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QUESTIONS1. How does a social network differ from a portal? How are the two similar?2. What is an affinity community and what is its business model?3. What is personalization, or personal value pricing, and how can it be used atthe beginning of a product’s life cycle to increase revenues?4. List and briefly explain three of the benefits of auction markets.5. What are the two price allocation rules in auction markets? Explain thedifference.6. What types of products are well-suited for an auction market? At what points inthe product life cycle can auction markets prove beneficial for marketers?7. What are the two main types of vertical market portals and how are theydistinguished from one another?1. How does a social network differ from a portal? How are the twosimilar?• <strong>Social</strong> networks involve a group of people, shared social interaction, common tiesamong members, and people who share an area for some period of time. Portals aregeneral-purpose content providers that have a varied selection of features andcapabilities. <strong>Social</strong> networks are different from portals in that content creation is donealmost exclusively by the members of social networks, whereas portals both createand aggregate content from elsewhere. The two are similar in that their goal is tokeep visitors on their sites for a long time, or to mold themselves as a “sticky”destination site. Also, many portals have social networking features.8-458-462. What is an affinity community and what is its business model?• An affinity community is one in which members can participate in focuseddiscussions with others who share the same affinity, or group identification, such asreligion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or political beliefs. The business modelis a mixture of subscription revenue from premium content and services, advertising,tenancy/sponsorships, and distribution agreements.3. What is personalization, or personal value pricing, and how can it beused at the beginning of a product’s life cycle to increase revenues?• Personalization or personal value pricing is when merchants adjust prices based ontheir estimate of how much a customer truly values the product. For example, Webmerchants may charge committed fans of a musician a higher price for the privilegeof receiving a new CD before its official release to retail stores. It is a specific type ofdynamic pricing in which merchants match their prices to the personal value thatconsumers will receive from a purchase by estimating what they believe any givenconsumer is willing to pay. It can be used at the beginning of a product’s life cycle toincrease revenues because a certain consumer segment, the so-called earlyadopters,is willing to pay more for a newly released product.8-478-48

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