INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 37.38 INT. SAM'S OFFICE -- DAY 38Catherine enters, as Sam is hanging up the phone. Priya isstill there.Priya exits.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou busy on something?SAMThe Kumar girl story - beyond stale.I'm never getting on air with that.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(to Priya)Can you excuse us a minute?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Just between us. Can you see if youcan learn anything about Charlie Ewinggetting nominated to Fanning's seaton the court? Maybe see if the FBIhas done a background check?SAMEwing's a Republican.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYeah, but I've got a good source. Istill really need a second.SAMKyle get anything from the White Houseon this?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI'm keeping it close right now.Sam sees the opportunity and doesn't hesitate.SAMI can look into this for you. But ifit gets legs, I want in.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThe story is yours if we break this.39 EXT. SUBURBAN STREET -- NIGHT 39Molly sits in her car. She's slumped down a little, halfreading, but keeping one eye on a house a few doors down.She jumps when someone knocks on the passenger door. It'sJake. He climbs in, handing her the big stack of papers offthe passenger seat.

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