Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger

Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger

Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger


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8high incidences of malaria and diarrhoeal diseases. The combined effect of disease and low food intake rapidlydeteriorated the nutritional status especially among the under 5 year olds.A retrospective mortality survey has been implemented alongside the nutritional survey. Unfortunately, the datacollected was not satisfying, and can be attributed to the methodology that was used. As a result, this indicatoris reported in this the present survey..I.6. Recommendations.I.6.1. Programmatic• A therapeutic feeding program should be immediately implemented to cover the South Bor County, to treatand reduce the risk of mortality among the severely malnourished children. Co-ordination with and amonghumanitarian agencies on ground should be initiated; technical support should be offered by ACF-USA.• Deeper analysis of the health situation should be undertaken by <strong>CMA</strong>, while enhancing the coverage of itsprimary health care services in the area, ensuring increased access and utilization by the population. ThePHCU’s in Kuei, Yolmuchel and Jalle II should be re-established.• Further assessment and monitoring of the food security situation should be carried out; meanwhile, generalfood aid must be promptly delivered by WFP. Existing food security programs and initiatives should becontinued while further developing its impact potentials.• Capable agencies should support South Bor with projects to increase safe water sources (such as boreholeinstallation) and basic sanitary facilities..I.6.2. On Methodology• To implement in the future surveys the SMART methodology for the collection of data and the analysisof the retrospective mortality rate..II. INTRODUCTIONBaidit and Jalle II Payams are located in South Bor County in the Jonglei Upper Nile Region. The Countycomprises of six payams namely: Jalle, Baidit, Makuach, Anyidi, Kolnyang and Bor town. The river Mabor Golcuts across the county and provides grazing areas, water and fishing points. The Nile River in the eastern sideof the County offers good fishing opportunities and grazing areas for cattle. The area is generally flat and madeof black cotton and sandy soils. The inhabitants belong to Dinka Bor clan.The County faced the last insecurity incident in 2000 when the militia group made aerial bombardments inAnyidi, Makuach and Jalle payams; unspecified number of people was injured and properties were destroyedduring the incident. During the recent years, apart from sporadic cattle raids in the location, security has beenrelatively stable.Several NGO’s are operating in South Bor, covering programs such as primary health care, food security, waterand sanitation, fisheries, livestock health, and road rehabilitation/construction, among others

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