INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 47.Tanya closes the door, but then Catherine hears the chainslide back. Slowly, the door opens. Catherine steps inside.47 INT. WATERING HOLE -- NIGHT 47Kyle and Jake are drinking at a bar with a handful of otherjournalists. Ties loose. Kyle is already a little drunk.The TV finishes playing Kyle's appearance on the Daily Show.JON STEWARTKyle Chisolm everyone! The Vominator!In the bar a little cheer goes up for Kyle, who looks pleased.JAKESo have you figured out what to do?KYLEI'm going to beg my best friend totell me what the hell is going on.JAKEI mean about... you know, the ba<strong>by</strong>.KYLEShe's gonna have a... you know.She's going to take care of it. Soyou won't tell me what the story is?JAKEShe already thinks I told you.KYLEExactly. It doesn't matter now.JAKEForget it. That thing you do - tryingto protect every angle all the time?You gotta let that go. DC is a bigpond. Roll with the punches a bit.KYLERoll with... You have no idea-JAKELook, I get it-KYLENo. No, you don't. You should haveseen them in that briefing room.Every one of them thinks I'm out ofmy league - some affirmative actioncharity case. Just waiting for me tostumble. I can't play <strong>by</strong> your rules.I have to be better than them to evenstand a chance.

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