connection between the nethost and asubhost is broken, or when a host goes down.• Remote Database Connect Error: Occurs when the remote Informix databases cannot bereached.All alarms that are routed to the Alarm Monitor on each of the subhosts are also automaticallyforwarded to the nethost’s Alarm Monitor. Therefore the nethost’s Alarm Monitor displays all activeand pending alarms for the entire system.<strong>Enterprise</strong> Replication introduces four pre-defined logical alarms and associated input groups:• Sequence Object 90% full• Aborted Transaction (conflicts) reported• ER Server stopped or suspended• Server clock out of syncFor more information about these alarms, see Which new alarms are introduced and howdo I proceed if those alarms display in the Alarm Monitor? on page 113The alarm for exceeding 90% of database space now includes a check for the ER database spaces(entrepdbs and entrepsbs).Database scheduled jobs (tasks/sensor), cron jobs, or the database itself catch these conditions andtrigger the alarms. The new alarms and input_group data are added to the system during netlanand subhost installation.These alarms do not have a reset state because it is not possible to detect a "resolved" state versusa "normal good" state. Once the alarmed issue has been resolved, the operator has to respond tothe alarm and/or delete the alarm manually.

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