Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

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Il-Ġimgħa, 20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Friday, 20th January, 2012Nru./No. 18,857Prezz/Price€5.04<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>The <strong>Malta</strong> Government GazettePubblikata b’AwtoritàPublished by AuthoritySOMMARJU — SUMMARYNotifikazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.............................................................................................. 569 - 580Government Notices......................................................................................................... 569 - 580Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg................................................................................................ 581 - 616Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 581 - 616Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>............................................................................................................... 616 - 626Notices.............................................................................................................................. 616 - 626Offerti............................................................................................................................... 626 - 664Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 626 - 664Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti................................................................................................................. 664 - 676Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 664 - 676

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE569NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERNNru. 50BORD TAL-APPELL DWAR L-IMMIGRAZZJONINGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għoġbu japprova li l-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Appell dwarl-Immigrazzjoni, nominat skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni(Kap. 217) ikun kostitwit kif ġej għal perjodu ta’ tliet sninb’seħħ mis-7 ta’ Diċembru, 2011.ChairpersonDott. Ramon Rossignaud, LL.D.MembruDott. Lorraine Conti, LL.D.Membru/SegretarjuIs-Sur Godwin CiliaMembri SostitutiKav. Paul SalibaP.L. Edgar MontanaroL-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Nru. 52Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>(Forza Regolari)Il-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għoġbu japprova l-għotja <strong>tal</strong>kummissjonifir-rank ta’ 2/Logutenent fil-Forzi Armati ta’<strong>Malta</strong> (Forza Regolari), lil dawn imsemmija hawn taħt b’seħħmis-26 ta’ Lulju 2011:O/Cdt Debono StephanieO/Cdt Buhagiar AndrèO/Cdt Zammit MatthewO/Cdt Mercieca MarkO/Cdt Gauci JamesL-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012OPM/441/1989Nru. 51ĦATRA TA’ AĠENT AVUKATĠENERALIBIS-SAĦĦA tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-Artikolu 91 (1) u bl-Artikolu 124 (5) (a) <strong>tal</strong>-Kostituzzjoni ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, il-Presidentta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, fuq il-parir <strong>tal</strong>-Prim Ministru, approva l-ħatra ta’Dott. Donatella Frendo Dimech, LL.D., Mag. Jur (Int. Law.),bħala Aġent Avukat Ġenerali mill-11 sat-13 u mis-26 sad-29ta’ Jannar 2012, id-dati kollha inklużi.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012GOVERNMENT NOTICESNo. 50IMMIGRATION APPEALS BOARDIT is notified for general information that the Presidentof <strong>Malta</strong> has been pleased to approve that the ImmigrationAppeals Board, appointed in terms of the Immigration Act(Cap. 217) for a period of three years with effect from 7thDecember, 2011 be constituted as follows:ChairmanDr Ramon Rossignaud, LL.D.MemberDr Lorraine Conti, LL.D.Member/SecretaryMr Godwin CiliaSubstitute MembersChev. Paul SalibaL.P. Edgar Montanaro20th January, 2012No. 52Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>(Regular Force)The President of <strong>Malta</strong> has been pleased to approve thegrant of a commission, in the rank of Second Lieutenant in theArmed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> to the under-mentioned, with effectfrom 26th July, 2011:O/Cdt Debono StephanieO/Cdt Buhagiar AndrèO/Cdt Zammit MatthewO/Cdt Mercieca MarkO/Cdt Gauci James20th January, 2012No. 51APPOINTMENT OF ACTINGATTORNEY GENERALIN exercise of the powers conferred by Article 91 (1) and byArticle 124 (5) (a) of the Constitution of <strong>Malta</strong>, the President of<strong>Malta</strong>, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, has approvedthe appointment of Dott. Donatella Frendo Dimech, LL.D.,Mag. Jur (Int. Law.), to act as Attorney General from 11thto 13th and from 26th to 29th January 2012, all the indicateddays included.20th January, 2012

570 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Nru. 53Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>(Forza Regolari)IL-PRIM Minstru għoġbu japprova l-promozzjoni ta’dawn imsemmija hawn taħt għar-rank ta’ Logutenent b’seħħmid-data li tinsab ħdejn isimhom:2Lt Caruana Keith 4 ta’ Novembru, 20112Lt Aquilina Renè 4 ta’ Novembru, 20112Lt Grech Christian 4 ta’ Novembru, 20112Lt Agius Matthew 4 ta’ Novembru, 20112Lt Tonna Julian 4 ta’ Novembru, 20112Lt Vella James 19 ta’ Novembru, 2011L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012OPM/548/1965/3No. 53Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>(Regular Force)THE Prime Minister has been pleased to approve thepromotion of the undermentioned to the rank of Lieutenantwith effect from the date shown against their names.2Lt Caruana Keith 4th November, 20112Lt Aquilina Renè 4th November, 20112Lt Grech Christian 4th November, 20112Lt Agius Matthew 4th November, 20112Lt Tonna Julian 4th November, 20112Lt Vella James 19th November, 201120th January, 2012Nru. 54Ħatra ta’ Kummissarju tat-TaxxiIl-Prim Ministru ħatar lil Carmel Conti, detentur <strong>tal</strong>karta<strong>tal</strong>-identità numru 798150M bħala Kummissarju tat-Taxxi biex iwettaq id-dmirijiet tiegħu taħt l-Att dwar il-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi (Kap. 517).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012No. 54Appointment of Commissioner for RevenueThe Prime Minister has appointed Carmel Conti, holderof identity card number 798150M, as Commissioner forRevenue, to discharge his duties under the Commissionerfor Revenue Act (Cap. 517).20th January, 2012Nru. 55ORDNI TA’ DELEGA TA’ FUNZJONIJIETAtt dwar il-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi(Kap. 517)SKOnt is-setgħat mogħtija minn paragrafu (b) tassubartikolu(4) <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 3 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar il-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi, huwa hawn ordnat li d-drittijiet, id-doveri, is-setgħatu l-funzjonijiet vestiti fil-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi taħt:(a) l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income, l-Att dwar l-Amministrazzjoni tat-Taxxa, l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuqDokumenti u Trasferimenti, l-Att dwar il-Monte di Pietà, l-Ordinanza dwar il-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u Ħaddiema l-Fidda(Arġentiera), l-Att dwar l-Akkwist ta’ Proprjetà Immobbliminn Persuni Mhux Residenti, u kull regolament magħmultaħthom, għandhom ikunu vestiti f’Mario Borg, bil-karta <strong>tal</strong>identitànumru 170756(M);(b) l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq il-Valur Miżjud, l-Att dwarl-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni, u kull regolament magħmul taħthom,għandhom ikunu vestiti f’Charles Vella, bil-karta <strong>tal</strong>-identitànumru 648352(M);No. 55Delegation of Functions OrderCommissioner for Revenue Act(Cap. 517)Pursuant to the powers conferred by paragraph (b) ofsubarticle (4) of article 3 of the Commissioner for RevenueAct, it is hereby ordered that the rights, duties, powers andfunctions vested in the Commissioner for Revenue under:(a) the Income Tax Act, the Income Tax ManagementAct, the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act, the Montedi Pietà Act, the Gold and Silversmiths Ordinance, theImmovable Property (Acquisition by Non Residents) Act,and any regulations made thereunder, shall be vested inMario Borg, holder of identity card number 170756(M);(b) the Value Added Tax Act, the Eco-Contribution Act,and any regulations made thereunder, shall be vested inCharles Vella, holder of identity card number 648352(M);

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE571(ċ) l-Ordinanza tad-Dwana, l-Att dwar id-Dazji ta’Importazzjoni, l-Att dwar Dazju tas-Sisa, u kull regolamentmagħmul taħthom, għandhom ikunu vestiti f’Joseph Brincat,bil-karta <strong>tal</strong>-identità numru 200160(M).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Tonio FenechMinistru <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, l-Ekonomijau Investiment(c) the Import Duties Act, the Excise Duty Act, andany regulations made thereunder, shall be vested in JsephBrincat, holder of identity card number 200160(M).20th January, 2012Tonio FenechMinister of Finance, the Economyand InvestmentNru. 56KUMITAT DWAR IS-SIGURTÀ FL-AVJAZZJONINgħarrfu għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-PrimMinistru għoġbu japprova illi l-Kumitat dwar is-Sigurtàfl-Avjazzjoni, nominat skont il-Kapitolu 405 għandu jkunkonstitwit kif ġej għal perjodu ta’ tliet snin mill-1 ta’ Jannar2012.ChairpersonL-Onor. Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici,Ministru <strong>tal</strong>-Intern u Affarijiet ParlamentariViċi ChairpersonIs-Sur Mario Debattista, Segretarju Permanenti,Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Intern u Affarijiet ParlamentariMembriIs-Sur John Rizzo, Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-PulizijaBrig. Martin Xuereb, Kmandant, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Is-Sur Godfrey Scicluna, Assistent Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-PulizijaIs-Sur Ian Falzon, Direttur Ġenerali Avjazzjoni ĊiviliIs-Sur Joseph Brincat, Kontrollur tad-DwanaIs-Sur Alfons Cauchi, Head Internal Control Air <strong>Malta</strong> plc.Is-Sur Patrick Cuschieri, Head Fire, Safety and Security,MIA plcSegretarjuIs-Sur Mario Bugeja, Manager Airport SecurityL-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Nru. 57ORDINANZA DWAR IL-KUMMISSJUNARJIB’SETGHA LI JAGĦTU ĠURAMENT(KAP. 79)NGĦARRFU b’din illi bis-saħħa tas-subartikolu (4) ta’l-Artikolu 3 <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar il-Kummissjunarji b’setgħali jagħtu Ġurament, l-Avukat Ġenerali nnomina lin-NutarDott. Pamela Portanier ta’ 16, O’hana, Alley No. 6, VictorySquare, Naxxar, NXR 1761 sabiex tkun Kummissjunarjub’Setgħa li tagħti Ġurament.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012No. 56AVIATION SECURITY COMMITTEEIt is notified for general information that the PrimeMinister has been pleased to approve that the AviationSecurity Committee, should be constituted as follows interms of Chapter 405 for a period of three years from 1stJanuary 2012.ChairpersonThe Hon. Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici,Minister for Home and Parliamentary AffairsDeputy ChairpersonMr Mario Debattista, Permanent Secretary,Ministry for Home and Parliamentary AffairsMembersMr John Rizzo, Commissioner of PoliceBrig. Martin Xuereb, Commander, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>Mr Godfrey Scicluna, Assistant Commissioner of PoliceMr Ian Falzon, Director General Civil AviationMr Joseph Brincat, Comptroller of CustomsMr Alfons Cauchi, Head Internal Control Air <strong>Malta</strong> plc.Mr Patrick Cuschieri, Head Fire, Safety and SecurityMIA plc.SecretaryMr Mario Bugeja, Manager Airport Security20th January, 2012No. 57COMMISSIONER FOROATHS ORDINANCE(CAP. 79)IT is hereby notified that in virtue of subsection (4) ofarticle 3 of the Commissioner for Oaths Ordinance, theAttorney General has nominated Notary Dr Pamela Portanierof 16, O’hana, Alley No. 6, Victory Square, Naxxar NXR1761 to be Commissioner for Oaths.20th January, 2012

572 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Nru. 58WARRANT MILL-MINISTRU għall-Ġustizzja,Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u l-FamiljaNGĦARRFU illi, bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija, bl-Artikolu (3) <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar il-Kummissjunarji b’Setgħali jagħtu Ġurament (Kap. 79), il-Ministru għall-Ġustizzjaħatar bħala Kummissjunarji bis-Setgħa li Jagħtu Ġurament,fil-qadi tad-doveri tagħhom u sakemm jibqgħu fil-kariga, ujew għall-perjodu indikat fl-istess ħatra, liema minnhom tiġil-ewwel, lill-imsemmija hawn taħt:Prokuraturi LegaliIs-Sur Matthew AgiusIs-Sinjura Melissa AnastasiIs-Sinjura Doreen AquilinaIs-Sinjura Christine Caruana AquilinaIs-Sinjura Nicholette AquilinaIs-Sinjura Josette AttardIs-Sinjura Francesca BalzabIs-Sinjura Marie Claire BartoloIs-Sinjura Carmen BelliaIs-Sur Emanuel A. BiancoIs-Sur Gerald BonelloIs-Sinjura Lucy BonelloIs-Sur Victor J. BugejaIs-Sinjura Liliana BuhagiarIs-Sur Jean-Pierre BusuttilIs-Sur Joseph CataniaIs-Sur George CremonaIs-Sinjura Joanna DingliIs-Sinjura Hilda Ellul MercerIs-Sinjura Nadine FarrugiaIs-Sinjura Catherine FenechIs-Sinjura Maria Dolores FenechIs-Sinjura Eunice Maria FioriniIs-Sinjura Christina Fiorini LowellIs-Sinjura Madeliene FirmanIs-Sinjura Mary Galea DebonoIs-Sur Joseph GattIs-Sinjura Vanessa GrechIs-Sinjura Rowena GrimaIs-Sinjura Sacha GuillaumierIs-Sinjura Sarah JacobsenIs-Sinjura Vera Lungaro MifsudIs-Sur Paul MagroIs-Sinjura Vanessa MagroIs-Sinjura Pauline MalliaIs-Sinjura Antoinette MicallefIs-Sur Mario Mifsud BonniciIs-Sinjura Sandra Mifsud BonniciIs-Sur Daniel AquilinaNo. 58WARRANT BY THE Minister for Justice,Dialogue and the FamilyIT is notified that, in exercise of such powers as providedby Section (3) of the Commissioners for Oaths Ordinance(Cap. 79) the Minister for Justice appointed as Commissionerfor Oaths, whilst performing such functions and as long asthey continue in that capacity, and/or for the period indicatedin the same appointment, whichever is the earlier, theundermentioned:Legal ProcuratorsMr Matthew AgiusMs Melissa AnastasiMs Doreen AquilinaMs Christine Caruana AquilinaMs Nicholette AquilinaMs Josette AttardMs Francesca BalzabMs Marie Claire BartoloMs Carmen BelliaMr Emanuel A. BiancoMr Gerald BonelloMs Lucy BonelloMr Victor J. BugejaMs Liliana BuhagiarMr Jean-Pierre BusuttilMr Joseph CataniaMr George CremonaMs Joanna DingliMs Hilda Ellul MercerMs Nadine FarrugiaMs Catherine FenechMs Maria Dolores FenechMs Eunice Maria FioriniMs Christina Fiorini LowellMs Madeliene FirmanMs Mary Galea DebonoMr Joseph GattMs Vanessa GrechMs Rowena GrimaMs Sacha GuillaumierMs Sarah JacobsenMs Vera Lungaro MifsudMr Paul MagroMs Vanessa MagroMs Pauline MalliaMs Antoinette MicallefMr Mario Mifsud BonniciMs Sandra Mifsud BonniciMr Daniel Aquilina

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE573Is-Sur John GaleaIs-Sur Edgar MontanaroIs-Sinjura Joeline Pace CiscaldiIs-Sur Gordon PisaniIs-Sinjura Denise PortelliIs-Sinjura Veronica RossignaudChev. Paul SalibaIs-Sur Peter Paul SammutIs-Sinjura Michelle SantIs-Sinjura Francesca ScerriIs-Sur Noel ScerriIs-Sur Alan SciclunaIs-Sur Anthony StelliniIs-Sinjura Davina SullivanIs-Sur Quintin TantiIs-Sinjura Heidi TestaIs-Sur Anthony TheumaIs-Sinjura Louisa TufignoIs-Sinjura Helen ValenziaIs-Sinjura Alison WadgeIs-Sur Joseph ZammitIs-Sur Peter Paul ZammitIs-Sinjura Katrina Zammit CuomoIs-Sinjura Caroline ZerafaMr John GaleaMr Edgar MontanaroMs Joeline Pace CiscaldiMr Gordon PisaniMs Denise PortelliMs Veronica RossignaudChev. Paul SalibaMr Peter Paul SammutMs Michelle SantMs Francesca ScerriMr Noel ScerriMr Alan SciclunaMr Anthony StelliniMs Davina SullivanMr Quintin TantiMs Heidi TestaMr Anthony TheumaMs Louisa TufignoMs Helen ValenziaMs Alison WadgeMr Joseph ZammitMr Peter Paul ZammitMs Katrina Zammit CuomoMs Caroline ZerafaB’AwtoritàChristopher SaidMinistru għall-Ġustizzja,Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u l-FamiljaBy AuthorityChristopher SaidMinister for Justice,Dialogue and the FamilyL-20 ta’ Jannar, 201220th January, 2012Nru. 59ATT DWAR IL-ĦADDIEMAD-DEHEB U L-ĦADDIEMA L-FIDDA(ARĠENTIERA)(KAP. 46)IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgħarraf illi fidda<strong>tal</strong>i tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuquhuma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet magħmulin mill-Konslugħall-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u l-Ħaddiema l-Fidda ġie ffissatgħall-finijiet <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 14 <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmi Att kif ġej:–No. 59GOLDSMITHS AND SILVERSMITHSACT(CAP. 46)THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that onthe date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver onwhich valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths andSilversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes ofarticle 14 of the said Act as follows:–Data Deheb Pur Fidda PuraGrammaGrammaDate Pure Gold Pure SilverGramsGrams20. 1. 2012 €41.882 €0.784L-20 ta’ Jannar, 201220th January, 2012

574 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Nru. 60ELEZZJONI KAŻWALI 2012 – in-naxxarDikjarazzjoni tar-Riżultat ta’ Elezzjoni KażwaliAĦNA, li ffirmajna isimna hawn taħt, KummissjonarjiElettorali fl-Elezzjoni Każwali ta’ Kunsillier, li saret fis-16-il jum ta’ Jannar, 2012, biex ji<strong>mt</strong>ela l-post li tbat<strong>tal</strong> minnBonello David, Kunsillier għal-lokalità hawn fuq imsemmija,hawnhekk ngħarrfu illi l-poloz <strong>tal</strong>-votazzjoni fil-pakkettissiġillat <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsillier li l-post tiegħu tbat<strong>tal</strong>, ġew eżaminatiu ttrasferiti skont il-liġi lill-kandidat nominat validament u lir-riżultat huwa kif jidher hawn taħt:–No. 60CASUAL ELECTION 2012 – in-naxxarDeclaration of Result of a Casual ElectionWE, the undersigned, Electoral Commissioners at theCasual Election of a Councillor, held on the 16th day ofJanuary, 2012, to fill the seat vacated by Bonello David, anelected Councillor for the said locality, do hereby give noticethat the ballot papers in the sealed parcel of the vacatingCouncillor were duly examined and transferred accordingto the validly nominated candidate and that the result is asshown hereunder:–} 680 } 1Numru ta’ voti fil-Pakkett Numru ta’ Kunsilliera li għandhom jiġu eletti KwotaNumber of votes in Parcel Number of Councillors to be elected Quota} 340Isem <strong>tal</strong>-KandidatName of CandidateGħadd 11st CountVotiVotesPARTIT NAZZJONALISTACUOMO MARY ANNE618EVoti Mhux Trasferibbli 62Non-Transferable PapersTo<strong>tal</strong> 680To<strong>tal</strong>AĦNA hawnhekk ngħarrfu illi CUOMO MARY ANNE ġiet kif mistħoqq eletta Kunsilliera għal-lokalità msemmija hawn fuq.WE do hereby declare thatis duly elected Councillor for the above-mentioned locality.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-lum is-16-il jum ta’ Jannar, 2012Dated this 16th day of January, 2012SALV. GAUCIKummissjonarju Elettorali PrinċipaliChief Electoral CommissionerJ.M. BUTTIGIEG M. CALLUS S. FENECH V. GANADOS. SANT T. SULTANA R. ZAMMIT J. ZAMMIT MAEMPELKummissjonarji ElettoraliElectoral CommissionersL-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE575Nru. 61ATT DWAR IL-BILLS TAT-TEŻOR TA’ MALTA(KAP. 133)Avviż ta’ Ħruġ ta’ KalendarjuDan il-kalendarju juri t-tul ta’ żmien għal kull bill tat-Teżor li ser jinħareġ kull ġimgħa għax-xahar ta’ Frar 2012 uli huwa ppubblikat mill-Accountant General skont u għallfinijietta’ regolament 5 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2007 dwar id-Dematerjalizzazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-bills tat-Teżor ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-AvviżLegali Nru. 59 <strong>tal</strong>-2007:No. 61MALTA TREASURY BILLS ACT(CAP. 133)Notice of Issuance CalendarThe following calendar shows the tenor of individualweekly issues of Treasury bills for the month of February2012 and is published by the Accountant General in terms ofregulation 5 of the <strong>Malta</strong> Treasury Bills (Dematerialisation)Regulations, 2007 of Legal Notice No. 59 of 2007:MONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY30 January31 TBTender Date010203 TBIssue of 91 days maturing4 May 2012 and 182 daysmaturing 3 August 20120607 TBTender Date0809 TBIssue of 92 daysmaturing 11 May 2012and 274 days maturing9 November 201210Public Holiday1314 TBTender Date151617 TBIssue of 91 days maturing18 May 2012 and 182days maturing 17 August201220Notes:-Note: TB = Treasury Bills1. Treasury Bills Auctions are held every Tuesday and successful bids are settled the following Friday.2. When either of these days falls on a Public Holiday the auction takes place on the first working day immediately before.3. Interest is always calculated on the actual number of days involved.4. Bids on Tender forms, which are available from the Treasury, are to reach the Treasury by 10.00 a.m. on the tender date. Such bidsmay either be made directly to the Treasury or transmitted by fax on 25967210 or by e-mail.5. Only offers with a definite yield shall be considered.6. 28 day tenor minimum amount is €250,000, other tenor €50,000. Above this minimum must be in multiples of €1,000.7. With regard to the tenor, the following days will apply:1 month = 28 days 9 months = 273 days3 months = 91 days 12 months = 364 days6 months = 182 days8. The tenderer shall accept any portion of the sum for which he has tendered at the same yield as that for the whole amount he hastendered for.9. The persons whose tenders are accepted will be informed accordingly on the following day.10. Settlement of amount allotted is to be made by not later than 10.00 a.m. on the date on which the relative Bills are dated. Paymentsmay be effected either by cheque, made payable to the Accountant General or by bank transfer to the credit of the Public Account, Accountnumber 40001 EUR-CMG5-001-H, with the Central Bank of <strong>Malta</strong>. The value date is to be the issue date of the Treasury Bill.11. The Accountant General reserves the right of not accepting any tender. For further information please refer to the <strong>Malta</strong> TreasuryBills General Prospectus at www.treasury.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>20th January, 201221 TBTender Date222324 TBIssue of 91 days maturing25 May 2012 and 182days maturing 24 August2012

576 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Nru. 62No. 62NUMRI ĠODDA TA’ BIBIEN F’ĦAŻ-ŻABBARRENUMBERING OF DOORS AT ŻABBARBIS-SAĦĦA <strong>tal</strong>-poteri mogħtija bl-Artikolu 115 <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi<strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija (Kapitolu 10), il-Ministru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali għoġbu jordna illi n-numri/ismijiet ta’ bibien fit-toroq imsemmija f’Ħaż-Żabbar,hawn taħt elenkati u speċifikati f’din l-iskeda, għandhomjinbidlu kif jidher fl-iskeda msemmija.IN exercise of the powers conferred by Section 115 ofthe Code of Police Laws (Chapter 10), the Minister forResources and Rural Affairs has been pleased to order thatthe numbers/names of the doors in the undermentionedstreets at Żabbar, specified in the subjoined schedule, bealtered as stated in the said schedule.SKEDA/SCHEDULEĦAŻ-ŻABBAR1. TRIQ IX-XGĦAJRAIn-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħolminn Misraħ San ĠakbuIn-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-lemin meta tidħolminn Misraħ San ĠakbuLeft side entering from Misraħ San ĠakbuRight side entering from Misraħ San ĠakbuIsem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ĠdidOld Name/Number New Number Old Name/Number New Number2 1 Garaxx 23 3 Garaxx 4Bieb bla numru 5 Garaxx 65 7 Garaxx 8Bieb bla numru 9 97 107 11 95 12Bieb bla numru 13 40 Garaxx 148 15 Redentur 169 17 Charmar 1810 19 93 2012 21 92 Rock Nook 2213 23 Garaxx 2414 25 Sit bla bini 2615 27 Sit bla bini 2816 Tal-Grazzja 29 Sit bla bini 3017 Marfred 31 Sit bla bini 3218 Virgo Maria 33 80 34

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE577Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ĠdidOld Name/Number New Number Old Name/Number New Number20 35 Sit bla bini 3621 37 Sit bla bini 38Garaxx 39 Sit bla bini 40Bieb bla numru 41 Sit bla bini 4224 Qalb ta’ Marija 43 Sit bla bini 44Persjana 45 Sit bla bini 46Ave Maria 47 Sit bla bini 48Garaxx 49 Sit bla bini 5028 Garaxx 51 Sit bla bini 5229 53 Sit bla bini 5430 55 Garaxx Notre Dame 5631 57 Eugenio 5832 59 Divine Providence 6033 Garaxx 61 Louise 6234 63 79 Joe 64San Juda 65 Marjes 66Sit bla bini 67 Garaxx Yorkshire 68Sit bla bini 69 85 70Garaxx 71 Garaxx 72Merħba 73 Garaxx 74Bieb bla numru 75 St Michael 76Bieb bla numru 77 Sagra Familia 78Sit bla bini 79 Garaxx 80Sit bla bini 81 Garaxx 82Sit bla bini 83 Dipladenia 84Garaxx Sunshine 85 Golden Eagle 86Casa Juve 87 Garaxx 88Yogbur 89 Bini qed jinbena 9040 Kateanth 91 Rosary 9241 93 79A Madonna <strong>tal</strong>-Grazzia 94Garaxx 95 Garaxx 96St Joseph 97 Luam 98M M Gratie 99 Garaxx 100Casa Nostra 101 Markjul 102Garaxx 103 Garaxx 10448 105 Joereen 106Garaxx 107 Garaxx 10849 109 Marigold 110Bieb bla numru 111 Qawsalla 112Ħanut 113 Garaxx 114Horvinc House 115 Sit bla bini 116Sit bla bini 117 Sit bla bini 118Ħanut 119 Sit bla bini 120Sit bla bini 121 Sit bla bini 122Sit bla bini 123 Sit bla bini 124Sit bla bini 125 Sit bla bini 126Sit bla bini 127 Sit bla bini 128UFO 129 Sit bla bini 130Madonnina 131 Sit bla bini 132Bieb bla numru 133 Sit bla bini 134

578 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ĠdidOld Name/Number New Number Old Name/Number New NumberGaraxx 135 Sit bla bini 136Garaxx 137 Sit bla bini 138Desert Rose 139 Sit bla bini 140Garaxx 141 Garaxx 142Mandolina 143 78 144Joslil 145 Sit bla bini 146Gremar 147 Sit bla bini 148Bieb bla numru 149 Sit bla bini 150Bieb bla numru 151 Sit bla bini 152Ħanut 153 Sit bla bini 15453 155 Sit bla bini 156Garaxx 157 Sit bla bini 158Fran Carm 159 Sit bla bini 160Garaxx 161 Bieb bla numru 162St Rita 163 Bieb bla numru 164Il-Kenn 165 Bieb bla numru 166Bieb <strong>tal</strong>-Genb 167 Bieb bla numru 168Bieb bla numru 169 73 Mbarrat 170Bieb bla numru 171 Bieb mbarrat 172Dar il-Hena 173 Jacarda 174St Francis 175 Ħanut 176Garaxx 177 Reemar 178Manchester House 179 Mandolina Garaxx 180Bieb bla numru 181 Dar il-Hena 182Garaxx 183 Garaxx 184Sit bla bini 185 Bieb bla numru 186Sit bla bini 187 Garaxx 188Garaxx 189 Ewigkeit 190Night Light 191 Bieb <strong>tal</strong>-Ġenb 192Garaxx 193 Ħanut 194Dalanze 195 Ħanut 196Garaxx 197 Dawl 198Isle of Wight 199 Marija Grazzja 200Garaxx 201 Tamarisk 202Garaxx 203 Garaxx 204Garaxx 205 Garaxx 206Garaxx 207 Bieb bla numru 208Garaxx 209 Tulip House 210Nadelle 211 Mallards 212Garaxx 213 Garaxx 214Anthony House 215 72 John Mar Kev House 216Bieb <strong>tal</strong>-ġenb 217 72A 218Pieruska 219 71 M M Grazzja 220Bieb <strong>tal</strong>-ġenb 221 Lutwa 222Garaxx 223 Garaxx 224Garaxx 225 Jos Carm 226Albatross 227 68 228Green Place 229 67 M M Gratia 230

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE579Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ĠdidOld Name/Number New Number Old Name/Number New NumberGaraxx 231 Garaxx 232Carsil 233 Bini qed jinbena 234Garaxx 235 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 236Juldion 237 Sit bla bini 238Mohawk 239 Sit bla bini 240Garaxx 241 Garaxx 242Garaxx 243 La Serenissma 244Paradise 245 Gizelle 246Robin Nest 247 Garaxx 248Marlor 249 Little Cottage 250Garaxx 251 Kamra tad-Dawl 252Mon Cheri 253 Maria Mater Gratiae 254Garaxx 255 Garaxx 256Garaxx 257 Bini qed jinbena 258Ħanut 259 Garaxx 260Ħanut 261 Garaxx 262Bieb bla numru 263 Garaxx 264Garaxx 265 Garaxx 266Garaxx 267 Garaxx 268Fleur D’Amour 269 Unita 270Ocean Shell 271 Dorvic 272Garaxx 273 Garaxx 274Garaxx 275 Garaxx 276Jane House 277 Mar Ram 278Bieb bla numru 279 Garaxx 280Ħanut 281 Brenmar 282Garaxx 283 Garaxx 284Ħanut 285 St Rita 28682 287 Garaxx 288Garaxx 289 Garaxx 290Garaxx 291 Dio E Amour 292The Abela Crest 293 Sit bla bini 294Sit bla bini 296Sit bla bini 298Sit bla bini 300Sit bla bini 302Sit bla bini 304Sit bla bini 306Sit bla bini 308Sit bla bini 310Sit bla bini 312Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 314Harmony Court 316 (1 -6)Havana 318St Joseph 320Harmony Court 322 (1 -4)Sacred Hearts 324

580 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ĠdidOld Name/Number New Number Old Name/Number New NumberDemjar 326Edelweiss 328Anfield 330Kathleen Court 332 (1 – 2)Bieb bla numru 334Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 336Eli 338Garaxx 340Garaxx 342Roncador 344Mon Reve 346Garaxx 348Garaxx 350Ritlin 352Jesmond 354Hanut 35672 The Cachia’s House 358Garaxx 360Garaxx 362Conton House 364Sit bla Bini 366Sit bla Bini 368Sit bla Bini 370Sit bla Bini 372Sit bla Bini 374Sit bla Bini 376Sit bla Bini 378Sit bla Bini 380Sit bla Bini 382Sit bla Bini 384Garaxx 386Bieb bla numru 388Garaxx 39062 39260 Fredann 394Garaxx 396Garaxx 398Antes House 400Dorang 40259 40458 40657 408Garaxx 410Villa Morning Glory 412L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE581Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Full-Time Post fil-Kontenut<strong>tal</strong>-Media Diġi<strong>tal</strong>i fil-Komunikazzjoni ViżwaliDipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Arti Diġi<strong>tal</strong>i, Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediau x-Xjenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Għarfien (MaKS)Jintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal Resident Academic Full-Time Post fil-Kontenut <strong>tal</strong>-Media Diġi<strong>tal</strong>i fil-KomunikazzjoniViżwali, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Arti Diġi<strong>tal</strong>i, Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Media ux-Xjenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Għarfien fl-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Din il-ħatrahija fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għall-prova ta’ sena, sal-etàstatutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Il-maħtur ikun mistenni li jikkontribwixxi fit-tagħlim,riċerka, amministrazzjoni tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Arti Diġi<strong>tal</strong>ifil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Media u x-Xjenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Għarfien (MaKS), u kifikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq riċerka relatata. Tingħata importanza lil dawk ilkandidatili huma prattikanti interdixxiplinari u jkunu meħtieġali jgħallmu klassijiet ta’ teorija kif ukoll ta’ produzzjoni filviżwal,disinn u l-arti <strong>tal</strong>-media. Tagħlim, riċerka u/jewesperjenza f’oqsma oħra jiġu kkunsidrati ta’ vantaġġ.Min jinħatar jista’ jkun f’wieħed mill-gradi ta’ ProfessurAssoċjat, Lettur Anzjan jew Lettur jekk ikun hemm kandidatili jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti statutorji biex jinħatru f’dawn ilgradi.B’danakollu, ħatra fil-grad ta’ Assistent Lettur tista’tkun offruta wkoll bil-kundizzjoni li min jinħatar jieħu lawrjata’ Ph.D jew D/Phil f’perjodu stipulat.Is-salarji annwali għal 2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradifir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur €37,450 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €21,877 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €2,100.Professur Assoċjat €34,384 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €17,389 u Professorial Allowanceta’€1,282.Lettur Anzjan €31,122 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €12,615.Lettur €25,506 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €641 sa €27,429flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €10,669.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biextissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex tipprovdi l-għodda u r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biexjissodisfa l-impenn ta’ tagħlim u ta’ Riċerka Akkademika fiħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti liUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Full-Time Post in Digi<strong>tal</strong> MediaContent in Visual Communications, Department ofDigi<strong>tal</strong> Arts, Faculty of Media and KnowledgeSciences (MaKS)Applications are invited for a full-time Resident Academicpost in Digi<strong>tal</strong> Media Content in Visual Communications atthe Department of Digi<strong>tal</strong> Arts in the Faculty of Media andKnowledge Sciences (MaKS). The appointment will be onan indefinite basis, subject to a one-year probationary period,up to statutory retirement age.The appointee will be required to contribute to theteaching, research and administration of the Department ofDigi<strong>tal</strong> Arts in the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences(MaKS), and as may be required by the University.Candidates must in possession of a PhD, or an equivalentresearch based doctorate. Due importance will be given tocandidates who are interdisciplinary practitioners and willbe expected to teach theoretical as well as production classesin the visual, design and media arts. Teaching, research and/or other field experience would be an asset.The appointee may be at one of the grades of AssociateProfessor, Senior Lecturer or Lecturer if there are candidateswho satisfy the statutory requirements for appointments atthese grades. However an appointment at Assistant Lecturergrade may also be offered on the condition that the appointeecompletes a Ph.D. or D.Phil degree within a stipulatedperiod.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:Professor: €37,450 plus an Academic Supplement of€21,877 and a Professorial Allowance of €2,100Associate Professor: €34,384 plus an AcademicSupplement of €17,389 and a Professorial Allowance of€1,282Senior Lecturer: €31,122 plus an Academic Supplementof €12,615Lecturer: €25,506 with an annual increment of €641 to€27,429 plus an Academic Supplement of €10,669The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates to the grade of Assistant Lecturer,

582 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857jġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €23,793 b’żidiet annwalita’ €596 sa €25,581 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€4,212.Assistent Lettur €22,143 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €531 sa€23,736 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €3,543.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lil:Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevantMasters qualification, or would have been accepted for oralready in the process of achieving their PhD.Assistant Lecturer with Masters: €23,793 with an annualincrement of €596 to €25,581 and an Academic Supplementof €4,212Assistant Lecturer: €22,143 with an annual increment of€531 to €23,736 and an Academic Supplement of €3,543.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or e-mails) of threereferees to:Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by e-mail to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon of Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building, or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAPost ta’ Senior Legal ExecutiveL-Uffiċċju LegaliL-Uffiċċju Legali jixtieq jimpjega avukat fuq bażifull-time biex jgħin lid-Direttur tas-Servizzi Legali. Minjintgħażel jinħatar għal perjodu ta’ erba’ snin bil-possibbiltàli jista’ jiġi mġedded.Il-kandidati għandhom:Ikollhom grad tad-Dottorot fil-Liġi u warrant mill-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> kif meħtieġ mil-liġijiet Maltin;Ikollhom esperjenza sinifikanti u relatata li mill-anqassentejn minnhom għandhom ikunu fil-prattika legali;UNIVERSITY OF MALTAPost of Senior Legal ExecutiveLegal OfficeThe Legal Office seeks to employ a full-time Lawyerto assist the Director of Legal Services. The successfulcandidate will be appointed for a period of four years withthe possibility of renewal.Candidates should:Possess a Doctor of Laws degree and warrant from thePresident of <strong>Malta</strong> as required to practice law in <strong>Malta</strong>;Have significant related experience of which at least twoyears must be in legal practice;

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE583Ikunu mħarrġa sewwa fil-metodi tar-riċerka, analizi <strong>tal</strong>liġijietu jurisprudenza;Ikunu profiċjenti fil-kitba legali;Ikunu lesti li jipprepaw struzzjonijiet u opinjonijiet legali;Ikunu jafu jiktbu u jitkellmu tajjeb kemm fil-Malti kifukoll fl-Ingliż;Ikunu lesti li jsiefru fi żmien qasir;Ikollhom ħiliet interpersonali tajba kif ukoll filkomunikazzjoni;uJuru profiċjenza fl-użu <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet ta’ standardsoftware.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikatiu ismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees f’dan l-indirizz:Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email lil: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Be significantly skilled in research methods, analysis oflaws and jurisprudence;Be proficient in legal writing;Be able to prepare legal briefs and opinions;Be fluent in written and spoken Maltese and English;Be prepared to satisfy travel commitments upon shortnotice;Possess good interpersonal and communications skills; andDemonstrate proficiency in the use of standard softwareapplications.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon of Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building, or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAPost ta’ Senior Executive, Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi UmaniNomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.L-Università għandha bżonn timpjega Senior Executivebiex jaħdem fl-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani. Din il-ħatra full-time hija direttamentresponsabbli għad-Direttur. Din il-ħatra hija għal perjodudefinit ta’ erba’ snin, bil-possibbiltà li tista’ tiġi mġedda.UNIVERSITY OF MALTAPost of Senior Executive in Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentNomenclatures denoting the male gender include also thefemale gender.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> is seeking to recruit a SeniorExecutive to join the Office for Human ResourcesManagement and Development. This full-time position isdirectly answerable to the Director. The post is for a definiteperiod of four years, with the possibility of renewal.

584 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom grad ta’ wara l-gradwazzjoni lijkun direttament relatat mat-tmexxija u l-iżvilupp tar-riżorsiumani, flimkien ma’ minimu ta’ tliet snin esperjenza rilevantimar-rwol maniġerjali tar-Riżorsi Umani.Is-Senior Executive jgħin lid-Direttur fl-iżvilupp meħtieġ<strong>tal</strong>-istrateġiji tar-riżorsi umani, pjanijiet u prassi, kif ukollirid ikun involut fl-operazzjonijiet ta’ kuljum.Il-kandidat ideali jrid ikun kapaċi fil-komunikazzjoni filkelmau fil-kitba, flimkien ma’ ħiliet interpersonali meħtieġabiex jinteraġixxi professjonalment man-nies fil-livelli kollha.Barra minn hekk, il-kandidat għandu jkun imħarreġ fl-użu<strong>tal</strong>-għodod tas-software u preferibbilment ikollu esperjenzapreċedenti fiż-żamma tad-databases u l-implimentazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Enterprise Resource Planning. Importanza dovuta tingħa<strong>tal</strong>ill-kandidati li juru abbiltajiet f’oqsma bħall-ippjanar tarriżorsiu l-immaniġġar <strong>tal</strong>-prestazzjoni.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikatiu ismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees f’dan l-indirizz:Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu wkoll jibagħtu email f’dan l-indirizz: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Candidates must possess a post-graduate degree directlyrelated to human resource management and development,together with a minimum of three years relevant experiencein an Human Resources managerial role.The Senior Executive will assist the Director indeveloping the necessary human resources strategies, plansand policies, as well as being actually involved in the dayto-dayoperations.The ideal candidate should possess excellent verbal andwritten communications skills, together with the essentialinterpersonal skills necessary to interact professionally withpeople at all levels. Additionally, the candidate must be skilledin using IT software tools and preferably would have previousexperience in maintaining databases and implementingEnterprise Resource Planning. Due importance will be give tocandidates who have demonstrated their abilities in areas suchas human resource planning and performance management.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon of Tuesday,31st January 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building, or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAPost ta’ Assistent LibrarL-Università għandha bżonn ta’ kandidati li huma adattibiex jaħdmu bħala Assistent Librar biex jassistu fit-tmexxijata’ ħafna dipartimenti li huma mmexijja mill-kapijietrispettivi ta’ kull sezzjoni. Min jiġi maħtur ikun responsabbliUNIVERSITY OF MALTAPost of Library AssistantThe University Library is recruiting suitable candidatesfor the post of Library Assistant to help in the running of itsvarious departments under the respective heads of section.The appointee will be responsible to the Director of Library

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE585għad-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Librerija jew għad-deputati tiegħu għallqadita’ dmirijetu, kif inhu speċifikat fid-dokument ‘AktarInformazzjoni’.2. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom <strong>tal</strong>-anqas żewġ passesfil-livell Avvanzat jew pass wieħed fil-livell Avvanzat u tlietpasses fl-intermediate u erba’ passes fi grad 5 jew aktarfis-Secondary Education Certificate u kwalifikazzjoni filcomputing.Passes iridu jinkludu l-Malti, il-lingwa Ingliżau lingwa oħra fil-livell Avvanzat jew fil-livell ta’ SecondaryEducation Certificate.Dawk il-kandidati li għandhom Diploma fil-Library andInformation Science u għandhom <strong>tal</strong>-anqas ħames suġġettifil-livell tas-SEC, li jinkludi l-Malti, il-Lingwa Ingliża uMatematika jiġu kkunisdrati wkoll.3. Is-salarju għal dan il-post huwa ta’ €11,508 fis-senab’żidied ta’ €226 fis-sena għal €13,090. Wara ħames sninta’ ħidma sodsfaċenti f’dan il-grad, il-maħtur ikun intitolatli jgħaddi għat-tarġa li jmiss fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’€298 fis-sena sa massimu ta’ €14,056. Wara perjodu ieħorta’ ħames snin, il-maħtur ikun intitolat li jgħaddi għat-tarġali jmiss fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’ €317 fi-sena samassimu ta’ €14,973.4. Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, u kopja waħdataċ-ċertifikati.Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.5. Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214,Uffiċċji Amministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Services or his deputies for the proper carrying out of theduties assigned to him/her, as specified in the ‘FurtherInformation Sheet’ available on request.2. Applicants should be in possession of at least twopasses at Advanced Level, or one Advanced Level and threeat Intermediate Level, four passes at Grade 5 or better inthe Secondary Education Certificate, and a qualification incomputing. Passes, whether at Advanced or SEC Level,should include Maltese, English Language and any otherlanguage.Applicants who are in possession of the Diploma inLibrary & Information Science and hold passes at SEC levelin at least five subjects, including Maltese, English Languageand Mathematics will also be considered.3. The post carries an annual salary of €11,508 rising byannual increments of €226 up to €13,090. On completionof five years service in this grade, the appointee will,on satisfactory performance, be entitled to move on thenext salary band with annual increments of €298 up to amaximum of €14,056. After a further period of five years,the appointee will, on satisfactory performance, be entitledto move on the next salary band with annual increments of€317 up to a maximum of €14,973.4. Candidates should submit their letter of application,six copies of their curriculum vitae and one set of copies oftheir certificates.Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by than noon on Tueday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.5. Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building or on the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012

586 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAPost ta’ Assistent Librar(Library Services)Il-Librerija <strong>tal</strong>-Università qiegħda tirrekluta kandidatibil-kwalitajiet meħtieġa għal grad ta Assistent Librar, biextikkonsolida dejjem aktar is-servizzi tagħha. Kandidatif’dan il-grad jiġu assenjati dmirijiet fit-tmexxija tad-diversitaqsimiet <strong>tal</strong>-Librerija u l-fergħat tagħha skont l-esiġenzi tasservizz.2. Minbarra dawk il-kwalifiki akkademiċi u/jew esperjenzirelatati kif stipulati fit-‘Tagħrif Addizzjonali’, il-kandidatigħandu jkollhom ħiliet amministrattivi u organizzattivi, urelazzjonijiet tajba interpersonali.3. Is-salarju għal dan il-post huwa ta’ €13,071 fis-senab’żidied ta’ €317 fis-sena għal €14,973. Wara sentejn sninta’ ħidma sodsfaċenti f’dan il-grad, il-maħtur ikun intitolatli jgħaddi għat-tarġa li jmiss fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidiedta’ €335 fis-sena sa massimu ta’ €15,934. Wara perjoduieħor ta’ sentejn, il-maħtur ikun intitolat li jgħaddi għattarġali jmiss fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’ €354 fi-sena samassimu ta’ €16,945.4. Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae u kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikatilid-:Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 31ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.5. Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214,Uffiċċji Amministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012UNIVERSITY OF MALTAPost of Assistant Librarian(Library Services)The University Library is seeking to consolidate itsservices by recruiting suitable candidates for the post ofAssistant Librarian. Appointees will be expected to take uphigher duties in any library department or outlying branchlibrary as dictated by exigencies.2. Besides the requisite academic qualifications and/or related experience which are detailed in the ‘FurtherInformation Sheet’, applicants should possess goodadministrative and organisational abilities as well asinterpersonal skills.3. The post carries an annual salary of €13,071 rising byannual increments of €317 up to a maximum of €14,973. Oncompletion of two years service in this grade, the appointeewill on satisfactory performance be entitled to move on tothe next salary band with annual increments of €335 up toa maximum of €15,934. After a further period of two years,the appointee will on satisfactory performance be entitled tomove on to the next band with annual increments of €354 upto a maximum of €16,945.4. Candidates should submit their letter of application,six copies of their curriculum vitae and one set of copies oftheir certificates to the:Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tueday, 31stJanuary, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.5. Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building or on the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE587L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Post ta’ Senior ExecutiveSkola MedikaFakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u KirurġijaSkont klawsola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu minn kandidati li għandhomkwalifiki xierqa u li għandhom esperjenza għall-post ta’Senior Executive fl-Iskola Medika. Min jinħatar irid jirrapor<strong>tal</strong>id-Dekan <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija, is-Senior Executiveikun responsabbli għall-immaniġjar <strong>tal</strong>-amministrazzjonita’ kuljum fl-Iskola Medika. Din il-ħatra hija għal perjodudefinit ta’ tliet snin, bil-possibbiltà li jista’ jiġi mġedded.Il-kandidat ideali jrid:Ikollu kwalifiki akkademiċi rilevanti post-graduate;Ikollu esperjenza sinifikanti u relatata mal-rwol <strong>tal</strong>immaniġġar;Ikollu ħiliet fl-immaniġġar <strong>tal</strong>-proġetti, l-iżvilupp tannegozjuu l-immaniġġar tan-nies.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lid:-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu wkoll jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Uffiċċji Amministrattivi,Kamra 214 u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012University of <strong>Malta</strong>Post of Senior ExecutiveMedical SchoolFaculty of Medicine and ScienceIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male genderinclude also the female gender.Applications are invited from suitably qualified andexperienced individuals for the post of Senior Executiveat the Medical School. Reporting to the Dean of Medicineand Surgery, the Senior Executive will be responsible formanaging the day-to-day administration of the MedicalSchool. The post is for a definite period of three years, withthe possibility of renewal.The ideal candidate must:Possess relevant post-graduate academic qualifications;Have significant related experience in management role;Have proven skills in project management, businessdevelopment and people management.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon of Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012

588 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAPost ta’ Youth Worker - Uffiċjal AmministrattivL-Università qed tfittex li timpjega Youth Worker biexjaħdem/taħdem fuq bażi full-time fil-Junior College fi ħdanil-Counselling Unit.2. Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom <strong>tal</strong>-anqas l-ewwel grad fil-Youth Studies jew dixxiplina relatata u jkollhom esperjenzapreċedenti u rilevanti f’xogħol maż-żgħażagħ.3. Il-grad ta’ Uffiċjal Amministrattiv għandu salarjuta’ €20,388 fi-sena b’żidiet ta’ €531 sa’ massimu ta’€23,574.4. Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uisimijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees.Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012UNIVERSITY OF MALTAPost of Youth Worker - Administrative OfficerThe University of <strong>Malta</strong> is seeking to recruit a full-timeYouth Worker at the Junior College within the CounsellingUnit.2. Applicants are expected to be in possession of at leasta first degree in Youth Studies or a related discipline and haveprevious relevant working experience with young people.3. The grade of Administrative Officer carries an annualsalary of €20,388 rising by annual increments of €531 up toa maximum of €23,574.4. Candidates should submit their letter of application,six copies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees.Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012L-UniversitÀ ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Post ta’ Graduate TraineeIstitut <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp SostenibbliSkont klawsola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> qed tfittex li timpjega GraduateTrainee biex jaħdem fl-Istitut <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Post of Graduate TraineeInstitute of Sustainable DevelopmentIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male genderinclude also the female gender.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> is seeking to recruit aGraduate Trainee to work at the Institute of SustainableDevelopment.

590 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi; li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji għal 2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradi fir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur €37,450 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €21,877 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €2,100.Professur Assoċjat €34,384 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €17,389 u Professorial Allowanceta’€1,282.Lettur Anzjan €31,122 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €12,615.Lecturer €25,506 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €641 sa €27,429flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €10,669.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għodda u r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biexjissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn <strong>tal</strong>-Academic Research fiħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €23,793 b’żidiet annwalita’ €596 sa €25,581 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€4,212.Assistent Lettur €22,143 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €531 sa€23,736 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €3,543.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lid:-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades; these being Professor, Associate Professor, SeniorLecturer and Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lectureror above shall only be open to persons in possession of aPh.D. or an equivalent research-based doctorate within strictguidelines established by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:Professor €37,450 plus an Academic Supplement of€21,877 and a Professorial Allowance of €2,100.Associate Professor €34,384 plus an AcademicSupplement of €17,389 and a Professorial Allowance of€1,282.Senior Lecturer €31,122 plus an Academic Supplementof €12,615.Lecturer €25,506 with an annual increment of €641 to€27,429 and a plus an Academic Supplement of €10,669.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevantMasters qualification, or would have been accepted for oralready in the process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters €23,793 with an annualincrement of €596 to €25,581 and an Academic Supplementof €4,212.Assistant Lecturer €22,143 with an annual increment of€531 to €23,736 and an Academic Supplement of €3,543.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:-Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE591L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012L-UniversitÀ ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Full-Time Resident Academic Postfil-Ġerontoloġija SoċjaliĊentru Ewropew <strong>tal</strong>-ĠerontoloġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal full-time ResidentAcademic post fl-Istudju fil-Ġerontoloġija Soċjali fiċ-ĊentruEwropew <strong>tal</strong>-Ġerontoloġija fl-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Din ilħatrahija fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għall-prova ta’ sena,sal-età statutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Il-maħtur ikun mistenni li jipparteċipa fit-tagħlim, riċerkau attivitajiet oħra fiċ-Ċentru Ewropew <strong>tal</strong>-Ġerontoloġija, ukif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq ir-riċerka rilevanti. Tingħata importanza lil dawkil-kandidati li għandhom esperjenza fir-riċerka u placementprattiku ta’ superviżjoni bi speċjalizzazzjoni fil-ĠerontoloġijaSoċjali.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji għall-2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradi fir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur €37,450 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €21,877 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €2,100.Professur Assoċjat €34,384 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €17,389 u Professorial Allowanceta’€1,282.Lettur Anzjan €31,122 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €12,615.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Full-Time Postin Social GerontologyEuropean Centre for GerontologyApplications are invited for a full-time ResidentAcademic Post in Social Gerontology at the EuropeanCentre for Gerontology of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>. Theappointment will be on an indefinite basis, subject to a oneyearprobationary period, up to statutory retirement age.The appointee will be required to participate in theteaching, research and other activities of the European Centrefor Gerontology, and as may be required by the University.Candidates must be in possession of a Ph.D. or equivalentresearch based in a related subject. Due importance will begiven to those candidates who have experience in researchand practical placement supervision with a specialisation inSocial Gerontology.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:Professor €37,450 plus an Academic Supplement of€21,877 and a Professorial Allowance of €2,100.Associate Professor €34,384 plus an AcademicSupplement of €17,389 and a Professorial Allowance of€1,282.Senior Lecturer €31,122 plus an Academic Supplementof €12,615.

592 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Lettur €25,506 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €641 sa €27,429flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €10,669.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għodda u r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biexjissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn <strong>tal</strong>-Academic Research fiħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €23,793 b’żidiet annwalita’ €596 sa €24,713 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€4,212.Assistent Lettur €22,143 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €531 sa€23,736 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €3,543.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lid:-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email lil: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Lecturer €25,506 with an annual increment of €641 to€27,429 plus an Academic Supplement of €10,669.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevantMasters qualification, or would have been accepted for oralready in the process of achieving their Ph,D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters €23,793 with an annualincrement of €596 to €25,581 and an Academic Supplementof €4,212.Assistant Lecturer €22,143 with an annual increment of€531 to €23,736 and an Academic Supplement of €3,543.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE593L-UniversitÀ ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Full-Time Resident Academic Postfl-Arkeoloġija MarittimaDipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Klassiċi u ArkeoloġijaFakultà <strong>tal</strong>-ArtiJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal full-time ResidentAcademic post fl-Arkeoloġija Marittima fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Klassiċi u Arkeoloġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Arti fl-Università ta’<strong>Malta</strong>. Din il-ħatra hija fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għallprovata’ sena, sal-età stutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Il-maħtur ikun mistenni li jipparteċipa fit-tagħlim,riċerka, u attivitajiet oħra fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Klassiċiu Arkeoloġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Arti b’mod partikulari fl-Arkeoloġija Marittima, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq ir-riċerka fl-Arkeoloġija Marittima. Tingħatapreferenza lil dawk il-kandidati li jkunu jafu tajjeb issuġġett,kif ukoll abilitajiet ta’ kompetenza, tmexxija u lijkunu kapaċi jaħdmu f’tim. Rekord fir-riċerka, li tinkludipubblikazzjonijiet internazzjonali u fieldwork, tiftix taħt l-ilma u l-iskavar, u r-rikostruzzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-kosta ambjen<strong>tal</strong>i, kifukoll esperjenza akkademika fil-livell terzjarju, fl-ArkeoloġijaMarittima, se jiġu kkunsidrati b’mod favorevoli.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji għal 2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradi fir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur €37,450 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €21,877 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €2,100Professur Assoċjat €34,384 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €17,389 u Professorial Allowance ta’€1,282Lettur Anzjan €31,122 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €12,615Lettur €25,506 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €641 sa €27,429flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €10,669L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għodda u r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biexjissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn <strong>tal</strong>-Academic Research fiħdan l-Università.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Full-Time Postin Maritime ArchaeologyDepartment of Classics and ArchaeologyFaculty of ArtsApplications are invited for a full-time Resident Academicpost in Maritime Archaeology in the Department of Classicsand Archaeology in the Faculty of Arts of the Universityof <strong>Malta</strong>. The appointment will be on an indefinite basis,subject to a one-year probationary period, up to statutoryretirement age.The appointee will be required to contribute to the teaching,research, and other activities of the Department of Classics andArchaeology, within the Faculty of Arts in particular MaritimeArchaeology, and as may be required by the University.The ideal candidate must be in possession of a Ph.D.or equivalent research-based doctorate in MaritimeArchaeology. Due preference will be given to candidates whoshow sound, deep and broad knowledge of the discipline, aswell as competence, leadership and team-working abilities. Atrack record in research, including international publicationsand fieldwork, underwater prospection and excavation, andenvironmen<strong>tal</strong> coas<strong>tal</strong> reconstruction, as well as academicexperience at tertiary level, in Maritime Archaeology, willbe favourably considered.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:Professor €37,450 plus an Academic Supplement of€21,877 and a Professorial Allowance of €2,100Associate Professor €34,384 plus an AcademicSupplement of €17,389 and a Professorial Allowance of€1,282Senior Lecturer €31,122 plus an Academic Supplementof €12,615Lecturer €25,506 with an annual increment of €641 to€27,429 plus an Academic Supplement of €10,669The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.

594 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċeżzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €23,793 b’żidiet annwalita’ €596 sa €25,581 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€4,212Assistent Lettur €22,143 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €531 sa€23,736 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €3,543Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lid:-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email lil: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevantMasters qualification, or would have been accepted for oralready in the process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters €23,793 with an annualincrement of €596 to €25,581 and an Academic Supplementof €4,212Assistant Lecturer €22,143 with an annual increment of€531 to €23,736 and an Academic Supplement of €3,543Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:-Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building, or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAResident Academic Full-Time Post fil-Liġidwar l-Ambjent/Enerġija/Tibdil fil-Klimafid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi Ambjen<strong>tal</strong>iu r-Riżorsi - Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-LiġiJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal Resident AcademicFull-Time Post fil-Liġi dwar l-Ambjent/Enerġija/Tibdil fil-Klima fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi Ambjen<strong>tal</strong>i u r-Riżorsi fiħdan il-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi, fl-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Dan il-ħatrahija fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għall-prova ta’ sena, sal-etàstatutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.UNIVERSITY OF MALTAResident Academic Full-Time Post in Environmen<strong>tal</strong>/Energy/Climate Change Law, Departmentof Environmen<strong>tal</strong> and ResourcesLaw Faculty of LawsApplications are invited for a Resident Academic fulltimepost in Environmen<strong>tal</strong>/Energy/Climate Change Lawin the Department of Environmen<strong>tal</strong> and Resources Lawin the Faculty of Laws of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>. Theappointment will be on an indefinite basis, subject to a oneyearprobationary period, up to statutory retirement age.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE595Il-persuna magħżula tkun mistennija li tipparteċipa fittagħlim,riċerka, amministrazzjoni u attivitajiet oħra fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi Ambjen<strong>tal</strong>i u r-Riżorsi fi ħdan il-Fakultà<strong>tal</strong>-Liġi, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq ir-riċerka. Importanza tingħata lil dawk ilkandidatili għandhom esperjenza ta’ xogħol fil-qasam <strong>tal</strong>ambjent/immaniġġar<strong>tal</strong>-liġi ambjen<strong>tal</strong>i u riżorsi u tfassil ta’politika.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji għal 2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradi fir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur €37,450 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €21,877 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €2,100Professur Assoċjat €34,384 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €17,389 u Professorial Allowanceta’€1,282Lettur Anzjan €31,122 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €12,615Lecturer €25,506 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €641 sa €27,429flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €10,669.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għodda u r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biexjissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn <strong>tal</strong>-Academic Research fiħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ tapponta kandidatippromettenti u eċċenzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur,jekk ikunu lesti li jġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlufir-Resident Academic Stream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jewġabu riżultati eċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jewjkollhom diġà kwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella ikunu diġàfil-pussess jew fil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €23,793 b’żidiet annwalita’ €596 sa €25,581 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€4,212.Assistent Lettur €22,143 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €531 sa€23,736 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €3,543.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uThe appointee will be required to contribute to theteaching, research and other activities of the Departmentof Environmen<strong>tal</strong> and Resources Law within the Faculty ofLaws, and as may be required by the University.Candidates must in possession of a Doctorate in law(LL.D.), a Ph.D. or an equivalent research based doctorate.Due importance will be given to those candidates who havework experience in the field of environmen<strong>tal</strong>/resourcemanagement law and policy making.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream is as follows:Professor €37,450 plus an Academic Supplement of€21,877 and a Professorial Allowance of €2,100Associate Professor €34,384 plus an AcademicSupplement of €17,389 and a Professorial Allowance of€1,282Senior Lecturer €31,122 plus an Academic Supplementof €12,615Lecturer €25,506 with an annual increment of €641 to€27,429 plus an Academic Supplement of €10,669.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a relevantMasters qualification, or would have been accepted for oralready in the process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters €23,793 with an annualincrement of €596 to €25,581 and an Academic Supplementof €4,212.Assistant Lecturer €22,143 with an annual increment of€531 to €23,736 and an Academic Supplement of €3,543.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of their

596 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857ismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees.Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012certificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees.Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building, or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Post (TR4) fil-MediċinaDipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-MediċinaFakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u KirurġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal Resident Academic Post(TR4) fil-Mediċina fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina fil-Fakultà<strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija, <strong>tal</strong>-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Il-ħatratkun fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għal perjodu ta’ prova ta’sena, sal-età statutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Min jinħatar ikun mistenni li jiddedika erba’ sessjonijietfil-ġimgħa għat-tagħlim, riċerka u attivitajiet oħra fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina uKirurġija, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq ir-riċerka rilevanti fil-Mediċina jew ekwivalenti.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji marbuta għall-2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradifir-Resident Academic Stream (TR4) huma kif ġej:Professur €16,478 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €9,626 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €924.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Post (TR4) in MedicineDepartment of MedicineFaculty of Medicine and SurgeryApplications are invited for a part-time (TR4) ResidentAcademic post in the Department of Medicine in the Facultyof Medicine and Surgery of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>. Theappointment will be on an indefinite basis, subject to a oneyearprobationary period, up to statutory retirement age.The appointee will be required to devote four sessionsper week to the teaching, research and other activities of theDepartment of Medicine within the Faculty of Medicine andSurgery, and as may be required by the University.Candidates must be in possession of a Ph.D. or a researchbased doctorate in Medicine or equivalent.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respective gradesin the Resident Academic Stream at TR4 is as follows:-Professor €16,478 plus an Academic Supplement of€9,626 and a Professorial Allowance of €924.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE597Professur Assoċjat €15,129 limkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €7,651 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €564.Lettur Anzjan €13,694 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €5,551.Lettur €11,223 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €282 sa €12,069flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €4,694.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għoddau r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biex jissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn tar-riċerka fi ħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati ppromettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €10,469 b’żidiet annwalita’ €262 sa €11,255 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€1,853.Assistent Lettur €9,743 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €234 sa€10,445 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €1,559.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lid:-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu wkoll email lil: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Uffiċċji Amministrattivi,Kamra 214 u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Associate Professor €15,129 plus an Academic Supplementof €7,651 and a Professorial Allowance of €564.Senior Lecturer €13,694 plus an Academic Supplementof €5,551.Lecturer €11,223 with an annual increment of €282 to€12,069 plus an Academic Supplement of €4,694.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a Mastersqualification, or would have been accepted for or already inthe process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters €10,469 with an annualincrement of €262 to €11,255 and an Academic Supplementof €1,853.Assistant Lecturer €9,743 with an annual increment of€234 to €10,445 and an Academic Supplement of €1,559.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent also by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012

598 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAResident Academic Post (TR4) fl-Ostetriċjau Ġinekoloġija, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Ostetriċja uĠinekoloġija, Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u KirurġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għall-part-time (TR4)Resident Academic post fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Ostetriċijau Ġinekoloġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija <strong>tal</strong>-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Il-ħatra tkun fuq bażi indefinita, soġġettagħal perjodu ta’ prova ta’ sena, sal-età statutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Min jinħatar ikun mistenni li jiddedika erba’ sessjonijietfil-ġimgħa għat-tagħlim, riċerka u attivitajiet oħra tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Ostetriċija u Ġinekoloġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq ir-riċerka rilevanti fl-ispeċjalità.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji marbuta għal 2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradifir-Resident Academic Stream f’TR4 huma kif ġej:Professur €16,478 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €9,626 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €924.Professur Assoċjat €15,129 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €7,651 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €564.Lettur Anzjan €13,694 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €5,551.Lettur €11,223 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €282 sa €12,069flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €4,694.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għoddau r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biex jissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn tar-riċerka fi ħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàUNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAResident Academic Post (TR4) in Obstetricsand Gynaecology, Department of Obstetrics andGynaecology, Faculty of Medicine and SurgeryApplications are invited for a part-time (TR4) ResidentAcademic post in the Department of Obstetrics andGynaecology in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery ofthe University of <strong>Malta</strong>. The appointment will be on anindefinite basis, subject to a one-year probationary period,up to statutory retirement age.The appointee will be required to devote four sessionsper week to the teaching, research and other activities ofthe Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology within theFaculty of Medicine and Surgery, and as may be required bythe University.Candidates must be in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research-based doctorate in the speciality.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research-based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream at TR4 is asfollows:Professor €16,478 plus an Academic Supplement of€9,626 and a Professorial Allowance of €924.Associate Professor €15,129 plus an Academic Supplementof €7,651 and a Professorial Allowance of €564.Senior Lecturer €13,694 plus an Academic Supplementof €5,551.Lecturer €11,223 with an annual increment of €282 to€12,069 plus an Academic Supplement of €4,694.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results at

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE599kwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters €10,469 b’żidiet annwalita’ €262 sa €11,255 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€1,853.Assistent Lettur €9,743 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €234 sa€10,445 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €1,559.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees lid:-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012undergraduate level, be already in possession of a Mastersqualification, or would have been accepted for or already inthe process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters €10,469 with an annualincrement of €262 to €11,255 and an Academic Supplementof €1,853.Assistant Lecturer €9,743 with an annual increment of€234 to €10,445 and an Academic Supplement of €1,559.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees to:-Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Part-Time Post (TR4)fil-Patoloġija fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Patoloġija,Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u KirurġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għall-part-time (TR4)Resident Academic post fil-Patoloġija fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Patoloġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija <strong>tal</strong>-Universitàta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Il-ħatra tkun fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għalperjodu ta’ prova ta’ sena, sal-età statutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Min jinħatar ikun mistenni li jiddedika erba’ sessjonijietfil-ġimgħa għat-tagħlim, riċerka, amministrazzjoni uattivitajiet oħra tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Patoloġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Part-Time Post (TR4)in the Department of Pathology,Faculty of Medicine and SurgeryApplications are invited for a part-time (TR4) ResidentAcademic post in the Department of Pathology in the Facultyof Medicine and Surgery of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>. Theappointment will be on an indefinite basis, subject to a oneyearprobationary period, up to statutory retirement age.The appointee will be required to devote four sessionsper week to the teaching, research, administration and otheractivities of the Department of Pathology within the Facultyof Medicine and Surgery, and as may be required by theUniversity.

600 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Il-kandidati jridu jkunu gradwati fil-mediċina u jkollhomPh.D. jew dottorat ekwivalenti f’wieħed mill-oqsma rilevantita’ speċjalizzazzjoni fid-Dipartiment li jinkludu patoloġijaġenerali u sistematika, ġenetika medika u mikrobijoloġija.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji marbuta għall-2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradifir-Resident Academic Stream b’TR4 huma kif ġej:Professur: €16,478 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €9,626 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €924.Professur Assoċjat: €15,129 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €7,651 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €564.Lettur Anzjan: €13,694 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €5,551.Lettur: €11,223 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €282 sa €12,069flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €4,694.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għoddau r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biex jissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn tar-riċerka fi ħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters: €10,469 b’żidiet annwalita’ €262 sa €11,255 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€1,853.Assistent Lettur: €9,743 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €234 sa€10,445 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €1,559.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikatilid-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Candidates must be medical graduates in possession ofa Ph.D. or equivalent research based doctorate, in one ofthe relevant areas of specialisation of the Department whichinclude general and systematic pathology, medical geneticsand microbiology.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respective gradesin the Resident Academic Stream at TR4 is as follows:Professor: €16,478 plus an Academic Supplement of€9,626 and a Professorial Allowance of €924.Associate Professor: €15,129 plus an Academic Supplementof €7,651 and a Professorial Allowance of €564.Senior Lecturer: €13,694 plus an Academic Supplementof €5,551.Lecturer: €11,223 with an annual increment of €282 to€12,069 plus an Academic Supplement of €4,694.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a Mastersqualification, or would have been accepted for or already inthe process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters: €10,469 with an annualincrement of €262 to €11,255 and an Academic Supplementof €1,853.Assistant Lecturer: €9,743 with an annual increment of€234 to €10,445 and an Academic Supplement of €1,559.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or e-mails) of threereferees.Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE601L-applikanti jistgħu wkoll jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 31ta’ Jannar 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Applications may also be sent by email to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Post (TR4) fil-Saħħa PubblikaDipartiment tas-Saħħa PubblikaFakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u KirurġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal part-time ta’ ResidentAcademic post (TR4) fis-Saħħa Pubblika fid-Dipartimenttas-Saħħa Pubblika fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija,<strong>tal</strong>-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Il-ħatra tkun fuq bażi indefinita,soġġetta għal perjodu ta’ prova ta’ sena, sal-età statutorja <strong>tal</strong>irtirar.Min jinħatar ikun mistenni li jiddedika erba’ sessjonijietfil-ġimgħa għat-tagħlim, riċerka u attivitajiet oħra fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Saħħa Pubblika fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina uKirurġija, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jridu jkunu gradwati fil-mediċina u jkollhomPh.D. jew dottorat ekwivalenti bbażat f’wieħed mill-oqsmata’ speċjalizzazzjoni fid-Dipartiment bħal per eżempju fl-Istatistika Medika.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji marbuta għall-2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradifir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur: €16,478 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €9,626 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €924.Professur Assoċjat: €15,129 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €7,651 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €564.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Post (TR4) in Public Healthin the Department of Public Health, Faculty ofMedicine and SurgeryApplications are invited a for part-time (TR4) ResidentAcademic post in the Department of Public Health in theFaculty of Medicine & Surgery of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>.The appointment will be on an indefinite basis, subject toa one-year probationary period, up to statutory retirementage.The appointee will be required to devote four sessionsper week to the teaching, research and other activities of theDepartment of Public Health within the Faculty of Medicineand Surgery, and as may be required by the University.Candidates must be medical graduates in possession ofa Ph.D. or equivalent research based doctorate in one of therelevant areas of specialisation of the Department such asMedical Statistics.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream at TR4 is asfollows:Professor: €16,478 plus an Academic Supplement of€9,626 and a Professorial Allowance of €924.Associate Professor: €15,129 plus an AcademicSupplement of €7,651 and a Professorial Allowance of€564.

602 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Lettur Anzjan: €13,694 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €5,551.Lettur: €11,223 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €282 sa €12,069flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €4,694.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għoddau r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biex jissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn tar-riċerka fi ħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.Assistent Lettur bil-Masters: €10,469 b’żidiet annwalita’ €262 sa €11,255 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€1,853.Assistent Lettur: €9,743 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €234 sa€10,445 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €1,559.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikati ul-ismijiet u l-indirizzi jew emails ta’ tliet referees.Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamru 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu jibagħtu e-mail: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Senior Lecturer: €13,694 plus an Academic Supplementof €5,551.Lecturer: €11,223 with an annual increment of €282 to€12,069: plus an Academic Supplement of €4,694.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a Mastersqualification, or would have been accepted for or already inthe process of achieving their Ph.D.Assistant Lecturer with Masters: €10,469 with an annualincrement of €262 to €11,255 and an Academic Supplementof €1,853.Assistant Lecturer: €9,743 with an annual increment of€234 to €10,445 and an Academic Supplement of €1,559.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees.Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may also be sent by e-mail to (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>)Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE603Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Post (TR4) fil-Kirurġijafid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kirurġija, Fakultà<strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u KirurġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal Resident AcademicPost (TR4) fil-Kirurġija fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kirurġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina u Kirurġija <strong>tal</strong>-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Ilħatratkun fuq bażi indefinita, soġġetta għal perjodu ta’ provata’ sena, sal-età statutorja <strong>tal</strong>-irtirar.Min jinħatar ikun mistenni li jiddedika erba’ sessjonijietfil-ġimgħa għat-tagħlim, riċerka u attivitajiet oħra tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kirurġija fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Mediċina uKirurġija, u kif ikun meħtieġ mill-Università.Il-kandidati jrid ikollhom Ph.D. jew dottorat ekwivalentibbażat fuq ir-riċerka fil-Kirurġija jew ekwivalenti.Ir-Resident Academic Stream hija magħmula minn erba’gradi, li huma l-Professur, Professur Assoċjat, Lettur Anzjanu l-Lettur. Il-grad <strong>tal</strong>-Lettur jew ogħla tingħata lil dawk ilpersunili għandhom il-Ph.D. jew riċerka ekwivalenti bbażatafuq id-dottorat bi gwidi stretti stabbiliti mill-Università.Is-salarji marbuta għall-2012 marbuta ma’ dawn il-gradifir-Resident Academic Stream huma kif ġej:Professur: €16,478 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplementta’ €9,626 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €924.Professur Assoċjat: €15,129 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €7,651 u Professorial Allowance ta’ €564.Lettur Anzjan €13,694 flimkien ma’ AcademicSupplement ta’ €5,551.Lettur €11,223 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €282 sa €12,069flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €4,694.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tipprovdi lill-istaff akkademikub’riżorsi finanzjarji mill-Academic Resources Fund biexjissapportja l-iżvilupp professjonali u biex jipprovdi l-għoddau r-riżorsi meħtieġa mill-istaff akkademiku biex jissodisfa t-tagħlim u l-impenn tar-riċerka fi ħdan l-Università.L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tista’ taħtar kandidati promettentiu eċċezzjonali fi grad ta’ Assistent Lettur, jekk ikunu lesti lijġibu l-kwalifiki neċessarji biex jidħlu fir-Resident AcademicStream. Dawn il-kandidati jkunu jew ġabu riżultatieċċezzjonali fil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-undergraduate, jew ikollhom diġàkwalifika fil-Masters, jew inkella jkunu diġà fil-pussess jewfil-proċess li jkollhom il-Ph.D.University of <strong>Malta</strong>Resident Academic Post (TR4) in SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryFaculty of Medicine and SurgeryApplications are invited for a part-time (TR4) ResidentAcademic post in the Department of Surgery in the Facultyof Medicine and Surgery of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>. Theappointment will be on an indefinite basis, subject to a oneyearprobationary period, up to statutory retirement age.The appointee will be required to devote four sessionsper week to the teaching, research and other activities of theDepartment of Surgery within the Faculty of Medicine andSurgery, and as may be required by the University.Candidates must be in possession of a Ph.D. or a researchbased doctorate in Surgery or equivalent.The Resident Academic Stream is composed of fourgrades, being Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturerand Lecturer. Entry into the grade of Lecturer or aboveshall only be open to persons in possession of a Ph.D. or anequivalent research based doctorate within strict guidelinesestablished by the University.The annual salary for 2012 attached to the respectivegrades in the Resident Academic Stream at TR4 is asfollows:Professor: €16,478 plus an Academic Supplement of€9,626 and a Professorial Allowance of €924.Associate Professor €15,129 plus an Academic Supplementof €7,651 and a Professorial Allowance of €564.Senior Lecturer: €13,694 plus an Academic Supplementof €5,551.Lecturer: €11,223 with an annual increment of €282 to€12,069 plus an Academic Supplement of €4,694.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> will provide academic staffwith financial resources through the Academic ResourcesFund to support continuous professional development andto provide the tools and resources required by an academicto adequately fulfil the teaching and academic researchcommitments within the University.The University of <strong>Malta</strong> may also appoint promising andexceptional candidates into the grade of Assistant Lecturer,provided that they are committed to obtain the necessaryqualifications to enter the Resident Academic Stream. Suchcandidates will either have achieved exceptional results atundergraduate level, be already in possession of a Mastersqualification, or would have been accepted for or already inthe process of achieving their Ph.D.

604 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Assistent Lettur bil-Masters: €10,469 b’żidiet annwalita’ €262 sa €11,255 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’€1,853.Assistent Lettur: €9,743 b’żidiet annwali ta’ €234 sa€10,445 flimkien ma’ Academic Supplement ta’ €1,559.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uismijiet u indirizzi (jew e-mails) ta’ tliet referees.Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikanti jistgħu wkoll jibagħtu email: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Assistant Lecturer with Masters €10,469 with an annualincrement of €262 to €11,255 and an Academic Supplementof €1,853.Assistant Lecturer €9,743 with an annual increment of€234 to €10,445 and an Academic Supplement of €1,559.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or e-mails) of threereferees.Director, Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Office forHuman Resources Management and Development, Room214, Administration Building, or from the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTAPostijiet ta’ Assistenti ta’ ProġettDipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Komunikazzjoni uInġinerija <strong>tal</strong>-Kompjuter, Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-ICTProġett DigiMoCloudProġett iffinanzjat mill-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza uTeknoloġija permezz <strong>tal</strong>-Programm Nazzjonali tar-Riċerkau TeknoloġijaJintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għall-post ta’ Assistent ta’Proġett fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Komunikazzjoni u Inġinerija <strong>tal</strong>-Kompjuter, Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-ICT.L-applikanti jridu jkunu kreattivi u motivati, kapaċijaħdmu fuq inizjattiva tagħhom, preferibbilment b’esperjenzapreċedenti ta’ xogħol. Dawn il-postijiet huma offruti għalperjodu ta’ sena bil-possibbiltà li jiġu mġedda għal senaoħra, fuq bażi full-time jew part-time.UNIVERSITY OF MALTAPosts of Project AssistantDepartment of Communications andComputer Engineering, Faculty of ICTDigiMoCloud Project:Project financed by the <strong>Malta</strong> Council for Science andTechnology through the National Research and InnovationProgramme 2011Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistantwithin the Department of Communications and ComputerEngineering, Faculty of ICT.Applicants must be creative and motivated, capable ofworking under their own initiative, preferably with priorwork experience. These posts will be offered for a period ofone year with the possibility of renewal for a second year, ona full-time or part-time basis.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE605L-applikanti maħtura, ingaġġati fuq bażi full-time, humamistennija li jsegwu programm ta’ studju postgraduatef’qasam relatat bħala parti integrali <strong>tal</strong>-proġett. Impjegatifuq bażi part-time jiġu mħeġġa biex jagħmlu l-istess.Deskrizzjoni komprensiva tax-xogħol, li tinkludikundizzjonijiet għall-eliġibbiltà tinsab fuq il-FurtherInformation Sheet.Idealment min jintgħażel ikun mistenni li jkollu:Grad Universitarju fl-ICT jew f’qasam relatat;Ħiliet tajba biex taħdem f’tim.Il-post għandu salarju annwali ta’ €17,500 fuq bażi fulltime,jew pro-rata għal impieg part-time li jinkludi l-bonuses<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikatilid-:Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi UmaniKamru 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Dawn jistgħu jintbagħtu wkoll permezz ta’ email lil:(projects.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar tat-Tnejn, it-30 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoniu għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturPożizzjoni ta’ Project Administrator għall-Proġettbit-titlu ‘Organisation of Seminars and AwarenessCampaign’ fl-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoniu għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturNomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Iċ-Chairman <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-The successful applicants, engaged on a full time basis,will be expected to follow a postgraduate programme ofstudy in a related field as an integral part of the project. Parttimeemployees will also be encouraged to do so.A more comprehensive job description, includingconditions for eligibility, may be viewed on the FurtherInformation Sheet.The ideal candidate is expected to possess:A University degree in ICT or a related field;Good team-working skills.The post carries an annual salary of €17,500 on a fulltimebasis, or pro-rate for part time employment including<strong>gov</strong>ernment bonuses.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates to the:Director for Human Resources Management andDevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications may be sent also by email to: (projects.hrmd@um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>).Applications should be received by not later than noonon Monday, 30th January, 2012.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, University of <strong>Malta</strong>, orfrom the website: (http://www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/hrmd/vacancies).20th January, 2012<strong>Malta</strong> Competitionand Consumer Affairs AuthorityPosition of Project Administrator for the‘Organisation of Seminars and Awareness Campaign’within the <strong>Malta</strong> Competitionand Consumer Affairs AuthorityNomenclatures denoting the male gender include alsothe female gender.The Chairman of the <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and ConsumerAffairs Authority invites applications for the position of

606 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857pożizzjoni ta’ Project Administrator għall-proġett bit-titlu‘Organisation of Seminars and Awareness Campaign’ – ESF4.163 fl-Awtorità għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur.2.1 Il-persuna magħżula tkun mistennija li tidħol f’kuntrattsa Ġunju <strong>tal</strong>-2014 bħala Project Administrator mal-Awtoritàgħall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur sabiextimplimenta l-proġett <strong>tal</strong>-ESF 4.163 ‘Training of Consumerand Competition Officials and Awareness Campaign’ li huwaparzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-FondSoċjali Ewropew (2007-2013) – Insaħħu Ħilitna għall-AktarImpiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja Aħjar.2.1.1 Peress li din il-pożizzjoni hija marbuta ma’ terminuta’ żmien fiss jew tkomplija ta’ biċċa xogħol speċifika, ugħaldaqstant dan jikkostitwixxi raġuni oġġettiva skontRegolament 7(4)(ċ) <strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali 51/2007 kif sostitwitb’Regolament 3(b)(4) <strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali 239/2008. Persuna lima tkunx tat sehem sodisfaċenti bħala Project Administrator(ESF 4.163 Training of Consumer and Competition Officialsand Awareness Campaign) matul il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-proġettikollha l-kuntratt tagħha tterminat.3.1 Il-ħlas relatat ma’ din il-pożizzjoni huwa marbutmal-massimu ta’ Skala 7 (€22,515 <strong>tal</strong>-2012) fis-ServizzPubbliku.4.1 Id-dmirijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Project Administrator jinkludu:-(a) li l-persuna taħdem taħt is-superviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-ProjectLeader fuq it-tfassil ta’ offerti <strong>tal</strong>-ESF 4.163 u l-kuntrattiskont ir-regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-kuntratti pubbliċi u r-reviżjoni u l-aġġornamenti ta’ speċifikazzjonijiet relatati mal-offerti;(b) xiri ta’ servizzi u materjal meħtieġ għal dan ilproġett;(ċ) iwettaq ix-xogħol amministrattiv meħtieġ li għandux’jaqsam ma’ dan il-proġett;(d) iżomm id-dokumentazzjoni kollha meħtieġa, litinkludi sejħiet għall-offerti u invoices u li wieħed idaħħaldawn id-dokumenti fl-iStructural Funds Database SFD);(e) ipproċessar u preparazzjoni ta’ ċertifikati, invoices u l-irċevuti skont kif inhu mitlub fil-Manual of Procedures 07-13;(f) iżomm u jieħu ħsieb li jimplimenta l-obbligi kollha<strong>tal</strong>-pubbliċità;(g) jimplimenta l-pubbliċità skont l-obbligi meħtieġadwar il-pubbliċità;(h) jiċċekkja u jimmaniġġa l-ħruġ <strong>tal</strong>-flus kif skjedat filpjanu jikkoordina l-implimentazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-pjan;Project Administrator for the ‘Organisation of Seminarsand Awareness Campaign’ – ESF 4.163 within the <strong>Malta</strong>Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.2.1 The selected candidate will enter into a contractup to June 2014 as Project Administrator within the <strong>Malta</strong>Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority for thesmooth implementation of the ESF 4.163 Project ‘Trainingof Consumer and Competition Officials and AwarenessCampaign’ which is part-financed by the European Unionunder the European Social Fund (2007 – 2013) – EmpoweringPeople for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life.2.1.1 Since this position is time-barred or linked to thecompletion of a specific task, such constitutes an objectivereason in terms of Regulation 7 (4) (c) of Legal Notice 51/2007as substituted by Regulation 3(b)(4) of Legal Notice 239/2008.Unsatisfactory performance as Project Administrator (ESF4.163 Training of Consumer and Competition Officials andAwareness Campaign) during the assignment period will leadto termination of the assignment.3.1 The remuneration attached to this position is peggedto the maximum of Salary Scale 7 (€22,515 in 2012) in thePublic Service.4.1 The duties of Project Administrator include:(a) working under the supervision of the Project Leader onall matters relating to drafting the relevant ESF 4.163 tendersand contracts as per public contracts regulations and reviewingand updating of specifications related to the tender;(b) procuring of services and materials required underthis Project;(c) carrying out the necessary administrative work inrelation to the said project;(d) maintaining all the necessary documentation, includingquotations obtained and invoices, and the inputting of thesedocuments in the Structural Funds Database (SFD);(e) processing invoices and preparing invoices statuscertificates and receipts as per manual of procedures 07-13;(f) keeping and implementing of all related documentationas per Manual of Procedures;(g) implementing publicity as per the obligatory publicityrequirements;(h) monitoring and managing the disbursement schedulebreakdown and coordinating the implementation schedule;

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE607(i) jikkoordina l-kuntratti meħtieġa;(j) jipprepara rapport dwar il-progress <strong>tal</strong>-proġett u fuqkwalunkwe ħaġa oħra li għandha x’taqsam mall-proġett;(k) jorganizza laqgħat kif ikun meħtieġ dwar il-progress<strong>tal</strong>-proġett;(l) iżomm ir-rekords li jinkludu kumpilazzjonijiet usottomissjonijiet ta’ <strong>tal</strong>biet lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti;(m) ikun disponnibbli għall-laqgħat, għall-awditjarta’ ESF u ċċekkjar fuq il-post waqt il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-kuntrattiimsemmi;(n) jaħdem id f’id mal-ministeru konċernat, il-ManagingAuthority (PPCD), u l-istakeholders <strong>tal</strong>-Proġett;(o) jagħmel kull xogħol ieħor li l-Project Leader jista’jassenjalu għat-tkomplija <strong>tal</strong>-proġett;Programmar(p) jagħti pariri lill-Project Leader dwar bidliet,jirrakkomanda azzjonijiet li għandhom jittieħdu u jakkwis<strong>tal</strong>-permessi meħtieġa meta jkun il-bżonn.Aspett Finanzjarju <strong>tal</strong>-Proġett(q) jirrapporta lill-Project Leader b’mod regolari u jagħtipreċiżjonijiet ta’ infiq finali, inkluż varjazzjonijiet fuq l-infiqu l-implikazzjonjijiet ta’ infiq ta’ estensjonijiet ta’ ħin u jagħtidati tat-tkomplija;(r) jaħdem mal-Project Leader fil-preparazzjonijiet ta’pagamenti;(s) iżżomm kuntatt mal-Ministeru konċernat u entitajietoħra, mat-Teżor, id-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u entitajietoħra rilevanti u inkluż imsieħba sabiex tiġi stabbilit ftehimdwar proċeduri u kontrolli relatati mat-tħaddim ta’ fondi <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea f’<strong>Malta</strong>;6. Sal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:-(a) ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>; jew(i) coordinating the necessary contracts;(j) preparing progress and any other project relatedreports as per regulations;(k) setting up and organising the necessary projectprogress meetings;(l) keeping proper records including the compilation andsubmission of claims to the competent authorities;(m) being available for meetings, ESF audits and on-thespotchecks during the specified contract period;(n) working in liaison with the Line Ministry, theManaging Authority (PPCD) and Project Stakeholders;(o) undertaking any other tasks which the Project Leadermay delegate to him/her as my be required for the project toprogress the completion;Programming(p) advising the Project Leader of changes, recommendappropriate action and obtain authorisation in each instancewhere the need for such changes arises;Financial Aspects of the Project(q) reporting to the Project Leader at regular intervalsgiving forecast of final costs, including costs of variationsand the cost implications of extensions of time and forecastcompletion dates;(r) supporting the Project Leader in the preparation ofpayments;(s) liaising with Line Ministries and horizon<strong>tal</strong> stakeholders,the Treasury and the Department of Contracts and otherrelevant horizon<strong>tal</strong> stakeholders including partners with aview to developing a clear understanding of procedures andcontrol relating to the management of EU Funds in <strong>Malta</strong>;6. By the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must be:(a) citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; or(b) ċittadini ta’ Stat ieħor Membru <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea:jewor(b) citizens of another European Union Member State;(ċ) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi oħra li għalihom japplikawid-dispożizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-UE dwar il-moviment ħieles <strong>tal</strong>persuni(f’każ ta’ diffikultà dwar dawk il-pajjiżi li għalihomjapplikaw id-dispożizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-UE għandu jiġi kkonsultatil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet Barranin); jew(c) citizens of other countries to which the EU provisionson free movement of persons apply (in case of difficulty theMinistry of Foreign Affairs is to be consulted regarding thecountries to which EU provisions apply); or

608 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857(d) il-konjugi u tfal, anki jekk huma ċittadini ta’ pajjiżterż, ta’ dawk il-persuni msemmija f’(a), (b) u (ċ) hawn fuq,sakemm huma eliġibbli li jaħdmu f’<strong>Malta</strong> skont leġiżlazzjonieżistenti. Dan għandu jkun stabbilit fuq il-parir tad-Direttur,Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza u Expatriates, Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet Barranin.Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(b), (ċ) u (d) hawnfuq hija soġġetta għall-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawkil-każijiet fejn din hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u leġiżlazzjoni oħra sussidjarja.(i) ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u dikIngliża;(ii) (a) fil-pussess ta’, jew ġew approvati biex jingħataw,First Degree rikonoxxuta, f’livell 6 <strong>tal</strong>-MQF, jew kwalifikarikonoxxuta xierqa komparabbli, preferibbilment f’qasamrelatat ma’ Project Management, u mill-inqas sentejn (2)esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti;jew(b) fil-pussess ta’, jew ġew approvati biex jingħataw, postgraduate degree (Masters) rikonoxxuta jew ogħla, f’Livell7 <strong>tal</strong>-MQF jew ogħla, jew kwalifika rikonoxxuta xierqakomparabbli, preferibbilment fi Project Management;(iii) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb, applikanti jridujippreżentaw ċertifikat ta’ kondotta <strong>tal</strong>-pulizija, jew awtoritàkompetenti oħra maħruġ riċenti u mhux aktar tard minn sitt(6) xhur mid-data tas-sejħa għall-applikazzjoni.7. Kunsiderazzjoni xierqa tingħata lil dawk l-applikanti ligħandhom esperjenza tajba f’management (preferibbilmentb’enfasi fuq project management) u li kapaċi jaħdmu taħtpressjoni u jiffissaw prijoritajiet u miri realistiċi u anke lildawk il-kandidati li jafu lingwi uffiċjali oħra <strong>tal</strong>-UE.8. Persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali għall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (KNPD) jistgħu jgawdu minn ‘bdilraġonevoli’ skont l-Artikolu 7 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar OpportunitajietIndaqs (Persuni b’Diżabilità), (Kap. 413), anke jekk majkunux jossodisfaw għal kollox il-parametri <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltàgħall-pożizzjoni. Dan basta jkunu jistgħu jwettqu d-dmirijietrelatati mal-pożizzjoni fl-assenza tagħhom, u sakemmikun hemm qbil min-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur.8.1 Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawsola għandhomjintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni u għandhomikunu msaħħa b’dokumenti relevanti li jinkludu evidenzadokumentata tar-reġistrazzjoni ta’ applikant/a għaliex majissodisfax/tissodisfax il-parametri kollha <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltà(d) the spouse and children, even if they are third countrynationals, of any person mentioned at (a), (b) and (c) above,provided they are eligible to work in <strong>Malta</strong> under currentlegislation. This should be determined with the advice ofthe Director, Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs, Ministry offoreign Affairs.The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c) and(d) above would necessitate the issue of an employmentlicense in so far as this is required b y the Immigration Actand subsidiary legislation.(i) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese andEnglish languages both written and oral;(ii) (a) in possession, or have been approved for theaward, of a recognised First Degree, at MQF level 6, or arecognised appropriate comparable qualification, preferablyin an area related to project management, with at least two(2) years relevant work experience;orb) in possession, or have been approved for the award,of a recognised post graduate degree (Masters) or higher,at MQF level 7 or higher, or a recognised appropriatecomparable qualification, preferably in an area related toproject management;(iii) of good moral character; applicants must producea recent certificate of conduct issued by the Police or othercompetent authority not earlier than six (6) months from thedate of this call for applications.7. Due consideration will be given to applicants whohave a good track record in management (preferably with anemphasis on project management) and delivering results underpressure, and sufficient experience to be able to set prioritiesand demanding but realistic objectives and also to candidatesable to communicate in other official EU languages.8. Persons registered with the National Commissionfor Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be givenreasonable accommodation in terms of Article 7 of the EqualOpportunities (Persons with Disability) (Cap. 413), even ifthey do not satisfy in full the eligibility requirements for thisposition provided they can carry out, in essence, the dutiesrelated to the position and subject to the concurrence of the<strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.8.1 Representations in terms of this clause should beattached to the application forms and supported with relevantdocuments which must also include documentary evidence ofregistration with the NCPD. Reasoned justifications should begiven to substantiate the lack of full eligibility requirements and

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE609u għaliex huma mistħoqqa kunsiderazzjonijiet speċjali, ilkorrispondenzakollha għandha tiġi indirizzata lil-Awtoritàriċeventi u tkun ikkupjata lill-KNPD.9.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna li jkollhagħandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, illi kopjatagħhom għandha tkun jew mehmuża mal-applikazzjoni jewjintbagħtu separatament liċ-Chairman <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumaturmhux aktar tard minn għaxart’ijiem (10) ta’ xogħol mid-data<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Kopji mgħoddija bl-iscanner huma aċċettabbli.9.2 Iċ-ċertifikati oriġinali u/jew dokumenti għandhom,mingħajr eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.9.3 (a) Fejn jikkonċerna kwalifiki sottomessi b’rispons għaldin is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti huma meħtieġajuru dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent maħruġa miċ-ĊentruMalti għar-Rikonoxximent <strong>tal</strong>-Kwalifiki u <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki, jew Awtorità pertinenti oħra,skont il-każ. Din id-dikjarazzjoni għandha tinthemeż malapplikazzjoni,bl-originali tintwera waqt l-intervista.(b) Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni lid-dipartiment/direttorat riċeventikif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhom u, f’ebda ċirkustanza,mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħagħall-applikazzjonijiet. Applikanti li ma jilħqux jippreżentawdin d-dikjarazzjoni fi żmien xahar għal raġunijiet mhux filkontrolltagħhom, jistgħu jitolbu għal estensjoni b’xaharieħor liċ-Chairman <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità u jindikaw b’mod ċar irraġunijietgħad-dewmien.(ċ) L-applikanti huma eżenti milli jippreżentaw iddikjarazzjoniimsemmija hawn fuq jekk ikollhom kwalifikimiksuba minn Universitajiet akkreditati jew istituzzjonijietakkreditati oħra li huma mniżżla u jistgħu jinkisbu millpaġna<strong>tal</strong>-MQRIC fis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki:(www.mqc.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/mqric). F’każ ta’ dubju, madankollu, il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla jista’ jwarrab din l-eżenzjoni u jitlob lil minjapplika biex jippreżenta dikjarazzjoni, bil-possibbiltà ta’estensjoni kif imsemmi f’sub-paragrafu (b) hawn fuq.10.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jkunu jridu joqogħdu għalinterview minn Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla biex jiġi aċċertat li humaadatti għal din il-pożizzjoni.10.2 Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti jiġi ppubblikat mill-Awtoritàta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur, Mizzi House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.10.3 Oġġezzjonijiet għar-riżultat jistgħu jiġu sottomessiliċ-Chairman, Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni uwhy reasoned considerations are merited. All correspondenceis to be addressed to the Customer Care Section, HumanResources Development Department of the Directorate forEducational Services and copied to the NCPD.9.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must besupported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of whichshould either be attached to the application or sent separatelyto the Chairman of the <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and ConsumerAffairs Authority by not later than ten (10) working daysfrom the closing date. Scanned copies sent electronically areacceptable.9.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to beinvariably produced for verification at the interview.9.3 (a) With respect to qualifications produced in responseto this call for applications, applicants are required toproduce a recognition statement by the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsRecognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council, or by any other designatedauthority, as applicable. Such statement should be attached tothe application and the original presented at the interview.(b) Applicants who are not in possession of such astatement may still apply, provided that they submit a copyof the statement to the receiving department/directorate assoon as it is available and, in any case, by not later thanone month from the closing date of the call for applications.Applicants who fail to present the required statement withinthe one-month period for reasons beyond their control mayrequest an extension of this time limit, up to a further onemonth, from the Authority’s Chairman.(c) Applicants are exempt from the above requirements inrespect of qualifications obtained from accredited universitiesor other accredited institutions that are listed and available fordownload from the MQRIC page of the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsCouncil website (www.mqc.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/mqric). In cases of doubt,however, the Selection Board may set aside this exemptionand direct an applicant to procure a recognition statementfrom MQRIC. In such a case the applicant shall be given onemonth to procure the statement, subject to the possibility ofextension as provided for in sub-paragraph (b) above.10.1 Eligible applicants will be interviewed by a SelectionBoard to assess their suitability for the position.10.2 The result of the interviews will be published bythe <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority, atMizzi House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.10.3 Petitions objecting to the result may be submittedto the Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs

610 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur, fi żmien għaxart’ijiem (10)ta’ xogħol minn data <strong>tal</strong>-publikazzjoni.11. Il-persuna magħżula tkun trid toqgħod għal eżamimediku biex jiġi assigurat li hija adatta għal din il-pożizzjoni.12. Il-persuna magħżula tista’ tkun meħtieġa li tivvjaġġabarra minn <strong>Malta</strong> (għal taħriġ kif ukoll fuq xogħol) skontkif meħtieġ miċ-Chairman, <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni u l-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur.13. Il-persuna magħżula li ssiefer biex tagħmel ilkorsijiet,tintrabat bil-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti skont il-<strong>Malta</strong>Public Service Management Code.14.1 L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma’ curriculum vitaefil-European Curriculum Vitae Format li jindika l-kwalifikiu l-esperjenza, jintlaqgħu primarjament miċ-Chairman, l-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur, Mizzi House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda,mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentral Ewropew) <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012.14.2 Skont ir-Retention Policy ta’ dokumenti li għandhomx’jaqsmu mar-riżorsi umani fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>,l-applikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-persuna maħtura fil-pożizzjoni marbutama’ din is-sejħa tibqa tinżamm sakemm tagħlaq 75 sena. Ilbqija<strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet jibqgħu jinżammu għall-perjodumitlub mir-regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-programm <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea ligħalih qiegħda tinħareġ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet.15.1 (a) Tingħata rċevuta minnufih għall-applikazzjonijietli jaslu bl-idejn mill-Uffiċċju Amministrattiv <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’<strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni u l-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur.(b) Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu bil-posta għandhomikunu rreġistrati u jintbagħtu kmieni biżżejjed biex jasluqabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Timbagħat irċevuta mill-UffiċċjuAmministrattiv <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoniu u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur fi żmien sebat’ijiem (7).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Authority, Mizzi House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda, withinten (10) working days from the date of the publication.11. The selected applicant will be medically examined toascertain that he/she is fit for the position.12. The selected applicant may be required to travelabroad (for training and also for work) as determined bythe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer AffairsAuthority.13. The selected applicant proceeding abroad to followcourses will be bound by the relevant conditions laid downin the Public Service Management Code.14.1 Applications together with a CV in the EuropeanCurriculum Vitae Format indicating qualifications andexperience will be received in the first instance by theChairman of the <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer AffairsAuthority, Mizzi House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, bynot later than noon (Central European Time) on Thursday,9th February, 2012.14.2 In accordance with the Retention Policy of HRDocuments in the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service, applications forthese position shall be retained until age 75 in the case ofthe appointed person. All other applications will be retainedfor the period stipulated in the regulations <strong>gov</strong>erning the EUprogramme for which this call is issued.15.1 (a) Applications delivered by hand will beacknowledged in writing by the Administration Office of the<strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority and areceipt will be given in hand at the time of delivery.(b) Applications by post should be sent by registered mailin sufficient time to ensure delivery by the above deadline.The applications will be acknowledged in writing by thewithin seven (7) days.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarOfferta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE u 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs for a Better Quality of LifeTender part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds and 15% National FundsInvesting in your future

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE611Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi EdukattiviSejħa għal ServizzIl-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi tinħtieġ isservizzita’:Ħilti and Id f’Id Tutors;NWAR Tutors;Klabb Naħla Homework TutorsIttra ta’applikazzjoni flimkien ma’ CV (Format Europass),għandhom jintbagħtu lil (mwp.fes@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) sa nofsinhar ta’nhar l-Erbgħa, 25 ta’ Jannar 2012.Aktar informazzjoni jew kopja tad-deskrizzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-irwoljinkisbu mingħand Muriel Grech fuq (mwp.fes@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>)jew fuq 21 455 600/607, est. 128.Il-kriterji prinċipali għal Ħilti and Id f’Id Tutors:Applikanti eliġibbli jrid ikollhom lawrija marbuta mal-Edukazzjoni flimkien ma’ warrant permanenti, iridu jkunukwalifikati bħala LSA jew inkella jkollhom lawrija fil-Youthand Community Studies jew Social Work.Iridu jkunu lestew il-kors <strong>tal</strong>-Family Literacy jew l-FESTraining Programme for potential Family Literacy Tutors:Iridu jkunu ħadmu mill-inqas għal sena b’esperjenzarelatata ma’ dal-qasam.Il-kriterji prinċipali għal NWAR Tutors huma:Applikanti eliġibbli jrid ikollhom lawrija marbuta mal-Edukazzjoni flimkien ma’ warrant permanenti jew iridujkunu kwalifikati bħala LSA;Iridu jkunu lestew il-kors <strong>tal</strong>-FES Training Programmefor potential NWAR Tutors:Minimu ta’ sentejn esperjenza fit-tagħlim.Il-kriterji prinċipali għal Klabb Naħla Tutors huma:Persuni li japplikaw iridu jkunu għalliema <strong>tal</strong>-Primarja;Minimu ta’ sentejn esperjenza fit-tagħlim.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Foundation for Educational ServicesCall for ServiceThe Foundation for Educational Services is seeking theservices of:Ħilti and Id f’Id Tutors;NWAR Tutors;Klabb Naħla Homework TutorsA covering letter together with C.V., Europass format,should be sent to (mwp.fes@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) by noon on Wednesday25th January 2012.Further information or a copy of the job description canbe obtained from Ms Muriel Grech on (mwp.fes@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) oron 21 455 600/607, ext. 128.The main eligibility criteria for Ħilti and Id f’Id Tutors:Eligible applicants must have a teaching degree and apermanent warrant, be a qualified LSA or possess a degreein Youth and Community Studies or Social Work.Successful completion of FES Family Literacy Courseor FES Training Programme for potential Family LiteracyTutors:A minimum of 1 year work experience in the relatedfield.The main eligibility criteria for NWAR Tutors:Eligible applicants must have a teaching degree and apermanent warrant or be a qualified LSA;Successful completion of FES Training Programme forpotential NWAR Tutors:A minimum of 2 years teaching experience.The main eligibility criteria for Klabb Naħla HomeworkTutors:Eligible applicants must be primary school teachers;A minimum of 2 years teaching experience.20th January, 2012

612 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠSejħa għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzi PsikoloġiċiIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ se tkun qedtikkuntratta s-servizzi psikoloġiċi għall-Youth EmploymentProgramme (YEP) tagħha, li hu mmirat għal persuni ligħandhom bejn 16 u 24 sena. Il-persuna magħżula hijamistennija li tagħti madwar 20 siegħa servizzi psikoloġiċifix-xahar fuq bażi ta’ kuntratt.Il-Youth Employment Programme huwa parzjalmentiffinanzjat mill-Fond Soċjali Ewropew <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeau se jibqa’ jopera sal-aħħar <strong>tal</strong>-2012.Min se jintgħażel biex jagħti s-servizz għandu jkunfil-pussess ta’ kwalifika akkademika jew professjonalirikonoxxuta fil-Psikoloġija, u għandu jew ikollu warrantbħala psikologu jew ikun qed jaħdem taħt is-superviżjonita’ psikologu reġistrat (skont Kapitolu 471 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar il-Professjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Psikoloġija <strong>tal</strong>-2004, kif amendat b’AvviżLegali 427 <strong>tal</strong>-2007).Min hu interessat huwa mitlub sabiex jibgħatapplikazzjoni, flimkien ma’ CV det<strong>tal</strong>jata b’ittra rreġistratajew bl-idejn, indirizzata kif ġej:Il-Project LeaderSejħa għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzi PsikoloġiċiESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeKorporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-TaħriġUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBG 3000L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jaslu sa mhux aktar tardminn nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Se tintbagħat konferma għal kull applikazzjoni li tirċievil-Korporazzjoni. L-applikazzjonijiet kollha se jkunu trattatib’konfidenzjalità stretta.Is-CV’s li tirċievi l-Korporazzjoni se jinżammu mill-ETC għal riferenza fil-futur. Dawk l-individwi li ma jridux litinżamm is-CV tagħhom mill-ETC għandhom jibagħtu ittrafl-indirizz ta’ hawn fuq u jirċievu s-CV tagħhom lura waral-eżerċizzju ta’ għażla.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Employment and Training CorporationCall for the Provision of Psychological ServicesThe Employment and Training Corporation is seeking tocontract the provision of psychological services for its YouthEmployment Programme (YEP), which is targeted at youngpeople aged 16 to 24. The selected provider is expected toprovide an average of 20 hours of psychological services permonth on a contract for service basis.The Youth Employment Programme is partially fundedby the European Social Fund of the European Union and willrun till the end of 2012.The selected provider must be in possession of a recognisedacademic or professional qualification in Psychology, andeither hold a warrant as a psychologist or are currentlypracticing under the supervision of a registered psychologist(as per Chapter 471 of the Psychology Profession Act of2004, as amended by Legal Notice 427 of 2007).Interested providers requested to send an application,together with a detailed CV by registered mail or by handaddressing it as follows:The Project LeaderCall for the Provision of Psychological ServicesESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeEmployment and Training CorporationHead OfficeĦal Far BBG 3000Applications are to be received by not later than Tuesday,31st January 2012.All applications will be acknowledged and will be treatedin strictest confidence.CV’s sent by providers will be kept by ETC for futurereference. Those providers who do not wish to have their CVkept by ETC should send a letter to the above address andwill receive their CV back following the selection exercise.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarProgramm kofinanzjat mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ Kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeProgramme part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your future

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE613KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠSejħa għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzi ta’Career GuidanceIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ se tkun qedtikkuntratta s-servizzi ta’ career guidance għall-YouthEmployment Programme (YEP) tagħha, li hu mmirat għalpersuni li għandhom bejn 16 u 24 sena. Il-persuna magħżulahija mistennija li tagħti madwar 40 siegħa servizzi psikoloġiċifix-xahar fuq bażi ta’ kuntratt.Il-Youth Employment Programme huwa parzjalmentiffinanzjat mill-Fond Soċjali Ewropew <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeau se jibqa’ jopera sal-aħħar <strong>tal</strong>-2012.Min se jintgħażel biex jagħti s-servizz għandu jkun filpussessta’ diploma jew degree rikonoxxuta relatata malgwida<strong>tal</strong>-karrieri u għandu jkollu minimu ta’ sena esperjenzaprattika bħala career guidance practitioner.Min hu interessat huwa mitlub sabiex jibgħatapplikazzjoni, flimkien ma’ CV det<strong>tal</strong>jata b’ittra reġistratajew bl-idejn, indirizzata kif ġej:Il-Project LeaderSejħa għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzi ta’ Career GuidanceESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeKorporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-TaħriġUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBG 3000L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jaslu sa mhux aktar tardminn nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Se tintbagħat konferma għal kull applikazzjoni li tirċievil-Korporazzjoni. L-applikazzjonijiet kollha se jkunu trattatib’konfidenzjalità stretta.Is-CV’s li tirċievi l-Korporazzjoni se jinżammu mill-ETCgħal referenza fil-futur. Dawk l-individwi li ma jridux litinżamm is-CV tagħhom mill-ETC għandhom jibagħtu ittrafl-indirizz ta’ hawn fuq u jirċievu s-CV tagħhom lura waral-eżerċizzju ta’ għażla.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Employment and Training CorporationCall for the Provision of Career GuidanceServicesThe Employment and Training Corporation is seekingto contract the provision of career guidance services toyoung people aged 16 to 24 under its Youth EmploymentProgramme (YEP). The selected provider is expected toprovide an average of 40 hours of career guidance servicesper month on a contract for service basis.The Youth Employment Programme (YEP) is partiallyfunded by the European Social Fund of the European Unionand will run till the end of 2012.The selected provider must be in possession of arecognised diploma or degree related to career guidance andmust have a minimum of one year practical experience as acareer guidance practitioner.Interested providers are requested to send an application,together with a detailed CV, by registered mail or by handaddressing it as follows:The Project LeaderCall for the Provision of Career Guidance ServicesESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeEmployment and Training CorporationHead OfficeĦal Far BBG 3000Applications are to be received by not later than Tuesday,31st January 2012.All applications will be acknowledged and will be treatedin strictest confidence.CV’s sent by providers will be kept by ETC for futurereference. Those providers who do not wish to have their CVkept by ETC should send a letter to the above address andwill receive their CV back following the selection exercise.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarProgramm kofinanzjat mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ Kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeProgramme part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your future

614 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠSejħa għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzita’ Faċilitar u Għajnuna ta’ AttivitajietIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ se tkun qedtikkuntratta s-servizzi ta’ faċilitar u għajnuna ta’ attivitajietgħall-Youth Employment Programme (YEP) tagħha. Dawkli se jintgħażlu biex jagħtu s-servizz se jkunu qed jassistumembri tat-tim waqt l-organizzazzjoni u l-implimentazzjonita’ attivitajiet varji organizzati bħala parti mill-programm.Dawn se jkunu wkoll mistennija biex jimmaniġġaw issistema<strong>tal</strong>-online chat li hi aċċessibbli mill-website <strong>tal</strong>-YEP,fejn se jkunu mistennija li jwieġbu għall-mistoqsijiet <strong>tal</strong>pubblikudwar il-YEP u servizzi relatati oħra.Dawk li se jintgħażlu se jidħlu f’kuntratt u jkunumistennija li jagħtu s-servizzi tagħhom għal massimu ta’ 50siegħa fix-xahar, maqsuma fuq żewġ individwi. Il-ħinijiettax-xogħol jistgħu jkunu filgħodu, filgħaxija u fi tmiem ilġimgħa,skont il-ħtiġiet <strong>tal</strong>-proġett.Dan il-programm huwa mmirat għaż-żgħażagħ ta’ bejnis-16 u l-24 sena, u huwa parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-FondSoċjali Ewropew <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea u se jibqa’ jopera salaħħar<strong>tal</strong>-2012.Dawk li se jintgħażlu biex jagħtu s-servizz għandhomikunu fil-pussess ta’ ħames passes ‘O’ Levels li jikludu l-Matematika, il-Malti u l-Ingliż, żewġ passes ‘A’ Levels, ujkunu temmew b’suċċess il-Modules kollha <strong>tal</strong>-ECDL. Dawkli huma fil-pussess ta’ diploma jew degree m’għandhomxgħalfejn jissodisfaw il-kriterja <strong>tal</strong>-ECDL.Dawk li se jintgħażlu biex jagħtu s-servizz għandujkollhom liċenzja tas-sewqan u vettura tagħhom. Għandujkollhom aċċess għal kompjuter b’konnessjoni mal-internet.Esperjenza preċedenti ta’ xogħol maż-żgħażagħ se tkunikkonsidrata bħala kwalità ta’ utilità.Min hu interessat huwa mitlub sabiex jibgħatapplikazzjoni, flimkien ma’ CV det<strong>tal</strong>jata b’ittra reġistratajew bl-idejn, indirizzata kif ġej:Il-Project LeaderSejħa għal Provvediment ta’ Servizzita’ Faċilitar u Għajnuna ta’ AttivitajietESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeKorporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-TaħriġUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBG 3000L-ismijiet ta’ żewġ persuni bħala riferenzi għandhomikunu sottomessi mal-ittra ta’ applikazzjoni.Employment and Training CorporationCall for the Provision of Activity Facilitationand Support ServicesThe Employment and Training Corporation (ETC) isseeking to contract the provision of activity facilitationand support services for its Youth Employment Programme(YEP). The selected providers will be assisting teammembers during the organisation and implementation ofvarious activities organised as part of the programme.Providers will also be required to man the online chat systemavailable on the YEP website, where they will be requiredto answer queries from the public about the YEP and otherrelated services.The selected providers will be contracted on a contractfor service basis and will be required to give their servicesfor a maximum of 50 hours per month shared between 2individuals. Working hours may include mornings, eveningsand weekends subject to project requirements.This programme which is targeted at young people aged16 to 24, is partially funded by the European Social Fund ofthe European Union and will run till the end of 2012.The selected providers must be in possession of five‘O’ Level passes which include Mathematics, Maltese andEnglish, two ‘A’ Level passes and satisfactorily completedthe full ECDL Modules. Applicant service providers whoare in possession of a recognised diploma or degree do notneed to satisfy the ECDL requirement.Contracted providers must have a driving license andtheir own vehicle. They must have access to a computerwith internet connection. Previous experience in workingwith young persons will be considered an asset.Interested providers are requested to send an application,together with a detailed CV, by registered mail or by handaddressing it as follows:The Project LeaderCall for the Provision of Activity Facilitationand Support ServicesESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeEmployment and Training CorporationHead OfficeĦal Far BBG 3000The names of two referees should be submitted with theletter of application.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE615L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jaslu sa mhux aktar tardminn nhar it-Tlieta, 31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Se tintbagħat konferma għal kull applikazzjoni li tirċievil-Korporazzjini. L-applikazzjonijiet kollha se jkunu trattatib’konfidenzjalità stretta.Is-CV’s li tirċievi l-Kororazzjoni se jinżammu mill-ETCgħal referenza fil-futur. Dawk l-individwi li ma jridux litinżamm is-CV tagħhom mill-ETC għandhom jibagħtu ittrafl-indirizz t’hawn fuq u jirċievu s-CV tagħhom lura wara l-eżerċizzju ta’ għażla.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Applications are to be received by not later than Tuesday,31st January 2012.All applications will be acknowledged and will be treatedin strictest confidence.CV’s sent by providers will be kept by ETC for futurereference. Those providers who do not wish to have their CVkept by ETC should send a letter to the above address andwill receive their CV back following the selection exercise.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarProgramm kofinanzjat mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ Kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeProgramme part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureKORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠSejħa għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzita’ Terapija OkkupazzjonaliIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ se tkun qedtikkuntratta s-servizzi ta’ terapija okkupazzjonali għall-Youth Employment Programme (YEP) tagħha, li hu mmiratgħal persuni li għandhom bejn 16 u 24 sena. Il-persunamagħżula hija mistennija li tagħti madwar 20 siegħa servizzipsikoloġiċi fix-xahar fuq bażi ta’ kuntratt.Il-Youth Employment Programme huwa parzjalmentiffinanzjat mill-Fond Soċjali Ewropew <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeau se jibqa’ jopera sal-aħħar <strong>tal</strong>-2012.Min se jintgħażel biex jagħti s-servizz għandu jkun filpussessta’ kwalifika rikonoxxuta fit-terapija okkupazzjonaliu ta’ ċertifikat ta’ reġistrazzjoni maħruġ mill-Kunsill għall-Professjonijiet Supplimentari għall-Mediċina (KPSM).Min hu interessat huwa mitlub sabiex jibgħatapplikazzjoni, flimkien ma’ CV det<strong>tal</strong>jata b’ittra rreġistratajew bl-idejn, indirizzata kif ġej:Employment and Training CorporationCall for the Provision of OccupationalTherapy ServicesThe Employment and Training Corporation is seeking tocontract the provision of occupational therapy services forits Youth Employment Programme (YEP), which is targetedat young people aged 16 to 24. The selected provider isexpected to provide an average of 20 hours of occupationaltherapy services per month on a contract for service basis.The Youth Employment Programme is partially fundedby the European Social Fund of the European Union and willrun till the end of 2012.The selected provider must be in possession of arecognised qualification in Occupational Therapy andof a registration certificate issued by the Council for theProfessions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM).Interested providers are requested to send an application,together with a detailed CV, by registered mail or by handaddressing it as follows:

616 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Il-Project LeaderSejħa għal Provvediment ta’ Servizzita’ Terapija OkkupazzjonaliESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeKorporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-TaħriġUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBG 3000L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jaslu sa mhux aktar tardminn nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar 2012.Se tintbagħat konferma għal kull applikazzjoni li tirċievil-Korporazzjojni. L-applikazzjonijiet kollha se jkunu trattatib’konfidenzjalità stretta.Is-CV’s li tirċievi l-Korporazzjoni se jinżammu mill-ETC għal riferenza fil-futur. Dawk l-individwi li ma jridux litinżamm is-CV tagħhom mill-ETC għandhom jibagħtu ittrafl-indirizz ta’ hawn fuq u jirċievu s-CV tagħhom lura waral-eżerċizzju ta’ għażla.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012The Project LeaderCall for the Provision of OccupationalTherapy ServicesESF 3.60 Youth Employment ProgrammeEmployment and Training CorporationHead OfficeĦal Far BBG 3000Applications are to be received by not later than Tuesday,31st January 2012.All applications will be acknowledged and will be treatedin strictest confidence.CV’s sent by providers will be kept by ETC for futurereference. Those providers who do not wish to have their CVkept by ETC should send a letter to the above address andwill receive their CV back following the selection exercise.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarProgramm kofinanzjat mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ Kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeProgramme part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureDirettorat għal KWALITÀU STANDARDS FL-EDUKAZZJONI (DKSE)Riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-Intervista għall-Postijietta’ Uffiċjali Edukattivi fid-Direttoratgħal Kwalità u Standardsfl-Edukazzjoni (DKSE)Id-Direttorat għal Kwalità u Standards fl-Edukazzjoni(DKSE) jgħarraf illi wieħed jista’ jara r-riżultat għall-intervistagħall-postijiet imsemmija hawn fuq fin-notice-board tad-Direttorat għal Kwalità u Standards fl-Edukazzjoni (DKSE),Floriana, fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta u fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Assistent Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Edukazzjoni, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Directorate for QUALITYAND STANDARDS in education (DQSE)Result of Interview for the Postsof Education Officers in the Directoratefor Quality and Standardsin Education (DQSE)The Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education(DQSE) notifies that the result of the interview for theabovementioned posts may be viewed on the notice-boardof the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education(DQSE), Floriana, on the notice-board of the Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Valletta and on the notice-board ofthe Assistant Director of Education, Victoria, Gozo.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE617MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIRiżultati ta’ Intervistifil-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet RuraliIs-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u AffarijietRurali, jgħarraf illi r-riżultati <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti għall-pożizzjonijiet/post imsemmija hawn taħt ġew ippubblikat u wieħed jista’jarahom fuq in-notice-board prinċipali fid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-PeopleManagement and Support Services, Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu l-Affarijiet Rurali, Blokk ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici,Floriana, u fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.Il-Pożizzjonijiet/Post huma li ġejjin:Trainee Fisheries Protection Officer fid-Direttorat għall-Kontroll tas-Sajd fi ħdan id-Dipartiment għar-Regolazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Biedja u s-SajdSenior Fisheries Protection Officer fid-Direttorat għall-Kontroll tas-Sajd fi ħdan id-Dipartiment għar-Regolazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Biedja u s-SajdPrincipal Scientific OfficerL-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MINISTERU TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA,KONSULTAZZJONI PUBBLIKA U L-FAMILJARiżultat għall-Pożizzjoni ta’ Manager(Għaqdiet Volontarji) fl-Uffiċċju tas-SegretarjuPermanenti fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja,Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u l-FamiljaId-Direttorat għar-Riżorsi Umani (Politika Soċjali) fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja, Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u l-Familjajgħarraf illi wieħed jista’ jara r-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-għażla għallpożizzjonimsemmija hawn fuq in-notice-board tat-Taqsimatar-Riżorsi Umani (Politika Soċjali), Palazzo Ferreria, 310, Triqir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta u fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Ministeru għall-Internu Affarijiet ParlamentariRiżultat ta’ Post ta’ Junior Legal OfficerIl-Ministeru għall-Intern u Affarijiet Parlamentari jgħarrafli r-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervista għall-post imsemmi hawn fuq ġieppubblikat u jinsab fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku u fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Ministerugħall-Intern u Affarijiet Parlamentari, House of Ca<strong>tal</strong>unya,Triq Marsamxett, Il-Belt Valletta.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MINISTRY FOR RESOURCESAND RURAL AFFAIRSResults of Interviews in theMinistry for Resources and Rural AffairsThe Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs, notifies that the results of the interviews forthe under-mentioned positions/post have been publishedand can be viewed on the main notice-board at the PeopleManagement and Support Services Directorate, Ministryfor Resources and Rural Affairs, Block ‘A’, Triq FrancescoBuonamici, Floriana, and on the notice-board of the Officeof the Public Service Commission, The Palace, Valletta.The Positions/Post are the following:Trainee Fisheries Protection Officer in the FisheriesControl Directorate within the Agriculture and FisheriesRegulation DepartmentSenior Fisheries Protection Officer in the FisheriesControl Directorate within the Agriculture and FisheriesRegulation DepartmentPrincipal Scientific Officer20th January, 2012MINISTRY FOR JUSTICE,DIALOGUE AND THE FAMILYResult for the Position of Manager(Voluntary Organisations) in the Officeof the Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Justice,Dialogue and the FamilyThe Human Resource Management Directorate (SocialPolicy) in the Ministry for Justice, Dialogue and the Familynotifies that the result of the selection of the above-mentionedposition may be viewed on the notice-board of the HumanResources Section (Social Policy), Palazzo Ferreria, 310Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, and at the Office of the PublicService Commission, The Palace, Valletta.20th January, 2012MINISTRY FOR HOMEAND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRSResult of Post for Junior Legal OfficerThe Ministry for Home and Parliamentary Affairsnotifies that the result for the above mentioned post hasbeen published and may be viewed on the notice-board ofthe Public Service Commission and on the notice-board ofthe Ministry for Home and Parliamentary Affairs, House ofCa<strong>tal</strong>unya, Triq Marsamxett, Valletta.20th January, 2012

618 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-EżamijietEżami għall-Ingaġġ ta’ Uffiċjali Kadettifil-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> (Forza Regolari)- 2011/2012Id-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet jgħarraf li r-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-eżamiimsemmi ġie ppubblikat u wieħed jista’ jarah fid-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana fil-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Examinations DepartmentExamination for the Recruitment of Officer Cadetsin the Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> (Regular Force)- 2011/2012The Director of Examinations notifies that the result of theabove examination has been published and may be viewed atthe Examinations Department, Floriana during office hours.20th January, 2012Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-EżamijietEżami għall-Ingaġġ ta’ Suldati fil-Forzi Armatita’ <strong>Malta</strong> (Forza Regolari) - 2011/2012Id-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet jgħarraf li r-riżultat tat-TieniParti (Eżami bil-miktub) intbagħat lill-kandidati. Il-kandidatili għaddew mit-Tieni Parti, ġew avżati bl-appuntament <strong>tal</strong>-Infantry Suitability Assessment (It-Tielet Parti).Dawk l-applikanti li ma rċevewx l-avviż ta’ dan it-testhuma mitluba biex jikkuntattjaw minnufih lid-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana, fuq 2598 2231.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Department of ExaminationsExamination for the Engagement of Soldiers in theArmed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> (Regular Force) - 2011/2012The Director of Examinations notifies that the result forPart II (Written) has been sent to candidates. Candidateswho passed from Part II, have been informed of the date ofthe Infantry Suitability Assessment (Part III).Those candidates who have not received the notice ofthis assessment are invited to contact the Department ofExaminations, Floriana, immediately on 2598 2231.20th January, 2012Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-EżamijietLondon Chamber of Commerce and IndustrySeries 3 2012 and on Demand June 2012Id-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet jgħarraf lill-kandidati li fiħsiebhom jagħmlu l-Eżamijiet <strong>tal</strong>-London Chamber ofCommerce and Industry - Series 3 2012 and on DemandJune 2012 li l-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jintlaqgħu minnnhar it-Tnejn, it-13 ta’ Frar, 2012, sal-Ġimgħa, l-24 ta’ Frar,2012, mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar u mis-1.30 p.m. sal-4.30p.m. kif ġej:Kandidati f’<strong>Malta</strong>:Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-EżamijietTriq l-Assedju l-Kbir,FlorianaKandidati f’Għawdex:Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-EżamijietTriq Fortunato Mizzi,Ir-Rabat,GħawdexDet<strong>tal</strong>ji dwar ħlasijiet u suġġetti disponibbli jistgħujinkisbu mill-uffiċċji msemmija.Examinations DepartmentThe London Chamber of Commerce and IndustrySeries 3 2012 and on Demand June 2012The Director of Examinations notifies candidatesintending to sit for the London Chamber of Commerceand Industry - Series 3 2012 and on Demand June 2012Examinations that application forms will be received fromMonday, 13th February 2012 up to Friday 24th February,2012 from 8.00 a.m. till noon and from 1.30 p.m. till 4.30p.m. as follows:<strong>Malta</strong> Candidates:Examinations DepartmentTriq l-Assedju l-Kbir,FlorianaGozo Candidates:Examinations CentreTriq Fortunato Mizzi,Victoria,GozoDetails regarding fees and subjects available may beobtained from the above offices.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE619Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana, u miċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, ir-Rabat,Għawdex, jew minn fuq il-website tad-Dipartiment: (www.exams.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Other details may be obtained from the ExaminationsDepartment, Floriana, and the Examinations Centre,Victoria, Gozo, or from the Department’s website on: (www.exams.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012MINISTRY OF RESOURCESAND RURAL AFFAIRSInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)2012-2013 IRENA Scholarship ProgrammeCall for ApplicationsThe International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is issuing its call for applications for the IRENA Scholarship Programmeat the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MI) in Abu Dhabi, for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Masdar Institute,established in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is the world’s first graduate-level universitydedicated to providing solutions to issues of sustainability, focusing on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. Masdar’sfaculty, students, and staff work in a vibrant research community, integrating technology, policy, and systems.With the support of the Government of the United Arab Emirates, up to twenty IRENA scholarships are offered annually forinterested Master of Science students in the eight programmes offered at Masdar Institute: Chemical Engineering, Computingand Information Science, Electrical Power Engineering, Engineering Systems and Management, Materials Science andEngineering, Mechanical Engineering, Microsystems Engineering, and Water and Environmen<strong>tal</strong> Engineering.Special consideration will be given to applicants from developing countries in order to support countries most severelyaffected by today’s challenges such as energy access, energy security and climate change.The closing date for application is: 31st May, 2012.Additional information on the IRENA Scholarship Programme, including entry requirements and the selection process,is available on the IRENA website (www.irena.org) or via email at: scholars@irena.org20th January, 2012Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi EdukattiviTraining Course għal Tutors <strong>tal</strong>-Programm NWARIl-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi qed torganizza korsta’ taħriġ għal min jixtieq jibda jaħdem fil-programm NWARbħala NWAR Tutor. Parteċipanti eliġibbli huma għalliema uLSA’s kwalifikati li għandhom mill-anqas sentejn esperjenza.L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jaslu sa nhar il-Ħamis, it-2 ta’ Frar 2012. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jintbagħtu lil:FES, Attn: Rita Azzopardi PO Box 1 RBT 1000. Opportunitajietta’ xogħol bħala part-time tutors fil-Programm NWAR jistgħujiġu offruti lil min ikun temm il-kors b’suċċess.Aktar informazzjoni tinkiseb mingħand Rita Azzopardi fuq21 455 600/607, est. 131, jew: (rita-marie.azzopardi@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Foundation for Educational ServicesTraining Course for potential NWAR TutorsThe Foundation for Educational Services is organisinga Training Course for potential NWAR Tutors. Eligibleparticipants are teachers and qualified LSA’s. Applicantsmust have a minimum of two years teaching experience.The closing date for applications is Thursday, 2ndFebruary 2012. Applications should be sent to: FES, Attn:Rita Azzopardi PO Box 1 RBT 1000. Opportunities to workas part-time tutors within the NWAR Programme may beoffered to successful candidates.Further information is obtained from Rita Azzopardi on 21455 600/607, ext. 131, or: (rita-marie.azzopardi@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012

620 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE621KUNSILL LOKALI BIRGULista ta’ Bejjiegħa <strong>tal</strong>-MontiDin il-lista ta’ bejjiegħa <strong>tal</strong>-monti approvati qiegħda tiġippubblikata hawn taħt skont l-Artikoli 12 u 16 (1) (d) <strong>tal</strong>-Attdwar il-Liċenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ (Kap. 441).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012BIRGU LOCAL COUNCILList of approved Market HawkersThe following list of approved market hawkers is beingpublished hereunder, in terms of Articles 12 and 16 (1) (d) ofthe Trade Licences Act (Cap. 441).20th January, 2012Suq fil-Beraħ fil-BirguOpen-Air Market at BirguNru. <strong>tal</strong>-Posta Isem <strong>tal</strong>-Bejjiegħ Indirizz Nru <strong>tal</strong>-Karta <strong>tal</strong>-IdentitàNo. of S<strong>tal</strong>l Hawker’s Name Address Identity Card No.11 Jean Paul Paris Shalimar Court, Flt. 2, Triq Nazju Falzon, Msida 169283M94 Susan Muscat 7, Triq Guze’ Bonnici, Iklin 337782M95 Anthony Muscat 7, Triq Guze’ Bonnici, Iklin 753362M96 Moira Micallef 69, Triq Censu Busuttil, Iklin 509080M97 Victor Buhagiar 3, Triq it-Tuffieh, Naxxar 472163M98 Paul Tabone 2, Triq San Duminku, Valletta 558741M99 Gerald Lewis 120, Triq Salvu Psaila, B’kara 162571M100 Claudio Melidoni Shalimar Court, 3, Triq Nazju Falzon, Msida 24060A101 Louis Gatt Gnien Benna, Triq il-Wied, Iklin 180755M102 Raymond Pace Casa Mureen, Triq Il-ferrovija l-Qadima, Balzan 76155M103 Ivan Camilleri Rosa Nera, Triq Tal-Qattus, Ghaxaq 327972M104 Robert Axisa Blessing, Triq Dun Karm Lia, Safi 497570M105 Tracy A. Camilleri 23, Triq San Guzepp Calleja, Iklin 485474M106 Joseph Camilleri Selika, Wied Hal Balzan, Balzan 325479M107 Joseph Gafa’ 23, Mehriez Str., Attard 627756M108 Maria Dolores Cassar 135b, Triq il-Karmnu, Zurrieq 258761M109 Angelo Cassar Fior Di Maggio, Flt. 2, Triq il-Kittien, Zabbar 258879M110 Alison Mula Blk R Flt 3 Housing Estate, Hamrun 603381M111 Ghelan Ragab 125, Triq it-Tempji Neolitici, Paola 34389M113 Yvette Farrugia Ivy, Triq Il-ponsjetta, Attard 51275M114 Alex Farrugia Ivy, Triq Il-ponsjetta, Attard 99676M115 Lucienne Tabone Blk G, Flt 7, Triq Il-lellux, Santa Lucija 183665M116 Raymond Tabone Blk G, Flt 7, Triq Il-lellux, Santa Lucija 220462M117 Ray Borg 14, Triq Il-qolla, Zebbug 778458M118 Paul Agius Dar Ic-cycas, Triq Al Sajd, Zebbug 725052M119 Josephine Agius Dar Ic-cycas, Triq Al Sajd, Zebbug 588950M120 Carmelo Micallef 12, Triq Il-gnien, Zabbar 703545M121 John Borg Bonaci 17, Triq Il-barjol, Mosta 707561M122 Anton Micallef 6, Triq Is-saqwi, Zabbar 547386M123 Alfred Cortis 16, Triq Gaspare Pace, Siggiewi 161480M

622 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Nru. <strong>tal</strong>-Posta Isem <strong>tal</strong>-Bejjiegħ Indirizz Nru <strong>tal</strong>-Karta <strong>tal</strong>-IdentitàNo. of S<strong>tal</strong>l Hawker’s Name Address Identity Card No.124 Amanda Attard Emyson’, Lorenzo Gonzi Str., Tarxien Pla 12 272380M125 Paul Camilleri Emmpaul, Triq San Tumas, Tarxien 15257M126 Simon Caruana 7, Sqaq Sidtna Tal-mirakli, Zabbar 364478M127 Roderick Magro Bienvenue, Triq A. Caligari, Zabbar 61082M128 Roderick Magro Bienvenue, Triq A. Caligari, Zabbar 61082M129 Saviour Cassar 124, Triq Atocia, Hamrun 477361M130 Giovanni Cassar Casa Cassar, Triq Pietru Xuereb, Hamrun 619455M131 Mario Cassar St. Mary, Triq il-Basqallin, Zejtun 306957M132 Mark Scicluna 49, Triq Odilone, Tarxien 125174M133 Joseph Farrugia 33, Triq L-iskola, Tarxien 508150M135 Carmelo Abdilla 51,triq Ix-xitwa, Qormi 786953M136 Ivan Azzopardi St. Paul’s Bldgs’, Blk A, Flt. 1,St. Vincent Str., Hamrun481576M137 John M. Azzopardi 10, Triq Marsamxett, Valletta 348438M142 Carmelo Psaila 47, Triq Il-kromb, Attard 641650M143 Alfred Zerafa 16, Triq L-imghazel, Naxxar 281149M144 Anthony Gregoraci 30, Triq Antonio Miruzzi, Mosta 72767M145 Martin Agius 1, Triq Mons. Alan Fenech, Mosta 745362M146 Rene Pizzuto 19, Triq San Guzepp Tanti, Lija 444676M147 Emanuel C. Busuttil Blk B / 7 Triq L-ifran, Valletta 5771M148 Rita Calleja 23, Triq L-ghonnella, Mosta 475562M149 Paul Calleja 23, Triq L-ghonnella, Mosta 455461M150 Paul Abela St. Rita’, Triq Dun Manwel Zammit, Siggiewi 974348M151 Anthony Caruana 51, Triq Il-farfett Tal-frejgel, Zabbar 151656M152 Karmenu Apap Noel’s, Triq Dun Gorg Fenech, Qormi 418351M153 Raymond Calleja Redeemer Hse, Olaf Gollgher Str., Birkirkara 113469M154 Christian Formosa Casa Dolce Vita, Modatex, Carob Rd.,Santa Venera542162M155 Anthony Calleja 9, Triq Mose Gatt, B’Kara 81945M156 Clinton Joseph Abela 33, A2, Misrah Ir-repubblika, Tarxien 342984M157 Vincent Abela 122, Triq il-Knisja, Xghajra 1034346M158 Mary Cachia Skippy Hse, Triq il-Poezija, Zebbug 209939M159 Joseph Calleja 2, Sqaq Nru. 2, Triq Raymond Caruana, Gudja 178452M160 Jeffrey Sciberras 42, Triq Tumas Fenech, B’kara 407369M161 Claudia Farrugia 65, Joann Garden, Tarxien 336073M162 Alan Farrugia 65, Joann Garden, Tarxien 103172M163 Mario Galea 18, Triq Il-germanja, Naxxar 386165M164 Emanuel Mifsud 71, Triq Il-ferrovija, Santa Venera 510452M165 Alfred Scicluna 305, Triq Fleur De-lys, B’kara 910649M166 Saviour Cassar 6, Triq Il-karmnu, Zurrieq 241985M167 Carmelo Bezzina Pur Etoile, Triq Ilkbira, Gharghur 421050M

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE623Nru. <strong>tal</strong>-Posta Isem <strong>tal</strong>-Bejjiegħ Indirizz Nru <strong>tal</strong>-Karta <strong>tal</strong>-IdentitàNo. of S<strong>tal</strong>l Hawker’s Name Address Identity Card No.168 Dylan Bonnici 6, Triq l-Imnarja, Naxxar 534685M169 Alison Zahra Blk A, Flt. 7, Qasam Hal Dmikki, Ghaxaq 297081M170 Joseph Zahra Blk A, Flt. 7, Qasam Hal Dmikki, Ghaxaq 1073648M171 Grezzju Bezzina 37, Triq Stiefnu Zerafa, Gharghur 688851M172 George Balzan Alfaville’, Triq Mikelang Sapiano, Zebbug 77264M173 George Cassar Redentur, Triq San Gwakkin, Qormi 481974M175 Mary Cutajar 7, Sqaq Nru. 2, Triq il-Pres. A. Buttigieg, Zejtun 416264M176 Lucia Bonnici 92. Triq Karmenu Vassallo, P/m Iklin 899549M177 Joseph Ellul San Guzepp’, Triq Is-salvatur, Marsaxlokk 269483M178 Gordon Micallef Blk. 1, Ent. A, Flt.5, Govt. Hsng Estate, Hal-Farrug 530071M179 Marco Micallef 63, Helmar F. Buhagiar Str., B’Kara 190470M180 George Zammit 223, Triq F.s. Caruana, Birkirkara 560342M219 Redent Tabone 188e / Flt. 6, Triq Sant’Orsla, Valletta 345780M220 Carmelo Tabone 188e / Flt. 6, Triq Sant’Orsla, Valletta 74553M222 Alfred Calleja 99, Triq Tumas Galea, B’kara 750354M223 Elton Calleja 99, Triq Tumas Galea, B’kara 154678M230 Lourdes Zammit La Lumiere, Triq Tal-qattus, B’kara 391882M241 Emanuel Bezzina Casa Maria, Triq San Gwann, Gharghur 179150M242 James Bezzina Casa Maria, Triq San Gwann, Gharghur 473774M243 Godwin Azzopardi Redeemer Hse, Tas-Salib L/o Rabat, <strong>Malta</strong> 234972M244 Clinton Bugeja Jasdonclint’, Triq Andrea Debono, Naxxar 161382M266 John Caruana 1, Triq Espeditu Catania, Zabbar 207767M282 Richard Mercieca 29, Triq Patri Marjanu Vella, Iklin 324466M285 Carmelo Caruana 27, Charcat, Triq E. Attard Bezzina, Zejtun 534763M286 Catherine Caruana 27, Charcat, Triq E. Attard Bezzina, Zejtun 227367M293 Roderick Pace Gasan 2, Triq L-1 Ta’ Frar 1994, Zabbar 147885M294 Censina Pace Gasan 2, Triq L-1 Ta’ Frar 1994, Zabbar 214956M318 Oswald Camilleri St. Rita, Triq Emvin Cremona, Msida 0341085M319 Victor Camilleri St. Rita, Triq Emvin Cremona, Msida 603459M320 Sesay Yapo 55, Triq L-isptar, Valletta 23932A321 Anthony Micallef 123, Vjal Il-wiehed u Ghoxrin Ta’ Settembru, Naxxar 326952M325 Paul Farrugia Adonai, Triq Il-palma, Madliena, Swieqi 321974M327 Victor John Agius Flt. 3, Spring Field Court, Triq il-Buttar, M’Skala 1782M328 Maria Victoria Agius Stavic Win’, Triq il-Kappuccini, Zabbar 420261M329 Nino Fernitico 82, Old Bakery Str., Valletta 18991A330 Silvio Formosa Flt.17, Indipendenza Flts., Binja Hamrija,Triq il-Hamrija, Naxxar554664M331 Paul Micallef Il-girna, Triq Anthony Aquilina, Zebbug 208960M332 Raymond Scicluna Flt. 4, Qasam Tal-bini <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>,Binja K, Ent. A Zabbar637162M339 Isabel Schembri 20, Flt. 4, Triq Manuel Dimech, Sliema 277082M

624 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Nru. <strong>tal</strong>-Posta Isem <strong>tal</strong>-Bejjiegħ Indirizz Nru <strong>tal</strong>-Karta <strong>tal</strong>-IdentitàNo. of S<strong>tal</strong>l Hawker’s Name Address Identity Card No.340 Rita Borg 20, Flt. 4, Triq Manuel Dimech, Sliema 623159M355 Jennifer Vassallo 22, Windsor Str., Paola 469077M357 Christian J. Vassallo Flt. 3, Binja Vista, Triq Dun MauroInguanez, B’Kara530185M112 Part of Ali Saleh Rhuma 56a, Triq Pawlu Magri, Luqa 393403L112 Part of Carmela Abdilla 23, Triq Santa Katerina, Gudja 271230M134/275 Carmelo Calleja 73, Triq Savra, Marsa 493557M174 Part of Philip Cassar Georphil, Triq San Gwakkin, Qormi 387380M174 Part of Charles Caruana Holy Trinity, Triq il-Gibjun, Ghaxaq 631081M224/225 Bertu Aquilina Sebh, Triq San Nikola, Gharghur 406250M226/227 Paul Brincat Sunflower, Triq Tal-papa, B’Bugia 69643M228/229 Carmelo Aquilina Blk 1, Flt. 1, Triq il-31 ta’ Marzu, Gharghur 793151M267/268 John Cutajar Honey Blonde’, Triq Il-Bahrija, Zabbar 165465M270/271 Joseph Bonnici Dolce Vita/Flt , Triq Gdida fi Triq Tal-Wej, Mosta 467774M298/299 Raymond Muscat 157, Triq Francesco Buhagiar, B’kara 450881M316 Part of Anthony Zammit La Lumiere, Triq Tal-Qattus, B’kara 148165M317Part of 316323 &Part of 324Joe Borg Bonaci 23, Triq Francesco Buhagiar, B’Kara 597555MJohn Bezzina 39, Shamrock, Triq il-Helsien, Qormi 360844MTilar Aron Mcpherson 65, Triq Sir Ugo Mifsud, Lija 204971MWaiting List għal Suq fil-Beraħ fil-BirguWaiting List for Open-Air Market at BirguNumruNumberIsem <strong>tal</strong>-BejjiegħHwker’s Name1. Neville Mercieca2. Noel Pace3. Claire Callus4. Geoffrey Oliva5. Raymond Attard6. Mario Debono7. Joeline Grima8. Silvio Tonna9. Stephen Attard10. Stephen Caruana11. Carmelo Galea12. Michelle Caruana13. El Sayed El Asrag14. Ruben Friggieri15. Walter Payne16. Ronald Caruana17. Simon Spiteri

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE625NumruNumberIsem <strong>tal</strong>-BejjiegħHwker’s Name18. Roberto Attard Bianchardi19. Ray Cini20. Anthony Cutajar21. Antoine Borg22. Ruth Falzon23. Stephan Sladden24. Raymond Vella25. Philip Chirchop26. Anthony Muscat27. Catherine Grixti28. Joseph Mifsud29. Noel Zammit30. horace Attard31. Guido Spiteri32. Angelo Zarb33. Nazzarena Aguis34. Joseph Grech35. Anna Maria Camilleri36. Mark Barbara37. Mark Barbara38. Christopher Axiaq39. Nazzarena Grech40. Isabelle Bonnici41. Rachel Maria Schooling42. Lee Pac43. Antonella Magri (Grima)44. Winslow Agius45. Jason Attard46. Charlot Borg47. Denise Buhagiar48. Paul Borg49. Christopher Bonello50. Carmel Mallia51. Micheal Sciberras52. Joseph Aquilina53. Christian Attard54. Anthony Triosi55. Carmela Azzopardi56. Ingrid Mizzi57. Antonia Bonnici58. Godfrey Abela59. Joseph Enriquez60. Kevin Micallef61. Josephine Mifsud62. George Thomas Mazzitelli63. Koroma Abubakarr64. Scott Fenech

626 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KUNSILL LOKALI ĦAD-DINGLILaqgħa Annwali <strong>tal</strong>-LokalitàSkont l-artikolu 70 (1) <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap.363), il-Kunsill Lokali Ħad-Dingli jgħarraf li se ssir laqgħaannwali <strong>tal</strong>-lokalità nhar it-Tnejn, l-20 ta’ Frar 2012 fiċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità, Daħla tas-Sienja, Ħad-Dingli, fl-4.30p.m.L-attendenza numeruża tar-residenti tkun apprezzata.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012ĦAD-DINGLI LOCAL COUNCILAnnual Locality MeetingIn accordance with provisions of Section 70 (1) of theLocal Councils’ Act (Cap. 363), the Ħad-Dingli LocalCouncil will be holding its annual locality meeting onMonday, 20th February 2012 at the Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità,Daħla tas-Sienja, Ħad-Dingli at 4.30 p.m.The numerous attendance of the residents would beappreciated.20th January, 2012KUNSILL LOKALI L-IMQABBALaqgħa Annwali <strong>tal</strong>-LokalitàSkont l-Artikolu 70 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar il-Kunsilli Lokali (Kap.363), il-Laqgħa Annwali <strong>tal</strong>-Lokalità se ssir fis-7.00 p.m.<strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, 27 ta’ Jannar 2012, fil-Pjazza <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, L-Imqabba.Dawk kollha li isimhom jidher fir-Reġistru Elettoraligħal-lokalità <strong>tal</strong>-Imqabba huma mistiedna biex jattenduu jieħdu sehem billi jressqu l-ilmenti u s-suġġerimentitagħhom biex jiġu kkunsidrati fl-Estimi Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-2012 liqed jiġu ppreparati.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MQABBA LOCAL COUNCILAnnual Locality MeetingIn accordance with Article 70 of the Local Councils’Act (Cap. 363), the Annual Locality Meeting will be held at7.00 p.m. on Friday, 27th January, 2012, at Church Square,Mqabba.All those listed in the Electoral Register for the localityof Mqabba are invited to attend and to participate by puttingforward their complaints and suggestions to be considered inthe General Estimates of 2012 which are being prepared.20th January, 2012DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTIId-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża illi, b’riferenzagħall-avviż il-ġdid li ġej, jistgħu jintbagħtu offertimagħluqin fid-data indikata hawn taħt. L-offertigħandhom jiġu mitfugħa fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana:Sal-10.00 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, l-1 ta’ Marzu 2012, għal:CT/A/002/2012 – Nru. ta’ Ref. <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT3099/2011. Provvista ta’ ħdax (11)-il vettura tat-tip saloongħall-Pulizija ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Dan huwa Supplies Notice taħt l-International OpenTender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-FruntieriEsterni – Programm Annwali - 2011Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-17 ta’ Jannar,2012.DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTSThe Director General (Contracts) notifies that sealedtenders in respect of the following new advertisementwill be received on the date indicated below. Tenders areto be deposited in the Tender Box of the Department ofContracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana:Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 1st March, 2012,for:CT/A/002/2012 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3099/2011.Provision of eleven (11) saloon vehicles for the <strong>Malta</strong> PoliceForce. A copy of the tender document may be downloadedfrom the website: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).This is a Supplies Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European External Borders Fund– Annual Programme - 2011The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 17th January,2012.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE627Lista <strong>tal</strong>-avviżi kurrenti tinsab permezz tas-sit tad-Dipartiment fuq: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/current_tenders).Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn fuq issittad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>). L-offerenti huma avżati li mill-istess sit, jistgħu jniżżlupreviżjoni tad-dokumenti, bla ħlas. Tinħtieġ reġistrazzjonisabiex isir użu tas-servizzi elettroniċi tad-Dipartiment: iktarinformazzjoni tinsab fuq: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/help?l=2). Is-sit jipprovdi wkoll informazzjoni dwar sejħietta’ offerti u rakkomandazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>offertifil-ħin u d-data memmija aktar ’il fuq.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża lill-offerenti kollhailli skont l-AL 296 <strong>tal</strong>-2010 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-KuntrattiPubbliċi 2010 ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet magħmula mill-KumitatĠenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti għar-rigward <strong>tal</strong>-għoti ta’ kuntratti pubbliċise jkunu ppubblikati fuq in-notice-board tad-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti nhar ta’ Erbgħa u nhar ta’ Ġimgħa wara 12.00(nofsinhar). L-Offerenti jistgħu jiksbu din l-informazzjonibilli jużaw il-website uffiċjali tad-Dipartiment: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Kull offerent li jkollu xi oġġezzjoni għal xi rakkomandazzjonijrid iressaq l-ilment uffiċjali tiegħu lid-Direttur Ġeneral(Kuntratti) skont Partijiet II jew XIII <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija Regolamentili tistabbilixxi fid-det<strong>tal</strong>l il-proċedura li trid tkun segwita f’każbħal dan. Huwa fl-interess ta’ kull offerent li jkun jaf sewwa d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji ta’ din il-Parti tar-Regolamenti.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012A list of all current advertisements is available fro<strong>mt</strong>he Department’s website: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/current_tenders).Tender documents are only obtainable from the websiteof the Department of Contracts: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>). Tenderers are reminded that from this website, theycan download preview documents for free. Registrationis required in order to make use of the electronic servicesof the Department: more information is available from:(http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/help). The website also providesupdated information concerning calls for tenders and GeneralContracts Committee recommendations.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and dates specified above.20th January, 2012The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderersthat in terms of LN 296 of 2010 of the Public ContractsRegulations 2010 recommendations made by the GeneralContracts Committee for the award of public contracts willbe given publicity in the Department of Contracts’ noticeboardevery Wednesday and Friday after 12.00 (noon).Tenderers may also obtain this information by utilizingthe Department’s official website: (http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any suchrecommendation must submit his official complaint to theDirector General (Contracts) in accordance with Parts II orXIII of the said Regulations which lays down in detail theprocedure to be followed in such a case. All tenderers should,therefore, familiarise themselves with the provisions of thisPart of the Regulations.20th January, 2012DIPARTIMENT TAL-ARTIJIETIl-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet jgħarraf li:Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 ta’ filgħodu<strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, is-26 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Avviż Nru. 1. Għotja b’ċens perpetwu rivedibbli ta’ sitfl-Imrieħel, limiti ta’ Birkirkara, muri bl-aħdar u mmarkatNru. 1 fuq pjanta P.D.JO_4_2004_A. L-offerti għandhomikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €2,000skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqasmill-ammont ta’ tmint elef sitt mija u sitta u erbgħin ewro(€8,646) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.LAND DEPARTMENTThe Commissioner of Land notifies that:Sealed tenders in respect of the followingadvertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box atthe Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 26th January, 2012.Advt. No. 1. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusisof a site in Mrieħel limits of Birkirkara, shown edged in greenand marked No.1 on plan P.D.JO_4_2004_A. Tenders are tobe accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €2,000 asstipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amountof eight thousand six hundred and forty six Euro (€8,646)per annum will not be considered.

628 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Avviż Nru. 2. Għotja b’ċens perpetwu rivedibbli ta’ sitfl-Imrieħel, limiti ta’ Birkirkara, muri bl-oranġjo u mmarkatNru. 5 fuq pjanta P.D.JO_4_2004_A. L-offerti għandhomikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €2,000skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offertianqas mill-ammont ta’ tmint elef sitt mija u erbatax-il ewro(€8,614) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 3. Għotja b’ċens perpetwu rivedibbli ta’ FondNru. 25, Sqaq il-Mitħna, Iż-Żejtun, kif muri fuq pjantaP.D.JO_32_2007. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €500 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’tlitt elef u ħames mitt ewro (€3,500) fis-sena ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 4. Bejgħ ta’ Store H, Blokk 2B, GżiraComplex, Triq il-Gżira, Il-Gżira, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjantaP.D.28_87_3. Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwelrifjut. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bondgħall-ammont ta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħdax-il elf ewro(€11,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 5. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, biex jintużabħala ġnien, ta’ sit fi Triq ir-Rieċnu, San Ġwann, muri blaħmaru mmarkat Nru. 2 fuq pjanta P.D.134_90_1_A.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mitt ewro (€100) fis-sena majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 6. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, biex jintuża bħalaġnien, ta’ sit fi Triq ir-Rieċnu, San Ġwann, muri bl-aħmar ummarkat Nru. 3 fuq pjanta P.D.134_90_1_A. Offerti anqasmill-ammont ta’ ħamsa u għoxrin ewro (€25) fis-sena majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.A fee of €100 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 2. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusis ofa site in Mrieħel limits of Birkirkara, shown edged in orangeand marked No.5 on plan P.D.JO_4_2004_A. Tenders are tobe accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €2,000 asstipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amountof eight thousand six hundred and fourteen Euro (€8,614)per annum will not be considered.A fee of €100 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 3. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusisof Premises No. 25, Sqaq il-Mitħna, Żejtun, as shown onplan P.D.JO_32_2007. Tenders are to be accompanied by abid-bond for an amount of €500 as stipulated in the tenderconditions. Offers below the amount of three thousand fivehundred Euro (€3,500) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 4. Sale of Store H, Block 2B, Gżira Complex,Gżira Road, Gżira, shown edged in red on plan P.D.28_87_3.This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. Tenders are tobe accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €1,000 asstipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amountof eleven thousand Euro (€11,000) will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 5. Lease, on a year to year basis, to be used forgardening purposes, of a site in Triq ir-Rieċnu, San Ġwann,shown edged in red and marked No. 2 on plan P.D.134_90_1_A. Offers below the amount of one hundred Euro (€100)per annum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 6. Lease, on a year to year basis, to be used forgardening purposes, of a site in Triq ir-Rieċnu, San Ġwann,shown edged in red and marked No. 3 on plan P.D.134_90_1_A. Offers below the amount of twenty five Euro (€25) perannum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE629Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, it-2 ta’ Frar, 2012.Avviż Nru. 7. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq Salvu Camilleri u Triq SanMikiel, Il-Mellieħa, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat A fuq pjantaP.D.2009_807_B. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €20,000 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’miljun, erbat elef mitejn u ħamsin ewro (€1,004,250) majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €200 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 8. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq Salvu Camilleri, Il-Mellieħa, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat B fuq pjanta P.D.2009_807_B. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bondgħall-ammont ta’ €5,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ erbgħin elf mitejnu ħamsin ewro (€40,250) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012.*Avviż Nru. 9. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq San Martin, Iż-Żurrieq,muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat A fuq pjanta P.D.2009_270.Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti a favur <strong>tal</strong>proprjetàadjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’erbat elef, seba’ mija u ħamsin ewro (€4,750) ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż Nru. 10. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq San Martin, Iż-Żurrieq, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat B fuq pjanta P.D.2009_270. Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti a favur <strong>tal</strong>proprjetàadjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €5,000 skont kif stipulatfil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammontta’ sittax-il elf, mitejn u sebgħin ewro (€16,270) ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Sealed tenders in respect of the followingadvertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box atthe Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd February, 2012.Advt. No. 7. Sale of a site in Triq Salvu Camilleri andTriq San Mikiel, Mellieħa, shown edged in red and markedA on plan P.D.2009_807_B. Tenders are to be accompaniedby a bid-bond for an amount of €20,000 as stipulated in thetender conditions. Offers below the amount of one millionfour thousand two hundred and fifty Euro (€1,004,250) willnot be considered.A fee of €200 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 8. Sale of a site in Triq Salvu Camilleri,Mellieħa, shown edged in red and marked B on planP.D.2009_807_B. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bidbondfor an amount of €5,000 as stipulated in the tenderconditions. Offers below the amount of forty thousand twohundred and fifty Euro (€40,250) will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Sealed tenders in respect of the followingadvertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box atthe Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 9th February, 2012.*Advt. No. 9. Sale of a site in Triq San Martin, Żurrieq,shown edged in red and marked A on plan P.D.2009_270.This site is subject to existing servitudes in favour of adjacentproperty. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond foran amount of €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.Offers below the amount of four thousand seven hundredand fifty Euro (€4,750) will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.*Advt. No. 10. Sale of a site in Triq San Martin, Żurrieq,shown edged in red and marked B on plan P.D.2009_270.This site is subject to existing servitudes in favour of adjacentproperty. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond foran amount of €5,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.Offers below the amount of sixteen thousand two hundredand seventy Euro (€16,270) will not be considered.

630 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż Nru. 11. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq San Martin kantunierama Triq Dun Nard Mallia, Iż-Żurrieq, muri bl-aħmar ummarkat C fuq pjanta P.D.2009_270. Dan is-sit hu soġġettgħal servitujiet eżistenti a favur <strong>tal</strong>-proprjetà adjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għallammontta’ €10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħamsa u sittin elf,seba’ mija u ħamsin ewro (€65,750) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż Nru. 12. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt F (Bieb Nru. 6)Triq San Ġwann kantuniera ma Misraħ San Ġwann, Il-BeltValletta, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_713. Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwel rifjut. Offerti anqasmill-ammont ta’ sittax-il elf ewro (€16,000) fis-sena majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż Nru. 13. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt Nri. 7 u 8 f’Nru.14, Dawret it-Torri, Santa Luċija, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjantaP.D.11_82_25_B. Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>ewwelrifjut. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tliet elef u ħamesmitt ewro (€3,500) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż Nru. 14. Kiri, għal mhux anqas minn għaxar (10)snin <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt Nri. 1 u 2, taħt Blokk O, Triq il-Ġilju,Santa Luċija, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.11_82_111_A.Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwel rifjut. Offertianqas mill-ammont ta’ erbat’elef seba’ mija u disa’ ewro(€4,709) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.*Advt. No. 11. Sale of a site in Triq San Martin cornerwith Triq Dun Nard Mallia, Żurrieq, shown edged in redand marked C on plan P.D.2009_270. This site is subject toexisting servitudes in favour of adjacent property. Tendersare to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of€10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers belowthe amount of sixty five thousand seven hundred and fiftyEuro (€65,750) will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.*Advt. No. 12. Lease of the bare Shop F (Door No. 6),Triq San Ġwann corner with Saint John Square, Valletta,shown edged in red on plan P.D.2011_713. This tender issubject to a right of first refusal. Offers below the amountof sixteen thousand Euro (€16,000) per annum will not beconsidered.A fee of €100 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.*Advt. No. 13. Lease of the bare Shop Nos. 7 and 8 atNo. 14, Dawret it-Torri, Santa Luċija, shown edged in redon plan P.D.11_82_25_B. This tender is subject to a right offirst refusal. Offers below the amount of three thousand fivehundred Euro (€3,500) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.*Advt. No. 14. Lease, for not less than ten (10) years,of the bare Shop Nos. 1 and 2, underlying Block O, Triq il-Ġilju, Santa Luċija, shown edged in red on plan P.D.11_82_111_A. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. Offersbelow the amount of four thousand seven hundred and nineEuro (€4,709) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.*Avviżi li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darbaL-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħrajistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u 11.45 a.m.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012*Advertisements appearing for the first timeTenders should be made only on the prescribed formwhich, together with the relevant conditions and otherdocuments are obtainable from the Land Department,Auberge de Baviere, Valletta on any working day between8.30 a.m. and 11.45 a.m.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE631MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Taqsima tad-Disinn ta’ Proġetti uInġinerija, jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar,2012, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 6/2012. Kisi b’asfalt <strong>tal</strong>-kulur fuq il-bankinafi Triq Vincenzo Dimech, Floriana.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 10/2012. Kostruzzjoni ta’ scale model.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Kwot. Nru. 1/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvedimentta’ servizzi ta’ rmonk ta’ vetturi u impjantikbar lid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Manifattura u Servizzi.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 3/2012. Provvista, konsenja u kummissjunarta’ erba’ (4) skid steer loaders għad-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Manifatturau Servizzi.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 4/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-kiri ta’telescopic crane.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €25 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 12/2012. Alterazzjonijiet strutturali uformazzjoni ta’ boardroom ġdida fl-inħawi fejn irabbu l-fniekfil-Qasam Esperimen<strong>tal</strong>i <strong>tal</strong>-Għammieri, Triq l-Ingiered, ĦalLuqa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Director General, Project Design and EngineeringDivision, notifies that:-Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at theContracts and Procurement Section, Department ofFinancial Management, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 27th January, 2012, for:-Advt. No. 6/2012. Laying of coloured asphalt on pavementat Triq Vincenzo Dimech, Floriana.A fee of €20 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.Advt. No. 10/2012. Construction of a scale model.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.Quot. No. 1/2012. Period contract for the provisionof towing services of heavy vehicles and plant to theManufacturing and Services Department.A fee of €20 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of quotation document.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 31stJanuary, 2012, for:-Advt. No. 3/2012. Supply, delivery and commissioning offour (4) skid steer loaders to the Manufacturing and ServicesDirectorate.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.Advt. No. 4/2012. Period contract for the hire of telescopiccrane.A fee of €25 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.Advt. No. 12/2012. Structural alterations and formationof a new boardroom within the Rabbitry Area at GħammieriExperimen<strong>tal</strong> Farm, Triq l-Ingiered, Ħal Luqa.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.

632 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-3 ta’ Frar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 9/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta’ push fit fittingslid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Proġetti, Disinn u Implimentazzjoni u d-Dipartiment tat-Tindif u Manutenzjoni.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Kwot. Nru. 2/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta’ diversitipi ta’ għamara <strong>tal</strong>-me<strong>tal</strong>l għad-Direttorat tar-Restawr,Dipartiment tad-Disinn ta’ Proġetti u Implimentazzjoni.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.*Kwot. Nru. 3/2012. Xogħlijiet ta’ tiswija fuq blata <strong>tal</strong>konkosu xogħlijiet oħra f’Garaxx Nru. 1, Qasam tad-DjarTa’ Pascarella, Ħal Qormi.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €5 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-14 ta’ Frar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 13/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għal servizzi ta’tindif fid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Manifattura u Servizzi, Kordin.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €35 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż Nru. 14/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ (3) tliet karozzimid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Manifattura u Servizzi, Kordin.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviżi/kwotazzjonijiet li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darbaDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 22997455).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta/kwotazzjonifil-website <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at theContracts and Procurement Section, Department ofFinancial Management, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 3rd February, 2012, for:-Advt. No. 9/2012. Supply and delivery of push fit fittingsto the Project, Design and Implementation Department andCleansing and Maintenance Department.A fee of €10 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.*Quot. No. 2/2012. Supply and delivery of various typesof me<strong>tal</strong> furniture for the Restoration Directorate, ProjectDesign and Implimentation Department.A fee of €10 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of quotation document.*Quot. No. 3/2012. Repair works to concrete lintel andother works at Garage No. 1, Ta’ Pascarella Housing Estate,Ħal Qormi.A fee of €5 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of quotation document.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 14thFebruary, 2012, for:-*Advt. No. 13/2012. Period contract for cleaning servicesat Manufacturing and Services Directorate, Kordin.A fee of €35 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.*Advt. No. 14/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of three (3) cars fro<strong>mt</strong>he Manufacturing and Services Directorate, Kordin.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachcopy of tender document.*Advertisements/quotations appearing for the first timeRelevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Sectionof the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Cash OfficeTel. No. 2299 7455).Sample tender/quotation document may be viewed on theMinistry’s website: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE633MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIDipartiment tad-Disinn ta’ Proġettiu ImplimentazzjoniId-Direttur Ġenerali, Dipartiment tad-Disinn ta’ Proġettiu Implimentazzjoni, jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar,2012, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 2/2012. Tiswijiet fuq l-iskal eżistenti fil-Bajjata’ San Ġwann, San Ġiljan.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 11/2012. Xogħlijiet ta’ ċċangar biss ta’pavimenti (xogħol u makkinarju biss) fil-Patting Farm, ParkNazzjonali, Ta’ Qali.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €25 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7567/21221411).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsProject Design and ImplementationDepartmentThe Director General, Project Design and ImplementationDepartment notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 27thJanuary, 2012 for:Advt. No. 2/2012. Repairs of existing slipway at StGeorge’s Bay, St Julians.A fee of €20 is charged for the procurement of each setof relevant documents.Advt. No. 11/2012. Laying only of paving works (labourand machinery only) at the Patting Farm, National Park, Ta’Qali.A fee of €25 is charged for the procurement of each setof relevant documents.Relevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and ProcurementSection of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Tel.No. 2299 7567/2122 1411).Sample tender documents may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Dipartiment għall-Kontroll <strong>tal</strong>-Agrikoltura u Sajd,jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-24 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 1/2012. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ FieldObservers għad-Dipartiment għall-Kontroll <strong>tal</strong>-Agrikolturau Sajd.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Agriculture and Fisheries Regulation Departmentnotifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 24thJanuary, 2012 for:Advt. No. 1/2012. Provision of services of Field Observersto the Agriculture and Fisheries Regulation Department.

634 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €5 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali u Akwakultura jgħarrafilli:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar,2012, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 5/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta’ analiżi ta’ kits<strong>tal</strong>-ħamrija b’konnessjoni ma’ InfoNitrates Project – Life 10INF/MT/000092.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012A fee of €5 is charged for the procurement of each set ofrelevant documents.Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Rural Development and Aquaculture Departmentnotifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 27thJanuary, 2012 for:Advt. No. 5/2012. Supply and delivery of soil analysiskits in connection with InfoNitrates Project – Life 10 INF/MT/000092.A fee of €20 is charged for the procurement of each setof relevant documents.Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012Parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea permezz the Life+Informazzjoni u kampanja <strong>tal</strong>-komunikazzjonigħall-użu propju <strong>tal</strong>-immaniġġarta’ nutrijenti fl-agrikoltura u livestock breedingRata ta’ ko-finanzjament: 49.64% Fondi UE; 50.36% Fondi NazzjonaliPart-financed by the European Union through the LIFE+:Information and communications campaignfor the proper use and managementof nitrates in agriculture and livestock breedingCo-financing rate: 49.64% EU Funds; 50.36% National Funds

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE635MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Taqsima tad-Disinn ta’ Proġetti uImplimentazzjoni jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-24 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 7/2012. Manifattura ta’ model bases ta’njam mastizz u covers <strong>tal</strong>-perspex inkluża l-ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonifil-post fiċ-Ċentru l-ġdid dwar l-Interpretazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Fortifikazzjonijiet, Triq San Mark, Il-Belt Valletta.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7455).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MINISTRY FOR RESOURCESAND RURAL AFFIARSThe Director General, Project Design and ImplementationDivision notifies that:-Sealed tenders would be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 24thJanuary 2012 for:Advt. No. 7/2012. Manufacture of solid timber modelbases and perspex covers including ins<strong>tal</strong>lation on site atthe new Fortifications Interpretation Centre, Triq San Mark,Valletta.A fee of €20 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset relevant document.Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministryfor Resources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No. 2299 7455).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarProġett parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEZR)Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliOperational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of LifeProject part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsMINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIIl-Park and Initiatives Unit jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, is-7 ta’ Frar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 8/2012. Provvista, konsenja u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ tagħmir <strong>tal</strong>-logħob għall-Patting Farm f’Ta’ Qali.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Park and Initiatives Unit notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 7thFebruary, 2012 for:*Advt. No. 8/2012. Supply, delivery and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofplay equipment for the Patting Farm in Ta’ Qali.

636 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.A fee of €50 is charged for the procurement of each setof relevant documents.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba*Advertisement appearing for the first timeDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIIl-Paying Agency tgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-14 ta’ Frar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 15/2012. Provvediment ta’ Servizzi ta’Konsulenza meħtieġa għall-Monitoraġġ u Kontroll ta’Proġetti mogħtija taħt Miżura 121, Miżura 123, Miżura313 u Miżura 323 <strong>tal</strong>-Programm <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali (2007-2013).Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Paying Agency notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 14thFebruary, 2012 for:*Advt. No. 15/2012. Provision of Consultancy Servicesrequired for the Monitoring and Control of Projectscontracted under Measure 121, Measure 123, Measure 313and Measure 323 of the Rural Development Programme(2007-2013).A fee of €10 is charged for the procurement of each setof relevant documents.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba*Advertisement appearing for the first timeDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE637MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Wholesale Markets u Fishing FleetFacilities jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-14 ta’ Frar, 2012,fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 16/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista ukonsenja ta’ Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) għall-Biċċerija,Il-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet FacilitiesDirectorate notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 14thFebruary, 2012 for:*Advt. No. 16/2012. Period contract for the supply anddelivery of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to the CivilAbattoir, Marsa.A fee of €20 is charged for the procurement of each setof relevant documents.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba*Advertisement appearing for the first timeDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta filwebsite<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012KORPORAZZJONI ENEMALTAIċ-Chief Executive Officer jgħarraf illi:–Kategorija A - Stmati bejn€6,001 - €12,000- Jagħlqu l-MarsaSal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, it-22 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta, Il-Marsa, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–ENEMALTA CorporationThe Chief Executive Officer notifies that:–Category A - Estimated between€6,001 - €12,000- Closing at MarsaSealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 22nd February,2012, for:–*HO/T/3008/2011.Provvista ta’ fire fightingclothing.*HO/T/3008/2011.Supply of fire fightingclothing.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.

638 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Kategorija B - Stmati bejn€12,001 - €120,000- Jagħlqu l-MarsaSal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, it-22 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta, Il-Marsa, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–Category B - Estimated between€12,001 - €120,000- Closing at MarsaSealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 22nd February,2012, for:–*TD/T/3043/2011.Provvista ta’ 3,000 kg electricforklift truck għad-Distrett ta’Għawdex.*TD/T/3043/2011.Supply of 3,000 kg electricforklift truck for GozoDistrict.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.*TD/T/PC2/68/2010.Qafas ta’ ftehim għall-provvistata’ 11kV heat shrinkablematerial.*TD/T/PC2/68/2010.F r a m e w o r k a g r e e m e n tfor the supply of 11kV heatshrinkable material.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, id-29 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta, Il-Marsa, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–A fee of €20 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 29th February,2012, for:–*TD/T/3034/2011.Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ goods/passenger liftgħall-Uffiċini tad-Distrett ta’Għawdex.*TD/T/3034/2011.Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofgoods/passenger lift for GozoDistrict Offices.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Kategorija Ċ - Stmati bejn€120,001 - €412,000 (Mingħajr VAT)- Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti - FlorianaSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:–A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Category C - Estimated between€120,001 - €412,000 (VAT Exclusive)- Closing at Contracts Department - FlorianaSealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 31stJanuary, 2012, for:–GN/MPS/T/3001/2011.Espressjoni ta’ interess għallprovvistata’ sulphuric acid.GN/MPS/T/3001/2011.Expression of interest for thesupply of sulphuric acid.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €40 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Għandu jintbagħat bid-bond ta’ €3,500 ma’ kull offertagħal dan l-appalt.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-20 ta’ Marzu, 2012,fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:–A fee of €40 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.A bid-bond of €3,500 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above tender.Sealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 20thMarch, 2012, for:–*HO/T/88/2010.Xogħlijiet ta’ tlestija u furnishingsgħall-Bini l-Ġdid fiċ-Ċentru ta’Taħriġ f’Marsaxlokk.*HO/T/88/2010.Finishing works and furnishingsfor the New Building atMarsaxlokk Training Centre.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE639Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Għandu jintbagħat bid-bond ta’ €2,000 ma’ kull offertagħal dan l-appalt.A fee of €100 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.A bid-bond of €2,000 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above tender.Kategorija D - Stmati bejn it-Treshold <strong>tal</strong>-UE€412,001 - €1,999,999- Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti - FlorianaSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:–Category D - Estimated between EU Threshold€412,001 - €1,999,999- Closing at Contracts Department - FlorianaSealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 31stJanuary, 2012, for:–TD/T/PC3/56/2010.Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistata’ 11kV switches ucircuit breakers.TD/T/PC3/56/2010.Period contract for the supplyof 11kV switches and circuitbreakers.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €120 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Għandu jintbagħat bid-bond ta’ €6,000 ma’ kull offertagħal dan l-appalt.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta ġiet estiża minn nharit-Tlieta, l-24 ta’ Jannar 2012.A fee of €120 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.A bid-bond of €6,000 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above tender.The closing date of this tender has been extended fromTuesday, 24th January 2012.*Avviżi li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darbaL-offerti li ma jkollhomx magħhom il-ktejjeb teknikurilevanti u/jew kampjuni, meta jkunu mitlubin flispeċifikazzjoni,jistgħu ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u d-dokumenti relatati kollha jistgħujinkisbu mill-Korporazzjoni Enemalta, Bini Ċentrali <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni Ġenerali, ix-Xatt <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Il-Marsa,f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar. Aktartagħrif jista’ jinkiseb billi wieħed jikkuntattja t-Taqsima<strong>tal</strong>-Procurement fuq in-Numru tat-Telefon 2298 0736 jewbl-email: (tenderenquiries.emc@enemalta.com.<strong>mt</strong>).Min jibgħat offerta għandu jiftakar li l-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offertajistgħu jitniżżlu mill-Website <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta (www.enemalta.com.<strong>mt</strong>) wara li jitħallas dritt on-line <strong>tal</strong>-ammont relattiv.Tagħrif rigward id-deċiżjonijiet meħuda mis-Sotto Kumitat<strong>tal</strong>-Offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Kategorija B jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq 2298 0660għal tlett ijiem konsekuttivi wara l-ewwel pubblikazzjonitagħhom fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta, Il-Marsa.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012*Advertisements appearing for the first timeOffers unaccompanied by the relevant technical literatureand/or sample, when so required in the specification may notbe considered.All forms of tenders and all related documents may beobtained from Enemalta Corporation, Central AdministrationBuilding, Church Wharf, Marsa, on any working day between8.30 a.m. and noon. Further information may be obtained bycontacting the Procurement Section on Telephone No. 22980736 or on email address: (tenderenquiries.emc@enemalta.com.<strong>mt</strong>).Tenderers are to note that tenders/quotation forms may alsobe downloaded from Enemalta Website (www.enemalta.com.<strong>mt</strong>) against payment on-line of the relative fee.Information regarding decisions taken by Enemalta TenderSub Committee regarding awards of Category B tenders canbe polled on 2298 0660 for three consecutive working daysafter their first publication on the notice-board at EnemaltaAdministration Building, Marsa.20th January, 2012

640 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KORPORAZZJONI GĦAL SERVIZZI TAL-ILMAIċ-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, il-25 ta’ Jannar,2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi<strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/84/2011. Provvista ta’ PortableVentilation Equipment.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta ġiet estiża minn nharl-Erbgħa, il-11 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Avviż Nru. WSC/T/85/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’pompi għal taħt l-ilma biex jintużaw fl-impjanti tar-ReverseOsmosis <strong>tal</strong>-ilma baħar.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €30.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/87/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’rotary evaporator b’sistema ta’ vacuum.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, it-30 ta’ Jannar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/86/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistau konsenja ta’ uniformijiet (blazers, qliezet, sdieriu dbielet).Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/2/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-bejgħ<strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ meters <strong>tal</strong>-ilma mhux servibbli.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.WATER SERVICES CORPORATIONThe Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, bynot later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 25th January,2012 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/84/2011. Supply of Portable VentilationEquipment.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.The closing date of this tender has been extended fromWednesday, 11th January, 2012.Advt. No. WSC/T/85/2011. Supply and delivery ofsubmersible pumps for use in Reverse Osmosis seawaterplants.A fee of €30.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 27th January, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/87/2011. Supply and delivery of a rotaryevaporator with vacuum system.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 30th January, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/86/2011. Period contract for the supplyand delivery of uniforms (blazers, trousers, waistcoats andskirts).A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, bynot later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 1st February, 2012for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/2/2012. Period contract for the sale <strong>tal</strong>equale of unserviceable water meters.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE641Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-3 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/1/2012. Servizzi ta’ grit blasting.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, is-6 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/3/2012. Provvista ta’ thin clients.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, it-13 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/4/2012. Provvista u konsenjata’ electromagnetic flow meters għall-waste waterapplications.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, l-20 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSC/T/6/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistau konsenja ta’ lubricating oils għall-Impjant tan-Nofsinhar għat-Trattament <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma tad-Drenaġġ u ġbir millistessimpjant u disponiment bla periklu ta’ żejt maħruq.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 3rd February, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/1/2012. Grit blasting services.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 6th February, 2012, for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/3/2012. Supply of thin clients.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 13th February, 2012, for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/4/2012. Supply and delivery ofelectromagnetic flow meters for waste water applications.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 20th February, 2012, for:-*Advt. No. WSC/T/6/2012. Period contract for the supplyand delivery of lubricating oils to South Wastewater TreatmentPlant and collection from the same plant and safe disposalof spent oils.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu biss mill-websitekorporattiv fuq http://www.wsc.com.<strong>mt</strong> minn fejn wieħedjista’ jixtri online id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti, jara t-tenderstatus, iniżżel preview documents u jikseb tagħrif dwar irrakkomandazzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti biex jingħatawkuntratti pubbliċi. Dawn ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet jinsabu wkollfuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipalif’Ħal Luqa.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012*Advertisement appearing for the first timeTender forms may only be procured from the corporatewebsite at http://www.wsc.com.<strong>mt</strong> where one can purchasetender documents online, view tender status, downloadpreview documents and obtain information on ContractsCommittee recommendations for the award of publiccontracts. These recommendations are also given publicityin the WSC’s notice-board at Luqa Head Office.20th January, 2012

642 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KORPORAZZJONI GĦAL SERVIZZI TAL-ILMAIċ-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Erbgħa, it-22 ta’ Frar, 2012,fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqingħal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/5/2012. Ground investigation permezzta’ vertical core samples.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu biss mill-websitekorporattiv fuq http://www.wsc.com.<strong>mt</strong> minn fejn wieħed jista’jixtri online id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti, jara t-tender status, iniżżelpreview documents u jikseb tagħrif dwar ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti biex jingħataw kuntratti pubbliċi. Dawnir-rakkomandazzjonijiet jinsabu wkoll fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali f’Ħal Luqa.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012WATER SERVICES CORPORATIONThe Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, bynot later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 22nd February,2012 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/5/2012. Ground investigation throughvertical core samples.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Tender forms may only be procured from the corporatewebsite at http://www.wsc.com.<strong>mt</strong> where one can purchasetender documents online, view tender status, downloadpreview documents and obtain information on ContractsCommittee recommendations for the award of publiccontracts. These recommendations are also given publicityin the WSC’s notice-board at Luqa Head Office.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarDin l-offerta hija kunsidrata biex tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of LifeThis tender is being considered for European Union part-financingEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureAWTORITà TAD-DJARIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Awtorità tad-Djar, jgħarrafilli:-Offerti ssiġillati għall-Avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità tad-Djar, 22,Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana sal-10.00 ta’ filgħodu <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Avviż Nru. 1/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 4,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €13,500.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.HOUSING AUTHORITYThe Chief Executive Officer, Housing Authority notifiesthat: -Sealed tenders in respect of the following adverts haveto be deposited in the tender box at the Housing Authority,22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana by 10.00 a.m. on Friday,27th January, 2012 for:-Advt. No. 1/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 4,underlying Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to allservitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €13,500.00 will not be considered.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE643Avviż Nru. 2/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 8,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €15,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 3/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 11,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €14,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 4/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 22,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €17,000.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 5/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 24,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €13,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 6/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 5,taħt Blokki A u B, Birkirkara, Triq Giovanni Mamo. Offertitaħt €13,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 7/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 8,taħt Blokki A u B, Birkirkara, Triq Giovanni Mamo. Offertitaħt €18,800.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 8/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 7,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €25,600.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 9/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 12,taħt Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €16,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Advt. No. 2/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 8,underlying Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to allservitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €15,700.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 3/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 11,underlying Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to allservitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €14,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 4/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 22,underlying Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to allservitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €17,000.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 5/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 24,underlying Binja Tal-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to allservitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €13,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 6/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 5,underlying Blocks A and B, Birkirkara, Triq GiovanniMamo. Offers below €13,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 7/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 8,underlying Blocks A and B, Birkirkara, Triq GiovanniMamo. Offers below €18,800.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 8/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 7,underlying Binja Tal-Qattus, Birkirkara, Triq AnthonySammut. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €25,600.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 9/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 12,underlying Binja Tal-Qattus, Birkirkara, Triq AnthonySammut. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €16,100.00 will not be considered.

644 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Avviż Nru. 10/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ fond Nru.40, Bormla, Triq San Franġisk. Dan it-trasferiment huwasoġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijietimniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan ilbejgħhuwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €29,200.00ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 11/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 12,Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 12/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 13,Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 13/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 14Level 1, taht Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 14/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 15Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 15/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 16Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 16/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.17 Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €32,100.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Advt. No. 10/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 40,Bormla, Triq San Franġisk. This transfer is subject to therent of € 2.33 per annum as per conditions laid down withthe attached tender document, which is marked with letter‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offers below €29,200.00 will notbe considered.Advt. No. 11/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 12, Level1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of € 2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 12/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 13,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 13/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 14,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 14/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 15,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 15/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 16,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 16/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 17,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33per annum as per conditions laid down with the attachedtender document, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale issubject to all servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flatsas provided by law. Offers below €32,100.00 will not beconsidered.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE645Avviż Nru. 17/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 19Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €23,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 18/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 20Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €20,500.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 19/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 22Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €15,200.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 20/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.23 Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skond il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €14,200.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 21/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 24Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €20,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 22/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 15,taħt Binja Marg, Mtarfa, Triq Leslie Rundle. Offerti taħt€21,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 23/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 8,taħt Blokk B11, Pembroke, Triq Pietro D’Armenia. Offertitaħt €14,500.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 24/2012. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 8,taħt Blokk B12, Pembroke, Triq Pietro D’Armenia. Offertitaħt €14,500.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Advt. No. 17/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 19,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of€2.33 per annum as per conditions laid down with theattached tender document, which is marked with letter ‘A’.Sale is subject to all servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offers below €23,100.00 will notbe considered.Advt. No. 18/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 20,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €20,500.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 19/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 22,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €15,200.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 20/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 23,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below € 14,200.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 21/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 24,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €20,700.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 22/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 15,underlying Binja Marg, Mtarfa, Triq Leslie Rundle. Offersbelow €21,700.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 23/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 8,uderlying Block B11, Pembroke, Triq Pietro D’Armenia.Offers below €14,500.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 24/2012. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 8,uderlying Block B12, Pembroke, Triq Pietro D’Armenia.Offers below €14,500.00 will not be considered.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.

646 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Awtorità tad-Djar, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana, matul il-ħinijiet<strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Tender forms may be obtained from the Housing Authority,22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana, during office hours.20th January, 2012FORZI ARMATI TA’ MALTAIl-Kmandant, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-24 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–AFM Avviż Nru. 37/11. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’Spiżjar – Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, it-2 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks,Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–AFM Avviż Nru. 1/12. Provvista ta’ zinc anodes – ForziArmati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.AFM Avviż Nru. 2/12. Provvista ta’ PT vests military olive– Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.AFM Avviż Nru. 3/12. Provvista ta’ sun protection creamlotion – Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks,Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–AFM Avviż Nru. 4/12. Servizzi ta’ rmunkar – Forzi Armatita’ <strong>Malta</strong>.AFM Avviż Nru. 5/12. Servicing u inspection ta’ fireextinguishers – Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-21 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks,Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–AFM Avviż Nru. 6/12. Provvista ta’ rifle cleaning cloth– Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbumill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn is-7.00a.m. u l-4.00 p.m.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012ARMED FORCES OF MALTAThe Commander, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, notifies that:–Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 24th January, 2012, for:–AFM Advt. No. 37/11. Services of a Pharmacist – ArmedForces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd February, 2012, for:–AFM Advt. No. 1/12. Supply of zinc anodes – ArmedForces of <strong>Malta</strong>.AFM Advt. No. 2/12. Supply of PT vests military olive– Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.AFM Advt. No. 3/12. Supply of sun protection cream lotion– Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 9th February, 2012, for:–AFM Advt. No. 4/12. Towing services – Armed Forcesof <strong>Malta</strong>.AFM Advt. No. 5/12. Servicing and inspection of fireextinguishers – Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 21st February, 2012, for:–AFM Advt. No. 6/12. Supply of rifle cleaning cloth– Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Tender forms and further information may be obtainedfrom the Finance Office, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, during any working day between 7.00a.m and 4.00 p.m.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE647WASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/126/2011. Provvista, konsenja uins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ Monitoraġġ tad-Diesel u għattindifta’ sitt (6) tankijiet tad-Diesel.Avviż Nru. WSM/127/2011. Provvista, konsenja uins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ air conditioning units li jitwaħħlu fuq ilbejtgħall-Electrical Cabinets fit-Thermal Treatment Facility<strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar, 2012,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/003/2012. Estensjoni lill-garaxxijieteżistenti fl-Impjant għat-Trattament <strong>tal</strong>-Iskart ta’ Sant’AntninMarsaskala.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/001/2012. Provvista, żarmar u armarmill-ġdid ta’ hot water packaged unit (skid package) uxogħlijiet anċillari oħra biex tissaħħan is-swimming pool ushowers fl-Inspire, Marsaskala.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/004/2012. Ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ CondensatePump fis-COP pit fil-Landfill <strong>tal</strong>-Qortin, Għawdex.*Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/006/2012. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ Access Control System u Door hardware f’diversi siti fiħdan il-Faċilitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-WasteServ.WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,27th January, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/126/2011. Supply, delivery and ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof a Diesel Monitoring System and for the cleaning of six (6)Diesel Tanks.Advt. No. WSM/127/2011. Supply, delivery and ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof roof-mounted air conditioning units for electrical cabinetsat the Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed quotations will be received at the offices of theChief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre,Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,27th January, 2012 for:-Quot. No. WSMQ/003/2012. Extension to ExistingGarages at Sant’Antnin Waste Treatment Plant Marsaskala.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Tuesday,31st January, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/001/2012. Supply, demounting andremounting of a hot water packaged unit (skid package)and other ancillary work for heating of swimming pool andshowers at Inspire, Marsaskala.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed quotations will be received at the offices ofthe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, EcoCentre, Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noonon Tuesday, 31st January, 2012 for:-Quot. No. WSMQ/004/2012. Ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of CondensatePump in COP pit at Qortin Landfill, Gozo.*Quot. No. WSMQ/006/2012. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofAccess Control System and Door hardware at various siteswithin WasteServ Facilities.

648 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-3 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/128/2011. Akkwist ta’ erba’ (4) vetturiġodda.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-3 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-*Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/005/2012. Provvista ta’ AutomotiveLiquified Propane Gas (LPG) għall-forklifter imħaddem fit-Thermal Treatment Facility <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, is-7 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/004/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistau konsenja ta’ cartridges u toners.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/002/2012. Servizzi ta’ tindif f’diversisiti ġestiti u mħaddma mill-WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd.Avviż Nru. WSM/003/2012. Xiri ta’ second hand four (4)wheel LPG forklift truck u dirt bucket wieħed (1) ġdid biexjiġu mħaddma fit-Thermal Treatment Facility <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.*Kwotazzjonijiet li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darbaIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu flimkien ma’ aktartagħrif meħtieġ mill-uffiċċju msemmi f’kull ġurnata taxxogħolbejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.Is-sottomissjoni <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet hija mingħajr ħlas.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq il-website: (www.wasteservmalta.com) jew wieħed jista’ jikkuntattja (contracts@wasteservmalta.com) jew fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2385 8239.Huwa fl-interess ta’ min japplika li jiċċekkja l-website <strong>tal</strong>-WasteServ għal aġġornamenti minn żmien għal żmien.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday, 3rdFebruary, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/128/2011. Procurement of four (4) brandnew vehicles.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed quotations will be received at the offices of theChief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre,Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,3rd February, 2012 for:-*Quot. No. WSMQ/005/2012. Supply of AutomotiveLiquified Propane Gas (LPG) for the forklifter used at theThermal Treatment Facility, Marsa.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Tuesday,7th February, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/004/2012. Period contract for the supplyand delivery of cartridges and toners.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Thursday,9th February, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/002/2012. Cleaning services at varioussites managed and operated by WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd.Advt. No. WSM/003/2012. Purchase of a second hand four(4) wheel LPG forklift truck and one (1) brand new dirt bucketto operate at the Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.*Quotations appearing for the first timeTender forms may be obtained together with any furtherinformation required from the mentioned office on anyworking day between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.Submission of quotations is free of charge. Furtherinformation can be obtained from the website: (www.wasteservmalta.com) or (contracts@wasteservmalta.com)or on telephone number 2385 8239. It is in the bidders’interest to periodically check the WasteServ website forany updates.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE649WASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSM/005/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-kirita’ żewġ (2) six wheeler tipper trucks, bix-xuffiera, biex isiruxogħlijiet fil-Landfill <strong>tal</strong>-Qortin.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu flimkien ma’ aktartagħrif meħtieġ mill-uffiċċju msemmi f’kull ġurnata taxxogħolbejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Thursday,9th February, 2012 for:-*Advt. No. WSM/005/2012. Period contract for the hiringof two (2) six wheeler tipper trucks, with operators for worksto be carried out at the Qortin Landfill.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.*Advertisement appearing for the first timeTender forms may be obtained together with any furtherinformation required from the mentioned office on anyworking day between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.20th January, 2012Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarOfferta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFondi ta’ KoeżjoniRata ta’ kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of LifeTender part-financed by the European UnionCohesion FundCo-Financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureKORPORAZZJONI <strong>Malta</strong> EnterpriseIċ-Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, jgħarraf illi:Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar, 2012,fl-uffiċċju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise ta’ Għawdex, QasamIndustrijali, Ix-Xewkija, jintlaqgħu espressjonijiet ta’interess magħluqin għal:ME/EOI/GGX/E15/11. Allokazzjoni ta’ spazju industrijalifil-Park Industrijali tax-Xewkija.Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku<strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni (http://www.maltaenterprise.com/News_Details.aspx?ID=346) jew mill-uffiċċju ta’ Għawdex billitintbagħat email fuq: (gozo.office@maltaenterprise.com).L-applikazzjonijiet jiġu trattati bl-aktar mod kunfidenzjali.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise CorporationThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, notifies that:-Expressions of Interest will be received at the Gozooffices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, Industrial Park, Xewkija,up to noon (<strong>Malta</strong> Time) on Tuesday, 31st January, 2012for:-ME/EOI/GGX/E15/11. Allocation of Industrial FactorySpace in the Xewkija Industrial Park.Further information may be obtained by referring tothe <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise website (http://www.maltaenterprise.com/News_Details.aspx?ID=346) or from the Gozo Officeof <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise by sending an email to: (gozo.office@maltaenterprise.com).All applications will be treated in strict confidence.20th January, 2012

650 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KORPORAZZJONI <strong>Malta</strong> EnterpriseIċ-Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, jgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar2012, fl-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, Enterprise Centre,Telgħa ta Gwardamanġa, Pietà MEC 0001 jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:Kwot. Nru. ME/RFQ/CLN/Q01/12. Provvediment ta’servizzi ta’ tindif fl-uffiċini <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise li qabel kienul-Institute of Health Care (IHC) fi Gwardamanġa.It-ermini ta’ riferenza jistgħu jinkisbu mis-sit elettroniku<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, (www.maltaenterprise.com) jew mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise billi tintbagħatemail fuq (tenders@maltaenterprise.com).L-applikazzjonijiet kollha jiġu ttrattati b’modkonfidenzjali.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise CorporationThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be deposited in the tenderbox at the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, GwardamanġaHill, Pietà MEC 0001 by not later than 10.00 a.m. onTuesday, 31st January 2012 for:-ME/RFQ/CLN/Q01/12. Cleaning services at <strong>Malta</strong>Enterprise premises at the former Institute of Health Care(IHC) in Gwardamanġa.Terms of reference may be obtained by referring tothe <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise website (www.maltaenterprise.com)or from the Procurement Section of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise bysending an email to: (tenders@maltaenterprise.com).All applications will be treated in strict confidence.20th January, 2012<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LtdIċ-Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, jgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, is-7 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial ParksLtd, Pietà (fil-Kumpless San Luqa), jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. MIP/TQF/GEN/D28/11. Tneħħija ta’ skartgoff u vetturi jew trailers abbandunati minn diversi ŻoniIndustrijali f’<strong>Malta</strong> (Ċentru/Tramuntana).Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. MIP/TQF/GEN/D29/11. Provvediment ta’provvisti, servizzi u xogħlijiet relatati ma’ dwal fit-toroqf’diversi Oqsma Industrijali f’<strong>Malta</strong> u GħawdexGħandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €75 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Iktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji dwar l-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mit-Taqsima<strong>tal</strong>-Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise billi tintbagħat emailfuq: (tenders@maltaenterprise.com).Il-formoli propja <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbumill-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn id-9.00 a.m. u nofsinhar u mis-1.00 p.m. u l-4.00 p.m.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LtdThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received in the tender boxat the offices of the <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, Pietà(within St. Luke’s Complex) up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday,7th February, 2012 for:-Advt. No. MIP/TQF/GEN/D28/11. Removal of bulkrefuse and abandoned vehicles or trailers from variousIndustrial Parks in <strong>Malta</strong> (Central/North).A fee of €100 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. MIP/TQF/GEN/D29/11. Provision of supplies,services and works relating to street lighting in variousIndustrial Estates in <strong>Malta</strong> and Gozo.A fee of €75 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Further details may be obtained from the ProcurementSection of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise by sending an email to:(tenders@maltaenterprise.com).Actual forms of tender and further documentation may beobtained from the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise on any workingday from 9.00 a.m. to noon and 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE651DIPARTIMENT TAL-INFORMAZZJONI,UFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRUSejħa għall-OffertiL-Aġent Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, is-26 ta’ Jannar, 2012,f’dan l-Uffiċċju jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. DOI 1/2012. Stedina għal parteċipazzjonifi framework agreement għall-provvediment ta’ coachesf’<strong>Malta</strong>.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €35 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni, Nru. 3, Pjazza Kastilja, Il-Belt Valletta, VLT2000, matul il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Id-Dipartiment iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta parti minn jewl-offerta sħiħa, jew parti minn jew l-offerti kollha mitfugħa,inkluż l-aktar vantaġġuża/i.Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION,OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTERCall for TendersThe Acting Director of Information notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at this Office until10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 26th January, 2012, for:-Advt. No. DOI 1/2012. Invitation for participation ina framework agreement for the provision of coaches in<strong>Malta</strong>.A fee of €35 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Tenders are to be collected by hand from the Departmentof Information, No. 3, Castille Place, Valletta, VLT 2000,during working hours.The Department reserves the right to refuse in part or inwhole any or all of the tenders submitted, including the mostadvantageous.Late submissions will not be considered.20th January, 2012DIPARTIMENT TAL-INFORMAZZJONI,UFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRUSejħa għall-OffertiL-Aġent Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, is-26 ta’ Jannar, 2012,f’dan l-Uffiċċju jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. DOI 2/2012. Stedina għal parteċipazzjonifi framework agreement għall-provvediment ta’ coachesf’Għawdex.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €35 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni, Nru. 3, Pjazza Kastilja, Il-Belt Valletta, VLT2000, matul il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Id-Dipartiment iżżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta parti minn jewl-offerta sħiħa, jew parti minn jew l-offerti kollha mitfugħa,inkluż l-aktar vantaġġuża/i.Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION,OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTERCall for TendersThe Acting Director of Information notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at this Office until10:00 a.m. on Thursday, 26th January, 2012, for:-Advt. No. DOI 2/2012: Invitation for participation in aframework agreement for the provision of coaches in Gozo.A fee of €35 will be charged for each tender document.Tenders are to be collected by hand from the Departmentof Information, No. 3, Castille Place, Valletta, VLT 2000,during working hours.The Department reserves the right to refuse in part or inwhole any or all of the tenders submitted, including the mostadvantageous.Late submissions will not be considered.20th January, 2012

652 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Fondazzjoni gĦaL servizzi edukattiviEspressjonijiet Magħluqin ta’ InteressIl-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi (FSE) tgħarrafilli:-Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-3 ta’ Frar 2012,il-Fondazzjoni fil-Kulleġġ San Nikola, Skola Sekondarjatas-Subien, L-I<strong>mt</strong>arfa MTF 1140, tilqa’ kwotazzjonijietmagħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. FES/01/2012. Servizzi ta’ verifika għas-sena2011 minn ditti ta’ accountants u individwi.Kwot Nru. FES/02/2012. Disinn u pubblikazzjoni tar-Rapport Annwali <strong>tal</strong>-Fondazzjoni għall-2011 minn ditti uindividwi.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb b’email: (fes@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Ir-Rettur jgħarraf illi:-L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTASal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, it-22 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu proposti magħluqin għal:-Proposta Nru. UM1601. Provvista, konsenja uins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ għamara <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju għall-Fema BuildingExtension Blocks A u B, fl-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Il-proposti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħra,jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement l-Universitàta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, L-Imsida, (Kamra 303, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni)f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m.u nofsinhar warali jkun imħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 inkluża l-VAT fil-<strong>Malta</strong>Post Office (on Campus), li jinsab ħdejn il-Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni, matul il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Preview għal din is-sejħa tinkiseb fuq (www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/procurement).Se ssir laqgħa ta’ kjarifika/fuq il-post dwar l-offertamsemmija hawn fuq nhar il-Ħamis 2 ta’ Frar 2012 fid-9.30a.m. fl-Estate and Works Department, l-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi matul il-ftuħ u l-għoti <strong>tal</strong>propostili jaslu nhar l-Erbgħa, it-22 ta’ Frar, 2012, fl-10.15a.m. f’Kamra 300A, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni, l-Universitàta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Foundation for Educational ServicesSealed Expressions of InterestThe Foundation for Educational Services (FES) notifiesthat:-Sealed quotations will be received by the Foundationat St Nicholas College, Boys’ Secondary School, MtarfaMTF 1140 up to 11.00 a.m. on Friday, 3rd February 2012for:-Quot. No. FES/01/2012. Auditing services for the year2011 from accounting firms and individuals.Quot No. FES/02/2012. Design and publication ofthe Foundation’s Annual Report 2011 from firms andindividuals.Further information can be obtained through email:(fes@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012The Rector notifies that:-UNIVERSITY OF MALTASealed proposals will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onWednesday, 22nd February 2012 for:-Proposals: UM1601. Supply, delivery and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofoffice furniture for the Fema Building Extension Blocks Aand B at the University of <strong>Malta</strong>.Proposals should be made only on the prescribed form,which together with the relative conditions and otherdocuments may be obtained from the Procurement Directorate,University of <strong>Malta</strong>, Msida, (Room 303, AdministrationBuilding) on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noonafter having effected a payment of €50.00 inclusive ofVAT at the <strong>Malta</strong>post Office (on Campus), located near theAdministration Building, during the same times.A preview of the above-mentioned call is available on(www.um.edu.<strong>mt</strong>/procurement).A clarification/site meeting on the above-mentioned tenderwill be held on Thursday 2nd February 2012 at 9.30 a.m. at theEstate and Works Department – University of <strong>Malta</strong>.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof the proposals received on Wednesday, 22nd February,2012 at 10.15 a.m. in Room 300A, Administration Block,University of <strong>Malta</strong>.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE653KULLEĠĠ MALTI TAL-ARTI, IX-XJENZAU T-TEKNOLOĠIJAESF 2.85 - Ngħaqqdu l-bżonnijiet industrijaliu l-Edukazzjoni u t-Taħriġ Vokazzjonali biexnieħdu l-massimu mill-Kapi<strong>tal</strong> UmanIl-Prinċipal <strong>tal</strong>-Kulleġġ Malti <strong>tal</strong>-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija jgħarraf illi:-Sas-2.00 p.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, 26 ta’ Jannar, 2012, jilqa’offerti li għandhom ikunu magħluqa f’envelop indirizzatlill-mittent u mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti apposta fil-BiniAmministrattiv, MCAST Main Campus, it-Telgħa ta’Kordin, Paola PLA 9032, minn partijiet interessati għal:Avviż Nru. MCAST T. 02/12. Provvediment ta’ servizzipubbliċitarji lill-Kulleġġ Malti għall-Arti, Xjenza uTeknoloġija.Dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mid-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Accounts fl-indirizz ta’ hawn fuq, Tel: 2398 7100, Fax:2398 7316, (www.mcast.edu.<strong>mt</strong>) mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa mit-8.30 a.m. sa nofsinhar u mis-2.00 p.m. sal-4.00 p.m., fuqħlas ta’ €30.L-MCAST iżomm id-dritt li jaċċetta jew jirrifjuta partijew l-offerta sħiħa, xi offerta jew l-offerti kollha mitfugħa.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012<strong>Malta</strong> College of Arts, Scienceand TechnologyESF 2.85- Linking Industrial needs andVocational Education and Trainingto Optimise Human Capi<strong>tal</strong>The Principal of the <strong>Malta</strong> College of Arts, Science andTechnology notifies that:Tenders in pre-addressed envelopes from interestedparties will be received in the appropriate tender box inthe Administration Building, MCAST Main Campus,Corradino Hill, Paola PLA 9032, up to 2.00 p.m. onThursday, 26th January, 2012, for:Advt. No. MCAST T. 02/12. Provision of publicityservices to the <strong>Malta</strong> College of Arts, Science andTechnology.Tender documents may be collected from the AccountsDepartment from the abovementioned address, Tel: 23987100, Fax: 2398 7316, (www.mcast.edu.<strong>mt</strong>) from Mondayto Friday, from 8.30 a.m. to noon, and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00p.m., against a fee of €30.MCAST reserves the right to accept or refuse in part orin whole, any or all tenders submitted.20th January, 2012Programm Operazzjonali II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarProġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeProject part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureKUMMISSJONI ELETTORALIEspressjoni ta’ InteressKiri ta’ Dawl ta’ Emerġenza fil-Postijiet <strong>tal</strong>-VotazzjoniHemm il-ħsieb li l-Kummissjoni Elettorali, meta jinqala’l-każ, tagħmel użu minn apparat ta’ dawl għall-emerġenzaf’kull kamra <strong>tal</strong>-votazzjoni, minflok l-użu ta’ lampi <strong>tal</strong>-gass.F’każ ta’ bżonn ta’ aktar tagħrif, kull min hu interessat lijikri dan l-apparat huwa mitlub jikkuntattja lis-Sur DennisELECTORAL COMMISSIONExpression of InterestRen<strong>tal</strong> of Emergency Lighting for Polling BoothsThe Electoral Commission is to change over from usinggas lamps in each polling room during elections to some sortof emergency lighting.In case of queries, those interested in renting suchequipment are requested to contact Mr Dennis Said on

654 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Said fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2558 3138, bejn it-8.00 a.m.u nofsinhar, mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa, sa mhux aktar tard mit-Tlieta, l-24 ta’ Jannar 2012.L-espressjonijiet ta’ interess, dawk biss li jiġu kkunsidratigħall-għażla u li għandhom jindikaw d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji tat-tip <strong>tal</strong>apparatflimkien mar-rata kuljum ta’ kull unit <strong>tal</strong>-apparat,jintlaqgħu ġo kaxxa ssiġillata fl-Uffiċċju Elettorali, EvansBuildings, Il-Belt Valletta, sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, il-31 ta’Jannar 2012, u jinfetħu minnufih wara.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012FONDAZZJONI GĦALL-ISKEJJEL TA’ GĦADAIl-Fondazzjoni għall-Iskejjel ta’ Għada tgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, il-15 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. FTS 01-12. Provvista u twaħħil ta’ bibien <strong>tal</strong>-injamgħal ġewwa fl-Iskola Sekondarja l-ġdida <strong>tal</strong>-Bniet f’Tal-Ħandaq,Ħal Qormi, Kulleġġ San Injazju.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €23.00 ma’ kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, is-16 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. FTS 03-12. Provvista u konsenja ta’ għamara għallklassijietfl-Iskola Sekondarja l-ġdida <strong>tal</strong>-Bniet f’Tal-Ħandaq, ĦalQormi, Kulleġġ San Injazju.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €23.00 ma’ kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-16 ta’ Frar, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. FTS 02-12. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ xogħlijiet<strong>tal</strong>-azzar fl-Iskola Sekondarja l-ġdida <strong>tal</strong>-Bniet f’Tal-Ħandaq, ĦalQormi, Kulleġġ San Injazju.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €23.00 ma’ kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti għandhom jiġu depożitati fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fluffiċċji<strong>tal</strong>-Fondazzjoni fl-indirizz imsemmi hawn fuq.Il-Fondazzjoni għall-Iskejjel ta’ Għada tgħarraf illi l-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fil-ħinu d-dati speċifikati hawn fuq.Il-Fondazzjoni żżomm id-dritt li tirrifjuta l-aħjar jew l-offerti kollha, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012telephone number 2558 3138, between 8.00 a.m. and noon,from Monday to Friday, by not later than the Tuesday, 24thJanuary 2012.The expressions of interest, the only ones considered byadjudication and indicating the description and specificationsof the type of lighting being offered together with the rate perday of each unit, shall be received in a sealed box at the ElectoralOffice, Evans Buildings, Valletta, up to noon of Tuesday, 31stJanuary 2012, and opened immediately thereafter.20th January, 2012FOUNDATION FOR TOMORROW’S SCHOOLSThe Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools notifies that:‐Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onWednesday, 15th February, 2012, for:-Advt. No. FTS 01-12. Supply and fixing of internal timberdoors at St Ignatius College, new Girls’ Secondary School, Tal-Ħandaq, limits of Ħal QormiA fee of €23.00 is to be effected on collection of everytender document.Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onThursday, 16th February, 2012, for:-Advt. No. FTS 03-12. Supply and delivery of classroomfurniture at St Ignatius College, new Girls’ Secondary School,Tal-Ħandaq, limits of Ħal QormiA fee of €23.00 is to be effected on collection of everytender document.Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 17th February, 2012, for:-Advt. No. FTS 02-12. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of steelworksat St Ignatius College, new Girls’ Secondary School, Tal-Ħandaq,limits of Ħal QormiA fee of €23.00 is to be effected on collection of everytender document.Tenders must be deposited in the tender box at theFoundation’s offices at the above mentioned address.The Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools notifies that thegeneral public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and dates specified above.The right is reserved to refuse the best or all offers, eventhe most advantageous.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE655L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-Operaturi Ekonomiċi biexjissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom għal Kiri ta’ Karozzi.Offerti magħluqin għal Kiri ta’ Karozzi – T009/12jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) tat-Tnejn,is-27 ta’ Frar 2012 fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti li tinsab f’GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Kopja elettronika tad-dokument tista’ titniżżel minnfuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Kopja stampata <strong>tal</strong>-istess dokument tista’ tinkisebpermezz ta’ <strong>tal</strong>ba b’email mibgħuta lil: (T00912.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) għall-ħlas ta’ €35.Aktar tagħrif jinkiseb mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing andVendor Management permezz tat-telefon 2123 4710, jewb’email lil: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor Leasing of Passenger Type Vehicles.Sealed tenders for Leasing of Passenger Type Vehicles– T009/12 will be received in the tender box at GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (CentralEuropean Time) on Monday, 27th February 2012.An electronic copy of the document can be downloadedfree of charge from the Electronic Public ProcurementSystem: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).A hard copy of the same document may be obtained by anemail request to: (T00912.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) for a fee of €35.Further information is obtained from the Sourcing andVendor Management Department on telephone number 21234710 or email: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-Operaturi Ekonomiċi biexjissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom biex jipprovdu “applicationservices”.Offerti magħluqin għall-Provvediment ta’ ApplicationServices – T157/11 jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar (Ħin ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>)<strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, il-15 ta’ Frar 2012 fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti li tinsabf’Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Kopja elettronika tad-dokument tista’ titniżżel minn fuqis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-MITA: (https://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Kopja stampata <strong>tal</strong>-istess dokument tista’ tinkisebpermezz ta’ <strong>tal</strong>ba b’email mibgħuta lil: (T05711.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) għall-ħlas ta’ €35.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing and Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon:2123 4710, jew b’email lil: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor the provision of application services.Sealed tenders for the “Provision of Application Services– T057/11” will be received in the tender box at GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (<strong>Malta</strong>Time) on Wednesday, 15th February 2012.An electronic copy of the document can be downloadedfree of charge from MITA website on: (https://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).A hard copy of the same document may be obtained by anemail request to: (T05711.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) for a fee of €35.Further information is obtained from the Sourcing andVendor Management Department on telephone number 21234710 or email: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012

656 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-Operaturi Ekonomiċi biexjissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom għall-provvediment ta’hardware maintenance support services għal HP servers utagħmir relatat – ITT122/11.Offerti magħluqin għall-provvediment ta’ hardwaremaintenance support services għal HP servers u tagħmirrelatat – ITT122/11 jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar (Ħin ĊentraliEwropew) <strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ Frar 2012 fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offertili tinsab f’Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn fuql-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing and Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon 21234710, jew b’email lil: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor the provision of hardware maintenance support servicesfor HP Servers and Related Equipment – ITT122/11.Sealed tenders for the provision of hardware maintenancesupport services for HP servers and related equipment– ITT122/11 will be received in the Tender Box at GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Wednesday, 1st February 2012.Tender documents are only obtainable from the ElectronicPublic Procurement System: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Further information is obtained from the Sourcing andVendor Management Department on telephone number 21234710 or email: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-Operaturi Ekonomiċi biexjissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom għall-provvediment ta’hardware maintenance support services għal Fujitsu serversu tagħmir relatat – ITT123/11.Offerti magħluqin għall-provvediment ta’ hardwaremaintenance support services għal Fujitsu servers u tagħmirrelatat – ITT123/11 jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar (Ħin ĊentraliEwropew) <strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ Frar 2012 fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offertili tinsab f’Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jinkisbu biss minn fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing and Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon 21234710, jew b’email lil: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor the provision of hardware maintenance support servicesfor Fujitsu servers and related equipment – ITT123/11.Sealed tenders for the provision of hardware maintenancesupport services for Fujitsu servers and related equipment– ITT123/11 will be received in the tender box at GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Wednesday, 1st February 2012.Tender documents are only obtainable from the ElectronicPublic Procurement System: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Further information is obtained from the Sourcing andVendor Management Department on telephone number 21234710 or email: (svmd.mita@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE657MINISTeru gĦaLl-INFRASTRUTTURA,TRASPORT U KOMUNIKAZZJONIIl-Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjonijgħarraf illi:-Sa nofsinhar (Ħin ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-24ta’ Frar, 2012, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. MITC 500/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzita’ trasport marittimu għall-oġġetti bejn il-Gżejjer ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>u wieħed mill-Portijiet li qiegħed bejn il-Portijiet ta’ Genoau Reggio Calabria u Palermo jew Catania.Kopja tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jista’ jinkiseb fuq drittta’ ħlas ta’ €100.00.Il-proposti għandhom jinxteħtu fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti li tinsabfil-Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni,201, Triq id-Dejqa, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1444.Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MINISTRY FOR INFRASTRUCTURE,TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONSThe Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport andCommunications notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received up to noon (<strong>Malta</strong> Time)on Friday, 24th February 2012, for:-Advt. No. MITC 500/2011. Provision of maritimetransport services for goods between the Islands of <strong>Malta</strong> andany one Port lying between the Ports of Genoa and ReggioCalabria and Palermo or Catania.A copy of the tender documents can be purchased at aprice of €100.00.Proposals are to be deposited in the tender box located at theMinistry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications,201, Triq id-Dejqa, Valletta VLT 1444.Late submissions will not be considered.20th January, 2012L-AWTORITÀ TA’ MALTA GĦALL-KOMPETIZZJONIU GĦALL-AFFARIJIET TAL-KONSUMATURIċ-Chairman <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoniu għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur (MCCAA) jgħarraf illi:-Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, it-30 ta’ Jannar 2012jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. MCCAA 1/2012. Produzzjoni, disinjar,stampar u distribuzzjoni ta’ revista dwar l-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur.Dokumenti relatati jistgħu jinkisbu mingħajr ħlas mis-sitelettroniku (http://www.consumer.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) jew (http://www.msa.org.<strong>mt</strong>/) jew permezz ta’ email mibgħuta fuq (info@msa.org.<strong>mt</strong>) f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m. sanofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkiseb fuq numru tattelefon2124 2420.L-offerti jridu jiġu depożitati fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offertifl-Uffiċċju Aministrattiv <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur, MizziHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda – HRM 9010.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MALTA COMPETITION AND CONSUMERAFFAIRS AUTHORITYThe Chairman of the <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and ConsumerAffairs Authority (MCCAA), notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received up to noon ofMonday, 30th January 2012, for:-Quot. No. MCCAA 1/2012. Production, design, printingand distribution of a consumer magazine regarding ConsumerAffairs.Relevant tender document may be downloaded obtainedfree of charge from (http://www.consumer.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) or from(http://www.msa.org.<strong>mt</strong>/) or through an email sent to (info@msa.org.<strong>mt</strong>) on any working day betwen 8.00 a.m. and noon.Any further information may be obtained by phoning 21242420.Tenders are to be deposited in the tender box of theAdministration Office of the <strong>Malta</strong> Competition andConsumer Affairs Authority, Mizzi House, Triq Nazzjonali,Blata l-Bajda, HMR 9010.20th January, 2012

658 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ tgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 7 ta’ Frar, 2012, fil-kaxxa<strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far tilqa’offerti magħluqin kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarjikollha, għal:Avviż Nru. ETC/A/04/12. Provvista ta’ envelops stampati,(karti) letter heads, karta għall-fotokopji u materjal ieħor.Kopji tad-dokumenti ta’ dil-offerta jinġabru mid-Diviżjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Finanzji <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ f’Ħal Farmit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar, bi ħlas ta’ €25 kull wieħed.It-titolu u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-offerti kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magħluq indirizzat kif ġej:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ tgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 7 ta’ Frar, 2012, fil-kaxxa<strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC fix-Xewkija,Għawdex, tilqa’ offerti magħluqin kompluti biddokumentineċessarji kollha, għal:Avviż Nru. ETC/G/03/12. Modernizzar <strong>tal</strong>-UffiċċjuPrinċipali u l-faċilitajiet tat-taħriġ ġodda ġewwa l-ETCf’Għawdex – Fazi 1.Kopji tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mill-Uffiċċju Prinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC fix-Xewkija, Għawdex jewmid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzji <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ f’Ħal Far, mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar bi ħlas ta’ €50kull wieħed.Se ssir laqgħa għall-kjarifika nhar it-Tnejn 23 ta’ Jannar,2012, fl-10.00 a.m., fl-Uffiċju Prinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Għawdex,Triq l-Imġarr, Ix-Xewkija, Għawdex.It-titolu u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-offerta kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magħluq. Dawn għandhomikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv,Uffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies that:Sealed tenders, complete with all required documents,will be received in the tender box in the ETC Head Officein Ħal Far by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 7thFebruary, 2012, for.Advt. No. ETC/A/04/12. Supply of printed envelopes,letter heads, photocopy paper and other materials.Copies of the tender document may be obtained from theFinance Division of the Employment and Training Corporationin Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. till noon, against a fee of €25.The tender’s title and code as stated above should be statedon the sealed envelope addressed as follows:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300020th January, 2012EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies that:Sealed tenders, complete with all required documents,will be received in the tender box in the ETC Head Officein Xewkija, Gozo, by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday,7th February, 2012, for.Advt. No. ESF/G/03/12. Refurbishment of the ETC’s newGozo Offices and Training Facilities – Phase 1.Copies of the tender document may be obtained fro<strong>mt</strong>he ETC Main Office at Xewkija, Gozo, or from the FinanceDivision of the Employment and Training Corporation at ĦalFar, between 8.00 a.m. and noon against a fee of €50 each.A clarification meeting about this tender will be held onMonday, 23rd January, 2012, at 10.00 a.m., at the Gozo ETCMain Office, Triq l-Imġarr, Xewkija, Gozo.The tender title and code as stated above should bestated on the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed asfollows:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300020th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE659Central Procurementand Supplies UnitIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement uProvvisti, Ministeru tas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità,Gwardamanġa, jgħarraf illi:-Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-27 ta’ Jannar,2012, fil-Kaxxa l-Ħadra fir-reception area tas-CentralProcurement and Supplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, <strong>Malta</strong>,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. PFI Nru. 101. CO2 sensor for marquette.Kwot. PFI Nru. 102. Atosiban 7.5mg/ml in 5ml.Kwot. PFI Nru. 103. Hydrocolloid extra thin dressings5*20cm.Kwot. PFI Nru. 104.Doxorubicin liposomal 50mginjections.Kwot. PFI Nru. 105. Baclofen intrathecal injections.Kwot. PFI Nru. 106. 6FR angioseal.Kwot. PFI Nru. 107. Carbon dioxide.Kwot. PFI Nru. 108. Flexible ureteroscopy sheats.Kwot. PFI Nru. 109. Centrifuge tubes.Il-PFIs kollha msemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq:(http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=240).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Central Procurement andSupplies Unit f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. unofsinhar.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Central Procurementand Supplies UnitThe Chief Executive Officer, Procurement and SuppliesUnit, Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care,Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the Green Boxat the reception area of the Central Procurement andSupplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, <strong>Malta</strong>, by 9.00 a.m. onFriday, 27th January, 2012, for:-Quot. PFI No. 101. CO2 sensor for marquette.Quot. PFI No. 102. Atosiban 7.5mg/ml in 5ml.Quot. PFI No. 103. Hydrocolloid extra thin dressings5*20cm.Quot. PFI No. 104. Doxorubicin liposomal 50mg injections.Quot. PFI No. 105. Baclofen intrathecal injections.Quot. PFI No. 106. 6FR angioseal.Quot. PFI No. 107. Carbon dioxide.Quot. PFI No. 108. Flexible ureteroscopy sheats.Quot. PFI No. 109. Centrifuge tubes.All the above PFIs can be downloaded from: (http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=240).Further information may be obtained from the CentralProcurement and Supplies Unit on any working day between8.30 a.m. and noon.20th January, 2012Central Procurementand Supplies UnitIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Procurement and Supplies Unit,Gwardamanġa jgħarraf illi:-Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-3 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-Kaxxa l-Ħadra jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqingħall-provvista ta’:-Avviż. RFI Nru. 1. Fibringen 1g injections.L-offerta msemmija hawn fuq tista’ titniżżel minn fuq: (http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=1298).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Central Procurement andSupplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejnit-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Central Procurementand Supplies UnitThe Chief Executive Officer, Procurement and SuppliesUnit, Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received in the Green Box atthe reception area up to 9.00 a.m. on Friday, 3rd February2012, for the supply of:-Advt. RFI No. 1. Fibrinogen 1g injections.The above request for information can be downloadedfrom: (http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=1298).Further information may be obtained from the CentralProcurement and Supplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, on anyworking day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.20th January, 2012

660 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Central Procurementand Supplies UnitIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Procurement u Provvisti,Gwardamanġa, jgħarraf illi:‐Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012, fil-Kaxxa l-Bajda fir-reception area tas-Central Procurementand Supplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, <strong>Malta</strong>, jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. GG Nru. 25. Soft cervical collars smallKwot. GG Nru. 26. Tubing clamps.Kwot. GG Nru. 27. Perm.cath set (hemodyalisis set).Kwot. GG Nru. 28. ECG Patient cable 3 lead grabbertype.Kwot. GG Nru. 29. Straight connectors, I.D. 6.5mm,O.D.8.0mm.Kwot. GG Nru. 30. Adult therapeutic apheresis kits.Il-kwotazzjonijiet kollha msemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jinkisbuminn fuq: (http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=241).Aktar tagħrif dwar il-kwantitajiet u kundizzjonijietta’ dawn il-kwotazzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mis-CentralProcurement and Supplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, bejn it-8.00a.m. u nofsinhar.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Central Procurement and Supplies UnitIs-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti, Ministeru tas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) jgħarraf illli:-Jintlaqgħu offerti elettroniċi rigward l-offerti li ġejjinfid-datau l-ħinijiet indikati hawn taħt. L-offerti għandhomjintbagħtu BISS online fuq: (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Estiża sad-9.30 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, it-8 ta’ Frar, 2012,għal:-DH 5565/2011. Bażi ta’ kuntratt għall-provvista ta’ ġobonsliced.Id-dokument ta’ din l-offerta jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jinkisbu biss mill-ElectronicPublic Procurement System (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Ir-reġistrazzjoni hija meħtieġa sabiex ikun jista’ jintuża l-website: Operaturi ekonomiċi Malti għandu jkollhom l-e-Id<strong>tal</strong>-Organizzazzjoni tagħhom sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħluf’dan il-website. Aktar tagħrif jinkiseb mill-FAQ Section<strong>tal</strong>-istess website.Central Procurementand Supplies UnitThe Chief Executive Officer, Procurement and SuppliesUnit, Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the White Boxat the reception area of the Central Procurement andSupplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, <strong>Malta</strong>, up to 9.00 a.m. onThursday, 9th February, 2012, for:-Quot. GG No. 25. Soft cervical collars smallQuot. GG No. 26. Tubing clamps.Quot. GG No. 27. Perm.cath set (hemodyalisis set).Quot. GG No. 28. ECG Patient cable 3 lead grabbertype.Quot. GG No. 29. Straight connectors, I.D. 6.5mm,O.D.8.0mm.Quot. GG No. 30. Adult therapeutic apheresis kits.All quotations listed above can be downloaded from:(http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=241).Further information regarding the quantities and conditionsof these quotations may be obtained from the CentralProcurement and Supplies Unit, Gwardamanġa, between8.00 a.m. and noon.20th January, 2012Central Procurement and Supplies UnitThe CEO (Procurement and Supplies, Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care) notifies that:-Electronic tenders in respect of the following noticeswill be received on the date and times indicated below.Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Extended up to 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 8th February,2012, for:-DH 5565/2011. Framework contract for supply of slicedcheese.This tender document is free of charge.Tender documents are only obtainable from the ElectronicPublic Procurement System (http://www.etenders.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>).Registration is required in order to make use of this website:Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of theirOrganisation e-ID in order to access this website. Moreinformation is available from the FAQ Section of the samewebsite.

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE661L-operaturi ekonomiċi interessati biex jieħdu sehemf’dawn is-sejħiet għall-offerti huma mħeġġa biex jieħdu notata’ dawn il-workshops li qed jiġu organizzati mid-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti. Waqt dawn il-workshops, isiru simulationssabiex l-operaturi ekonomiċi jsiru familjari ma’ kif jiġbruu jibagħtu l-offerta tagħhom online. Aktar tagħrif jinkisebmid-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Dawn il-workshops huma maħsubaBISS għal operaturi ekonomiċi li fiħsiebhom jibagħtu offertagħal dan il-kuntratt, operaturi prospettivi oħra huma mistiednabiex jattendu għal waħda mis-sessjonijiet ta’ informazzjonili preżentement qed jigu organizzati mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti li jagħtu idea ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-proċeduri elettroniċil-ġodda dwar il-procurement.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar <strong>tal</strong>-offertifil-ħin u d-data msemmija hawn fuq.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Central Procurementand Supplies UnitIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Procurement and Supplies Unit,Gwardamanġa jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, is-6 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti Nru. 2 (Kulur Kannella) jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għall-provvista ta’:-Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2020. Qtar <strong>tal</strong>-għajnejnDexamethsone 0.1%.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2021. PTCA Balloons.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, l-20 ta’ Frar, 2012,fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti Nru. 2 (Kulur Kannella) jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għall-provvista ta’:-Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2022. Amocycillin and ClavulanicAcid Oral Suspension.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2023. Flucloxacillin 1g powderfor solution for injection for infusion.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2024. Diclofenac Sodium 100mgsuppositories.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2025. Opticaps Disconnect Caps.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2026. Haloperidol 100mgInjections.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2027. Etanercept 25mg prefilledsyringes.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2028. Protective Spectacles.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2029. Gloves-Hypoallergenic,Surgeons Gloves Sterile, size 8.5.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2030. Gloves-Hypoallergenic,Surgeons Gloves Sterile, size 7.0.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2031. HSV Antibody Tests.Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2032. Mini Quad and HRXVitroretinal Lenses.Economic operators interested in participating in thesecurrent calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshopsbeing organised by the Department of Contracts. Duringthese workshops, simulations will be carried out so thateconomic operators familiarise themselves with compiling andsubmitting their tender online. More information is availablein the tender document. These workshops are ONLY intendedto economic operators that intend to submit an offer for thistender, other prospective operators are invited to attend oneof the Information sessions currently being organised by theDepartment of Contracts that give an overview of the newelectronic procurement procedures.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and date specified above.20th January, 2012Central Procurementand Supplies UnitThe Chief Executive Officer, Procurement and SuppliesUnit, Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received in the Tender Box No. 2(Colour Brown) up to 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 6th February2012, for the supply of:-Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2020. Dexamethsone 0.1% EyeDrops.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2021. PTCA Balloons.Sealed tenders will be received in the Tender BoxNo. 2 (Colour Brown) up to 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 20thFebruary 2012, for the supply of:-Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2022. Amocycillin and ClavulanicAcid Oral Suspension.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2023. Flucloxacillin 1g powder forsolution for injection for infusion.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2024. Diclofenac Sodium 100mgsuppositories.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2025. Opticaps Disconnect Caps.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2026. Haloperidol 100mgInjections.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2027. Etanercept 25mg prefilledsyringes.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2028. Protective Spectacles.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2029. Gloves-Hypoallergenic,Surgeons Gloves Sterile, size 8.5.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2030. Gloves-Hypoallergenic,Surgeons Gloves Sterile, size 7.0.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2031. HSV Antibody Tests.Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2032. Mini Quad and HRXVitroretinal Lenses.

662 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Avviż Nru. CPSU/CPU/2033. Extension 3 way sets.Is-Central Procurement and Supplies Unit Tenders kollhamsemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jitniżżlu minn fuq: (http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=242).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Central Procurement andSupplies Unit, Pjazza San Luqa, Gwardamanġa, f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Advt. No. CPSU/CPU/2033. Extension 3 way sets.All the above Central Procurement and Supplies UnitTenders can be downloaded from: (http://www.sahha.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/pages.aspx?page=242).Further information may be obtained from the CentralProcurement and Supplies Unit, St Luke’s Square, Gwardamanġa,on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.20th January, 2012Gozo Channel Company LimitedL-Aġent Chairman, Gozo Channel Company Limited,jgħarraf illi sal-10.00 a.m <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, id-9 ta’ Frar, 2012jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fil-Gozo Channel CompanyLimited, The Brokerage, Level 2, Triq Santa Martha, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, għal:-Avviż Nru. T01/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta’ marinevessel main lubricating oils.L-ebda ħlas m’hu meħtieġ għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta li tinġabar.Kopja <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ tinkiseb ukoll billi tintbagħatemail lil (admin@gozochannel.com).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Gozo Channel Company LimitedThe Acting Chairman, Gozo Channel Company Limited,notifies that sealed tenders will be received at the GozoChannel Company Limited, The Brokerage, Level 2, TriqSanta Martha, Ir-Rabat, Gozo by not later than Thursday, 9thFebruary, 2012 at 10.00 a.m. for:-Advt. No. T01/2012. Supply and delivery of marinevessel main lubricating oils.No fee is required for every copy of tender documentscollected.A copy of the tender can also be obtained by sending anemail to (admin@gozochannel.com).20th January, 2012MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEXId-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Customer Services, Ministeru għal-Għawdex igħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn 30 ta’ Jannar 2012,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fil-Ministerugħal Għawdex, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Dipartiment tas-Servizzi Korporattivi, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex għal:Kwot. Numru D. Cust. S. Q02/2012. Xogħol ta’manutenzjoni fuq is-saqaf <strong>tal</strong>-Kumpless Sportiv/Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Customer Services, Ministeru għal Għawdex, Ir-Rabat,Għawdex.Il-kwotazzjonijiet għandhom isiru fuq il-formoli preskritti,li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mit-Taqsima<strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Ministeru għal Għawdex, Ir-Rabat Għawdex,f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol waqt il-ħin <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012MINISTRY FOR GOZOThe Director, Customer Services, Ministry for Gozo,notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received at the Ministry forGozo - Accounts Section, Department Corporate Services,Victoria by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Monday 30thJanuary 2012 for:Quot. No. D. Cust. S.Q02/2012. Work for roof over GozoSports Complex/Department Customer Services, Ministryfor Gozo, Victoria, Gozo.Quotations should be drawn on the prescribed formswhich, together with the relative conditions can be obtainedfrom the Accounts Section, Department Corporate Services,Ministry for Gozo, Victoria, Gozo, on any working dayduring office hours.20th January, 2012

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE663KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTIl-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport jgħarraf illi sa nofsinharta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ Frar, 2012, jintlaqgħu offerti għal:-Avviż Nru. KMS/TEN/001/2012. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ heavy duty outdoor playing equipment biex jintużawspeċifikament mit-tfal.Avviż Nru. KMS/TEN/002/2012. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ heavy duty outdoor playing equipment biex jintużawspeċifikament mit-tfal żgħar.Għandu jsir ħlas ta’ €20.00 meta jinġabru d-dokumenti<strong>tal</strong>-offerti.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u kundizzjonijiet jistgħu jinġabrumill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport,Kumpless Sportiv Kottonera, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla BML9020, bejn it-8.00 a.m. u n-12.30 p.m. u s-1.30 p.m. u l-4.00p.m.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jitniżżlu wkoll mill-website<strong>tal</strong>-KMS (www.sportmalta.org.<strong>mt</strong>).L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTThe Kunsill Malti għall-Isport notifies that offers willbe received up to noon on Wednesday, 1st February, 2012,for:-Advt. No. KMS/TEN/001/2012. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof heavy duty outdoor playing equipment specifically for useby juniors.Advt. No. KMS/TEN/002/2012. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof heavy duty outdoor playing equipment specifically for useby toddlers.A fee of €20.00 has to be paid upon collection of thetender documents.Tender documents and conditions can be collected from theAccounts Office of the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport, CottoneraSports Complex, Cottoner Avenue, Cospicua BML 9020,between 8.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. and 4.00p.m.Tender document can also be downloaded from KMSwebsite on (www.sportmalta.org.<strong>mt</strong>).20th January, 2012KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTIl-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport jgħarraf illi l-offerta għall-Provvista ta’ ilma għas-swimming pool (KMS/TEN/054/2011)ippubblikata fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, is-16 ta’Diċembru 2011 qed tiġi rtirata.L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Kunsill Lokali IL-GŻiraIl-Kunsill Lokali Il-Gżira jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-31 ta’ Jannar 2012, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. GLCT 003/2012. Offerta għal Private PublicPartnership - Stabilization works għal xogħlijiet ta’ kisi mill-ġdidta’ Triq Sir Patrick Stuart, Il-GżiraGħandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €35 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-dokumenti, kundizzjonijiet u det<strong>tal</strong>ji oħra dwar din l-offerta jinkisbu mill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Lokali, 283/1, TriqD’Argens, Il-Gżira, mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn it-8.30 a.m.u l-5.00 p.m.KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTThe Kunsill Malti għall-Isport notifies that tender for theSupply of water for swimming pool (KMS/TEN/054/2011)published on the Government Gazette of Friday, 16thDecember 2011 is being withdrawn.20th January, 2012GŻira Local CouncilThe Gżira Local Council notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Council’s Officeup to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 31st January 2012 for:-Advt. No. GLCT 003/2012. Tender for Private PublicPartnership - Stabilization works for resurfacing works in Triq SirPatrick Stuart, GżiraA fee of €35 fill be charged for every copy of tenderdocument.Tender documents, conditions and details may becollected from the Local Council’s Office, 283/1, TriqD’Argens, Gżira, from Monday to Friday betwen 8.30 a.m.and 5.00 p.m.

664 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857L-offerti jinfetħu minnufih wara l-ħin <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq.Il-Kunsill iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġużaL-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012Tenders will be opened immediately after the closingtime.The Council reserves the right to refuse all tenders, eventhe most advantageous.20th January, 2012AvviŻi <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti – Court Notices85B’digriet mogħti, mill-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fil-11ta’ Novembru 2011, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, fl-ismijietDebono Maria Concetta vs Falzon Lorraine et, Rikorsnumru 601/2011 JA, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjonibiex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-konvenuti, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat, ippreżentat, fil-Prim’Awla<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fl-ismijiet Maria Concetta Debono (K.I.137650M) vs 1. Lorraine Falzon (K.I. 568976M u 2. EsperiaSciberras (K.I. 795037M) għal kull interess li jista’ jkollha,fit-23 ta’ Ġunju 2011, ir-rikorrenti Maria Concetta Debono,<strong>tal</strong>bet lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti, prevja d-dikjarazzjonijietneċessarji;1. Tiddikjara li l-konvenuti jew min minnhom, kisrukundizzjonijiet enfitewtiċi naxxenti mill-kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Dottor Mario Felice tas-7 ta’ Novembru 1991, firrigwardtad-dar numru sitta (6) Duke of Edinburgh Street,il-Ħamrun, u tilqa’ t-<strong>tal</strong>biet l-oħra fir-rikors.Bl-ispejjeż, kif mitlubin u bl-imgħax kontra l-konvenutiminn issa inġunti għas-subizzjoni salv kull jedd ta’ azzjonispettanti lill-attriċi, għall-ħlas ta’ kwalsiasi somma ulterjurili tkun dovuta sad-data <strong>tal</strong>-effettiv żgumbrament.Attriċi: 41, Triq R. Caruana Dingli, San Ġwann.Konvenuta: (1) 6, Triq id-Duka ta’ Edinburgh, Ħamrun.(3) Flt 2, Blk G, Triq il-Jum, Marsa.Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Debono Maria Concettavs Falzon Lorraine et, rikors numru 601/2011 JA, jinsabdifferit għas-smigħ għat-8 ta’ Frar 2012, fl-9.45 a.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 17 ta’ Jannar 2012.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy means of a decree, given by the First Hall Civil Court,on the 11th November 2011, in the records of the SwornAplication, in the names Debono Maria Concetta vs FalzonLorraine et, Application number 601/2011 JA, the followingpublication was ordered for the purpose of service of thedefendants, in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of a Sworn Application, filed, in the First HallCivil Court, in the names Maria Concetta Debono (I.D.137650M) vs 1. Lorraine Falzon (I.D. 568976M) and 2.Esperia Sciberras (I.D. 795037M) for any interest she mayhave, on the 23rd June 2011, the applicant Maria ConcettaDebono, asked this Honourable Court, saving the necessarydeclarations;1. To declare that the defendants or either of whomviolated the empyteutical conditions resulting from thecontract in the records of Notary Dr Mario Felice of the 7thNovember 1991, regarding the house number six (6) Dukeof Edinburgh Street, Ħamrun and uphold the other demandsin the application.With costs as demanded and interest against thedefendants, from now summoned so that a reference to theirevidence be made saving any right due to the plintiff for thepayment of any further sum due till the effective eviction.Plaintff : 41, Triq R. Caruana Dingli, San Ġwann.Defendant: (1) 6, Triq id-Duka ta’ Edinburgh, Ħamrun.(3) Flat 2, Blk G Triq il-Jum, Marsa.The Sworn Application in the names Debono MariaConcetta vs Falzon Lorraine et, application number 601/2011JA, has been put off for hearing to the 8th February 2012, at9.45 a.m.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 17th January 2012.Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE66586B’digriet mogħti, mill-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fis-26ta’ Novembru 2011, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, fl-ismijietTabone Av. Michelle noe vs Watson Peter, Rikors Ġuramentatnu<strong>mt</strong>ru 356/2011 JA, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjonibiex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-konvenut, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat, ippreżentat, fil-Prim’Awla<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fl-ismijiet Dottor Michelle Tabone (K.I.138371M) fil-kwalità tagħha ta’ Ekonomu ta’ MonsinjurArċisqof bħala Amministratur <strong>tal</strong>-Beni EkklesjastiċiDjoċesani kollha ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għan-nom u fl-interess <strong>tal</strong>-KnisjaParrokkjali ta’ San Ġiljan vs Peter Watson, fil-11 ta’ April2011, ir-rikorrenti Dottor Michelle Tabone (K.I. 138371M)fil-kwalità tagħha ta’ Ekonomu ta’ Monsinjur Arċisqof bħalaAmministratur <strong>tal</strong>-Beni Ekklesjastiċi Djoċesani kollha ta’<strong>Malta</strong>, għan-nom u fl-interess <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’San Ġiljan, <strong>tal</strong>bet il-konvenut jgħid għaliex din il-Qortim’għandhiex;1. Tiddikjara u tiddeċiedi illi l-konvenut ikkommettaspoll għad-dannu <strong>tal</strong>-istess attriċi nomine meta huwa benal-ħajt immarkat b’kulur roża fuq il-pjanta hawn annessa ummarkata dok ‘A’ u okkupa l-area indikata bl-isfar, proprjetà<strong>tal</strong>-attriċi nomine Lapsi Street, San Ġiljan, u tilqa’ t-<strong>tal</strong>bietl-oħra fir-rikors.Bl-ispejjeż u b’riżerva ta’ kwalsiasi azzjoni spettanti lillattriċinomine kontra l-konvenut skont il-liġi.Rik: Dr Michelle Tabone noe,Kurja Arċiveskovili,Pjazza San Kalċedonju,Floriana.Intimat: Peter Warson,Flat 1, Lapsi Court,Lapsi Street,St Julian’s.Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Tabone Av. Michelle noevs Watson Peter rikors numru 356/2011 JA, jinsab differitgħas-smigħ għas-27 ta’ Jannar 2012, fl-9.45 a.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 17 ta’ Jannar 2012.Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy means of a decree given, by the First Hall CivilCourt, on the 26th November 2011, in the records of theSworn Application, in the names Tabone Av. Michelle noe vsWatson Peter, Sworn Application number 356/2011 JA, thefollowing publication was ordered for the purpose of serviceof the defendant, in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of a Sworn Application, filed, in the FirstHall Civil Court, in the names Dr Michelle Tabone (I.D.138371M) in her capacity as Bursar of Monsignor Archbishopas Administrator of all the Eccelesiastical Property of theDiocese of <strong>Malta</strong> in the name and in the interest of theParrochial Church of St. Julian’s vs Peter Watson, on the11th April 2011, the applicant Dr Michelle Tabone (I.D.138371M) in her capacity of Bursar of Monsignor Archbishopas Administrator of all the Ecclesiastical Property of theDiocese of <strong>Malta</strong> in the name and interest of the ParrochialChurch of Saint Julian’s, asked the defendant to state whythis Honourable Court should not;1. Declare and decide that the defendant committeda spoliation to the detriment of the same plaintiff whenhe built the wall marked colour pink on the plan herebyattached marked doc ‘A’ and occupied the area indicated inyellow, property of the same plaintiff nomine, Lapsi StreetStreet, St. Julian’s, and uphold the other demands in theapplication.With costs and saving any other action due to the plaintiffnomine against the defendant according to law.Applicant: Dr Michelle Tabone noe,Kurja Arċiveskovili,Pjazza San Kalċedonju,Floriana.Respondent: Peter Watson,Flat 1, Lapsi Court,Lapsi Street,St. Julian’s.The Sworn Application in the names Tabone Av. Michellenoe vs Watson Peter, application number 356/2011 JA, has beenput off for hearing to the 27th January 2012, at 9.45 a.m.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 17th January2012.Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

666 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,85787B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, <strong>tal</strong>-20 ta’ Settembru2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawn taħtgħall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).Go plc (C22334) ta’ Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS 1950,ippreżentaw Talba fil-11 ta’ Lulju 2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunalsabiex jikkundanna lil Joseph Mary Mizzi (K.I. 671262M)ta’ 172, C’est La Vie, Triq is-Swieqi, Swieqi, sabiex iħallaslis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €1151.25 liema ammont huwadovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru. 576/11KPS) hija differita għas-26ta’ Jannar 2012 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 16 ta’Jannar 2012.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 20thSeptember 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3)of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Go plc (C22334) of Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS 1950,filed a Claim on the 11th July 2011 whereby they asked theTribunal to condemn Joseph Mary Mizzi (I.D. 671262M) of172, C’est la Vie, Triq is-Swieqi, Swieqi, to pay the plaintiffcompany the sum of €1151.25 which amount is due to theplaintiff company.With costs and legal interest.The case (Claim Number 576/11KPS) is put off on the26th January 2012 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 16thJanuary 2012.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals88IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’digriet mogħti fit-18 ta’Jannar, 2012, mill-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) bħala QortiIstruttorja (Maġistrat Dott. Doreen Clarke, LL.D.), wara rikorsippreżentat minn Alexander Scudamore fit-22 ta’ Novembru,2011 fil-Kumpilazzjoni numru 818/2009, fl-ismijiet:Il-Pulizija(Spettur Ian Joseph Abdilla)KontraALEXANDER SCUDAMORE, 48 sena, self-employed,bin Alexander u Josephine xebba La Rosa, imwieledf’Lambeth - Ingilterra fil-15 ta’ Ottubru, 1963 u joqgħodf’numru 18, Flat 1, Triq L. Graham, Sliema, detentur ta’karta <strong>tal</strong>-identità numru 458986(M);TILQA’ T-TALBA fis-sens li l-imputat huwa awtorizzatibiegħ il-vettura ta’ tip Volkswagen Golf b’numru ta’reġistrazzjoni AUT 003 bil-prezz ta’ erbat elef u mitejn Euro(€4,200) b’dan li dan ir-rikavat għandu jintuża għax-xiri daparti <strong>tal</strong>-imputat ta’ vettura ta’ tip SAAB 93 mingħand ċertuJulian Vassallo liema xiri għandu jsir bil-prezz ta’ ħamestelef u ħames mitt Euro (€5,500) sa mhux aktar tard minnġimgħatejn mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-bejgħ hawn fuq imsemmi, altrimentir-rikavat għandu jiġu depożitat fil-kont ta’ tip savings li l-imputat għandu mal-HSBC Bank <strong>Malta</strong> plc.In oltre, il-Qorti qed tordna li l-vettura li l-imputat serjakkwista tkun soġġetta għall-istess ordni ta’ sekwestru tas-16IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 18th January,2012 given by the Court of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) as a Court ofCriminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Doreen Clarke, LL.D.) after anapplication filed on the 22nd November, 2011 by AlexanderScudamore Compilation number 818/2009 in the case:The Police(Inspector Ian Joseph Abdilla)VersusALEXANDER SCUDAMORE, 48 years, self-employed,son of Alexander and Josephine neé La Rosa, born inLambeth - England on the 15th October, 1963, and residingat 18, Flat 1, Triq L. Graham, Sliema, holder of identity Cardbearing number 458986(M);ACCEDED to the request made by the accused in thesense that, he is authorised to sell the vehicle of makeVolkswagen Golf, bearing registration number AUT 003 ata price of four thousand and two hundred Euros (€4,200),with the understanding that the proceeds of the sale must beused by the accused to buy another car of make SAAB 93from a certain Julian Vassallo, at the price of five thousandand five hundred Euros (€5,500), at not later than two weeksfrom the here above mentioned sale, otherwise the proceedsof the said sale must be deposited in the savings accountwhich the accused has with HSBC Bank <strong>Malta</strong> plc.Moreover, the Court orders that the vehicle the accused isabout to buy, is subject to the same freezing order dated 16th

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE667ta’ Ġunju, 2010, u li l-imputat għandu jippreżenta fl-atti ta’ dinil-kawża sa mhux aktar tard minn ġimgħa mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-bejgħ uxiri propost kopja awtentikata <strong>tal</strong>-ftehiem/kuntratti relattivi.L-istess pubblikazzjoni qed issir ai termini <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 5 <strong>tal</strong>-Att kontra l-Money Laundering, Kap. 373 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>u <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 23A <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi Kriminali, Kap. 9 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’<strong>Malta</strong> in segwitu ta’ pubblikazzjoni oħra li kienet saret fil-25ta’ Ġunju, 2010 wara digriet mogħti mill-istess Qorti fis-16 ta’Ġunju, 2010 fejn il-Qorti kienet ordnat is-sekwestru f’idejnterzi persuni b’mod ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-flejjes u l-proprjetà mobblijew immobbli kollha li jkunu dovuti lill-imsemmi AlexanderScudamore jew li huma proprjetà tiegħu.Illum, 18 ta’ Jannar, 2012.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Kriminali (<strong>Malta</strong>)Dr Elizabeth Quintano, LL.D.Assistent Reġistratur Qrati u Tribunali KriminaliJune 2010, and that the accused presents in the acts of thecase not later than a week from the said sale an authenticatedcopy of the relative contract or agreement.The publication of this order is being published in terms ofSection 5 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Cap.373 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong> and Section 23A of the CriminalCode, Cap. 9 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>, following anotherpublication made on the 25th June, 2010 after a decree of thesame Court on the 16th June, 2010 whereas the Court orderedthe attachment in the hands of third parties in a general manner,all monies and other moveable and immoveable propertywhich may be due to or belonging to Alexander Scudamore.Today, 18th January, 2012Registry of the Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction (<strong>Malta</strong>)Dr Elizabeth Quintano, LL.D.Assistant Registrar Criminal Courts and Criminal Tribunals89B’digriet tat-2 ta’ Diċembru, 2011 mogħti mill-Qorti<strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>), dina l-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Proċedura u OrganizzazzjoniĊivili (Kap.12).Illi b’rikors ippreżentat minn Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Limited fit-8 ta’ April, 2011 qed jin<strong>tal</strong>ab l-iżbank fl-ammont ta’ €742.55depożitati b’ċedola numru 2433/10 fl-ismijiet:Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Limited (C 10865) vs Rafik Khemiri(K.I. 355405 (L).Il-Qorti ordnat in-notifika <strong>tal</strong>-intimat li jkollu jumejn (2)żmien għar-risposta.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>), illum 17 ta’Jannar, 2012.Eunice Grech FioriniGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the 2nd December, 2011 given by theCourt of the Magistrates, the Court ordered that the extracthereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of serviceaccording to Article 187(3) of the Code of Organization andCivil Procedure (Cap. 12).That by the application filed by Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Limitedon the 8th April 2011 is asking for the withdrawal of theamount of €742.55 deposited by the Schedule of Depositnumber 2433/10 in the names of:Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Limited (C 10865) vs Rafik Khemiri(I.D. 355405 (L).The Court ordered the notification of this applicationwith two (2) days notice for filing a reply.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>), today the17th January, 2012.Eunice Grech FioriniFor Registrar of Courts and Civil Tribunals90Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fil-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>)fit-3 ta’ Jannar 2012, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-ittra uffiċjali numru 3369/11,fl-ismijiet Fogg Insurance Agencies Limited vs AkinaolaJohnson et, ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservita’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimat, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ ittra uffiċjali ppreżentata fil-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati(<strong>Malta</strong>) lil Akinola Johnson u Afia Benedict Fonkem Fotabongta’ St Peter’s Court, Block C, Triq l-Isponoz, San Pawl il-Baħar, fl-4 ta’ Ottubru 2011 Fogg Insurance Agencies Limited(C-597) għan-nom u in rappreżentanza tas-soċjetà estera ArgusIt is hereby being notified that by means of a decree given onthe 3rd January 2012, in the records of the judicial letter number3369/11, in the names Fogg Insurance Agencies Limited vsAkinola Johnson et, the Court of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) orderedthe following publication for the purpose of service of therespondent, in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of a judicial letter filed in the Court ofMagistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) against Akinola Johnson and AfiaBenedict Fonkem Fotabong of St Peter’s Court, BlockC, Triq l-Isponoz, San Pawl il-Baħar, on the 4th October2011, Fogg Insurance Agencies Limited (C-597) for and on

668 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857Insurance Company (Europe) Limited ta’ La Concorde, AbateRigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex, filwaqt illi tagħmel riferenza għallinċidentawtomobilistiku illi seħħ fil-11 ta’ Awwissu 2011għall-ħabta ta’ 8.30 p.m. ġewwa Triq is-Salina, Naxxar, u illifih kont involut inti Afia Benedict Fonkem Fotabong waqt illikont qiegħed issuq il-vettura bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni GAC191, assigurata mal-mittenti minnek Akinola Johnson, tirrilevagħall-finijiet u l-effetti kollha <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi illi intom aġixxejtu bi ksur<strong>tal</strong>-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-polza ta’ assigurazzjoni maħruġa millmittentifavur l-imsemmija vettura bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoniGAC 191, u dana peress illi:Intom inqastu milli tirregistraw claim in konnessjoni malimsemmiinċident u dana kif kontu obbligati illi tagħmlukemm ai termini <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi kif ukoll ai termini <strong>tal</strong>-polza ta’assigurazzjoni relattiva; uInti Afia Benedict Fonkem Fotabong ma kontx kopertmill-polza ta’ assigurazzjoni relattiva, u dan stante illi makontx persuna awtorizzata illi ssuq il-vettura bin-numru ta’reġistrazzjoni GAC 191 peress illi fid-data <strong>tal</strong>-inċident intikont għadek ma għalaqtx il-ħamsa u għoxrin (25) sena.Illi għalhekk intom qegħdin tiġu formalment imwissija illif’każ illi l-mittenti tiġi obbligata illi teffettwa xi pagamentigħan-nom tagħkom jew min minnkom ai termini <strong>tal</strong>-Kapitolu104 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, hija qiegħda minn issa tirriżerval-pożizzjoni tagħha fil-konfront tagħkom, skont il-Liġi utipproċedi fil-konfront għall-irkupru <strong>tal</strong>-ammonti kollha illi hijatista’ tiġi obbligata illi tħallas favur terzi in konnessjoni ma’ danil-każ, u dan oltre għall-ispejjez u interessi skont il-Liġi.Fl-aħħarnett, mingħajr preġudizzju għal dak kollu fuqpremess, il-mittenti tinterpellakom sabiex fi żmien tlett (3)ijiem tersqu għall-assunzjoni tar-responsabbiltà għall-ħlas<strong>tal</strong>-ammont kollu ta’ danni sofferti mit-terzi bħala rizultat ta’dan l-inċident u l-ispejjeż kollha relattivi u tinformakom illi,fin-nuqqas, hija sejra tipproċedi wkoll b’rapport formali lill-Pulizija Eżekuttiva dwar l-aġir tagħkom illi jikkostitwixxireat kriminali li jġorr miegħu pieni ħarxa, b’multa tassattivata’ bejn €2,329.37 u €4,658.75 kull wieħed u/jew sentenzata’ prigunerija ta’ tliet xhur, oltre għall-iskwalifika milliċenzjatas-sewqan għal perjodu li ma jeċċedix tnax (12)-il xahar. Dawn il-pieni jkunu jridu jiġu minkom imħallsau sofferti oltre għall-ammont ta’ danni sofferti mit-terzi, l-interessi legali u l-ispejjeż ġa msemmija.Dina l-ittra uffiċjali ssir għall-finijiet u l-effetti kollha <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi, u senjatament <strong>tal</strong>-Kapitolu 104 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Tant sabiex tagħrfu tirregolaw ruħkom.Bl-ispejjez.Reġistru Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 16 ta’ Jannar2012.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunalibehalf of the foreign company Argus Insurance Company(Europe) Limited of La Concorde, Abate Rigord Street, Ta’Xbiex, whilst referring to the car accident which occured onthe 11th August 2011 at about 8.30 p.m. in Triq is-Salina,Naxxar, in which you Afia Benedict Fonkem Fotabong wereinvolved in whilst driving vehicle with registration numberGAC 191, insured with the sender by you Akinola Johnson,formally points out, for all intents and purposese at Law, thatyou acted in breach of the conditions of the insurance policyissued by the sender in favour of the mentioned vehiclebearing registration number GAC 191 given that:-You failed to register a claim in connection with theafore-mentioned accident as you were obliged to do bothin terms of the Law and in terms of the relative insurancepolicy; andYou, Afia Benedict Fonkem Fotabong, were not coveredby the relative insurance policy since you were not anauthorised person to drive vechile bearing registrationnumber GAC 191 given that on the date of the accident youwere under twenty-five (25) years of age.Therefore you are being formally warned that in the eventthat the sender is bound to effect any payment on your behalfor on behalf of any one of you in terms of Chapter 104 of theLaws of <strong>Malta</strong>, the sender is reserving its position against youaccording to Law and shall file judicial proceedings againstyou for the recovery of all the amounts it may be bound to payin favour of the third party in connection with this case, andthis together with costs and interest according to Law.Finally, and without any prejudice to all the above mentioned,the interpellant calls upon you so that within three (3) days youcome forward and assume resonsibility for the payments of allthe amounts of damages suffered by third parties in the accidentde quo and all the relative costs, and informs you that in default itis going to proceed with a formal report to the Executive Policeregarding your behaviour which behaviour costitutes a criminaloffence subject to a severe penalty with a fixed fine rangingbetween €2,329.37 and €4,658.75 each and/or imprisonmentof three months, besides the disqualification of your drivinglicence that does not exceed twelve months. These penaltieshave to be paid by you and suffered besides the amount ofdamages suffered by third parties, the legal interests andcosts already mentioned.This Judicial Letter is being send for all intents and purposesof Law, particularly Chapter 104 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.So much so that you may regulate yourselves accordingly.With costs.Registry of the Court of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 16thJanuary 2012.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE66991B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’ AWLA fit-2 ta’ Diċembru, 2011 fuq rikors <strong>tal</strong>-BANK OF VALLETTAPLC ġie ffissat il-jum <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, 1 ta’ Marzu, 2012 fil-11.00 a.m. għall-BEJGH BL-IRKANT, li għandu jsir FIL-KURITURI TAL-QRATI TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA, TRIQ IR-REPUBBLIKA, VALLETTA <strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħt deskritt.Il-flat fit-tieni sular, internament immarkat bin-numrutlieta (3), formanti parti minn blokk ta’ erba’ (4) flats blaisem, bin-numru tlieta u erbgħin (43) fi Triq l-ArċisqofMauro Caruana, qabel magħrufa bħala Triq id-Dejqa, il-Furjana, u għandu komuni flimkien mat-tliet flats l-oħra l-partijiet komuni li jinkludu l-entratura, it-turġien u l-bejt,liberu u bat<strong>tal</strong> bid-drittijiet u l-pertinenzi kollha tiegħu, stmatli jiswa €40,000.L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ CASHA JOSEPH.N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta numru 72/11.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Jannar,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniGħar-Registratur Qrati Civili u TribunaliBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALLon the 2nd December, 2011 on the application of BANK OFVALLETTA PLC, Thursday, 1st March, 2012 at the 11.00a.m., has been fixed for the SALE BY AUCTION, to be held inthe FIRST FLOOR OF THESE LAW COURTS, REPUBLICSTREET, VALLETTA of the following property.The second floor apartment internally numbered three(3), forming part of an unnamed block of four (4) apartmentsnumbered forty three (43), situated in Triq l-Arcisqof MauroCaruana, formerly Triq id-Dejqa, Floriana, having in commonwith the other three (3) units in the same block all those partswhich are intended for the common use, that is the entrance,entrance hall, stairs and roof, as subject to and enjoying allthose servitudes inherent in its position, otherwise free andunencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances, valuedat €40,000.The said tenement is the property of CASHA JOSEPH.N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of the file number 72/11.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 16thJanuary, 2012.Eunice Grech FioriniFor the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals92B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili, Prim’ Awla fit-28 ta’Novembru, 2011 fuq rikors ta’ Bank of Valletta plc ġie ffissatil-jum tat-Tlieta, 20 ta’ Marzu, 2012 fl-10.30 a.m. għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT, li għandu jsir fil-Kurituri <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati<strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta <strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħtdeskritt.1. Penthouse, internament immarkat numru 4, sovrastantil-garaxxijiet mingħajr numru bl-isem ‘Bridge End’, f’OliveStreet, The Gardens, San Ġiljan, inkluża l-arja tiegħu kifukoll kwart (1/4) indiviż <strong>tal</strong>-partijiet komuni <strong>tal</strong>-istess blokkta’ flats, soġġetta għal ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ €18.47,stmat li jiswa €190,000.2. Garaxx bin-numru tnejn (2) li jifforma parti minnkumpless ta’ ħames garaxxijiet, fil-livell basement f’OliveStreet, The Gardens, San Ġiljan, inkluż ukoll kwint (1/5)indiviż tar-rampa u <strong>tal</strong>-partijiet komuni, soġġett għal ċensannwu u perpetwu ta’ €18.47, stmat li jiswa €18,600.3. Garaxx bin-numru ħamsa (5) li jifforma parti minnkumpless ta’ ħames garaxxijiet, fil-livell basement f’OliveStreet, The Gardens, San Ġiljan, inkluż ukoll kwint (1/5)By decree given by the civil court, first hall on the 28thNovember, 2011 on the application of Bank of Valletta plc,Tuesday, 20th March, 2012 at half past ten in the morning (10:30a.m.), has been fixed for the SALE BY AUCTION, to be held inthe First Floor of these Law Courts, Republic Street, Valletta of thefollowing property.1. Penthouse, internally marked number 4, overlyinggarages unnumbered and named ‘Bridge End, in OliveStreet, The Gardens, St. Julians, including its airspace andone fourth (1/4) share of the common parts of the sameblock, subject to annual and perpetual groundrent of €18.47,valued at €190,000.2. Garaxx numbered two (2), forming part of a complexof five (5) garages, found on the basement level, in OliveStreet, The Gardens, St. Julians, including one fifth (1/5)share of the common parts and the ramp, subject to annualand perpetual groundrent of €18.47, valued at €18,600.3. Garaxx numbered five (5), forming part of a complexof five (5) garages, found on the basement level, in OliveStreet, The Gardens, St. Julians, including one fifth (1/5)

670 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857indiviż tar-rampa u <strong>tal</strong>-partijiet komuni, soġġett għal ċensannwu u perpetwu ta’ €18.47, stmat li jiswa €28,000.L-imsemmija fondi huma proprjetà ta’ Group C Ltd u ta’Edward Ellul.N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta numru 63/09.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Jannar,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniGħar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunalishare of the common parts and the ramp, subject to annualand perpetual groundrent of €18.47, valued at €28,000.The said tenements are the property of Group C Ltd andEdward Ellul.N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of the file number 63/09.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 16 January,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniFor the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals93B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’AWLA fil-21 ta’ Diċembru, 2011, fuq rikors ta’ HSBC BANK MALTAPLC ġie ffissat il-jum <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, it-22 ta’ Marzu, 2012 filħdaxta’ filgħodu (11.00 a.m.) għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT, ligħandu jsir FIL-KURITURI TAL-QRATI TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA,TRIQ IR-REPUBBLIKA, VALLETTA <strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħtdeskritt.Garaxx internament immarkat numru sebgħa (7) fil-livelltas-semibasement formanti parti mill-blokk ta’ bini bl-isem‘Ta’ Marija Apartments’, ġa numru 86/88, Triq GerolamoCassar, Mosta, liberu u frank, stmat li jiswa €21,000.L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ VELLA CHAR-MAINE.N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta numru 54/11.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Jannar,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniGħar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALLon the 21st of December, 2011 on the application of HSBCBANK MALTA PLC, Thursday, 22nd March, 2012 at eleveno’clock in the morning (11.00 a.m.), has been fixed for theSALE BY AUCTION, to be held in the FIRST FLOOR OFTHESE LAW COURTS, REPUBLIC STREET, VALLETTAof the following property.Garage internally marked number seven (7), situated atsemi-basement level, forming part of a block named ‘Ta’Marija Apartments’ formerly numbered 86/88, Triq GerolamoCassar, Mosta, free and unencumbered, valued at €21,000.The said tenement is the property of VELLA CHAR-MAINE.N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of the file number 54/11.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 16th January,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals94B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI TAL-MAĠISTRATI(GĦAWDEX), ĠURISDIZZJONI INFERJURI, fl-14 ta’Novembru 2011, fuq rikors ta’ Dott. Angele Formosa noefl-atti tas-subbasta numru 55/2011 fl-ismijiet Dott. AngeleFormosa noe vs Philip Fenech (u wara mandat ta’ qbidnumru 205/2011) ġie ffissat il-jum tat-Tnejn, 20 ta’ Frar2012 fl-10.30 a.m. u sakemm tiġi aġġudikata l-ogħla offertapubblika għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT li għandu jsir fledifizzju<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti ta’ Għawdex, Misraħ il-Katidral, Victoria,Għawdex <strong>tal</strong>-mobbli hawn taħt deskritti:By decree given by the COURT OF MAGISTRATES(GOZO) INFERIOR JURISDICTION, on the 14thNovember 2011 on the application of Dr Angele Formosanoe in the records of judicial sale by auction number 55/2011in the names of Dr Angele Formosa noe vs Philip Fenech(and after warrant of seizure number 205/2011) Monday,20th February 2012 at 10.30 a.m. and until the highest bidis adjudicated, has been fixed for the SALE BY AUCTIONto be held at the Gozo Court’s edifice in Cathedral Square,Victoria, Gozo, of the following items:

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE6711. Hyundai accent ħadra bin-numru tar-reġistrazzjoniFAB-965;2. TV Sony;3. Żewġ imwejjed tat-television;4. Gwardarobba <strong>tal</strong>-kewba b’tliet bibien;5. Gwardarobba <strong>tal</strong>-kewba;6. Wall Unit <strong>tal</strong>-kewba;7. Gwardarobba b’erba’ bibien8. Gradenza b’erba’ kxaxen bil-mera9. Sodda double bed u żewġ komodini10. Żewġ pultruni ta’ kulur ħamrani11. Sufan three-seater aħdar12. Picture frameL-imsemmija mobbli huma proprjetà ta’ Philip Fenech(K.I.: 2779G).Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (Għawdex),Ġurisdizzjoni Inferjuri, illum 16 ta’ Jannar 2012.Jaclyn MagrinGħar-ReġistraturQrati u Tribunali (Għawdex)1. A green Hyundai Accent registration number FAB-965;2. A Sony TV;3. Two television tables;4. A three-door oak wardrobe;5. An oak wardrobe;6. An oak wall-unit;7. A four-door wardrobe;8. A four-drawer chest with mirror;9. A double-bed with two bedside tables;10. Two reddish arm-chairs;11. A three-seater green sofa;12. A picture frameThe said items are the property of Philip Fenech (I.D.:2779G).Registry of the Courts of Magistrate (Gozo), InferiorJurisdiction, this 16th January 2012.Jaclyn MagrinFor the RegistrarGozo Courts and Tribunals95B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’AWLA fil-5ta’ Jannar 2012, fuq rikors ta’ MICALLEF PAUL ġie ffissatil-jum <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, 29 ta’ Marzu, 2012 fil-ħdax ta’ filgħodu(11.00 a.m.) għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT li għandu jsir FIL-KURITURI TAL-QRATI TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA, TRIQ IR-RE-PUBBLIKA, VALLETTA <strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħt deskritt.Il-fond erbgħa u sebgħin (74), fi Triq Santa Monika,Paola, liberu u frank inkluża l-arja libera tiegħu bis-sistematad-drains u drenaġġ in komun mal-fond sottostanti kif soġġettgħas-servitujiet attivi u passivi riżultanti mill-pożizzjonitiegħu, bid-drittijiet ġustijiet u pertinenzi kollha tiegħu, stmatli jiswa sebgħa u ħamsin elf ewro (€57,000).L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ CUTAJAR PAUL.N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta 7/10.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Jannar,2012.Kevin CaruanaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALL on5th January 2012, on the application of MICALLEF PAUL,Thursday, 29th March, 2012 at eleven in the morning (11.00a.m.), has been fixed for the SALE BY AUCTION to be heldIN THE CORRIDORS OF THESE LAW COURTS, REPUB-LIC STREET, VALLETTA, of the following property.Tenement seventy-four (74), in Triq Santa Monika, Paola,free and unencumbered including its free airspace, with thedrains and drainage systems in common with the underlyingtenement, subject to the active and passive servitudes resultingfrom its position, with all its rights, appurtenances and enjoyments,valued at fifty-seven thousand euro (€57,000).The said tenement is the property of CUTAJAR PAUL.N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of file number 7/10.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 16 January,2012.Kevin CaruanaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

672 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,85796B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar tad-9 ta’Novembru 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).JV Pharma Limited (C5034) ta’ Navi Building, TriqPantar, Ħal Lija LJA 2021, ippreżentaw Talba fil-25 ta’Awwissu 2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundannalil The Golden Shepherd Group Limited (C14948) ta’ StPhilip’s Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, Santa Venera u Frank Portelli ta’ 304, StPaul’s Street, St Paul’s Bay, sabiex iħallsu lis-soċjetà attriċis-somma ta’ €3,500 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetàattriċi.Bl-ispejjeż.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru. 688/11KPS) hija differita għall-25ta’ Jannar 2012 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 18 ta’Jannar 2012.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 9thNovember 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3)of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).JV Pharma Limited (C5034) ta’ Navi Building, TriqPantar, Ħal Lija LJA 2021, filed a Claim on the 25th August2011 whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn TheGolden Shepherd Group Limited (C14948) of St Philip’sHospi<strong>tal</strong>, Santa Venera and Frank Portelli of 304, St Paul’sStreet, St Paul’s Bay, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of€3,500 which amount is due to the plaintiff company.With costs.The case (Claim Number 688//11KPS) is put off on the25th January 2012 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 18thJanuary 2012.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals97B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tad-29 ta’Settembru 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd (C10865) ta’ Vodafone House, MsidaRoad, Birkirkara, ippreżentaw Talba fl-1 ta’ April 2011, fejn<strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Ruben Fenech (K.I.465473M) ta’ 436, Daħlet is-Sardinell, Mellieħa, sabiexiħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €1,845.12 liemaammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru. 305/11VGD) hija differita għas-26ta’ Jannar 2012 fis-1.00 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 18 ta’Jannar 2012.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 29thSeptember 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3)of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd (C10865) of Vodafone House, MsidaRoad, Birkirkara filed a Claim on the 1st April 2011 wherebythey asked the Tribunal to condemn Reuben Fenech (I.D.465473M) of 436, Dahlet is-Sardinell, Mellieħa, to pay theplaintiff company the sum of €1,845.12 which amount isdue to the plaintiff company.With costs and legal interests.The case (Claim Number 305/11VGD) is put off on the26th January 2012 at 1.00 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 18thJanuary 2012.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE67398B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar tat-22 ta’Settembru 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).Mobisle Communications Limited (C24655) ta’ FraDiego Street, Marsa, ippreżentaw Talba fit-8 ta’ Awwissu2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil JonathanBonello (K.I. 500979M) ta’ Mystique, Triq is-Sibi, Kalkara,sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €800.06 liemaammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru. 640/11KPS) hija differita għat-23ta’ Jannar 2012 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 18 ta’Jannar 2012.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 22ndSeptember 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3)of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Mobisle Communications Limited (C24655) of Fra DiegoStreet, Marsa filed a Claim on the 8th August 2011 wherebythey asked the Tribunal to condemn Jonathan Bonello (I.D.500979M) of Mystique, Triq is-Sibi, Kalkara, to pay theplaintiff company the sum of €800.06 which amount is dueto the plaintiff company.With costs and interest.The case (Claim Number 640/11KPS) is put off on the23rd January 2012 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 18thJanuary 2012.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals99B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI PRIM’AWLA fit-2ta’ Jannar 2012, fuq rikors ta’ JDG PROPERTIES LIMITEDġie ffissat il-jum tat-Tlieta, 27 ta’ Marzu, 2012 mid-disgħa ta’filgħodu (9.00 a.m.) sa nofsinhar (12.00 p.m.) għall-BEJGĦBL-IRKANT li għandu jsir FIL-KURITURI TAL-QRATITAL-ĠUSTIZZJA, TRIQ IR-REPUBBLIKA, VALLETTA<strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħt deskritt.L-appartament internament immarkat bin-numru wieħed(1), formanti parti minn blokka ta’ appartamenti bl-isem“Dolphin Flats”, fi Triq il-Gandoffli, Buġibba, limiti ta’San Pawl il-Baħar, stmat li jiswa erbgħa u għoxrin elf ewro(€24,000).L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ ELLUL JOHN ET.N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta 106/01.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Jannar,2012.Kevin CaruanaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALL on2nd January 2012, on the application of JDG PROPERTIESLIMITED, Tuesday, 27th March, 2012 from nine o’ clock(9.00 a.m.) to twelve noon (12.00 p.m.), has been fixed for theSALE BY AUCTION to be held IN THE CORRIDORS OFTHESE LAW COURTS, REPUBLIC STREET, VALLETTA,of the following property.Flat internally marked one (1), forming part of a block offlats named “Dolphin Flats”, in Triq il-Gandoffli, Buġibba,limits of St Paul’s Bay, valued at erbgħa u għoxrin elf ewro(€24,000).The said tenement is the property of ELLUL JOHN ET.N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of file number 106/01.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 16th January,2012.Kevin CaruanaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

674 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857100B’digriet mogħti, fit-12 ta’ Jannar 2012, mill-Bord liJirregola l-Kera, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, fl-ismijietLouise Sammut Alessi et vs Luciano Tabone Rikors numru109/2011 GG, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biexisservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-konvenut, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat, ippreżentat, fil-Bord liJirregola l-Kera, fl-ismijiet Louise Sammut Alessi (521334M)Carmelina armla minn Paul Genovese (K.I. 621132M) Emilysive Mima armla mill-Perit Arkitett Joseph Genovese (K.I.292327M) u Godwin Genovese (K.I. 899354M) vs LucianoTabone, fit-28 ta’ Ottubru 2011, ir-rikorrenti Louise SammutAlessi et esponew bir-rispett;Illi l-esponenti huma l-proprjetarji <strong>tal</strong>-fond numru 40,Providence Street, Balzan li kien mikri lil Carmela Tabone,omm l-intimat versu r-rata ta’ kera fl-ammont ta’€185 fissena.Illi l-imsemmija Carmela Tabone mietet lejn l-aħħar tassena2010.Illi fiż-żmien meta mietet Carmela Tabone u fis-sninprecedenti dan l-istess fond kien qed jiġi okkupat minnhabiss bħala r-residenza ordinarja u ta’ ħaddieħor.U peress illi l-pussess effettiv <strong>tal</strong>-fond de quo qiegħedkwindi jinzamm indebitament mil-intimat li qed jirrifju<strong>tal</strong>i jrodd lura ċ-ċwievet u l-pussess vakanti tiegħu favur issidienrikorrenti.U peress illi l-istess intimat ma jista’ jvanta ebdapretensjoni ta’ dritt fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-istess proprjetà ai termini<strong>tal</strong>-liġi in vista ta’ dak premess;Għaldaqstant l-esponenti jitlob bir-rispett illi dan il-Bord,għar-raguni premessa jordna lill-intimat jiżgombra l-barramill-fond de quo fi żmien qasir u perentorju ffissat millistessBord u jawtorizza lir-rikorrenti jirriprendu l-pussessliberu u vakanti <strong>tal</strong>-istess fond fl-istess żmien ordnat minndan il-Bord.Rik: 74/1, Old Church Street, Birkirkara.Intimat: Flat 2, Block G3, Triq l-Istiratur, Mosta.Ir-Rikors Guramentat fl-ismijiet Louise Sammut Alessiet vs Luciano Tabone, rikors numru 109/2011 GG, jinsabappuntat għas-smigħ għat-23 ta’ Jannar 2012, fl-10.00 a.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, (Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Kera) illum 17 ta’Jannar 2012.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy means of a decree given, on the 12th January 2012,by the Rent Regulation Board, in the records of the SwornApplication in the names Louise Sammut Alessi et vsLuciano Tabone, Application number 109/2011 GG, thefollowing publication was ordered for the purpose of serviceof the defendant in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of a Sworn Application, filed, in the RentRegulation Board, in the names Louise Sammut Alessi(521334M) Carmelina widow of Paul Genovese (I.D.621132M) Emily sive Mima widow of Architect JosephGenovese (I.D. 292327M) and Godwin Genovese (I.D.899354M) vs Luciano Tabone, on the 28th October 2011, theapplicants Louise Sammut Alessi et, respectfully pleaded;That the applicants are the owners of the premisesnumber 40, Providence Street, Balzan, which was leased toCarmela Tabone, mother of the respondent towards the rentof €185 yearly.That the said Carmela Tabone died towards the end ofthe year 2010.That at the time when Carmela Tabone died and duringthe preceeding years this same premises was being occupiedby her only as her ordinary residence and no one else.And as the effective possession of the premises de quois being unduly held by the respondent who is refuting togive back the keys and its vacant possession in favour of theapplicant owners.And whereas the same respondent cannot vaunt any rightin regard to the same property in terms of law in view of thatpremised;Thus the applicants pray with respect that this Board forthe reasons premised order the respondent to vacate from thepremises de quo within a short and peremptory period fixedby this Board and authorise the applicants to take back thefree and vacant possession of the same premises within thesame time ordered by this Board.Applicant: 74/1, Old Church Street, Birkirkara.Respondent: Flat 2, Block G3, Triq l-Istiratur, Mosta.The Sworn Application in the names Louise SammutAlessi et vs Luciano Tabone, application number 109/2011GG, has been appointed for hearing to the 23rd January2012, at 10.00 a.m.Registry of the Superior Courts (Rent Regulation Board)today 17th January 2012.Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

L-20 ta’ Jannar, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE675101B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’AWLA fil-5ta’ Jannar, 2012 fuq rikors ta’ BAWAG BANK MALTA LTDġie ffissat il-jum tat-Tlieta, 17 ta’ April, 2012 fl-għaxra u nofsta’ filgħodu (10.30 a.m.) għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT li għandujsir FIL-KURITURI TAL-QRATI TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA, TRIQIR-REPUBBLIKA, VALLETTA <strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħt deskritt.Proprjetà li tinsab ix-Xemxija:Il-porzjon diviża <strong>tal</strong>-art bl-arja approssimattiva ta’ seba’mija u disgħa u disgħin metru kwadru (799m 2 ) li tmiss mit-Tramuntana ma triq ġdida bla isem, minn Nofsinhar ma’proprjetà ta’ Marsovin Limited u mill-Punent ma’ proprjetàta’ Antonia Grima u mill-Lvant ma’ proprjetà ta’ GiovanniBorg jew konfini aktar preċiżi kif soġġetta għaċ-ċens annwuu perpetwu ta’ tnax-il ċenteżmu u ħames milleżmi u altrimentilibera u franka bil-pussess liberu inkluż id-dritt ta’ aċċessgħall-istess art minn proprjetà adjaċenti proprjetà <strong>tal</strong>-garanticioè s-soċjetà intimata, JPM Brothers Limited C 31612;Porzjon oħra diviża ta’ art bl-arja ta’ tliet mija u tlieta uerbgħin metru kwadru (343m 2 ) formanti parti mill-istess biċċaart li tmiss mill-Majjistral ma’ triq proġettata iżda bla isem,mill-Grigal ma’ proprjetà ta’ Rene Buttigieg u Doctor Luciajew suċċessuri fit-titolu, u mill-Lbiċ ma’ triq proġettata ta’Gio Maria Grima libera u franka;Porzjon oħra ta’ art formanti parti mit-territorju magħrufbħala Ta’ Xemxija u li għandu kejl superfiċjali ta’ ċirka ħamesmija u ħamsa u sebgħin metru kwadru (575m2) b’aċċess minnTriq it-Telgħa tax-Xemxija, li tmiss mill-Lbiċ mal-istess triq,mit-Tramuntana ma’ proprjetà <strong>tal</strong>-garanti u mill-Punent ma’proprjetà <strong>tal</strong>-familja Psaila jew suċċessuri fit-titolu, libera ufranka, liema porzjon ta’ art kienet tinsab okkupata minn fondmagħruf bħala ‘Lourdes’ mingħajr ebda numru;Porzjon oħra ta’ art parti mill-istess territorju Tax-Xemxijabil-kejl superfiċjali ta’ elf mitejn u wieħed u tletin metrukwadru (1231m 2 ) li tmiss mill-Lvant ma’ Triq it-Telgħa tax-Xemxija, minn fejn hija aċċesibbli in parti u in parti oħrama’ proprjetà ta’ Ursula Borg jew tas-suċċessuri tagħha fittitolu, mit-Tramuntana ma’ proprjetà ta’ Anthony Cassar jewsuċċessuri fit-titolu, libera u franka;Porzjon oħra diviża ta’ art bl-arja ta’ ċirka tnejn u ħamsinpunt seba’ metru kwadru (52.74m 2 ) formanti parti mit-territorjutax-Xemxija u li tmiss mill-Lvant ma’ Triq it-Telgħatax-Xemxija minn fejn hi aċċessibbli, u in parti minn proprjetàta’ Ursola Borg jew suċċessuri fit-titolu, u mit-Tramuntana ma’proprjetà ta’ Giuseppe Busuttil u minn Nofsinhar ma’ proprjetàta’ Anthony Cassar jew suċċessuri fit-titolu, libera u franka;Porzjon oħra ta’ art formanti parti mill-istess territorjumagħruf bħala tax-Xagħra bil-kejl ta’ ċirka mitejn u ħmistaxBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALL onthe 5th January, 2012, on the application of BAWAG BANKMALTA LTD, Tuesday, 17th April, 2012 at half past ten inthe morning (10.30 a.m.), has been fixed for the SALE BYAUCTION, to be held in the first floor of these Law Courts,Republic Street, Valletta of the following property.Property in Xemxija:The divided portion of land having an area of approximatelyseven hundred and ninety nine square metres (799m 2 ) boundedon the North by a new projected unnamed street, on the Southby property of Marsovin Limited and on the West by propertyof Antonio Grima and on the East by property of Giovanni Borgor more precise boundaries as subject to twelve cents five mills(12c5m) annual and perpetual groundrent otherwise free andunencurmbered with vacant possession including the right ofaccess to the same land from adjacent property belonging tothe Surety, JPM Brothers Limited C 31612;Another divided portion of land having an area of threehundrerd and forty three square metres (343m 2 ) forming partof the same territory bounded on the North West by projectedunnamed street, on the North East by property of Rene Buttigiegand Doctor Lucia or successors in title on the South Eastby a projected unnamed street which abuts onto Xemxija Hilland on the South West by property of Gio Maria Grima freeand unencumbered;Another portion of land forming part of the territory knownta’ Xemxija having a superficial area of approximately fivehundred and seventy five square metres (575m 2 ) having accessfrom Triq it-Telgħa tax-Xemxija, bounded on the South East bythe said street, on the North by property of the surety and on theWest by property of family Psaila or successors in title, free anunencumbered; the said site having been formerly occupied bythe presmises known as “Lourdes” without number;Another portion of land forming part of the same territorytax-Xemxija having a to<strong>tal</strong> superficial area of one thousandtwo hundred and thirty one square metres (1231m 2 ) boundedon the East by Triq it-Telgħa tax-Xemxija, from where it isaccessible, in part and in part by property of Ursola Borg orher successors in title, on the North by property of the heirs ofGiuseppe Busuttil, and on the South by property of AnthonyCassar or successors in title, free and unencumbered;Another divided portion of land having an area of fifty twopoint seven square metres (52.7m 2 ) forming part of the territorytax-Xemxija bounded on the East by Triq it-Telgħa tax-Xemxija, from where it is accessible, and in part by propertyof Ursola Borg or successors in title, on the North by propertyof Giuseppe Busuttil on the South by property of AnthonyCassar or successors in title, free and unencumbered;Another portion of land forming part of the same territoryknown as tax-Xagħra having an area of two hundred and fif-

676 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,857metri kwadri (215m 2 ) libera u franka u li tmiss mill-Punentma’ sqaq bla isem u min-naħat l-oħra kollha ma’ proprjetà<strong>tal</strong>-garanti u li tgawdi dritt ta’ aċċess.Il-proprjetajiet hawn fuq imsemmija huma kontigwi ujekk jittieħdu flimkien jiffurmaw entita waħda b’area to<strong>tal</strong>ita’ 3215.70 m 2 , stmata li tiswa €5,600,000.L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ JPM Brothers Limited(C31612).N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta numru 38/11.Registru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Jannar,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunaliteen square metres (215m 2 ) free and unencumbered boundedon the West by an alley, which is unnamed, and on all othersides by property of the surety.The above mentioned properties are to be sold as one entitywith a to<strong>tal</strong> area of 3215.70m 2 , valued at €5,600,000.The said tenement is the property of JPM Brothers Ltd(C31612).N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of the file 38/11.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 16th January,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals102IKUN jaf kulħadd illi b’digriet <strong>tal</strong>-5 ta’ Jannar 2012,mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla, din il-Qorti ordnat ilpubblikazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(5) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-Proċedura uOrganizzazzjoni Ċivili (Kap. 12).B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’AWLAfil-5 ta’ Diċembru, 2011, fuq rikors ta’ CERFAR LIMITEDġie ffissat il-jum <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, 2 ta’ Frar, 2012 fil-11.00 a.m.għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT li għandu jsir FIL-KURITURITAL-QRATI TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA, TRIQ IR-REPUBBLIKA,VALLETTA <strong>tal</strong>-fondi hawn taht deskritti.1. Garaxx li jinsab fil-basement level b’aċċess għalih minndrive-in komuni li tiżbokka fuq Triq iċ-Ċrieki, Marsaskala,internament innumerata 14, formanti parti minn blokk ta’ sittappartamenti u garaxxijiet bla numru magħrufa bl-isem ‘HopeFlats’ fl-istess triq imsemmija, stmat li jiswa €23,300.2. Penthouse, mingħajr numru internament immarkata Afir-raba’ sular, formanti parti minn blokk ta’ sitt appartamenti ugaraxxijiet mingħajr numru iżda magħrufa bl-isem ‘Hope Flats’,ġewwa Triq iċ-Ċrieki, Marsaskala stmata li tiswa €62,000.L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ PENZA CONCRETESERVICES LTD.N.B. L-imsemmi fondi jinbigħu bħalma ġie deskritt flattitas-Subbasta Numru 81/10.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tlieta, 17 ta’ Jannar,2012.Eunice Grech FioriniGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliIT is hereby notified that by a decree of the 5th January2012 given by the First Hall Civil Court, the Court orderedthat the extract hereunder mentioned be published for thepurpose of service according to article 187(5) of the Code ofOrganization and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).By decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALLon 5th December 2011, on the application of CERFARLIMITED, Thursday, 2nd February, 2012 at 11.00 a.m., hasbeen fixed for the SALE BY AUCTION to be held IN THECORRIDORS OF THESE LAW COURTS, REPUBLICSTREET, VALLETTA of the following property.1. Garage found on the basement level which canbe accessed from a common drive-in in Triq iċ-Ċrieki,Marsaskala, internally numbered 14, forming part of a blockof flats consisting of six apartments and unnumbered garagesknown as ‘Hope Flats’ on the same street, valued at €23,300.2. Penthouse, unnumbered internally marked with theletter A, found on the fourth floor in a block of flats consistingof six apartments and unnumbered garages known as ‘HopeFlats’, in Triq iċ-Ċrieki, Marsaskala, valued at €62,000.The said tenements are the property of PENZACONCRETE SERVICES LTD.N.B. The said tenements will be sold as described in theacts of file number 81/10.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Tuesday, 17thJanuary, 2012.Eunice Grech FioriniFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni (doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information (doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) — VallettaMitbugħ fl-Istamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> fuq karta riċiklata— Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper

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