INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 55.52 EXT. WOODS ALONG <strong>THE</strong> POTOMAC -- DAY 52Sam, Molly and the van cruise along a dirt road running alongthe Potomac. She's scanning the river bank.MOLLYThere! Over there, the Explorer!She points to a black Explorer peeking through the trees.Molly is positively beaming.SAM(sultry)Hello, Governor.53 INT. CONTROL ROOM -- DAY 53Catherine works the control room as the clock ticks closer toair. Jake comes barreling in.JAKEMolly got him!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWho got him?!JAKEMol- Hannah Montana. She found him!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(into a microphone)Hold the Ewing piece! We've got newtape coming.(to Jake)What'd he say?JAKENothing special. Honored. Excitedabout the challenges. Blah, blah.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI want to see it the second they'rehere. And tell her not to stop unlessthe President himself runs into hercar. How the hell'd she find him?JAKEApparently he let Angler's Magazineprofile his favorite fishing spot.He told them it's his best escapewhen Washington gets to be too much.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAngler's Magazine?

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