INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237

INSIDE THE BOX Pilot Written by Richard E. Robbins ... - Zen 134237


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<strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong><strong>Pilot</strong><strong>Written</strong> <strong>by</strong><strong>Richard</strong> E. <strong>Robbins</strong>Jan 21, 2009©2008, ABC Studios. All rights reserved. This material is the exclusive property of ABC Studios and is intended solely for the use of its personnel. Distribution to unauthorized persons or reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written consent of ABC Studios is strictly prohibited.Shondaland4151 Prospect AveLos Angeles, CA 90027(323) 671 5441

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 2.JAKE FISHER (30's) appears. He is her antithesis and herright hand. Relaxed and easygoing. Beyond Jake's good looks,he's got that something that women seem to fall for hard. Atwinkle in his eye, a great sense of humor, an easy laugh...charisma. They have a long history, and some palpablechemistry.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHey. I'm counting on you to makesure Kyle gets his stand-up done early.I made it through the inaugurationwithout a hitch. I've just got tokeep it flawless a few more days. Nohiccups, ok?JAKEWait, are you finally getting Fred'sjob?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEStop. I'm not jinxing this. Justget me Kyle's piece before theafternoon call.JAKEI don't think we'll have it <strong>by</strong> then.He rewrites a lot.As Catherine pulls farther ahead Jake can't help glance downat her legs. She's got great legs. As he glances up theyhave arrived at "the Pit."2 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- CONTINUOUS 2The Pit, as it is lovingly known, is the nerve center of theoperation. It's visual eye candy with glass walled officescircling a large cluster of desks. It's always bustling andpulsing with energy. At any time there are at least half adozen DAs (Desk Assistants) and PAs (Production Assistants).Producers crossing, talking on the phone, writing, watchingtape, and drinking a lot of coffee. There are 20 TVs on.Clocks read the time in London, Mecca, Hong Kong, etc. WhenCatherine enters this room, everyone sits up straighter.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIt's a two minute spot on thePresident's first day in office. Ifhe has to rewrite that, it's going tobe a very long four years.JAKEIt's Kyle's first day up there. Cutthe guy some slack.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 3.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIf Kyle wanted slack he should havebeen a weather girl. He beat out alot of great reporters to get to theWhite House. Now he's got to deliver.3 EXT. WASHINGTON STREET -- DAY 3KYLE CHISOLM is running. Down 16th Street, his breath puffingsmall clouds into the winter air as he goes. A tall, handsomeblack man (30s)in a nice suit running toward the White House.Wingtips leaping slush puddles. Gracefully dodging traffic.In spite of the hurry, he can't help checking out hisreflection as he passes a store window. Involuntary vanity.Checks his watch. Damn. Late the first day. Phone rings.KYLEHello? (Pause) I know. I'm almostthere. (Pause) As fast as I can.4 INT. WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING ROOM -- DAY 4This room is smaller, dirtier, and rougher than most peoplewould ever imagine when they see it on TV. For the new cropof White House correspondents it's everyone's first day onthe job. Most have spent years killing themselves to gethere, but a few jaded old-timers have been here for years.The room quiets as newly minted press secretary LAUREN THOMAS(30s) enters. She tries not to smile partly because shedoesn't like the way it looks on TV, but also because itreminds her of those teen years in beauty pageants.LAURENHello everyone and welcome. Good tosee you all found your way here today.I'm happy to see so many friendlyfaces in the audience.Lauren surveys the room and does a double take when she seesthat the seat with "Kyle Chisolm, NNC" taped to it is empty.5 INT. WHITE HOUSE SECURITY -- DAY 5Kyle arrives at the White House press entrance. He's throughthe gate as quick as they'll allow. Credentials in order.Keys, wallet, bag, shoes, Blackberry out on the x-ray belt.Coat off. Checking the watch. Shit. Collect yourself.6 INT. WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING ROOM -- DAY 6Kyle, looking calm, makes his way from the back of the roomwhile Lauren talks from the podium. Kyle and Lauren lockeyes for a minute and she can't suppress a grin and a littleblush. Kyle has a thousand watt smile.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 4.LAURENI hope you all are ready for a lot ofhard work. The President made a lotof promises on the campaign trail,and for once in Washington, we planon keeping them.While Lauren continues to talk, Kyle finally gets to his seat.He draws quite a few stares. The reporter sitting next tohim leans over to him and talks to him in a low voice.REPORTERMaybe it's just the new podium but Iswear she gets hotter every day.KYLEYeah, I hear podiums are this year'shottest accessory.LAURENThe president's schedule today-O<strong>THE</strong>R REPORTER(shouting)Lauren, has the President spoken toJustice Fanning about-LAURENBefore any of you start showing off,let me say that no matter how manydrinks you bought me on the campaign,this is my room not yours. Shoutingquestions while I'm speaking isconsidered rude. As for JusticeFanning, the man has been on theSupreme Court for nearly three decadesand his career choices are not theconcern of this White House asstipulated in a document called theUnited States Constitution.(staring them down)This afternoon the President willwelcome leaders from the Congress...7 INT. NNC CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY 7Cut to a TV monitor showing Lauren at the podium. Pull backto reveal a wall of monitors in the NNC Conference room.Catherine is wrapping up the daily meeting - the huddle.There are twenty five people with their coffee cups, notepads, and Blackberrys.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINETerry, please keep in close touchwith the Supreme Court today on(MORE)

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 5.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Fanning. Jeffrey will be keeping aneye on the confirmation hearings-Just then Catherine's eye notices the monitor showing Lauren'spress conference.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Hey, turn that up, I want to hear ifVanna White House actually answersany questions now that she's got thefancy podium.Someone turns up the volume but only a snippet of Lauren isheard before the picture goes dead.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Someone find out why we lost our lineto the White House.A PA jumps up and exits.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)That's all the official business-A producer interrupts in mock press conference style.PRODUCERCatherine, is it true that NNC isfinally going to make an honest womanout of you, and promote you toWashington Bureau Chief?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(in mock press secretaryvoice)You know I cannot comment on internalpersonnel issues, except to say...stay tuned to this station for furthernews. But seriously, New York wasvery pleased with the inaugurationcoverage, so you all should feel good.As a reward, and since the inaugurationwrecked our chance to enjoy the ritualhumiliation of Jake Fisher on hisbirthday, I wanted to bring you aspecial gift.Catherine slaps a tape into a deck near<strong>by</strong>, and the one big TVin the room springs to life. The image is a recording of aterrible local TV broadcast. Standing with a microphone infront of prize livestock at some county fair is vintage 1996Jake. A lot of hair gel, a loud tie, a goofy TV grin.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Ladies and gentlemen... Jacob Fisher!

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 6.The room goes nuts. Jake is very red.8 INT. NNC HALLWAY -- DAY 8Catherine coming out of the meeting with Jake.JAKEWhere the hell did you find that?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI am actually a journalist you know.JAKEI thought you were just here to makemy life miserable.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI called your mother.JAKEExactly my point. So is Fred-Catherine puts up a hand to silence him. Jake exits. EnterSAMANTHA HATHAWAY (40's) a blonde knockout who used to be thenext Diane Sawyer. She and Catherine are clearly friends.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHello? Sam? We had a meeting. Justbecause you didn't get the White House,doesn't mean you don't still have ajob to do.SAMYou know I hate meetings. Besides Ilived out of a suitcase for a yearcovering that campaign, I've earnedsome unexplained absences?(quieter)Are you really getting Fred's job?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI've been hearing that rumor so longI can't even feign a decent denial.SAMI have a good feeling about it thistime. Besides you look great. Perfectday to get promoted. Men can't getall the good jobs, right?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI'd let them have the jobs if theyactually did them.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 7.SAMBut then we might have time to havepersonal lives, which would be oh socomplicated.As Sam exits another producer falls in beside Catherine.PRODUCERHard line to the White House is down.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEFor how long?Don't know.PRODUCERCA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhy today? Someone's going to haveto go over there and get Kyle's tape.JAKE!!!9 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- DAY 9Catherine crosses towards Jake's office ignoring SEAN, ANGELA,PRIYA, and MOLLY (20s) who are all news peons. Sean iswatching one of the TVs showing cable news.SEANCan you believe this? They're stillpushing that Roopika Kumar story!?CABLE TV ANCHORDo you believe sir, that RoopikaKumar's disappearance may have acultural dimension because her parentsare from India?TV GUESTI think that is something to consideras the investigation slows down...PRIYAIs that a joke? Not like we have anyreal news happening - like a newPresident for instance.MOLLYThat poor girl's been gone for months.No leads, no suspects but they'regonna milk another week out of it.ANGELAThank god we don't work in cable.Jake and Catherine come out of his office. Catherine exits.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 8.JAKEI need a PA with a car who knows theirway to the White House!Molly quickly jumps up and comes over before the other PA'shave even blinked. She's barely out of college. A littletoo pretty for the news business, and dressed entirely toonicely for her job. She still thinks everything about thisjob is amazing, and it shows. If she weren't nervous she'dthink Jake was cute.I can go.MOLLYJAKEGreat uh...(searching for a name)MOLLYSorry, Molly.JAKEMolly, right. I need... wait. Dressedlike that?MOLLY(a little embarrassed)Oh, sorry, a little overdressed today.JAKELunch with dad? Job interview? Date?MOLLYIt's nothing.(Jake's silent, notbuying it)Just a dinner.JAKELucky guy. OK, I need you to driveover to the White House. Go to the16th Street gate and call our desk.They'll bring you a tape. I want itin my hand in 30 minutes. If youdecide to speed, don't get stopped.Got it.MOLLYMolly takes off, excited. As she goes, Jake checks out herbackside, in spite of himself.10 INT. WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING ROOM -- DAY 10Kyle stands in front of the camera, trying to look relaxed.It's not working.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 9.He's got the podium and White House seal behind him. He'sdone a few takes, but he looks stiff.KYLELet me just do that one more time. Ifeel like I'm sounding too chipper.And I have no idea what I'm supposedto do with my hands. I liked it betterwhen I could hold a microphone.CAMERAMANThat was the best yet. I think we'vegot it. We're cutting this close.KYLEJust one more.11 EXT. WASHINGTON STREET -- DAY 11Molly stands at the White House gate. It's cold and she'sgot bare legs and un-sensible shoes. She's trying to makesmall talk with the guards who couldn't be less interested.MOLLYCold huh?(no reply)Pretty cool guarding the White House.Molly realizes how goofy she seems. A producer from NNC comesout of the gate and hands her the tape.12 INT. MOLLY'S CAR ON WASHINGTON STREET -- DAY 12Molly in her Corolla, with the tape peeking out of her purseon the passenger seat. She's talking on the phone, all giddylittle girl excitement.MOLLYYeah, Mom they sent me to the WhiteHouse. (Beat) No I didn't see thePresident. (Beat) No, I didn't evenget to go inside. (Beat) No, I didn'tmeet Kyle Chisolm. (Beat) Yes, Ihave a date tonight. (Gettingirritated) I gotta go mom-Molly pulls away from a red light and WHAM! A BIKE MESSENGERslams into the side of Molly's car and flies across the hood.She freezes for a second, then jumps out. CRACK! Her cellphone shatters on the pavement. In awkward heels she runs tothe messenger, and stands over him horrified. The messengeris surprisingly unhurt but Molly is totally freaked.MOLLY (CONT'D)Are you ok? Oh my God I'm so sorry!I just didn't see you. Are you hurt?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 10.MESSENGERYou better watch yourself princess!MOLLYSorry. Oh, I know. Gosh I feel sobad. I'm not from here. We don'thave messengers...Molly notices the messenger looking at her car. She looksand sees that her passenger door is open. She realizes someoneelse is running away, and he's holding her purse.MOLLY (CONT'D)Oh my god! Wait! STOP! SOMEONESTOP THAT GUY!!! The tape! Please...13 INT. NNC HALLWAY -- DAY 13Catherine is walking and runs into FRED O'BRIEN, the WashingtonBureau Chief and her boss. He hasn't smiled in a decade, buteveryone - especially Catherine - adores him.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI was just coming to see you. Thehard line is down again. We sentsomeone to get Kyle's tape from theWhite House so we don't have to buyany extra satellite time.FREDGood. They're really hammering us onthe budget.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEDon't worry. We're being frugal.FREDHey, will you come <strong>by</strong> my office afterthe show tonight. I need to talk toyou about something.No problem.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAs Catherine walks away she has a huge grin on her face.14 INT. CONTROL ROOM -- DAY 14Catherine comes into the control room, where Jake and a coupleof others are working. She's ebullient. Jake is nervouslyhanging up the phone and checking his Blackberry.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhere is my tape Fisher?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 11.JAKEIt'll be here.Jake dials the White House. Catherine dials too.JAKE (CONT'D)Hey, it's Jake. The tape's MIA so-(pause)I don't know what happened. Just cuethe backup and hold tight.Long pause as Jake turns white. He whispers into the phone.JAKE (CONT'D)What do you mean there is no backup??(PAUSE) Well I wasn't in that big ahurry. (PAUSE) Are you kidding me???That's the stupidest thing I've everheard.(whispering but irate)I know Kyle can't go live!! I'llcall you back.Jake hangs up the phone. Shit. Shit. Shit. He tries tohide his panic. Deep breath.JAKE (CONT'D)There's no backup. They didn't makea copy.Excuse me?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJAKEThey were in a hurry.Who??CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJAKEIt doesn't matter.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIt's going to matter to someone inthe morning when I fire them.(shifting gears)Can Kyle go live?JAKEKyle's really doesn't like to-CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWell if he wants to go on air he'dbetter be ready to go live. He cando it as a two way with Paul in thestudio. I'll call New York.(MORE)

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 12.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)(To another producer)Get Wendy to book us time on the birdto take Kyle live from the White House.And let's-JAKE-But it's five forty five!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIt's five forty seven, and if youwaste any more of my time...JAKE(dialing again)Where the hell are you Molly?15 EXT. NNC BUILDING -- EVENING 15Molly sits in her car parked outside the NNC Washington Bureau,sobbing quietly. Too afraid to get out of the car. She'shalf rehearsing her speech to Jake in her head, half tryingto imagine her future after she gets fired.16 INT. WHITE HOUSE PRESS WORK SPACE - EVENING 16Kyle has his feet on the desk, telling a funny but self-servingstory to another reporter. His cell phone rings.Hey buddy.KYLEHis face drops. He takes his feet down. Stands up. Winces.He's silent but he doubles over like he's been punched.KYLE (CONT'D)I understand. OK. I'll be ready.Kyle checks the clock, grabs his tie and jacket and runs.17 INT. CONTROL ROOM -- EVENING 17Jake, Catherine, Sam, and others are in the control room. Inthe doorway appears Molly. She looks like a wreck. Facered. Jake shoots her a look and a nod to Catherine. Mollyunderstands and walks away without saying anything. On onemonitor they can see Kyle standing in his spot ready to golive. He's doing a sound check with New York.KYLEYes, New York I hear you loud andclear. (Nodding) Yes it's been alittle rough, but nothing we can'thandle. (Pause) Twenty seconds?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 13.Kyle is adjusting his pocket square, straightening his tie.On the TV monitors:PAUL COLLINS (ANCHOR IN NY)We go now to Kyle Chisolm at the WhiteHouse for a review of the day'shistoric events.KYLEThank You Paul. Given all theexcitement around the President'sfirst day in office, things went offwithout a hitch here...As Kyle talks, Jake starts to sit forward. He is now watchinglike a hawk. His eyes are zeroing in on a little quiver inKyle's lip. Jake bolts forward, grabbing Catherine's arm.JAKEKill the feed!What?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJAKEKill it! Now!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhat?? They're live.Just then Kyle doubles over, his head disappearing from view.Catherine jumps to try and hit some button but not beforeeveryone watching hears the sound of the new White Housecorrespondent throwing up. Kyle's image cuts to black.PAUL COLLINSWe seem to have lost our satellitefeed from the White House...Shocked looks in the control room. Catherine is totallystunned. Sam is hiding a smile. Jake is laughing.SMASH TO TITLE CARD18 INT. FRED'S OFFICE -- NIGHT 18Catherine comes into the office of Fred's office.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHey boss, I'm as upset about...Catherine notices KENNETH DONNEGAN (late 40's). Very Englishand nattily dressed. When he talks he always sound positive,even when he's saying something negative. He exudesconfidence, but not arrogance. You love him or hate him, butit's hard to be indifferent.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 14.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize youhad a guest.FREDDon't worry. Come on in. There issomeone I want you to meet. CatherinePowell, this is Kenneth Donnegan.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(suspicious but polite)A pleasure. Of course your reputationfrom the BBC precedes you.KENNETHWell only some of it is true. Fredhere tells me you are the key to thiswhole operation.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI just make the trains run on time.(to Fred)Can I talk to you for a minute?19 INT. NNC HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS 19When they're alone in the hall, Fred starts to look serious.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWant to tell me what he's doing here?FREDListen. I didn't want it to happenlike this. I told them it should beyou. Sadly they think I'm just anold drunk with an eye for great legs.Thank you.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEFREDFor saying that about your legs?No.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEFRED(hating to say it)Kenneth is taking over for me.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(stunned)That guy??!!

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 15.FREDNew York is in a panic. Between theeconomy and the ratings slump...They want someone who can bring somesizzle. You're old school like me.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHow can they do this? Did they evenconsider me? You know that guy turnedNewsnight into Inside Edition?FREDLook, everyone knows you're the realdeal. Couple days and you'll havehim wrapped around your finger, justlike you did me.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI don't want him wrapped anywhere.Catherine exits, leaving Fred looking very distressed.20 INT. CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE'S OFFICE -- NIGHT 20It's later and the newsroom is empty. Jake enters to findCatherine is watching and re-watching the clip of Kyle doublingover followed <strong>by</strong> the sound of throwing up. She looks a bitof a mess. Both her phone and her cell phone are ringing,and she's ignoring them.JAKEWhat's going on?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEDid you fire that PA yet?JAKEWe should give her another chance.She's got something.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhat kind of something?JAKEYou know what I mean.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHardly ever.JAKEFine, but what's going on? I knowthat look of yours.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 16.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEMy White House correspondent getsstage fright like a third grader, ourbureau is a laughing stock, and Ican't kill myself right this minutebecause my obituary would include theword vomit.JAKEI know all that.Catherine doesn't answer right away.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEKenneth Donnegan.JAKEFrom the BBC? But... How can they dothat to you? You've killed yourselffor this.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEApparently New York wants new blood.Pompous English tabloidy blood.JAKEThat's ridiculous! I mean, you runthis place. Everybody knows that.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI just can't believe it. I mean, Iknow I'm not good at everything. Ipay my taxes late. I can't do theTimes crossword puzzle. But thisjob. I'm really good at this job.Great even. It's just not fair.JAKEWhat are you going to do?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI've got another year on my contract.But I haven't had a real boss in years.Not sure what I'll do if...Just as Catherine's getting choked up her cell phone rings.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Hello. Thanks for calling me back.Look, I need that favor you owe me.(pause)OK, not over the phone. But it hasto be today. I can't wait.(pause)Yes, I know it. 20 minutes.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 17.Catherine hangs up.Lets go.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)JAKEWhere are we going?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou didn't think I was going to sitaround and sulk all night did you?21 INT. KYLE'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT 21Kyle's in his boxers with a stiff drink. His apartment isimmaculate. He talks to someone in the next room.KYLEYou know this stuff follows youforever. I'm toast.WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.)It was the first day. The networkloves you.KYLEI've done thousands of stand-ups.Just something happens when I have togo live. And from the White House!It just got to me. I can't believe Ipuked on national television.WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.)No one saw it.KYLEBut everyone either heard it, or willtomorrow. You know it's on YouTubealready.22 INT. KYLE'S APARTMENT BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS 22Kyle enters. Lying on the bed is Lauren, looking at a stackof papers. Her hair is down, she's beaming, almost girlish.Not a trace of that hardness she puts on behind the podium.LAURENBush Senior puked on the JapanesePrime Minister and he survived.KYLEA black man cannot stumble like thatin America and survive.Kyle is hanging his suit and tie among an impressive wardrobe,obsessively organized.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 18.Lauren is getting off the bed, finding her shoes and puttingher papers in a briefcase.LAURENMaybe it wouldn't be the worst thingif we both got other assignments. Wemight actually have a life togetherinstead of all this sneaking aroundand secrecy.KYLEThat would hurt us both. I know howhard you've worked for this job.Both of us. We're not giving upbecause of my weak stomach.LAURENWe'd land on our feet.She's trying to be romantic and he doesn't notice.KYLEMaybe. But for now, I've got to tryand save the job I've wanted since Iwas ten. What am I going to do?LAUREN(professional voice)Look, you've got some spotlight. Useit. Everyone on the planet has hadjitters. It doesn't hurt you unlessyou're embarrassed. Do some quickhits on talk radio, or get on TV.Laugh about it in public. Besympathetic and funny. Get out infront of it and you control it. Thisis public relations 101.KYLEYou are so hot when you talk shop.She gives him a perfunctory kiss and starts to leave. Kylegrabs her for a real kiss. It's pretty hot.KYLE (CONT'D)Don't go out the front.LAURENThanks, I've got the secret affairdrill down.23 INT. BAR -- NIGHT 23Catherine and Jake are sitting in adjoining booths. Jake'sback is to Catherine, but he's turned around to talk to her.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 20.WARDEN (CONT'D)Ending partisan bickering. He wantsto do something bold to show that hewas serious.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWill Ewing make it through the Senate?WARDENProbably. But anything is possible.We've got some people working on it.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWorking for it or against it?(he doesn't answer)Pretty thin. Anything worth diggingfor in this?Warden smiles but doesn't respond. Stands up. Warden holdsher in a long stare. Leans forward and takes a pen from hispocket. Scribbles something on a napkin. A woman's name.Mistress?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)WARDENYou're the reporter.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEDoes the White House want this out orare you going rogue?Warden very obviously decides not to answer this question ashe leaves. Catherine is floored. Staring at the name on thenapkin. "Tanya Simon." When Warden is gone, Jake is back.He and Catherine share a look of shocked excitement.JAKEHow the hell did you get the DeputyChief of Staff as a source?!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINENevermind. We've got work to do.JAKEI feel kind of dirty. But wow!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIf I can break this...I know.JAKEOff Katherine and Jake's adrenaline rush.END OF ACT ONE

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 21.ACT TWO24 INT. FRED'S OFFICE -- DAY 24Catherine and Jake enter. Fred is on the couch with a drinkin his hand, sharing a good old boy laugh with Kenneth.Catherine is surprised to see Kenneth there.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEOh, sorry. We'll come back.FREDDon't be stupid. Sit.KENNETHYou're just the person we were talkingabout. I'm going to be counting onyou to keep me from making a completefarce of this.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI'm not sure counting on me is a goodidea for you.Neither Catherine or Jake sit. Jake looks at his feet. Fredtakes a drink. There is an uncomfortable silence.FREDShe'll come around. She just doesn'tlike people very much.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEShe's standing right here. And shedoesn't think condescension is goingto make this any better.(shifting gears)I've got an inside track on JusticeFanning's replacement. A very solidsource says Charlie Ewing is going toget the nod.KENNETHWho is your source? And uh, I'm sureI should know but, who is Ewing?Catherine shoots Fred a look to say "can you believe this?!"CA<strong>THE</strong>RINECharles Ewing was a two term Republicangovernor of Virginia. Retired a fewyears ago. With the court this closelydivided, nominating a Republican hashuge implications.KENNETHAnd the source?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 22.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEConfidential. But Jake can vouch.He was there.Jake starts to speak, but realizes no one cares what he says.Kenneth and Catherine stare each other down. It's tense.KENNETHLook, I need you here, not out chasingbeltway gossip. I don't want myassistant bureau chief playing cubreporter.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEGossip?? The Supreme Court!?KENNETHWell, regardless this isn't a storywe want to run single sourced. So ifyou can find a second source and stillkeep the... uh, trains on time, we'llrun with it.Catherine is fuming but silent as she exits.25 INT. JAKE'S OFFICE -- MORNING 25Jake enters to find Molly perched stiffly in the chair, as ifshe is afraid to put any weight on it. She looks as if she'sgoing to speak, but can't find the words.JAKEWe're not going to fire you. But whydidn't you call me right away?MOLLYI'm so sorry. My phone broke....(stammering, upset)...And I guess maybe I was just tooscared.JAKENext time, find a phone. Rip it outof the hands of the nearest pedestrianif you have to. I don't care what'shappened to you. Call, text, e-mail,write me a note in blood and send it<strong>by</strong> carrier pigeon... but don't everleave me hanging like that. Ok?MOLLYOk. Thank you.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 23.JAKEAnd listen - be careful with Catherinefor a bit. She's got her eye on you,and not in a good way. So keep yourhead down.26 INT. NNC CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY 26The room is very full. Sam, Kyle, and Jake are there.Catherine enters, followed seconds later <strong>by</strong> Fred, and Kenneth.She takes a seat at the head of the table. Fred stands behindher, hands on her shoulders - Kenneth hangs behind a bit.FREDMorning everyone.The room goes from quiet to silent.FRED (CONT'D)Thanks for taking time away fromtelling your best vomit jokes to joinme this morning. Those of you whoare decent reporters and care at allabout your pathetic careers, probablyalready know that I've got one footout of here. I wish I could give youa reason good enough for you all tobelieve, but I'm pretty sure that'shopeless. Instead I'm going to followthe long honored Washington traditionand tell you that I intend to spendmore time with my family. If you areconsidering a parting gift to me,please recall my personal motto: singlemalt.Everyone laughs. A few people "boo" the news.FRED (CONT'D)With that said, I'd like to introduceyou to Kenneth Donnegan, whom many ofyou know <strong>by</strong> reputation from his workat the BBC. Starting more or lessimmediately he will be your new bureauchief. Kenneth brings with him anincredibly distinguished resume. Ihave told him in no uncertain termswhat a remarkable staff he inherits,so please don't make a liar out ofme.Catherine holds her smile on as hard as possible, but no oneis buying it. Everyone glances from her to Kenneth, to Fred.Shocked looks. Quite a few people are trying to secretlytype an e-mail into their Blackberries.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 24.KENNETHHello everyone. I'm very pleased tobe here. You all know this of coursebut it is a new day for the TV Newsbusiness, and right now, not a verygood one. We're going to have tomake some changes if we are going tosurvive. I know folks around herethink that your mission is fightingfor truth, justice, and the Americanway. But without better ratings, youmay win that battle and lose the war.We have to do better. We will dobetter.He's a great speaker, and really has people rapt. ExceptCatherine. She stands up and heads for the door - sayingnothing and making no eye contact with anyone.27 INT. NNC WOMEN'S BATHROOM -- DAY 27Catherine enters stone faced and ashen. She quickly enters astall. From outside the stall we hear her sobbing. Mollyenters the bathroom, oblivious, and heads to the sink to brushher teeth. She hears the crying, quieter now because Catherinehas heard someone enter. Molly knows she's supposed to ignoreit, but she can't.Molly leaves.MOLLYAre you ok? (Silence) Excuse me,sorry to intrude, but are you ok?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEPlease don't tell me you're ajournalist asking questions like that.Do I sound OK?MOLLYSorry. Do you need anything?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEPrivacy. And your name.MOLLYUh, it's (long pause while sheconsiders doing something terriblywrong) Lisa. Sorry.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEGo away Lisa.28 INT. FRED'S OFFICE -- DAY 28Sam and Kenneth are talking, with Fred looking on.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 25.KENNETHPersonally, I thought they should'veput you at the White House. No oneelse has got your special blend ofpolite and ferocious. I told NewYork as much when they hired me. Butthey're in love with Kyle.SAM(diplomatic, but notat all sincere)Kyle did good work on the campaign.KENNETHAnd unfortunately for you, hiscandidate won. But don't worry. Ihave big plans for you.SAMI'm listening.KENNETHThe Kumar story. The girl'sdisappearance has been a big ratingsgrabber for cable. I think it's thekind of thing we should do more of.SAMTeenage girls go missing all the time.Hardly news is it? Roopika Kumar hasbeen gone for five, maybe six months,and call me cynical, but the kid'sresting comfortably in missing girlheaven with Chandra Levy and NataleeHolloway. I've got nothing against alittle tabloid filler here and therebut that story is ice cold. You thinkNew York's going to run that?KENNETHI do. Show me what you've got.(closing it down)Surprise me.Sam does her best to hide her irritation.29 INT. NNC HALLWAY -- DAY 29Catherine runs into Sam. Catherine looks furious.SAMWhat are you going to do?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 26.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI'm going to try and get an independentunit together. I'm working onsomething.SAMThat's the spirit. You hear anythingabout that missing Kumar Girl?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEDon't tell me he's got you chasingambulances now.SAMYeah, and you know how I love a touchyfeely sob story. Chisolm is going tobe up at the White House getting onair every bloody day, and they've gotme doing a story that made the coverof People Magazine five months ago.Maybe I should go back overseas.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThat's not going to get you on. Webarely even run foreign news anymore.SAMI figured at least when they gaveKyle the White House, you'd assign megood stuff and I'd get on air once ina while.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI promise when I go postal I'll giveyou the exclusive.(noticing her coat)Where are you going?SAMI'm going to see a man about a horse.30 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- DAY 30Molly is at her computer when Angela leans against her desk.ANGELASo how'd you survive that Kyle thing?We all figured the news nun wouldhave your head for sure.MOLLYCatherine? She's so scary. But,well, I think Jake is a little moreunderstanding.PRIYA has been eavesdropping and rolls her chair over.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 27.PRIYACareful with him.MOLLYJake? Oh, I don't think... I mean,he has a girlfriend right?PRIYASupposedly. He's been breaking upwith her for a year.ANGELAAnyway, he likes to sample the newmerchandise.MOLLYHe really sleeps around??PRIYAI don't think he sleeps with them.He's got his own Bill Clinton rules.The Make-Out-King. He'll lock lipswith anything with a pulse.ANGELAJust be careful. Show me a man inthe news business who isn't on theprowl, and I'll show you a bad caseof erectile dysfunction.Angela's phone rings and she steps away to answer.PRIYAFor what it's worth, he's a greatkisser.31 INT. WASHINGTON OFFICE -- DAY 31In the pleasant wood panelled office of a DC bureaucrat, Samis buttoning her blouse, and keeping one eye on the TV showingcable news. A HANDSOME MAN across the room is fixing his tieand clipping on a badge that says Agent Tompkins, FBI.SAMHave you heard anything about theRoopika Kumar investigation? Thatgirl who disappeared a while back?TOMPKINSIs that why you came to see me?SAMNo. Well, not the only reason.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 28.TOMPKINS(adamant)I'm not your source. You might aswell give up that idea right now.SAM(suggestively)You sure? Cause I'm pretty good atgetting what I want.TOMPKINSI'm well aware. In this case, the FBInever got interested. Strictly DCpolice.32 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- DAY 32Molly and Angela are watching a girl in a cubicle across theroom pack up her things. She's red faced - been crying.MOLLYWhere is she going?ANGELALisa? She got sent to the overnight.MOLLY(realizing)Wait, her name is Lisa??ANGELAYeah. Lisa Soller. So harsh. Thatgraveyard shift is brutal.MOLLYWhat happened?ANGELARubbed Catherine the wrong way.Molly looks wracked with guilt.33 EXT. NNC BUILDING -- DAY 33Jake and Kyle walk back from getting coffee. Side <strong>by</strong> side ona busy street. Crowded sidewalk, traffic humming. They checktheir Blackberries, and sip coffees, and talk.KYLESo? How bad was it?JAKE(laughing)What, Vomitgate? It was bad.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 29.KYLEYou think they're gonna pull me?JAKENo way. You're a star. You'd haveto throw up ON the President for themto pull you.KYLEI don't know what to do. You think Ishould run with it? Maybe try to geton Jon Stewart? You know, laugh alongwith them about it?JAKECan you keep your dinner down?Kyle's phone rings. He answers.KYLEHey beautiful.Jake's phone rings. He answers. Now the two are walkingside <strong>by</strong> side, on their phones, often talking over each other.JAKEHi. Look, I'm sorry.KYLEI know. You know I didn't mean that.JAKEThat's not what I meant. I just don'thave time to...KYLEI don't think I can today. I have todo a story for tonight.JAKEIt's just been crazy with theinauguration and stuff. Things aregoing to calm down. I promise...KYLEOk, ok. All you have to say is thatit's important. What time?JAKEI know it's tonight. It's in mycalendar. Don't worry.KYLE(quietly)I love you too.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 30.JAKEYou too. Bye.Both hang up. Eye each other.JAKE (CONT'D)You still doing that?Yeah. You?Yeah.KYLEJAKEKYLEI thought you were going to end that.JAKEI was... I am.(pause)I think if you can get on Jon Stewart,that's the right move.They stop in front of NNC and run into Catherine.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAren't you supposed to be coveringthe White House not the pretty boygossip hour? Can I have a word alonewith Mrs. Chisolm?Kyle exits with a slight chuckle that almost masks how muchshe gets under his skin.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)If you breathe a word of this to theFresh Prince...JAKEDon't worry. Why didn't you hookDonnegan with Ewing's mystery lady?He would've gone nuts for it.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEOnce we give him that, it's out ofour hands. I don't trust him.JAKEAnd what about the mystery lady?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINETanya Simon? Lives in Arlington.Looks like Ewing has been funnelingher money for years.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 31.How much?JAKECA<strong>THE</strong>RINEEnough. I left her a couple messages,but I have a feeling I'm going tohave to pay her a visit. I'm goingout there tonight. Want to come?JAKEI've got plans I really can't change.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEC'mon. You're going to break up withher anyway.She gives Jake a look that has just enough flirt in it thathe can't resist.34 INT. TAXI -- NIGHT 34Kyle is riding in the back of a taxi, working his Blackberry.KYLE(to driver)Yeah, on the far corner there. We'rejust picking someone up.The taxi pulls up to the corner and Lauren, head covered in ascarf and wearing dark glasses gets in. She's very serious.KYLE (CONT'D)(to the cab driver)To Georgetown please.LAURENI need to know your intentions.KYLEWhat's that s'posed to mean?LAURENI want to know what you think issupposed to happen now.KYLEDid someone find out about us?She is silent. Eyes tearing up. Still won't look at him.I'm late.LAURENKYLEWe can stop at your place first.(MORE)

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 32.KYLE (CONT'D)(to the driver)Sorry sir but we need to stop in DupontCircle first.Kyle sits back. At last he turns to look at her. Tears arestreaming down her face. He's shocked and confused.KYLE (CONT'D)What's wrong?I'm late.Oh god.LAURENKYLEEND OF ACT TWO

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 33.ACT THREE35 EXT. SUBURBAN STREET -- NIGHT 35Catherine and Jake are sitting in her car drinking coffee.Her car is a mess. They're sharing a bag of pretzels, andpretending they aren't feeling some lurking sexual tension.JAKEThis was more fun when we smoked.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYeah, turns out that's bad for you.Hey, we should get Hannah Montana tostake out Ewing's house too. Just incase.Who?JAKECA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhats-her-name who lost Kyle's tape.Your little pet.JAKEMolly. Sure. Anything much on thisTanya woman?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThirty five maybe. Single mom. She'sa public defender. I thought maybeshe met Ewing in court when he was aprosecutor, but the dates don't matchup. Doesn't make sense.Why not?JAKECA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJust doesn't feel like the kind ofwoman who would work as a publicdefender would take hush money fromthe governor.JAKEI think a single parent who lives on40 thousand a year takes whatevercomes their way.(pause)So, am I allowed to ask how you'refeeling about things?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINELousy. Fine. You know what my mothersaid when I told her?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 34.JAKEShe said you've been wearing the wronglipstick?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEClose. She said, "Well you can alwayswaitress sweetheart."JAKEWell, in her world that's reassuring.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIt's exactly what she said when Iquit law school. I just hate whenthings confirm my mother's delusionthat I'm like her.JAKEYour mom is hot.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou are so vile. And my mom is nothot, she's just easy. Men seem notto be able to tell the difference.Headlights cross over their faces.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)-Someone's home.(heavy sigh - bracing)I hate this part.Catherine and Jake get out of her car and walk over toward awoman (30's) and her 10 year-old daughter getting out of theircar in front of a very modest suburban ranch house. The woman(Tanya) is a little exotic and very pretty.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Excuse me, Ms. Simon? Hi, it'sCatherine Powell from NNC, I left youa few messages.The woman makes a beeline for her front door, pulling herdaughter with her. She looks scared, confused.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Look, I know you don't want to talkto me, but there are going to be moreafter me. I can help you.The woman and daughter go inside and slam the door.36 INT. SAM'S OFFICE -- AFTERNOON 36Sam is working the phones. She has a huge old Rolodex on herdesk with thousands of numbers.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 35.Priya is running a beta deck and scanning through footage ofthe story - police searching, crying family, candlelight vigil,etc.SAMThat's the third dead end in threetries. This story is so over.She thinks for a minute, and then has a little smirk. Sheflips her Rolodex to a new number.SAM (CONT'D)Hello Sir. Sam Hathaway. Sorry tobother you on your cell, but I'mworking a lead on the disappearanceof the Kumar girl.(pause)I know girls disappear every day...(pause)Well I've heard that the Indianambassador is going to drive out andmeet with the parents.Sam holds one hand over the phone, and whispers to Priya.SAM (CONT'D)I need the number for the press officeof the Indian Embassy.(back into the phone)Oh, you haven't... Would you? I'd soappreciate it.Sam hangs up. Priya is writing on a post-it.PRIYAWhere did you learn that about theIndian ambassador?SAMI didn't. But if you can't breaknews, you can always try and makenews. It shouldn't be that hard toget the Indian ambassador to feel alittle pressure.Priya smiles, but actually looks a little nervous about thiskind of "reporting." Sam dials another number.SAM (CONT'D)Hello, this is Sam Hathaway at NNC.I've just spoken with AmbassadorRobert's office at the UN. Is ittrue that Ambassador Singh is planningto visit Roopika Kumar's parents?(pause)Well I'm going to need a comment.(MORE)

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 36.SAM (CONT'D)(to Priya)I need the South Asia desk at State.37 INT. CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE'S OFFICE -- DAY 37Catherine and Jake look over papers. Catherine is staring ata portrait of Ewing. He's classic politician handsome.Studying his face, his eyes. Especially the eyes.JAKESo there is nothing on Tanya Simon inNexis? How is it possible that shehasn't appeared in any newspaperanywhere?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEBelieve it or not, most of the worldis anonymous.JAKEHoly wide load, Batman!!What??!!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJAKEHave you seen Mrs. Ewing? No wonderthe Governor was sleeping around.She's a beast.They examine a photo of Ewing with his wife. She's not quiteobese, but certainly heavy, and not attractive.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThe whole thing screams infidelity,but I can't figure out how Ewing gotaway with it for so long.JAKETanya went to Georgetown Law? Don'tyou still know some people there?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYeah, my old professor. I'm not sureI can call him on this.JAKEBad break up?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEBad beginning. Never got started.We gotta see if we can get some helpon this. We still need a second sourcefor Ewing's appointment even if I canpin down the Tanya story.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 37.38 INT. SAM'S OFFICE -- DAY 38Catherine enters, as Sam is hanging up the phone. Priya isstill there.Priya exits.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou busy on something?SAMThe Kumar girl story - beyond stale.I'm never getting on air with that.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(to Priya)Can you excuse us a minute?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Just between us. Can you see if youcan learn anything about Charlie Ewinggetting nominated to Fanning's seaton the court? Maybe see if the FBIhas done a background check?SAMEwing's a Republican.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYeah, but I've got a good source. Istill really need a second.SAMKyle get anything from the White Houseon this?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI'm keeping it close right now.Sam sees the opportunity and doesn't hesitate.SAMI can look into this for you. But ifit gets legs, I want in.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThe story is yours if we break this.39 EXT. SUBURBAN STREET -- NIGHT 39Molly sits in her car. She's slumped down a little, halfreading, but keeping one eye on a house a few doors down.She jumps when someone knocks on the passenger door. It'sJake. He climbs in, handing her the big stack of papers offthe passenger seat.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 38.JAKEWhat's all this?MOLLYEverything written about Charles Ewingin the last five years.JAKENice. Learn anything good?MOLLYSixty one years old. Two kids. Virgo.Political positions that don't fitthe Republican mold. Pro-life butpro-gun control. Pro death penaltybut supports privacy rights. Verypopular. Likes to fish.(a little embarrassed)I kind of love him.JAKESelf made man or born rich?MOLLYHis grandfather made a mint in thecoal business. Seems like his dadplanned for little Charlie to begovernor practically from birth.JAKE(looking at some pages)Angler's Magazine. Riveting.(nod to the house)Any action?MOLLYNo. He's been home about two hours.Hey, did Catherine really push LisaSoller to the overnight?Yeah, why?JAKEMOLLYI think that was supposed to be me.JAKEYeah, don't worry too much about it.We all make our own luck in thisbusiness. Take it from someone whospends all his time worrying abouteveryone other than himself. It won'tget you what you want.MOLLYWhich is what?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 39.JAKEI'm still trying to figure that out.On the good days I feel lucky theypay me to just find out stuff andhelp explain it back on TV. The baddays, I think there has to be more tolife than filling up the time betweenpharmaceutical commercials.MOLLYSo why do you do it?JAKEWhen it's good, it's the most funI've ever had. And believe me, I'vehad plenty of fun.Molly blushes at the innuendo from Jake. A car pulls past,both of them slump down in their seats. They peek up as thecar stops in front of Ewing's house. Two men get out and goto the door. Ewing lets them in.JAKE (CONT'D)Do you know who that was?MOLLYIt looked like that guy Harper, thelawyer guy. Don't know the other.JAKEJD Harper, White House Counsel andRick Warden, Deputy Chief of Staff.Cool.MOLLYJAKE(dialing the phone)Yeah, really cool.40 INT. UPSCALE BAR -- NIGHT 40Catherine is at the bar with SIMON (45). Tall, handsome,mild mannered, and clearly taken with Catherine. She's puton lipstick to meet him, but looks uncomfortable.SIMONHow's my favorite law school flunkie?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI didn't flunk. Actually got an A inyour class. What'd you find out?SIMONYou know, you say you love this jobbut you always seem miserable.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 40.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI can't have this conversation now.(impatient)Look you know I hate asking you forfavors, but this one is important.Did you find anything out for me?Simon pulls out a folder, but doesn't hand it to her.SIMONI could get fired for this.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEBut you won't.Catherine snatches the folder. Opens it and starts reading.SIMONDecent grades. Nothing special.Always leaned toward the publicinterest stuff.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINECommonwealth Fellowship, what's that?SIMONAll her tuition was paid <strong>by</strong> theCommonwealth Foundation - Virginiafoundation that gives law schoolscholarships. Been around for a longtime. Coal money.Catherine's phone rings. Caller ID says Jake.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHey.... They're at Ewing's house now?How long have they been there? Thiscould be it.She already has her coat, not hanging up the phone. GivesSimon a peck on the cheek.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)You're the best.She takes the folder and heads for the door. Simon watchesher go, a little pissed but slightly charmed <strong>by</strong> the kiss.41 INT. SAM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT 41Sam and Priya are still in Sam's office. It's night now.Priya is still watching tape. Sam's on the phone.SAMHey, it's Sam. Call me back.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 41.Who's that?PRIYASAMDifferent story. Trying to secondsource something for Catherine.PRIYAYou know in all these press conferencesand everything, the mom never talks.Always the dad. Maybe we could getan interview with her.SAMShe's never been interviewed?PRIYADoesn't speak English.SAMThat's going to be a problem. Guessthere is no chance that you...PRIYAI'm from Bethesda. My Hindi is limitedto "please" and "thank you." Too badmy mom doesn't work here.SAM(lighting up)Why can't she?42 INT. RESTAURANT -- NIGHT 42Lauren and Kyle at a table for two. Kyle looks miserable andkeeps looking around the room.LAURENWould you relax, I'm not the firstpress secretary to have dinner with areporter.KYLEFine, but let's make it quick. Thisscares the hell out of me.LAURENLook, I want to go public. Letwhatever happens happen.KYLEYou know how fast my career would beover if anybody knew about us. That'sprofessional suicide for us both.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 42.LAURENI can take it.KYLEYou're just being emotional aboutthis. When you've had some time tothink about this you'll see thingsmore clearly. Besides, I'm up to myeyeballs right now trying to dealwith all this other-LAURENIf I'm being emotional it's becauseI'm carrying the child of the man Ilove, and he doesn't want to even beseen with me.Lauren's Blackberry starts vibrating.KYLEYou don't even know for sure-LAUREN-Six pregnancy tests say otherwise.Lauren finally picks up her Blackberry and looks.LAUREN (CONT'D)I've gotta go.KYLEWhat's happening?Nothing.LAURENKYLENothing? Or you can't tell me?LAURENSomeone at your network is poking abeehive.END OF ACT THREE

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 43.ACT FOUR43 INT. JAKE'S OFFICE -- DAY 43Catherine is hanging up the phone.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINENo one is giving up anything on Ewing.JAKEWe've got a great source, plus twoeyewitnesses of Warden and Harper atEwing's for two hours last night.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINESketchy. You know Donnegan's stillgoing to want a real second source.JAKEWhy won't you just tell Donnegan aboutEwing's mystery woman? New York willnotice that for sure.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEToo risky to give it to him now.(off Jake confused)<strong>Richard</strong> Jewell? Wen Ho Lee? StevenHatfill? This is exactly how ithappens - people's lives ruined <strong>by</strong>the rush to judgment because somebrown-noser like Donnegan wants toplay the news game but only reallycares about the headlines.JAKEWell, we still don't have officialword on Fanning retiring so there istime to get Tanya to talk. I justdon't know how you crack that.Kyle sticks his head in.Hey.Hey buddy.KYLEJAKEKYLEYou know, if you guys are going aftera White House story, I might be ableto help you.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhat makes you think we're working aWhite House story?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 44.KYLEI have sources. And last I checkedwe all play for the same team.Catherine looks back at her notes, and Jake gives Kyle a lookthat says "later." Kyle leaves.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI can't believe you told Kyle!JAKEYou think I told Kyle??!!!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou can't be everyone's friend allthe time Jake. And do I have to remindyou I'm your boss?JAKEHello, paranoid? Don't you trustanyone? No wonder you can't keep aboyfriend for more than one night.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAt least I'm not so afraid ofdisappointing people that I hang onto the same pathetic girlfriend whileI'm sleeping with half the bureau.JAKEExcuse me for actually caring aboutother people's feelings. Do you evennotice I've been running around thelast 72 hours trying to help?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou're just trying to help yourself.Forget it, I'll get Tanya to talk <strong>by</strong>myself.44 INT. HALLWAY -- DAY 44Kyle on the phone. Walking and frantic.KYLELauren? I don't know what they'vegot, but I think it's big. Maybe theFanning resignation. Can't you tellme anything? (Pause) They alreadythink I'm a problem or they wouldtell me. (Pause) This has nothingto do with that. Can we please talkabout one thing at a time? (Pause)Hello? Hello?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 45.Kyle realizes she's hung up on him. He walks <strong>by</strong> Priya andSam who are talking outside Sam's office.PRIYAAre you kidding? My mom is so intoit. She thinks she's in the CIA.SAMBut she still can't get Mrs. Kumar onthe phone?PRIYANo. But don't worry, my mom isrelentless. This is every Indianmother's fantasy - being asked to pryinto other people's business.SAMWell, keep me posted.PRIYAWhat about the ambassador angle?SAMI'm working another story right now.One that might actually get my faceon television. Even with the weepymother, this story is a long shot.As Sam exits, Priya's face can't hide a little revulsion.45 EXT. SUBURBAN STREET -- NIGHT 45Sam approaches a nice looking house. It's clear she isnervous, maybe even a little scared. She takes a deep breath,steadies herself, and rings the bell. The door opens and wesee the FBI guy from her mid-day romp. He looks shocked.MANWhat the hell are you doing here?SAMGood evening Special Agent Tompkins.I was hoping I could ask you a couplequestions.TOMPKINS(whispering loudly)Are you insane? My family is in therehaving dinner right now!SAMRelax, it's business. I need to knowif you've got anything on GovernorEwing taking Justice Fanning's seaton the Supreme Court.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 46.TOMPKINSWhat?! How the hell is that even anFBI story?!SAMLast I looked your office does thebackground checks.TOMPKINSThis is bullsh... Can't you just callmy cell in the morning?SAMFor once you're going to give me whatI need. And I'm so much morepersuasive in person.TOMPKINSYou've got no shame Hathaway.46 INT. TANYA'S HOUSE -- NIGHT 46Catherine rings the doorbell. Tanya opens the door with thechain still on, sees Catherine, and starts to close it.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWait! Ms. Simon. Please! I'm tryingto give you a chance to explain.TANYAI don't have to explain myself.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINENo. No you don't. But you should.I know about the money Ewing has paidyou. I know his foundation sent youto law school.TANYAIt's not what you think.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI understand.(guessing)I know he's not your boyfriend.TANYAOf course he isn't!Catherine stands there for few moments, locking eyes with herthrough the crack in the door. Suddenly she has a flash ofrecognition. Deep breath before letting loose her hunch.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHe's your father.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 47.Tanya closes the door, but then Catherine hears the chainslide back. Slowly, the door opens. Catherine steps inside.47 INT. WATERING HOLE -- NIGHT 47Kyle and Jake are drinking at a bar with a handful of otherjournalists. Ties loose. Kyle is already a little drunk.The TV finishes playing Kyle's appearance on the Daily Show.JON STEWARTKyle Chisolm everyone! The Vominator!In the bar a little cheer goes up for Kyle, who looks pleased.JAKESo have you figured out what to do?KYLEI'm going to beg my best friend totell me what the hell is going on.JAKEI mean about... you know, the ba<strong>by</strong>.KYLEShe's gonna have a... you know.She's going to take care of it. Soyou won't tell me what the story is?JAKEShe already thinks I told you.KYLEExactly. It doesn't matter now.JAKEForget it. That thing you do - tryingto protect every angle all the time?You gotta let that go. DC is a bigpond. Roll with the punches a bit.KYLERoll with... You have no idea-JAKELook, I get it-KYLENo. No, you don't. You should haveseen them in that briefing room.Every one of them thinks I'm out ofmy league - some affirmative actioncharity case. Just waiting for me tostumble. I can't play <strong>by</strong> your rules.I have to be better than them to evenstand a chance.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 48.JAKERelax. You're the golden boy.KYLEWhen was the last time there was ablack White House correspondent at amajor network? Or an anchor? Networknews is whiter than politics, andtwice as cutthroat. I might be thegolden boy today, but tomorrow...JAKEOK, I hear you.KYLESo please, tell me what's going on.JAKEI can't. I'm sorry. I know it'shard to understand, but I keep thesecrets. I keep yours. I keep hers.Kyle stares straight ahead, feeling very alone.48 INT. TANYA'S HOUSE -- NIGHT 48Catherine is sitting at a kitchen table with a notebook out.Tanya is coming down the hall with a cardboard box of papers.TANYAI didn't go looking for him until mymother died when I was 20.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHow did you know he was your father?Tanya hands Catherine a piece of paper from the box.TANYAFound that birth certificate... hisname was right on it. He hadn't knownabout me but he didn't try and denyit. He was pretty freaked. He wasonly 22 when my mom got pregnant.But I didn't want anything, you know.Just to meet him. He was very niceabout it - just wanted to keep itquiet, which was fine with me. Ithink he was already planning to runfor governor.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAnd law school?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 49.TANYAI told him I wanted to go to lawschool, and he was excited. He lovesthe law. Said if I could get intoGeorgetown he could pay my tuition.It was all fine until I got pregnant.I was going to drop out, but he wasinsistent that I finish. So he startedsending me money, even before Karenwas born... and it just continuedlike that. I never thought of it asmy money. It was for her.Tanya starts to cry a little. Catherine looks reallyuncomfortable but puts her hand on Tanya's shoulder.TANYA (CONT'D)I'm not dirty laundry. I'm just aprivate person.49 INT. CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT 49Catherine opens the door for Jake. She's frantic.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThanks for coming. I know it's late.JAKESure, nothing I like more than anangry booty call.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEStop being mad, I need your help.JAKEAs soon as you apologize.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEFine. Come in.JAKE"Fine" is not an apology.I'm sorry.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJake enters. Catherine has stacks of papers and post-its andphotos and clippings out on her table. She's clearly spenthours with them. She picks up the birth certificate and handsit to Jake. He reads, and looks up in shock.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Yep. He's her father. He paid forher to go to law school. The money hegave her was for her daughter.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 50.JAKEThis is huge! Will she go on camera?Catherine takes a breath before she says what she's clearlybeen struggling with.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI don't think we should run it.WHAT???!!JAKECA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThere is nothing illegal here. Hedidn't break the law. The paymentswere from his own pocket - totallylegal. She filed the taxes. Whyshould this keep him off the court?JAKEWhat about law school?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThe foundation gives law schoolscholarships - and he sits on theboard with discretion to choosestudents. It's a private foundation.There's no wrongdoing!JAKESo what!? It's still a great story.Infidelity matters.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHe wasn't even married then! I'vebeen through this a hundred times. Ican't find any evidence of him lyingabout it. It's his own money and hisown daughter.JAKEThen report the story and let peopledecide. Honesty and integrity count.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEEwing's or mine? If we report it, weare saying it matters. I promisedmyself when I got into this businessthat I wasn't going to becomemercenary. Aren't we supposed todecide that first? If we do this, youknow how it will play. They'll killhim with it. This is the SupremeCourt we're talking about!

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 51.JAKEDon't let this get all personal.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhat is that supposed to mean?JAKEDaughter of a single mom? Hung up ona missing father? This doesn't ringa bell to you?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEDo you actually want to insult meboth personally and professionallyright now?JAKEI'm just saying. I know you and thisone is close to home.Catherine doesn't respond. She is obviously holding in a lotof emotion. Finally Jake breaks the silence.JAKE (CONT'D)Sorry. But, you don't owe these peopleanything. You need this story, andlook where playing the straight andnarrow has gotten you: listening tothe chipper Englishman tell you howto do your job. New York HAS to payattention if you bring this in.Catherine's doorbell rings. It's Sam.SAMI got it.(seeing Jake)Wait, what's going on?JAKENothing. Just, ah...CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEIt's ok. I told her about Tanya.(to Sam)She's Ewing's daughter. But it alllooks totally above board.JAKECatherine thinks we should leave italone. God knows why.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWere you listening to me?!(to Sam)Wait, you got what?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 52.SAMA second source on the Ewingnomination. My guy at Justice spilledthe whole thing.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYes! We can break it tomorrow!JAKEWhat about Tanya?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI don't need it now. I can break thenomination story, and leave Tanya outof it. It's still a decent scoop.JAKE(to Sam)Will you talk to her?SAMWhat do you want? She's a good girl.Why did Warden give you this anyway?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWarden's a partisan warrior. Probablyhates the idea of another Republicanon the court. I'm sure he was hopingwe would torpedo Ewing with this.All the more reason why we shouldn't.JAKEForget Warden! This is about you.There is a big difference betweenbreaking a nomination story andexposing Governor Ewing's illegitimatechild. You want to show New York thegoods? It's Tanya. Are you surethis is what you want to do?Off Catherine's inner turmoil.END OF ACT FOUR

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 53.ACT FIVE50 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- MORNING 50The room is buzzing, everything hopping. Phones ringing,everyone in a hurry. Kenneth is reading some pages. Catherineand Sam hurry up to him with Jake trailing.We got it.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINESAMA source of mine at Justice says thatthe FBI has done a full backgroundcheck on Ewing to prepare for hisnomination.Kenneth is staring at a TV, ignoring them.KENNETHNice work ladies but it's too late.The White House scheduled a morningpresser for Monday to officiallyannounce Ewing.What??!!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEKENNETHJust happened. They're doing thebackgrounder now.On the TV, we see Lauren in the White House briefing room.LAURENThe President and Governor Ewing willjoin Justice Fanning in the Rose Gardenat 9am Monday. Each will give a briefstatement and answer questions. I'mnot going to address anything ofsubstance this morning...51 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- DAY 51Catherine is in charge now, and is visibly frustrated as theywork to get a Ewing story done for the evening news. Sam ishovering. Kenneth is gone.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(to everyone)No, not Kyle. Sam will do the storyfrom the court. Does anybody haveEwing's whereabouts? Do we havesomeone at his house?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 54.PRODUCERYes. No sign of him. And his officewon't return calls.SEAN(running in)He's not at the White House or EOB.Every reporter in town is looking.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINESo much for being ahead of the pack.Where is he hiding? At least let'sget a smile, a wave, and a "nocomment." Can we manage that?(really irritated)We're not doing a story in which weannounce that the White House announcedthat they are going to make anannouncement. We're journalists notstenographers.In another part of the room, Jake looks on, while making calls.Molly approaches. Sam is just close enough to hear.Jake?Yeah kid.MOLLYJAKEMOLLYI think I know where he might be. Ifound this in my reading.Molly hands Jake a page. Jake reads and then jumps up. Samsees this and comes over.JAKEMolly needs a crew ASAP!(to Molly)If you're not back here with tape <strong>by</strong>five, we can't use it. Keep itfriendly. We don't want to make thisguy our enemy.SAM(Just finished reading)I'm coming. We'll be back in time.MOLLY(scared of Sam)Oh, that's ok. I can manage it.SAMI wasn't asking. Let's go.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 55.52 EXT. WOODS ALONG <strong>THE</strong> POTOMAC -- DAY 52Sam, Molly and the van cruise along a dirt road running alongthe Potomac. She's scanning the river bank.MOLLYThere! Over there, the Explorer!She points to a black Explorer peeking through the trees.Molly is positively beaming.SAM(sultry)Hello, Governor.53 INT. CONTROL ROOM -- DAY 53Catherine works the control room as the clock ticks closer toair. Jake comes barreling in.JAKEMolly got him!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWho got him?!JAKEMol- Hannah Montana. She found him!CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE(into a microphone)Hold the Ewing piece! We've got newtape coming.(to Jake)What'd he say?JAKENothing special. Honored. Excitedabout the challenges. Blah, blah.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI want to see it the second they'rehere. And tell her not to stop unlessthe President himself runs into hercar. How the hell'd she find him?JAKEApparently he let Angler's Magazineprofile his favorite fishing spot.He told them it's his best escapewhen Washington gets to be too much.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAngler's Magazine?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 56.JAKEI told you she was smart.(privately to her)Are you still sure you don't want togo with Tanya's story. We could killwith this thing. It'd be huge.(off her hesitation)You're going to be miserable if you'restuck here answering to Donnegan.Out on Catherine's indecision.54 INT. <strong>THE</strong> PIT -- EVENING 54All eyes are fixed on the TVs showing the broadcast.EWING...always been proud to serve in anyway I can. I've served the state ofVirginia for most of my adult life,and I hope I can serve as well forthis great country.SAMThe President is expected to appearMonday at a 9am press conference inthe Rose Garden with both Judge Fanningand Governor Ewing to make the officialannouncement. Samantha Hathaway, NNCNews, the Supreme Court.Everyone but Catherine is celebratory. She knows she justlost her best shot <strong>by</strong> keeping Tanya's secret. Kenneth enters.KENNETHI just want to say thanks to you allfor a nice bit of work today. Wewere the only broadcast - cable ornetwork to get a comment from CharlieEwing so a special nod to Sam formaking us all look sharp. A goodfeeling, that I hope we'll share alot more of. I'm buying at The Holein 30 minutes.A cheer goes up. Molly is smiling but looks a bit dejected.Catherine looks deflated as she heads to her office.55 INT. CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS 55Catherine's phone rings as she enters. On speaker phone:Hello?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 57.RICK WARDEN (O.S.)It's Warden. Downstairs in five.56 INT. WARDEN'S CAR -- EVENING 56Catherine climbs into the passenger seat of Warden's Cadillac.WARDENWhat the hell was that?I'm sorry?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWARDENI gave you the girl so you could useit. It's a two way street you know.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWell I'm sorry I couldn't do yourdirty work. We're still working thatstory, but it's complicated. Youdidn't exactly give us much time.WARDENWell you would have had more if youhadn't tried to trade it back.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWhat does that mean?WARDENSomeone in your bureau tipped off ourpress office that you had Ewingconfirmed and were after his daughter.So they rushed the announcement. Icouldn't slow it down.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWho the hell was it??WARDENIf you can't even keep track of yourown office...Catherine starts to go.WARDEN (CONT'D)Where are you going?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI'm getting to the bottom of this.END OF ACT FIVE

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 58.ACT SIX57 INT. NNC CONFERENCE ROOM -- EVENING 57Jake, Kyle, and Catherine sit in silence. The tension isbrutal. Everyone furious at everyone. Kenneth enters.Stunned silence.KENNETHI didn't realize I was going to haveto play headmaster to all of youchildren, but apparently-CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThis isn't a joke.KENNETHOn the contrary, you've made it quiteserious.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI didn't make it anything. We had adirect leak from this bureau to theWhite House. Not only did someonetell them we had confirmation on Ewing,but that we were after his daughtertoo! That was privileged information,and that leak totally killed our chanceto break the story. I think Kyle's-KENNETH-Kyle was not the source of the leakto the White House.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHow can you possibly know that?KENNETHBecause I was.KENNETH (CONT'D)And when our correspondent lands thefirst exclusive Presidential interview,it will be clear why.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou have no right.KENNETHI have every right. And yourrighteousness does not serve you well,Ms. Powell.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 59.KYLEI want to lodge a formal complaint.My contract stipulates-KENNETHYou, Mr. Chisolm, are in no positionto complain about anything. You'veembarrassed yourself beyond what anyserious journalist should accept.Lucky for you I'm not that serious.As Kyle starts to interrupt Kenneth silences him with a look.KENNETH (CONT'D)Go back to work, Kyle. Prove you areworthy of a very important job. Andtry to keep your lunch off the briefingroom floor.Yes, sir.KYLEKyle and Jake leave. Catherine stands her ground a minute.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWho told you about Ewing's daughter?KENNETHI'm afraid my sources, like yours,are confidential. What's far moreimportant is why it wasn't you whotold me.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI was working the story. I like tokeep things close. For good reason.KENNETHWell, I like to know what's going onin my bureau. Whatever you've donein the past, from now on you WILLtell me when you're working a story,or I will find someone who understandshow this works.58 INT. SAM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT 58Catherine enters looking very serious.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEPromise me it wasn't you.SAMWhat are we talking about?

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 60.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINESomeone told Donnegan about Tanya.You, me, and Jake were the only oneswho knew.SAMDon't forget Rick Warden and whoeverelse he told. And Ewing. And Tanya.(sensing the anger)No, of course it wasn't me honey.I'm on your side.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEThanks Sam. Good job today.SAMYou going to be ok?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYeah. I'm going to go talk to Jake.SAMYou know, one of these days you'regoing to have to tell him how youreally feel.Catherine is stopped cold <strong>by</strong> this, but before she can speakPriya comes running in, she's on the phone. Priya mouths thewords "my mom." Priya puts her hand over the phone.PRIYAHold on mom.(to Sam)She got Mrs. Kumar. We're in.Let's go.Now?SAMPRIYASAMWe're reporters. It's always now.PRIYAMom, we're picking you up in five.59 INT. KENNETH'S OFFICE -- EVENING 59Sam enters, she's got her coat on, on her way out.SAMHey it looks like we got RoopikaKumar's mother to sit down with us.Might make a nice piece.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 61.KENNETHTwice in one day you've got myattention. That's pretty impressive.SAMJust a little hard work paying off.KENNETHWell, I'm impressed.SAMThat was the idea.KENNETHThanks for the tip off on this businesswith Ewing's daughter. I think that'sgoing to work out nicely.SAMWell. I'm a team player.KENNETHI'm just glad you play for me now.Sam can't help a big smile. Something about this guy. Kennethgives her a mischievous smile that isn't a hundred percentprofessional.60 INT. JAKE'S OFFICE -- EVENING 60The newsroom is empty. Jake and Catherine are alone.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINETell me I did the right thing.JAKEI think I would have run it. But I'mnot you... and I'm not exactly knownfor my judgment. Who do you thinkleaked it to Donnegan?CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEWho knows. Clearly Warden wanted itout. He'll give it to someone else.JAKEBut maybe finding Tanya first gaveEwing time - tipped him off that thiswas coming. Let him prepare.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEI wish sometimes I was that person.The one who does whatever it takes.The one who doesn't care. Who doesn'tangst about some fantasy of journalism.(MORE)

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 62.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Some throwback. Sometimes I want...I want to be Sam.JAKEI like you better.It sucks.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEJAKEYeah. Let's get out of here.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINEYou go. I've got to hatch somebrilliant new plan.Jake leaves. Catherine sits. Starts to cry, stops herself.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINE (CONT'D)Damn you Holly Hunter.61 INT. KYLE'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT 61Kyle watches TV in his underwear, drinking a beer. Laurenenters, stands behind him for a few seconds, gathering strengthfor this.LAURENNice work finding Ewing.KYLEYeah, wasn't me. Five days as WhiteHouse correspondent and they won'teven let me cover the White House.Kyle turns off the TV. She's all warmth and kindness. Stepsclose to him and puts her hand on his arm.You ok?LAURENKYLEI guess. Listen, I've been thinking.I want you to know that I love you...but I don't think we can do this.LAURENWhich this? This relationship orthis ba<strong>by</strong>?KYLEYou're not really considering havingthis child? That's insane.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 63.LAURENIt's not what I had planned, but someplans are meant to be changed.KYLEBut, but... your administration istotally pro-choice!LAURENThis is not a political decision.KYLEThis is your real life you're talkingabout. Your career! My career!LAURENI understand the situation. Forgetthe politics. I'm 34 years old, andvery much in love. I have the meansto support a child. And I know whatI believe. It's simple really.Tears run down her face. Kyle struggles to contain himself.KYLEYou think giving birth to a child outof wedlock is simple? I don't knowwhat world you're living in.LAURENI'm living in a world in which thehard right trumps the easy wrong.KYLEThis isn't some civics lesson! You'regoing to destroy your career, andmine! I can't let you do this!Lauren heads for the door. She stops, turns to face him.LAURENI'll do what I have to do, and you dowhat you have to do. I know you'rescared, but you'll be ok.KYLEPlease don't do this. You have noidea what it takes for a black man toget where I've gotten. Don't take itaway from me.At this Lauren turns cold. Her face hardens.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 64.LAURENNo one puts a silver spoon in themouths of little white girls fromSouth Jersey. You're a big boy. Actlike it.She's gone. Kyle looks ready to explode. He whips his beerat the closed door shattering glass across the room.Suddenly, we cut to an exterior view of Kyle's apartment litup in the black night. A pull out reveals a TELEPHOTO LENSperched on the roof of the building across the street. A mandressed in black is packing his photo gear into a bag.62 INT. SUBURBAN HOME -- NIGHT 62Priya and Sam, and PRIYA'S MOM are at the door of a modestsuburban home.PRIYAYou ready mom?(off mom's nod)I don't know why I'm so nervous.SAMIt's a strange job - waltzing intothe worst moment in someone's life.(with a resigned look)She's just a regular person. Andprobably a very sad one.Sam rings the doorbell. A small middle aged Indian woman ina modest sari opens the door for them.MRS. KUMARShubh sandhya. Priya?PRIYAYes, Mrs. Kumar. Thank you for lettingus come.PRIYA'S MO<strong>THE</strong>RShubh sandhya shrimati Kumar.SAMWe're so sorry...Before Sam has time to continue Mrs. Kumar turns and headsinside. Sam and Priya and Priya's mom follow.63 INT. ROOPIKA KUMAR'S ROOM -- NIGHT 63The four enter the room of a typical 16 year-old girl. Thereare posters of Zac Efron and Taylor Swift. The bedspread ispink. Both Priya and Sam are caught off guard <strong>by</strong> thechildishness in the room. A softball trophy.

ROBBINS <strong>INSIDE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOX</strong> PILOT 1/21/09 65.A picture of best friends. That girl on TV just became real.Mrs. Kumar and Priya's mom are speaking softly in Hindi.Mrs. Kumar starts to cry a little and Priya's mother puts herarm around Mrs. Kumar leads her out. Priya follows, leavingSam alone in Roopika's bedroom.Sam picks up a picture of the innocent faced Roopika. Standingalone here, overwhelmed <strong>by</strong> the enormity of her day, and thecost of who and what she has become, Sam starts to cry.64 EXT. <strong>THE</strong> WATERING HOLE -- NIGHT 64Catherine walking home alone, passing the Watering Hole. Shestops outside, thinking. She sees Molly, Jake and others ina bar drinking. Jake leans into Molly in a way that makesthe attraction clear. Catherine knows that look in Jake, andnow she can't leave. She makes for the door.65 INT. <strong>THE</strong> WATERING HOLE -- NIGHT 65Catherine enters the bar, where she is warmly greeted. Afterall, these are her people. Catherine crosses over to Jakeand Molly. She sits down right between them. Jake sits upstraighter now that she's crashed his party.Chardonnay?JAKECatherine nods and Jake goes to get the bartender's attention.CA<strong>THE</strong>RINECheers kid. Nice job today. Don'tworry about Sam stealing your thunder.Good hard work is its own reward.Thanks.MOLLYCA<strong>THE</strong>RINEAnd don't lose any sleep over Lisa,she was headed for the overnight beforeyour little bathroom blunder.Oh. Ok.MOLLYCA<strong>THE</strong>RINEHow do you feel about working theEwing confirmation hearings?Molly smiles. Through the bar window, the camera sees themall inside wrapped in a warm glow. Laughing.END OF SHOW

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