INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 18.Lauren is getting off the bed, finding her shoes and puttingher papers in a briefcase.LAURENMaybe it wouldn't be the worst thingif we both got other assignments. Wemight actually have a life togetherinstead of all this sneaking aroundand secrecy.KYLEThat would hurt us both. I know howhard you've worked for this job.Both of us. We're not giving upbecause of my weak stomach.LAURENWe'd land on our feet.She's trying to be romantic and he doesn't notice.KYLEMaybe. But for now, I've got to tryand save the job I've wanted since Iwas ten. What am I going to do?LAUREN(professional voice)Look, you've got some spotlight. Useit. Everyone on the planet has hadjitters. It doesn't hurt you unlessyou're embarrassed. Do some quickhits on talk radio, or get on TV.Laugh about it in public. Besympathetic and funny. Get out infront of it and you control it. Thisis public relations 101.KYLEYou are so hot when you talk shop.She gives him a perfunctory kiss and starts to leave. Kylegrabs her for a real kiss. It's pretty hot.KYLE (CONT'D)Don't go out the front.LAURENThanks, I've got the secret affairdrill down.23 INT. BAR -- NIGHT 23Catherine and Jake are sitting in adjoining booths. Jake'sback is to Catherine, but he's turned around to talk to her.

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