INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 59.KYLEI want to lodge a formal complaint.My contract stipulates-KENNETHYou, Mr. Chisolm, are in no positionto complain about anything. You'veembarrassed yourself beyond what anyserious journalist should accept.Lucky for you I'm not that serious.As Kyle starts to interrupt Kenneth silences him with a look.KENNETH (CONT'D)Go back to work, Kyle. Prove you areworthy of a very important job. Andtry to keep your lunch off the briefingroom floor.Yes, sir.KYLEKyle and Jake leave. Catherine stands her ground a minute.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWho told you about Ewing's daughter?KENNETHI'm afraid my sources, like yours,are confidential. What's far moreimportant is why it wasn't you whotold me.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI was working the story. I like tokeep things close. For good reason.KENNETHWell, I like to know what's going onin my bureau. Whatever you've donein the past, from now on you WILLtell me when you're working a story,or I will find someone who understandshow this works.58 INT. SAM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT 58Catherine enters looking very serious.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEPromise me it wasn't you.SAMWhat are we talking about?

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