Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger

Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger

Christian Mission Aid CMA - Action Against Hunger


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13The health seeking practice of the community is still poor. People tend to first seek health care from traditionalhealers before going to the PHCU’s. When recovery in the health unit is not immediate, patients are usuallyreluctant to continue with medication..V.4. Water and SanitationPotable water is accessed from the 125 borehole facilities present in the Athoc Payam, installed by UNICEF,CARE and Pride Africa; CARE is in the process of handing over the water project to PARAD. However, in somelocations, households still depend on water from swamps, pools and rivers due to the inaccessibility toboreholes. Boiling of drinking water is generally not practiced, and the families interviewed stated that boilingchanges the taste of the water. Few latrines were observed mainly in the church, local authority and healthcentre compounds and there is general non-acceptance of using latrines among the population; for the majority,open defecation is practiced..V.5. Mother and Childcare PractisesMost mothers report to be exclusively breastfeeding infants in their first 6-12 months; the belief that earlyweaning causes children to wet while sleeping at night is common. The infants are breastfed on demand whilethe rest of the children are fed three meals per day comprising of milk, porridge, fish and sorghum. Hygieneduring breastfeeding and food preparation was observed to be poor. The quantity and quality of food served tochildren during hunger gap is low with priority given to the husband and visitors followed by children and elders..V.6. <strong>Action</strong>s Taken by NGO’s and other PartnersThe following table summarizes NGO activities in the area:Table 2 Agencies intervention in Athoc: Jalle 2 and Baidit PayamsAgencyActivitiesWFP • Targeted Food <strong>Aid</strong> distribution and monitoring<strong>CMA</strong> • Offers health services in the locationWHO • Polio vaccinationFAO, CRS andSARPCARE• Capacity building in fishing.• Veterinary support through SRRC, Borehole drilling, seed distribution andfarmer training. Handing over water project to PARAD and Agriculture toCRS.GTZ • Road rehabilitation and dyke construction.

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