Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ... Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

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48Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise EditionUser ManualNetwork host operationData synchronizationThe network host (also referred to as nethost) provides centralized badge administration and storesthe history transactions for the entire system for centralized reporting. It contains the global tablesand the badge, alarm, and operator history tables of itself and each of the subhosts. The nethostdoes not support micro controllers. The nethost maintains database synchronization via the use ofInformix database replication (see Enterprise Replication (ER)) and the history refresher programdbrfsh (see Refreshing the database), which run continuously, and independently of each other.The ER and refresher programs keep track of when the nethost last talked to each of the subhosts,and what records have already been synchronized. The ER and refresher programs perform thefollowing functions:• Send modified person and badge record data from the nethost to each subhost, and fromeach subhost to the nethost.• Send new and modified global table records from the nethost to each subhost, and from eachsubhost to the nethost.• Send badge history records from each subhost to the nethost.• Send alarm history records from each subhost to the nethost.• Send operator history records from each subhost to the nethost.ImagesThe image database is normally installed and stored on the nethost. All badging workstations mustconnect to the nethost to perform badge production. This is the typical configuration.Note:If desired, a subhost can be installed to store the imaging database for local access to imaging data. However, thesubhost cannot be used as the Imaging host for the entire Enterprise system.Photos can be inserted via live capture (USB camera with TWAIN interface) or by importing JPGphoto files. Photos can be viewed at any workstation – connected to the nethost or any subhost.Image data is not replicated across the Enterprise system installation. It is accessed remotely fromthe Imaging server that holds that type of data.Subhost operationThe subhosts receive real-time badge and alarm transactions from their micro controllers and displaythese transactions in the Badge and Alarm Monitor windows. Operators manage their own regionsby logging into their subhosts. Subhosts contain all global tables and their own local tables. Microcontrollers, readers, alarms, and other devices are defined only on subhosts. Subhosts do notcontain the local database of any other subhost. Each subhost contains its own history tables forbadge, alarm, and operator transactions. This information is also sent to the nethost by theEnterprise Replication (ER) and history refresher programs.Subhosts can save changes to person, badge, and global tables. The changes are sent to thenethost through Enterprise Replication.

Chapter 4Managing your network database49Optional software packages, such as Alarm Graphics, Guard Tours, and interfaces to other hardwaresystems, are installed on the subhost because the software of optional packages interacts withdevices installed on a subhost (e.g., input points, readers).Synchronizing the timeDatabase synchronization requires all servers in a Picture Perfect Enterprise system to have thesame time relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The Network Time Protocol (NTP) processon the nethost is the master time server and is responsible for maintaining the system clocks oneach machine. Each server in an Enterprise system is configured with NTP time synchronizationmechanism. If the times differ, then the subhost adjusts its clock to be synchronized with that of thenethost. If the nethost goes down for a period of time, the subhosts have to wait until the nethostcomes back on-line in order to synchronize their clocks. If a subhost goes down, then it synchronizesits clock when it comes back on-line.Note:The NTP server does not synchronize a drift in time greater than 1000 seconds.Refreshing the databaseIf the nethost goes down, each subhost continues to function normally, with the exception that thedata does not get replicated anywhere. New category records cannot be added to the system, butexisting categories can be added or removed from person records. Records of all tables can beadded, modified, or deleted by workstations connected to the subhosts, and alarms continue to bereported to the alarm monitor on the subhosts. When communication to the nethost is restored, theEnterprise Replication (ER) and refresher programs automatically synchronize the nethost andsubhosts’ global database tables and history tables.If a subhost goes down, the nethost and other subhosts continue to function normally. The microcontrollers connected to the non-operational subhost go into offline mode and continue to grantaccess based on the badge database in the micro. While a micro is offline, up to 5,000 badgetransactions and 2,500 alarm transactions can be stored locally in the micro. Alarms from thatsubhost are not reported to the user because there is no subhost workstation to which they can bereported. Once the subhost is operational, the offline micro transactions are uploaded to the subhost,stored in the history tables, and the history tables are refreshed to the nethost.The database refresher process dbrfsh is used as indicated in the table below:Table 3.Refresh TablesFunction and Table Name Refresh Process Name Refresher DirectionInsert alarm_historyInsert badge_historyInsert operator_hisInsert tour_historydbrfsh -adbrfsh -bdbrfsh -odbrfsh -uSubhost to Host

Chapter 4Managing your network database49Optional software packages, such as Alarm Graphics, Guard Tours, and interfaces to other hardwaresystems, are installed on the subhost because the software of optional packages interacts withdevices installed on a subhost (e.g., input points, readers).Synchronizing the timeDatabase synchronization requires all servers in a <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> system to have thesame time relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The Network Time Protocol (NTP) processon the nethost is the master time server and is responsible for maintaining the system clocks oneach machine. Each server in an <strong>Enterprise</strong> system is configured with NTP time synchronizationmechanism. If the times differ, then the subhost adjusts its clock to be synchronized with that of thenethost. If the nethost goes down for a period of time, the subhosts have to wait until the nethostcomes back on-line in order to synchronize their clocks. If a subhost goes down, then it synchronizesits clock when it comes back on-line.Note:The NTP server does not synchronize a drift in time greater than 1000 seconds.Refreshing the databaseIf the nethost goes down, each subhost continues to function normally, with the exception that thedata does not get replicated anywhere. New category records cannot be added to the system, butexisting categories can be added or removed from person records. Records of all tables can beadded, modified, or deleted by workstations connected to the subhosts, and alarms continue to bereported to the alarm monitor on the subhosts. When communication to the nethost is restored, the<strong>Enterprise</strong> Replication (ER) and refresher programs automatically synchronize the nethost andsubhosts’ global database tables and history tables.If a subhost goes down, the nethost and other subhosts continue to function normally. The microcontrollers connected to the non-operational subhost go into offline mode and continue to grantaccess based on the badge database in the micro. While a micro is offline, up to 5,000 badgetransactions and 2,500 alarm transactions can be stored locally in the micro. Alarms from thatsubhost are not reported to the user because there is no subhost workstation to which they can bereported. Once the subhost is operational, the offline micro transactions are uploaded to the subhost,stored in the history tables, and the history tables are refreshed to the nethost.The database refresher process dbrfsh is used as indicated in the table below:Table 3.Refresh TablesFunction and Table Name Refresh Process Name Refresher DirectionInsert alarm_historyInsert badge_historyInsert operator_hisInsert tour_historydbrfsh -adbrfsh -bdbrfsh -odbrfsh -uSubhost to Host

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