INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 9.He's got the podium and White House seal behind him. He'sdone a few takes, but he looks stiff.KYLELet me just do that one more time. Ifeel like I'm sounding too chipper.And I have no idea what I'm supposedto do with my hands. I liked it betterwhen I could hold a microphone.CAMERAMANThat was the best yet. I think we'vegot it. We're cutting this close.KYLEJust one more.11 EXT. WASHINGTON STREET -- DAY 11Molly stands at the White House gate. It's cold and she'sgot bare legs and un-sensible shoes. She's trying to makesmall talk with the guards who couldn't be less interested.MOLLYCold huh?(no reply)Pretty cool guarding the White House.Molly realizes how goofy she seems. A producer from NNC comesout of the gate and hands her the tape.12 INT. MOLLY'S CAR ON WASHINGTON STREET -- DAY 12Molly in her Corolla, with the tape peeking out of her purseon the passenger seat. She's talking on the phone, all giddylittle girl excitement.MOLLYYeah, Mom they sent me to the WhiteHouse. (Beat) No I didn't see thePresident. (Beat) No, I didn't evenget to go inside. (Beat) No, I didn'tmeet Kyle Chisolm. (Beat) Yes, Ihave a date tonight. (Gettingirritated) I gotta go mom-Molly pulls away from a red light and WHAM! A BIKE MESSENGERslams into the side of Molly's car and flies across the hood.She freezes for a second, then jumps out. CRACK! Her cellphone shatters on the pavement. In awkward heels she runs tothe messenger, and stands over him horrified. The messengeris surprisingly unhurt but Molly is totally freaked.MOLLY (CONT'D)Are you ok? Oh my God I'm so sorry!I just didn't see you. Are you hurt?

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