master plan update - City of Boca Raton

master plan update - City of Boca Raton

master plan update - City of Boca Raton

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SECTION CFRAMEWORKSEast Palmetto Park RoadTwo alternatives have been tested forPalmetto Park Road, both with the goal<strong>of</strong> establishing a better pedestrian-vehiclebalance.Alternative 1: Thee-lane section withmedian. The effects <strong>of</strong> creating a threelanesection <strong>of</strong> Palmetto Park Roadbetween Mizner Boulevard and NE 5thAvenue do not appear to be overly burdensome.The <strong>Boca</strong> <strong>Raton</strong> DowntownDRI Report indicates that 865 cars perhour in the peak direction are expectedby the year 2020. This is well withinthe capacity <strong>of</strong> one moving lane in eachdirection, plus a center turn lane, in asection with no traffic signals. Accordingto <strong>City</strong> Engineering staff analyses,the intersections on either end <strong>of</strong> thecorridor (Palmetto Park Road at MiznerBoulevard and NE 5th) would operateat no worse than vehicle level <strong>of</strong> serviceD under the proposed configurations.Even if this level <strong>of</strong> capacity werenot available, reduced peak hour vehiclelevels <strong>of</strong> service in a downtown areaare common and can even be desirablewhen trying to create a balancedenvironment. In addition to daily traveldemands, this street is an importantemergency evacuation route for islandresidents. A population <strong>of</strong> the sizeexpected to be on the island could easilybe evacuated over a two-to fourhourperiod in two outbound lanes inthe case <strong>of</strong> weather or other type <strong>of</strong>emergency, depending on traffic controland street operation <strong>plan</strong>s. A three-lanesection would allow this two-lane outboundtype <strong>of</strong> operation to occur easily.As indicated in the <strong>plan</strong>, the middlelane should have a different paving surfaceand would also be used by emergencyvehicles or when there is a vehiclestopped in the moving lane. It can alsobe a second stacking lane for cars waitingwhen the bridge is closed.The detailed design <strong>of</strong> theseimprovements will require special careto align with the lanes on the bridge.We recommend that the transition takeplace east <strong>of</strong> Fifth Avenue.Alternative 2: In the course <strong>of</strong> the <strong>plan</strong>ningprocess, the design team evaluatedan alternative concept. By eliminatingboth the parking lane and the median,it will be possible to both provide fourmoving lanes and expand the width <strong>of</strong>the sidewalks on both sides. The <strong>City</strong>could consider operating this as a fourlaneroad during the day and then usethe outside lanes for parking in the evening.The cross section indicates that thesidewalk areas have sufficient dimensionto encourage the landscape treatmentillustrated in the perspective. However,there is a greater distance from curb tocurb for crosswalks located at intersectionsthan the three-lane option.We recommend the three-laneoption, in part because it provides themost flexibility for emergency vehiclesin the event <strong>of</strong> a blocked lane.Before view <strong>of</strong> East Palmetto Park RoadImproved pedestrian environment on EastPalmetto Park Road28

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