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有 人 說 :「 學 識 愈 豐 富 , 品 德 愈 高 尚 。」 你 同 意 嗎 ? 試 談 談 你 的 看 法 。5J 李 汶 蔚學 識 是 指 個 人 在 日 常 生 活 、 書 本 上 所 學 到 的 知 識 , 經 驗 品 德 則 是 個 人 的 品格 、 德 行 和 待 人 處 事 的 態 度 。 有 豐 富 學 識 的 人 可 能 懂 得 很 多 理 論 和 學 問 , 但 他 們未 必 能 從 中 悟 出 人 生 哲 理 而 擁 有 高 尚 品 德 。 反 之 , 有 高 尚 品 德 的 人 不 一 定 學 識 豐富 , 也 能 透 過 有 限 的 學 識 去 明 白 品 德 的 重 要 性 , 而 培 養 出 高 尚 的 品 德 。 學 識 與 品德 有 着 根 本 上 的 不 同 。世 上 有 不 少 人 都 學 識 富 , 品 格 卻 十 分 低 劣 。 他 們 縱 然 明 白 作 壞 事 的 後 果 , 了解 這 會 對 後 人 造 成 傷 害 , 依 然 做 出 一 些 作 奸 犯 科 的 事 來 。 這 是 由 於 他 們 認 為 這 些行 為 沒 有 大 礙 , 或 是 覺 得 事 情 的 嚴 重 性 不 高 , 所 以 才 幹 犯 法 行 為 。 而 他 們 有 這 種心 態 來 自 他 們 在 長 過 程 中 價 值 觀 的 培 養 , 這 種 價 值 觀 的 培 養 是 不 用 依 賴 學 識 的 ,因 此 即 使 他 們 明 白 犯 法 的 後 果 , 他 們 仍 可 能 持 有 僥 倖 心 態 , 以 為 可 逃 過 法 網 。 在現 今 社 會 , 我 們 便 經 常 能 聽 見 學 識 豐 富 的 人 作 出 犯 法 行 為 的 新 聞 。 譬 如 有 一 名 港大 的 教 授 , 曾 於 去 年 在 辦 公 室 非 禮 兩 名 女 生 。 也 有 不 少 教 師 非 禮 學 生 的 例 子 。 教授 和 教 師 都 是 傳 授 知 識 的 人 , 本 身 自 然 擁 有 較 豐 富 的 學 識 , 那 為 什 麼 他 們 會 作 出傷 風 敗 德 的 事 來 ? 這 是 因 為 他 們 的 道 德 底 線 設 得 低 , 這 才 使 他 們 「 一 時 衝 動 」。如 果 道 德 底 線 設 得 高 , 作 奸 犯 科 的 事 , 他 們 根 本 連 想 也 不 會 想 。 而 導 致 他 們 道 德底 線 低 的 原 因 , 大 概 是 受 到 社 化 的 過 程 所 影 響 吧 。 由 以 上 例 子 證 明 , 知 識 豐 富 是不 品 德 高 尚 , 兩 者 之 間 是 沒 有 關 連 的 。除 此 之 外 , 品 德 高 尚 的 人 學 識 也 不 一 定 豐 富 。 他 們 只 不 過 是 受 到 環 境 、 身 邊的 人 和 事 所 影 響 才 獲 得 高 尚 的 品 德 , 而 在 影 響 的 過 程 中 他 們 是 不 需 得 到 豐 富 的 學識 。 正 如 在 「 孔 融 讓 梨 」 中 , 孔 融 當 時 只 是 四 歲 , 擁 有 的 學 識 實 在 有 限 , 然 而 他卻 擁 有 禮 讓 的 美 德 , 把 大 的 梨 子 上 讓 哥 哥 , 下 讓 弟 弟 。 他 這 個 行 為 受 到 世 人 的 讚頌 , 更 一 直 流 傳 至 今 , 膾 炙 人 口 。 雖 然 孔 融 當 時 沒 有 擁 有 豐 富 的 學 識 , 但 試 問 有誰 會 質 疑 他 的 品 德 ? 由 此 一 可 見 , 學 識 與 品 德 是 不 成 正 比 。有 人 說 :「 擁 有 知 識 飽 讀 聖 賢 書 的 人 , 不 是 理 應 明 辨 是 非 , 懂 得 培 養 良 好 的品 德 嗎 ?」 有 豐 富 學 識 的 人 , 雖 然 知 道 什 麼 是 對 , 什 麼 是 錯 , 但 他 們 有 機 會 會 明知 故 犯 , 即 使 明 白 如 何 培 養 高 尚 品 德 , 但 他 們 未 必 能 付 諸 實 行 。 這 是 取 決 於 他 們的 心 態 , 如 果 他 們 根 本 沒 有 心 去 成 為 品 德 高 尚 之 人 , 就 算 學 識 怎 樣 豐 富 , 也 只 是徒 然 。 相 反 , 有 些 人 可 能 缺 乏 接 受 教 育 的 機 會 , 但 他 們 了 解 擁 有 良 好 品 德 的 事 ,自 己 培 養 高 尚 的 品 德 。 如 果 說 學 識 不 豐 富 就 是 品 德 低 劣 , 這 未 免 對 他 們 太 不 公平 。 這 是 剝 奪 了 非 有 識 之 士 擁 有 高 尚 品 德 的 權 利 。總 括 而 言 , 學 識 愈 豐 富 不 代 表 品 德 愈 高 尚 , 明 白 品 德 可 貴 才 是 使 品 德 高 尚 的主 要 原 因 。 因 此 學 識 與 品 德 並 不 掛 勾 。62

朱 星 燁 家 長 評 語 :李 同 學 的 文 章 提 供 了 一 個 讓 大 家 反 思 的 機 會 , 探 討 現 今 「 重 學 問 、 輕 道 德 」的 社 會 所 衍 生 的 問 題 。 古 語 有 云 : 修 身 、 齊 家 治 國 平 天 下 , 可 見 一 個 人 的 道 德 足以 影 響 社 會 國 家 的 安 定 。 我 們 真 的 要 好 好 提 醒 自 己 , 讓 自 己 培 養 好 道 德 。李 同 學 能 清 晰 闡 述 論 據 , 宜 提 出 更 貼 近 現 代 的 事 例 , 較 能 引 起 讀 者 共 鳴 , 更能 增 強 文 章 的 說 服 力 。63

Learning Economics from Chocolate6N Lo Cheuk Ling, MelodyHave you ever wondered why we would kill for the first biteof a chocolate, but would eventually get sick of it with theincreasing amount given to us? Actually, this situation canbe explained by the law of diminishing marginal use value.It basically states that the more goods we have, the lowerthe marginal use value would be. So, there you go, themore chocolate you get, the lower your marginal use value,until it eventually gets to a level that you can take no more.Economics, to me, has always been a challenging subject. Like many othersubjects, it requires critical thinking, memorization and understanding. I neverreally investigated about the subject itself or thought of applying what I’velearnt to real life situations, by simple dictations, I got through some tests andexams.However, the book inspired me to another stage, that economics can actuallybe fun and applicable to daily lives. It also leads readers to think about logicalquotes from an economic viewpoint. To me, I especially found puttingeconomic views on love issues, or specifically marriage, interesting. Marriagecould simply mean to produce a child, and that child would lower you cost tooperate your family in long term as the child is a future labor, whereas thecouples can continue specialize in their career, performing specialization.Cost, is quite an interesting concept that you can use in basically the majorityissues. When you want something to happen, you lower your own cost andraise the other party’s cost, it’s all about whose cost is being lowered. Quiteinteresting, right? So, to my understanding, I would interpret it in love as: Didyou know that constantly saying “I love you” to your partner would lower yourpartner’s cost of betrayal? Because whatever he or she does, you still love himor her! So, next time, it would be wiser to say I don’t know instead.The book is definitely on my recommended list for its interesting and freshviewpoints. It is also very easy to understand, without studying economics,you would still be able to realize its content. So, what are you waiting for?64

Feedback from Mr. Wong Yat Hong:A very interesting take on economics. Actually I think any rule or logic can beput into most things into our lives. Apart from personal relationships, this lawof diminishing marginal use value can also be put into health. The more ofthe same kind of food we eat, the less nutritious it gets for our body. Haveyou heard of the incident where a person’s skin started to rust because he atetoo many apples? An apple a day keeps the doctor away but thousands ofapples a day causes our health to fade!65

Murderous Math 1V Shiu Hin SingLet me introduce to you a book called “Murderous Math”.Many people will agree that Math IS murderous. However you may not havethe same reason as this book-if you don’t know Math, it might actually be asserious as getting murdered! Just like its title, this book talks about Math in afunny way. Maybe some of you may think “Math must be boring.” However, ifyou read this book, you won’t say that. It can make you feel interested in Math!A very good example from this book of how our lives would be disastrous canbe seen in answering the question “When did time start?” Time is a part ofmathematics and it must be learnt. In the past, people only counted the time bysunrise and sunset. Using this method, it was not easy to talk about time as aunit when it is more than one day. This book, then, used the following exampleto introduce the idea of “day”, “month” and “year”: Imagine if your teacherwanted you to hand in your homework before “the weather is cold”. However, itis hard to define the meaning of “the weather is cold”. As a result, a clearerdefinition on “time” is needed. Isn’t it interesting? I know, some of you maythink that “it is not that interesting!” But this is only one of the examples shownin the book, there are still many others that are introduced in a comical way.Surely, you will like at least one of them.As this book is both informative and entertaining, it is very suitable to all of us. Ihighly recommend it to you. You can find this book in our school library.Feedback from Ms Cheung Ka Yin:We may not all love Mathematics. However, we have to admit that it reallyeases our life as it can help solve a lot of problems. As a Mathematics teacher,I hope that students will learn to appreciate the beauty of Mathematics.66

Healthy Surfing Internet - Mr. Corrector Alpha6N Sze Ho Ying and 6V Tse Kin FaiIn the 21st century, computers are widely used for both work and leisure.Despite the merits of computers, many reports have proven that there is arelationship between eye discomfort or fatigue and the time span of usingcomputers. This is a result of the lowered eye blinking rate and widening of theocular surface when looking at a computer screen. Another problem is thatmost users will focus deeply on the computer screen and consequently theymay not spend enough time to relax their eyes.To cope with the problem mentioned in the researches, we have designed asystem to remind users to avoid the above mentioned discomfortingexperience when they are using the computer. As most of them will highlyfocus on the screen, they may not spend time to relax their eyes. When usersfocus on the computer for more than 30 minutes, a pop-up reminder and acustom alarm will remind users to relax. This can reduce the chance of usersconcentrating too much on the information displayed and thus minimize thechance of computer induced discomfort. Apart from this function, this systemcan also help correct users’ poor sitting postures when they are using thecomputer. When the system detects a bad posture, the system will alert theuser and suggest the correct way. Having incorrect sitting habits may lead tolots of drawbacks or syndromes, like the Dropped Foot, Vertebral SubluxationComplexes, etc. This system can be used as a tool to correct improperpostures and therefore help prevent the above mentioned illnesses. Thissystem merely requires the installment of a camera at the rim of the computermonitor along with a software for facial and gesture recognition to detectcontinuous focus on the screen and whether they have the proper posture.In addition to the society’s concern, users should have this importantawareness too. This product can definitely enhance users’ awareness to theirhealth problems when they are using computers. We truly believe that userscan build up a good habit and reduce drawbacks by using this product.67

Feedback from Judging Panel of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011:Mr. Corrector Alpha has demonstrated good social responsibility for the goodhealth of computer users. The product also has potential for futuredevelopment if technical constraint is resolved.68

A Journey To Mathematics 3S Wong Kam ToTitle of the Book: 數 學 天 方 夜 譚 — 撒 米 爾 的 奇 幻 之 旅Author: 馬 爾 巴 塔 罕Publisher: 貓 頭 鷹Summary:The other day, two men met together and they had the same destination,Baghdad. On the way to Baghdad, they met many people with differentproblems. For example, there were three brothers and they had thirty fivecamels. How can they divide the camels into three groups equally? Betweenthe two men, there was one attendant and he was good at Mathematics. Hegave out his camel to the brothers and then the total number of camelsbecame thirty six. Then the camels can be equally divided into three groups.It is only a simple solving equation in Mathematics and the author of the bookwants us to apply Mathematics theories in our daily life.Reflection:The normal Mathematics books are always about Mathematics problemsand solutions. They are not appealing to readers. But this book is differentfrom the other ones. It is a fiction and it does not just focus on solvingproblems of Mathematics. It is about the use of Mathematics. The story ofthis book is fascinating. It also arouses my interest in Islamic culture as thebackground of this book is in Islam. This book is similar to a game book. Inthe journey of the two men, they met lots of interesting Mathematics problemsand it is like an adventure. When I was reading this book, I tried to solve theproblems myself first before I continued to read the rest of the pages. I findthat I can also apply Mathematics and Economics in my daily life. It isinspiring to me. I will recommend this book to my friends as this book is funnyand educational. For example, how to separate the square shaped land intofive parts from an L shape, and how to calculate the land cost. DoingMathematics needs a clear mind, and this book really trains our thinking.Feedback from Ms. Tin Ka Wai:As an English teacher, I seldom read books about Mathematics. Afterreading this interesting book report, I know that not only simple calculationscan help us in our daily life, but also the complicated Mathematics conceptsand theories.69

Lemon cell 4J Charles HuangWhen life gives you lemons, make a battery. Theaverage lemon usually lives a normal life of beingsqueezed for its sour juice every day. However, with alittle chemical knowledge, a normal lemon can actuallypower small everyday electrical appliances such as analarm clock.By connecting two metals of different reactivity toa lemon, such as aluminium and copper, the lemonturns into a weak battery.This is because the metal with the higher reactivity (alsocalled the anode), which in this case is aluminium, gives upelectrons more easily, while the metal with the lower reactivity (alsocalled the cathode), which in this case is copper, gives up electronsless easily. At the anode, Aluminium is oxidized into Aluminium ions,which are released into the lemon juice, and electrons are alsoreleased. The electrons then can flow along a wire to the cathode.As the electrons flow along the metal wire, an electrical current isproduced in the opposite direction. This electrical current can give asmall voltage, but when lemons are put in series, it can give outenough voltage to even power LED lights. While at the cathode,reduction occurs and electrons react with the hydrogen ions in thelemon juice to form hydrogen gas. The reason this reaction occursspecifically in lemons is because lemon juice is acidic as it containscitric acid, the citric acid acts as an electrolyte which allows the flowof ions and current which completes the circuit.Although a lemon cell can be a new and interesting way topower your alarm clock or any other small electrical appliances, butremember that there are leftover metal ions in the lemon juice afterusing it as a battery, so DO NOT try to eat or drink its juiceafterwards!Feedback from Dr. Tang Wing Suen:Our life is all about chemistry. We can develop new technology ordiscover new evidence through everyday observations andexperimentations. I really appreciate that you have mentioned thesafety precautions in your article.70

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