Kra Magaga - 2 teen females Script - Hollywood Acting Workshop

Kra Magaga - 2 teen females Script - Hollywood Acting Workshop

Kra Magaga - 2 teen females Script - Hollywood Acting Workshop

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Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original <strong>Script</strong>s for <strong>Workshop</strong> Actors"KRA MAGAGA"Written byDavid Dalton & Chad SchnackelPages: 2Characters: 2 <strong>teen</strong> girlsNicole, high school freshmanTabitha, high school freshmanSynopsis: Tabitha tries toapologize to Nicole for being alousy friend.Permission: This script may be usedfor educational purposes only andmay be produced, filmed andvideotaped as long as writers andwww.mockside.com is listed on titlecredits.Copyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com

Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original <strong>Script</strong>s for <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsINT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAYNICOLE is at her locker when TABITHA approaches. Nicole seesher coming and shakes her head. Tabitha hesitates, uncertainwhether she should speak.NICOLEYou have something to say?TABITHAUm, yeah. Look ...I just wanted tosay...NICOLELet me guess. You were just tryingto impress your new friends? Ormaybe you forgot who I was, anddidn’t know who to stick up for?Oh, I know, over the summer youjust got cooler than everybodyelse.TABITHAOkay, okay, I deserve that. I’msorry. I just wanted you to know Ididn’t think they would go thatfar.NICOLEIt’s not like you even tried tostop them. Spare me theexplanation.Nicole closes her locker and starts to leave.TABITHAWait. Just let me finish.Nicole stops and turns around.What?NICOLETABITHAI don’t even know them that well.They just asked me go with them. Ithought we were just going to hangout at the track while Juliedrooled over her boyfriend.NICOLELook, Tabitha, you can hang outwith anyone you want. Just don’tbother me anymore, okay.Copyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original <strong>Script</strong>s for <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsNicole again tries to leave, but...TABITHAI think you broke one of Julie’steeth. I got to say, that waspretty cool.NICOLEShe’s got big mouth, it was an easytarget.TABITHAWhen did you learn how to fightlike that?NICOLEI take <strong>Kra</strong>v Maga on the weekends.TABITHAI don’t know what that is, but itlooks pretty wicked.NICOLELook, I got to go.TABITHACan you show me how to do some ofthat <strong>Kra</strong> <strong>Magaga</strong>.NICOLEIt’s <strong>Kra</strong>v Maga.TABITHAOkay. Maybe this weekend? You busy?NICOLELet me get this straight, you wantto come over and let me ...You doknow I can...(pause)Okay. Sure. Saturday about noon?TABITHAYeah? Cool. I’ll see you then.Tabitha leaves with a smile. Nicole watches her walk awaywhen a devious smile comes over her face.CUT TO:ENDCopyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com

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