Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ... Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

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114Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise EditionUser Manual- If the problem persist, use the ercmd.sh command with --recover_table argumentto synchronize the record(s).• ER server stopped or suspendedThis alarm may appear in different conditions, for example, when the server is processingtoo many transactions at the time, or the network connection is down and the replicationqueues are backing up,- If this alarm occurs, use the ercmd.sh command with --list argument to check thestatus of all servers in the configuration.- If you see a server that is disconnected from the nethost, execute the cdr startcommand from the servers reporting the issue.- If the problem persists, please contact UTC Fire & Security Customer Support for furtherassistance.• Server clock out of syncThis alarm displays when there is a difference of 16 or more seconds in the clocksbetween the nethost and any subhost.- Run the date command on the servers and adjust the clocks accordingly.• Sequence object 90% full (The maximum of allowed ids per host is 134M.)This alarm indicates that a sequence object that maintains the current id for a replicatedtable exceeds 90% of its defined limit.- This is not a trivial issue. Please call UTC Fire & Security Customer Support for furtherinvestigation.4 How can I tell if the ER database spaces are reaching capacity?The alarm that is raised when the base database reaches 90% capacity is also raised when the ERdatabase spaces reach 90% capacity.Additional information on the reason why the database space is getting filled up is provided in /cas/log/chkdbspace.log.

Chapter 7FAQs115MiscellaneousThis section includes the following FAQs:1 In what scenarios will I lose data?2 In what scenarios will the hosts be out of sync?3 In what scenarios will the micros and the hosts be out of sync?1 In what scenarios will I lose data?During normal ER operations, you will not lose any data.Data (especially updates and sometimes deletes) can be lost during the following scenarios:• If an older subhost is switched to a standalone server running Picture Perfect 4.6 and localchanges are made. These changes are lost when the subhost package is installed and thehost is added to the ER configuration.• If a subhost is removed from the ER configuration and changes are made on the subhost.When the subhost is added back to the ER configuration, the local updates and deletes willbe lost.• If a nethost is removed from the ER configuration and changes are made on the nethost andsubhosts. When ER is added back on the nethost, the updates on the subhosts will be lostand the deletes on all hosts may be lost.• If the nethost crashes and is reinstalled. While the nethost is down, changes are made on thesubhosts. After nethost is reinstalled and hostconfig is run to reconfigure ER on it,hostconfig detects that ER is configured on the subhosts and uses subhost1 as themaster. hostconfig re synchronizes the data to nethost and then the nethost becomes themaster. The data from the nethost is then synchronized to the subhosts. In this case, allchanges from subhost1 are included in the ER, but updates and deletes from other subhostsare lost.2 In what scenarios will the hosts be out of sync?• If you make a large number of changes on a host and the host is shut down before itpropagates the changes to other hosts, data will be out of sync.• If the initial hostconfig does not complete, the hosts will be out of sync.• If ATS/RIS conflicts arise, hosts can be out of sync.• During installation, if different databases are restored, even after initial synchronization giventhat records will have the same ID, but different content (including content of primary keys)data will be out of sync, since ER cannot resolve them. This applies if one host uses acustomer database and the other uses a sample database.• Restore of data disables ER. This is intentional. The restored data is usually older data and isnot intended to be synchronized to all hosts. Thus, after an restore.sh, hosts could be outof sync.

Chapter 7FAQs115MiscellaneousThis section includes the following FAQs:1 In what scenarios will I lose data?2 In what scenarios will the hosts be out of sync?3 In what scenarios will the micros and the hosts be out of sync?1 In what scenarios will I lose data?During normal ER operations, you will not lose any data.Data (especially updates and sometimes deletes) can be lost during the following scenarios:• If an older subhost is switched to a standalone server running <strong>Picture</strong> <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>4.6</strong> and localchanges are made. These changes are lost when the subhost package is installed and thehost is added to the ER configuration.• If a subhost is removed from the ER configuration and changes are made on the subhost.When the subhost is added back to the ER configuration, the local updates and deletes willbe lost.• If a nethost is removed from the ER configuration and changes are made on the nethost andsubhosts. When ER is added back on the nethost, the updates on the subhosts will be lostand the deletes on all hosts may be lost.• If the nethost crashes and is reinstalled. While the nethost is down, changes are made on thesubhosts. After nethost is reinstalled and hostconfig is run to reconfigure ER on it,hostconfig detects that ER is configured on the subhosts and uses subhost1 as themaster. hostconfig re synchronizes the data to nethost and then the nethost becomes themaster. The data from the nethost is then synchronized to the subhosts. In this case, allchanges from subhost1 are included in the ER, but updates and deletes from other subhostsare lost.2 In what scenarios will the hosts be out of sync?• If you make a large number of changes on a host and the host is shut down before itpropagates the changes to other hosts, data will be out of sync.• If the initial hostconfig does not complete, the hosts will be out of sync.• If ATS/RIS conflicts arise, hosts can be out of sync.• During installation, if different databases are restored, even after initial synchronization giventhat records will have the same ID, but different content (including content of primary keys)data will be out of sync, since ER cannot resolve them. This applies if one host uses acustomer database and the other uses a sample database.• Restore of data disables ER. This is intentional. The restored data is usually older data and isnot intended to be synchronized to all hosts. Thus, after an restore.sh, hosts could be outof sync.

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