Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ... Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise Edition User Manual - UTCFS Global ...

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108Picture Perfect 4.6 Enterprise EditionUser Manual8 Why does the initial synchronization take so long?During initial synchronization, in addition to the regular data being synchronized, the ifx_replcheckcolumn is populated on each record. Informix requires the ifx_replcheck column to compare datausing the cdr check command. This is very time consuming; hence the delay.9 Will the initial synchronization be faster if I restore the same database on all hosts?No, in fact it may be slower!Synchronization could be done using two different Informix cdr processes, either sync or check.• sync is chosen if there is no data on the target server or if the differences are > 100000.- sync transfers all record data and populates the ifx_replcheck column. It does not use logical logs; therefore, it is not I/O bound.• check is chosen if the number of record differences is > 0 and < 100000.- During initial synchronization (no data in ifx_replcheck column), check updates theifx_replcheck column for each record using logical logs.- check then compares data on both servers (using ifx_replcheck) and synchronizes anydata differences.This additional step and the fact that it is I/O bound (usage of logical logs) are the reasonswhy check is much slower than sync.For the above reasons, if the person/badge database is large or if a subhost has high latency, werecommend that you do not restore person/badge data on the subhosts and let the initialsynchronization restore that data from nethost to subhosts.10 Can the restore of data from a previous version of Picture Perfect impact the ERconfiguration?Yes, it can. ER cannot be configured if there is a violation of primary keys on the replicated tables.During ER configuration, primary keys (unique non-null data in those fields is required) are added toeach of the replicated tables. If there is null data in these fields that is not unique, the ERconfiguration (hostconfig) fails.Example: When we restored customer data with null data in the person_id + slot number (primarykey on person_category table) field, the ER configuration failed.Run the chkpk.sh script to validate the data for any primary key violations.Refer to section “Picture Perfect 4.6 database interface changes” in the Picture Perfect 4.6 Tablesand Fields Reference Manual for primary key definitions for each of the replicated tables.

Chapter 7FAQs10911 Is it possible to lose data during an installation?Yes, it is possible that changes made on the subhost are lost while an upgrade is underway.An upgrade means that a subhost has been installed, but ER has not been configured on it yet. Thesubhost is functioning as a standalone server and data changes are being made.During the initial ER configuration, the nethost acts as the 'master' and data changes (updates on thesubhost) are lost.The recommendation is to have a data freeze while the upgrade is underway.12 How do I check the synchronization progress?• Use ercmd.sh --recover_status to check the synchronization progress (time left forsynchronization to complete).• User ercmd.sh --status to check the differences in records for each of the replicatingtables.If you know (from hostconfig output) which table is getting synchronized at the time, you cancheck for synchronization progress using the commands:• ercmd.sh --status -b and• ercmd.sh --recover_status -b 13 I have a new host to be added to ER. The new host is configured with a core or sampledatabase. Will that be a problem when adding the host to the ER?We do not recommend using the core or sample database because there could be several tables(host_bid_format, time_zone_dst, etc.) with default records that could conflict with records at thenethost that may have been changed. Even though the nethost is the master, if there is a dataconflict on primary key data, then synchronization does not occur.We recommend restoring the base data on all hosts and badge data as appropriate. However, do notrestore badge data on a subhost if the badge database is large or if the subhost has high latency.14 I have a new host to be added to ER. I am restoring only the base data. Is this a problem?If the base data restored on the new host has primary key data that clashes with the nethost data,then there will be synchronization issues on those records. To repair this, perform the followingsteps:• Delete the record with the synchronization issue from the server where the data is incorrect/old.• Then, run ercmd.sh --recover_table on the table with the issue on the server wherethe delete was done.

Chapter 7FAQs10911 Is it possible to lose data during an installation?Yes, it is possible that changes made on the subhost are lost while an upgrade is underway.An upgrade means that a subhost has been installed, but ER has not been configured on it yet. Thesubhost is functioning as a standalone server and data changes are being made.During the initial ER configuration, the nethost acts as the 'master' and data changes (updates on thesubhost) are lost.The recommendation is to have a data freeze while the upgrade is underway.12 How do I check the synchronization progress?• Use ercmd.sh --recover_status to check the synchronization progress (time left forsynchronization to complete).• <strong>User</strong> ercmd.sh --status to check the differences in records for each of the replicatingtables.If you know (from hostconfig output) which table is getting synchronized at the time, you cancheck for synchronization progress using the commands:• ercmd.sh --status -b and• ercmd.sh --recover_status -b 13 I have a new host to be added to ER. The new host is configured with a core or sampledatabase. Will that be a problem when adding the host to the ER?We do not recommend using the core or sample database because there could be several tables(host_bid_format, time_zone_dst, etc.) with default records that could conflict with records at thenethost that may have been changed. Even though the nethost is the master, if there is a dataconflict on primary key data, then synchronization does not occur.We recommend restoring the base data on all hosts and badge data as appropriate. However, do notrestore badge data on a subhost if the badge database is large or if the subhost has high latency.14 I have a new host to be added to ER. I am restoring only the base data. Is this a problem?If the base data restored on the new host has primary key data that clashes with the nethost data,then there will be synchronization issues on those records. To repair this, perform the followingsteps:• Delete the record with the synchronization issue from the server where the data is incorrect/old.• Then, run ercmd.sh --recover_table on the table with the issue on the server wherethe delete was done.

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