Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger

Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger

Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger


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9In May 2002, ACF-USA conducted a nutritional survey in Padak, which revealed GAM and SAM rates of 37.7%and 6.6%, respectively. Again in March 2003, the nutritional survey by TEARFUND showed persistently highmalnutrition rates of 20.8% GAM and 2.4% SAM. By the end of the 2004, assessment reports (ANA andSTARBASE), indicated that food security in Bor will be relatively stable due to market access, fishingopportunities and enhanced income. However, poor households are likely to experience food deficits due todeclined household production and low purchasing power. A 15- 20% food deficit was projected in 2005, andthe most affected would be the small-scale crop farming households.In the month of May alone, <strong>CMA</strong> reported 17 cases of severe malnutrition in its PHCC and raised this concernwith ACF-USA. Consequently, a nutritional survey was carried out to determine the current nutritional situationin the area..III. OBJECTIVES• To evaluate the nutritional status of children aged 6 to 59 months.• To estimate the measles immunisation coverage of children aged 9 to 59 months.• To identify groups at higher risk to malnutrition: age group and sex..IV. METHODOLOGYThe survey was conducted in Athoc: Baidit and Jalle II Payams of South Bor County in the Jonglei Upper Nileregion, from 14 th - 30 th June 2005..IV.1. Type of Survey and Sample SizeThe target population of the survey was children 6-59 months of age.The total population of the 30 accessible villages in Baidit/Jalle II payams was estimated at 41,728, giving atarget population of 8,345 children (calculated as 20% of the total population). A two-stage cluster samplingmethodology was used, composed of 30 clusters of at least 30 children in each cluster.Qualitative information to capture food security, childcare practices, nutrition, and health and sanitation situationwas collected through focus group discussion, individual interview and observation methods..IV.2. Sampling MethodologyA two-stage cluster sampling was used:• At the first stage, 30 clusters were randomly selected. Using a random draw, villages were chosen froma list of accessible villages and the clusters assigned accordingly. (See appendix 1 for village list andestimated population). The probability of selection was proportional to the village population size. Eachcluster included a minimum of 30 children.

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