Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ... Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

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44Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise EditionUser Manual9. Stop Picture Perfect.Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.5 Installation Manual, Chapter 3, “Verify theexisting database”, section “Shut down Picture Perfect".10. The database conversion process is NOT needed since the current version is PP 4.5.1.C.2 Picture Perfect 4.6 server installation1. Log in to the target server.2. Install the OS (AIX or Linux).Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.6 Installation Manual, Chapter 4 or 5,depending on your server type (AIX or Linux).3. Prepare the server for Picture Perfect 4.6 (phase 2).Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.6 Installation Manual, Chapter 6, “InstallingPicture Perfect 4.6”, section “Running the pre-installation setup.”4. Find out if the customer requires installing IT security/OS hardening tools and proceedaccordingly.5. Perform the Picture Perfect base package installation.Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.6 Installation Manual, Chapter 6, “InstallingPicture Perfect 4.6”, “Installing the Picture Perfect base package".Note 1: Set up database sizes according to old retrieved sizes as described in Prerequisites on page 26, item 3,Database table sizes, plus expected growth and new History sizes where applicable.Note 2: Restore the base and badge database that was backed up in the previous section.IMPORTANT: If this is a subhost with high level latency (>150 ms, overseas server),restore the base converted database only.Note:APB status, Last Access data will be lost since that data is not replicated and is being recovered in thisprocess from the nethost6. License the system.7. DO NOT REBOOT. This prevents Picture Perfect from starting up and attempting to connectto the micro controllers.8. Perform a database cleanup to remove old host records and make sure the id of the systemconfiguration record is correct. Use the following steps:a. Set Picture Perfect profile:. /cas/bin/profileb. Start up the database by running the command:su - ppadmin -c oninitc. Remove all host records by running the command:/cas/bin/sqlstmt "DELETE FROM host"d. Reset system the config record id to 1:/cas/bin/sqlstmt "UPDATE system_config SET id = 1"

Chapter 3Upgrading Picture Perfect version 4.0/4.5.1 to 4.645e. Stop the database by running the command:su - ppadmin -c "onmode -ky"9. Perform the optional package installation (subhost, impexp, image) and restore thedatabase(s) where applicable.Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.6 Installation Manual, Chapter 6, “InstallingPicture Perfect 4.6”, section “Installing optional packages and interfaces".10. DO NOT REBOOT. This prevents Picture Perfect from starting up and attempting to connectto the micro controllers.Note:Before proceeding with the next section to configure the new subhost into the system, check for primary keyconditions using the following command: /cas/er/bin/chkpk.shIf any issues are detected, contact UTC Fire & Security Customer Support.D. Configuring the system1. Add the target Picture Perfect 4.6 subhost to the system.Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual, Chapter 2,“Installing the Picture Perfect Enterprise system”, section “Update the host table on thenethost with subhost information.Note:Make sure the subhost to configure at this time has Picture Perfect stopped as well, if not, please log into that server and stop it.2. From the command line, initiate the final configuration process by running hostconfig.Follow the instructions in Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual, Chapter 2,“Installing the Picture Perfect Enterprise system”, section “Configuring the system torecognize the subhosts”Note:This process can take several minutes. In some cases, depending on database size and server-to-servernetwork latency, it can take hours to finish. Therefore, we recommend running hostconfig from a consoleor a session that ensures it will not be stopped at any time.3. Start Picture Perfect in the target 4.6 server.su - ppadmin -c rc.pperf4. If the host IP address is different from the original PP 4.0 subhost IP, update the micros withthis information. Bring micros online a few at the time.5. Repeat steps in sections C.1, C.2, and C.3 for the next subhost to be configured.6. Once all servers are configured, start Picture Perfect on the nethost.

Chapter 3Upgrading <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> version 4.0/4.5.1 to <strong>4.6</strong>45e. Stop the database by running the command:su - ppadmin -c "onmode -ky"9. Perform the optional package installation (subhost, impexp, image) and restore thedatabase(s) where applicable.Follow the instructions in <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong> Installation <strong>Manual</strong>, Chapter 6, “Installing<strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong>”, section “Installing optional packages and interfaces".10. DO NOT REBOOT. This prevents <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> from starting up and attempting to connectto the micro controllers.Note:Before proceeding with the next section to configure the new subhost into the system, check for primary keyconditions using the following command: /cas/er/bin/chkpk.shIf any issues are detected, contact UTC Fire & Security Customer Support.D. Configuring the system1. Add the target <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong> subhost to the system.Follow the instructions in <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, Chapter 2,“Installing the <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> system”, section “Update the host table on thenethost with subhost information.Note:Make sure the subhost to configure at this time has <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> stopped as well, if not, please log into that server and stop it.2. From the command line, initiate the final configuration process by running hostconfig.Follow the instructions in <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, Chapter 2,“Installing the <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> system”, section “Configuring the system torecognize the subhosts”Note:This process can take several minutes. In some cases, depending on database size and server-to-servernetwork latency, it can take hours to finish. Therefore, we recommend running hostconfig from a consoleor a session that ensures it will not be stopped at any time.3. Start <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> in the target <strong>4.6</strong> server.su - ppadmin -c rc.pperf4. If the host IP address is different from the original PP 4.0 subhost IP, update the micros withthis information. Bring micros online a few at the time.5. Repeat steps in sections C.1, C.2, and C.3 for the next subhost to be configured.6. Once all servers are configured, start <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> on the nethost.

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