Love Your Work. - Mercedes-Benz

Love Your Work. - Mercedes-Benz Love Your Work. - Mercedes-Benz
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<strong>Love</strong> your work.<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans. December 2007

Free ‘<strong>Love</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Work</strong>’ DVD.Buying a van, or renewing your fleet, is a important decision. With anincreasing focus on OH&S requirements along with the need to maximiseproductivity and minimise operational costs, van operators need to looknot just at what’s new, but also what works.<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans.<strong>Love</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Work</strong>.In order to meet your expectations in relation to safety, comfort, reliability,performance, function and economy, we offer the widest range of modelsand options available in the Australian van market.This DVD provides a comprehensive overview of our van range withspecial focus on the technology, the <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Van model range,key features and the critical area of performance and handling.We’ve also provided a detailed overview of our class-leading safetysystems including Adaptive ESP ® , which is standard across the entire<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> van range.We hope you find the DVD both enjoyable and informative. It’s beendesigned to give you an opportunity to evaluate our vans at a time andplace that suits you.However, nothing can beat the first-hand experience behind the wheel– only then will you understand why work is a whole lot easier when youlove what you drive.

Highlights10 Wakeboarding’s highflying brothers14 A day in the life of aparamedic18 Glam Van22 Taking the show onthe road27 Dealer listWelcome to the jam-packed second edition of <strong>Love</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, the magazinefor <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Van owners, drivers and lovers.There is probably no more highly trusted and respected profession thanthat of an Ambulance Paramedic. Anyone who has ever had the need to callfor emergency assistance will certainly tell you of the care, skill and utterdedication these everyday heroes possess.<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans have been associated with the Ambulance servicessince 1999; today around 90% of all front line stretcher ambulances inAustralia are based on the Sprinter van – meaning the paramedics are alsoin good hands. In this issue, we provide a glimpse of a day in the life of aparamedic and hope this is the closest you and those near to you will evercome to the inside of an ambulance.This issue also comes with a small gift for you; a <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans DVD.The purpose of the DVD is to give you a simple and quick understanding ofour range, options, safety systems and the many features and benefits thata Vito or Sprinter can offer. We hope you enjoy it.And just to show you that our owners are not all rugged tradies and courierdrivers, we’ve got a story on the Glam Van girls. If you are feeling like gettingyour hair or nails done soon (they cater for guys as well), give the Glam Vangirls a call and help support another <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Van owner.More than tin and rubber.As 2008 rapidly approaches, we can look back on another successfulyear. We have been delighted with the success of the new Sprinter and thecontinuing strength of the award-winning Vito range. We have had many firsttime customers join the <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Van team this year and have somebig announcements about new customers and new products – but we’ll savethem for the next issue.Until then, on behalf of all the team and dealers at <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans, wewish you and your family a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Yearholiday period. Stay safe on the roads and we look forward to your ongoingsupport in 2008.Campbell York,Senior Executive, <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans0405

Getting technical.Product updates.First place:Robert Nicholas, Central Star Auto Haus, Berwick.Second place:Antony Bishop, Grand Motors Prestige, Gold Coast.Third place:Glenn Irvine, Prestney Brothers Motors, Sale.Finalist:Stephen Crowe, Carlin and Gazzard, Mt. Gambier.When it comes to the technical side of things, these aredefinitely the type of people you want working on yourvan. Below left to right: Adrian Tralaggan Senior ManagerTraining, Stephen Crowe, Antony Bishop, Glen Irvine, RobertNicholas, David Lejarcegui Technical Trainer Vans.The <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans ‘Technician of the Year’ for2007 is a rising star from Berwick in Victoria. RobertNicholas from Central Star Auto Haus was recentlygiven the nod out of 48 highly skilled technicians whoentered this year’s competition.It’s a pretty high bar just to get into the competition. Toenter, technicians must have been currently employedat their dealership for the past year and needed tohave completed three <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vans technicaltraining courses in that time.The entrants had to complete a theory test to progressto the finals stage and then the four highest scoringtechnicians were flown to Melbourne to compete inextensive theory and practical tasks.Over three days, the finalists attended informationsessions and drive program activities. They alsocompleted a 90-minute practical and theoreticalcomponents that included Sprinter and Vito engineoperation, Automatic Transmission assessment andrectification theory.As usual, the final results were very close and wecommend the finalists on their enthusiasm andskill level. We’d like to congratulate all finalists ontheir great effort and thank the management of allparticipating dealers for supporting their technicians.The first prize is a $4000 travel voucher.GVM increase on Sprinter2008 will see the very popularSprinter available with evengreater carrying capacity.•Sprinter 315 and 318 van, cabchassisand dual cab cab-chassiswill be optionally available with a330 kg increase in GVMTo achieve the increase in GVMon Sprinter the following factoryfitted technical enhancementswere made.•Reinforcing both front and rearaxles (front and rear axle loadratings become 1,800 kg and2,430 kg respectively)•Adjusting the vehicle’s AdaptiveESP ® (Electronic Stability Control)unit for the possibility of addedweight•Adapting the vehicle’s brakingsystem in preparation for addedweight to carry•Enhancements to specificchassis components such assprings and anti-roll bars•Additional welding on thevehicle’s body shell and frameEffectively this new option offersan increase in load carryingcapacity of between 15 andalmost 19 percent, depending onthe model chosen.The new Sprinter Transfer12 seat MinibusIf you’re after an off-the-shelfsolution with outstanding features,get on board the new SprinterTransfer minibus.•<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> comfort for upto 12 people and luggage•Spacious interior with awide range of equipment andappointments to choose from•Class leading cargo capacity andwarranty•CDI diesel power of110kW/150Hp and 330Nm ofTorque•5 speed automatic transmission•Dual air conditioning•Luxury interior panelling•Comfort driver’s seat witharmrests•Light and rain sensors•Extensive safety equipmentincluding Adaptive ESP ®•3 point seat belts in rear seating7

As one of the co-owners Darren Prior knows after20 years in the business, quality products and firstclass workmanship are what sets his operation apart.Which is why his choice to use <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vitosas his signature fleet was a natural fit.The Leather Doctor and Vinyl Doctor businessstarted in Brisbane in 1987 with one man and oneute. Today, there are thirty franchises nationwide.The business offers a mobile pick-up service forrepairs, cleaning and recolouring anything made ofvinyl or leather. Clients include Moran, Sunrunnerboats and many more.All the vehicles in the fleet are Vitos and that’ssomething Darren specifically wanted written intothe franchise contract. The vans have their interiorcovered with carpet, so no damage occurs whatevercomes on board.Professionalism is the key to everything Darren andthe team tackle and they work hard to develop goodworking relationships with their clients, whether theyare commercial or private.“Doesn’t matter if it’s a couch, a car or a boat. Wewant to be known as reliable, reputable and the bestat what we do”, says Darren.He notes that: “Vito vans fit our business beautifully,because they let people know we care about quality.”In fact, Darren has often seen how the<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> badge can make a real differenceto the way customers view his business. As he tellsit: “One lady customer had a very expensive leatherlounge worth around $30,000. She wouldn’t allowanyone to touch it until she saw the Leather DoctorVito in her driveway. But once she sighted the threepointedstar, everything was fine.”For more information on the Leather and VinylDoctor, visit Leather Doctors.<strong>Work</strong>ing with a quality product.8 9

The Mackey brothers aredetermined to take the relativelynew sport of wakeboarding togreat heights in Australia. Thisextreme water sport is similar towaterskiing in that the rider istowed behind a specially designedboat on preferably calm water.However, wakeboarding is moreabout the rider’s ability to perform‘aerial tricks’.Troy’s most difficult aerial so faris the toe side, backside, 540degree while Scott is perfectingheel side 720’s.Both Troy and Scott developedtheir skills on family waterskiingholidays to Lake Eildon. Thesedays, they have some fabulouscareer milestones under theirbelt, both here and in the US,where wakeboarding first tookoff. To make a go of it in Australia,they need to travel extensivelyand that’s where they find thepowerful <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vito V6diesel is the ideal vehicle for theirspecific purpose.They’re definitely travelling wellas far as results go. Troy was6th on the Australian Pro Tour in2007, 3rd at the U.S Wakefest inKansas and 3rd at the AustralianNationals in Melbourne 2007.Scott came in 3rd on theAustralian Pro Tour 2006 at TourStop 3. Their aim is to make thetop five on the Australian Pro Tour.The brothers spend part of theyear in Orlando, Florida wheretheir training schedule is to‘ride’ 3 times a day and thensupplement it with cross trainingsuch as swimming and gymworkouts.Their home base is Yarrawongawhere the brothers have justopened their ‘Mackey Bros Schoolof Wake’ this year. It will be openover the summer and bookingsand enquiries can be made on0423 629 339 or 0408 474 480.The Australian Pro Tour ofWakeboarding 2008 started inQLD on 17th November. Tourdates are as follows :Penrith, NSW 25 -26 JanHamilton, NZ 16-17 FebCaribbean Gardens, Vic15-16 MarTroy MackeyTroy and Scott Mackey.Wakeboarding’s highflying brothers.Scott Mackeyperforming anINDY GLIDEAs Troy says: “The Vito isawesome for us. It has everythingwe need without making anymodifications. We have to tow a2.5 tonne, 21 foot speedboat andwe have to carry a lot of gear withus. The Vito handles it all.”He adds, “In fact, because weoften need to travel up to 300kmfrom Melbourne to Yarrawonga,we can do an overnighter in theback. There’s enough room for abed in there.”

Just us and our vans.Paul Ryan and family started Stateline Freight in 1993. They have a mix of <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> vans to help themStaff members,transport pharmaceuticals throughout Tasmania. All drivers need to go through stringent police checks and allMatthew Brooksvehicles are fitted with security measures such as central locking and tinted windows.and Che Reaburnof Stateline Freight,Tasmania. 13

A day in the life of a paramedicWhen it comes to supporting thecommunity, paramedics do anincredible job. But who supportsthem at the end of a demandingday? For Malcolm and VanessaKnight, they are both glad thatthey work in the same game.The Knights both work asparamedics with the AmbulanceService of NSW. Malcolm hasspecialised rescue skills andis currently working with therescue truck crew while Vanessais part of a paramedic crew onan ambulance. To them, havinga partner that understands thenature of the job is a blessing.“It certainly makes life easierwhen you don’t have to explainwhy you have to work late or howyou have to go straight away whenyou’re needed,” says Malcolm.And while the job is demandingat times, they both enjoy therewards of being a paramedic.Being such an important partof the community brings themin contact with people who aregenerally very appreciative and ofcourse, their skills can save a life.As Vanessa notes: “We’re givenan extraordinary amount of trust.The job requires us to go intopeople’s homes – their personalspace – and often when they’reat their most vulnerable. That’ssomething we have to understandand respect.”Malcolm agrees, saying: “ I lovethe fact that ambos have sucha great sense of ethics. Weoften say that the definition ofan ambulance station is a placewhere you could leave a big wadof cash on the table and no onewould ever touch it. But if it wasa sandwich, it wouldn’t last morethan two seconds.”Coming up through the ranks ofSt. John Ambulance as a cadet,Malcolm was always keenlyinterested in First Aid and hasalways liked dealing with people.The variety of the job is also a bigfactor in why he’s been workingwith the Ambulance Service ofNSW for over thirty years.With that sort of experienceunder the belt, he’s seen manyoccasions where, when it comesto something big like Thredbo, theNewcastle earthquake or any ofthe recent bushfires, the ambospull together and do whatever ittakes to get the job at the office might involve astring of road traumas and seriousemergencies that require urgentresponse. All at the end of a nightshift with little sleep.Whereas a great day in the officeis one where everything just‘clicks’ and their medical expertisemakes a critical difference insituations that demand calmnessand a clear head.When it comes to the Sprinterambulances that form the vastmajority of the NSW fleet, theyboth feel that they are in verysafe hands.When the changeover to<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Sprinters firsthappened some time back, thenew vehicles were acceptedquickly due to their superior roadcapabilities and great layout in therear compartment.With the introduction of the newSprinter model that has onlyimproved, with everything at theready, including a full automaticgearbox. With lights and sirensblazing and the driver alreadybusy with the road, radioing aheadto the hospital or base and maybecommunicating with the patientin the rear, not having to changegears is a big plus.“The new Sprinter accelerates,stops and turns very comfortably”,reports Malcolm.One of the best things about thenew Sprinter is the improveddriver comfort and betterutilization of space in the rear.Because the crew spend so muchtime inside the vehicle, that’sreally vital. One thing they love isthe ‘walkthrough’ feature so thatContinues next pageBecause the work is so diverse,the Knights never quite no what’saround the corner but typically,their work is divided betweenmedical and routine calls. A tough14

they can access the rear withouthaving to get out of the vehicle.As you might imagine, this featureis especially important whena patient suddenly becomescritically ill and the paramedicwho is driving has to pull over andjump into the back to assist thetreating paramedic.All part ofthe job.8:00 am: Call on at station.8:02 am: First job of the day is acommuter who has collapsed ata train station. On arrival, find an80-year-old male who has faintedat the station in the peak hourmorning crowd.9:12 am: Called to a 9-year-oldgirl who has been hit by a caroutside her school. Arrive to find ascene of chaos. Child, witnesses,family very distressed.10:15 am: 50 year old malethreatening self-harm. Patienthas a long mental health history.Police on scene.10:53 am: 75 year old male withchest pain – the man has beencomplaining of pain for hours butthought it was indigestion. Onarrival, he quickly deteriorates andgoes into cardiac arrest.With the height of the rearspace in the Sprinter, most ofthe paramedics can stand in therear. And the generous internaldimensions mean that the overallwork space is as comfortable asit could be.Understanding the needs ofpeople in distress is something12:00 Called to a 26-year-oldfemale who has fallen down anescalator at a local shoppingcentre.12:35 pm: 42-year-old male whohas hit his head while doing DIYaround the home.1:20 pm: Called to a 92-year-oldfemale who is generally unwellwith breathing difficulties at anursing home.( Eat lunch on the go)1:54 pm: Attend to an 80-year-oldfemale who is a known diabeticand is feeling very faint. She hashad a stomach upset for the past3 days.2:39 pm: A 3-year-old boy hashad an allergic reaction to a beesting.3:45 pm: Three car motor vehicleaccident – multiple patientsrequiring complex skills. Police,Fire, Ambulance Rescue andparamedics work together to freethat comes naturally to Malcolmand Vanessa Knight. However,having an understanding partnercertainly makes the job a loteasier for both of them.If you are not already a member ofyour state ambulance service, youshould seriously consider joining.In case of emergency dial 000.the patients who are trapped intheir vehicles.5:47 pm: On return to station toclean up for the day but comeacross another two car motorvehicle accident.7:17 pm: Re-stock ambulancesupplies used that day. Washthe car, have a debrief withcolleagues. Clock off for the dayand head home.Innovative transport solutionsdesigned for today’s smartoperator is a motto that Pekistands by. And their forté iscustomisation they’ll work withyou to identify how you canachieve higher performance withyour trailer, van or truck and thegoods you are carrying.A great example of this is thePeki Lite Body System, which ispotentially the lightest van bodyon the market. In this productpartnership, the Peki Lite BodySystem, in combination with theSprinter, demonstrates that itis possible to carry a 2 tonnepayload while still driving on acar licence.Peki believes that Sprinter owners should lighten up.the article here is provided as product information and is not intendedas an endorsement by mercedes-benz vans or daimler ag.The Peki Lite comes in versatile,4.3, 4.9 and 5.5 metre lengths.Peki Lite’s combination ofstrength and low tare weight“Premium PekiLite Body Systemis approximately700-800kglighter.”comes from the use of specialpanels manufactured bypermanently welding a glassreinforced Polypropylene (PP)skin to each side of a honeycombPeki(03) 8791 core. The resulting materialis strong, lightweight, and verydurable.Importantly, the 4.3 metrePremium Peki Lite body weighs inat around 500kg, approximately700-800 kg lighter than bodies ofthe same size made of alternativematerials. This translates straightinto the 2 tonne payload, givingoperators increased profitability.16

The Glam Van.A special van for that special day.Delivering style by the vanload, the Glam Van isa mobile beauty parlour that arrives right at yourhome complete with professional stylists ready topamper you for that special event. And yes, theydo guys as well.The pink-sprinkled Sprinter 315 is owned and runby Susana Calvo, who purchased it from TynanMotors in 2006 and is based in Western Sydney.As a hair stylist and makeup artist, Susanawanted a “totally mobile service” for her clienteleand the Glam Van was created to fill her needs.While the sleek exterior lines of the Sprinterand the association with <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> wereimportant, the interior covered the practicalneeds for setting a mini-salon with enough spacefor an excited bridal party. To save costs, shesourced 70% of the materials herself.The interior décor is a blend of modern andclassic, making it a perfect setting for the ultimatebridal pampering experience. Featuring two hugeVenetian mirrors surrounded by Hollywood-stylelighting, velvet diamond-buttoned walls and aFrench provincial bench, it’s a lavish setting forthe bridal party and a great place for photos.Certainly, a memorable way to enjoy one of life’smost memorable occasions. As well as a tributeto how the Sprinter can adapt to any businessneeds.For more information on the Glam Van, inside story.•Air conditioning • DVD/CD Player• Plasma Screen showing music videos• Coffee Machine • Fridge • Hand basin• Change room • Two huge Venetian Mirrors• Hollywood style lighting • Chandelier• ‘Photo op’ corner1819

Introducing Cubanite Silver.If you’re the type of person who appreciates quality, the new Cubanite Silver Vito should be just the rightpackage for you.Doing things well is what you’re already known for. So it’s no surprise that you want your work vehicle to reflectyour outlook. A <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> van is a great way to set your business apart and give you a competitive edge.Especially if it’s one of very few on the road.Of course, as a business person, you’ll demand great value at the same time. The new Cubanite Silver Vito givesyou that. All for just an extra $500 (incl GST) above the recommended retail vehicle price.*Featuring unique Cubanite Silver metallic paint treatment with colour-coded bumpers, this special introductorycolour breaks away from the everyday and makes you stand out wherever you go.We’re only releasing eighty-five units of the new Cubanite Silver Vito at special pricing, so you’ll need to be quick.Visit your local authorised <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Van dealer for further information. www.mercedes-benz .com.auThe new Cubanite Silver Vito.Great looking and great value.Here’s what’s on offer:• Cubanite silver metallic paint $1,947• Colour coded bumpers $575• Full wheel covers $215• Electric heated mirrors $475Total value of Cubanite Silver package (incl GST) $3,212You pay just an additional $500 (incl GST) above therecommended retail vehicle price.**this is a special offer to launch the cubanite silver colour. this paint colour will become available in 2008 and will be charged at metallicpaint costs. recommended retail vehicle price does not include dealer delivery and statutory charges or the extra $500 payable as partof offer. daimlerchrysler australia/pacific pty ltd, 44 lexia place, mulgrave, 3170. abn 23 004 411 410 and mercedes-benz are registeredtrademarks of daimler ag stuttgart, germany.Colour coded bumpers valuedat $575.Full wheel covers valued at$215.Electric heated mirrors valuedat $475.

Taking the show on the road.Streams of bright red tail lights are a common site in Sydney traffic but anew red streak of a different hue has adorned the streets of the harbourcity. Better known as the ‘Tomato Fleet’ at headquarters, six bright red<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> vans have been unleashed in Sydney to commence aunique six-month, city-wide road show.This travelling motorcade is designed to showcase the Vito and Sprintervan ranges and bring the <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> van line-up to potentialcustomers. Many of them are business owners and operators whogenerally don’t often have the time to visit a dealership due to their busywork requirements. This time around, we’re coming to them.The ‘<strong>Love</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Work</strong>’ motorcade will conduct some sixty events acrossSydney during the next six months. We’ll be stopping at places wherewe’re most likely to hook up with potential van customers, such asworkplaces and supplier locations.Freshly cooked snags and stubby holder freebies are a great excuse topop past and say ‘hello’. So members of the public get the chance to seethe <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Vito and Sprinter van range up close and get somekey details over a hot sausage.The motorcade might all be red in colour but there’s plenty of varietyas far as the models go. We’ve highlighted as many of the availablecombinations as possible in terms of wheelbase, GVM, roof height,engine capacity and specification levels.There’s even a Sprinter Dual Cab Chassis in the mix, with an unusualpayload – a massive oversized blue Esky. It’s one way of showing thevolume of cargo that this versatile worker can carry.The ‘<strong>Love</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Work</strong>’ road show will be hitting the streets of Sydney inthe new year, so keep an eye out for us, you can check our location Our team would love to have a chat aboutwhich <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> van is right for your business. We’ll make sure wereserve a snag for you.23

Who is James Boag?And what does he drive?As it turns out, Mr. Boag’s taste invans is as good as his taste in beer.He prefers a Vito 109 CDI. Actually,the decision to specify a Vito wasup to Greg Breen, who looks afterthe vehicle fleet at J. Boag and SonBrewing in Hobart.Why Vito? As Greg tells it: “I justcan’t think of any disadvantages.It’s a real win-win situation withOH&S, ergonomics, fuel costs andadvertising. I was happy enoughwith our last Vitos but I’m delightedwith the newer ones,”Decked out with a full ‘wrap’, thevans are a rolling billboard forthe Boags brand.You can’t missthem on thestreet.24Slow roasted Eye Fillet Mignon on Garlic MashIngredients(serves 6-8)1 whole eye fillet (1.2-1.4kg)8 rashers of bacon1kg potatoes1tsp crushed garlic100g butter50ml milk50ml cream1lt veal stock100ml red wine100ml white wine1 bunch thyme12 sages leavesMethodPre-heat oven to 120C dry heat. Remove silver skin and trim eye fillet.Wrap with bacon and secure with toothpicks or skewers. Place in ovenand slow cook for 90 minutes or until core temperature reaches 55C.Remove from oven and rest for 10 minutes.For sauce, heat pan and fry off sage and thyme then add veal stock,wines and roast juice. Bring to boil then reduce by two thirds. Oncereduced, strain liquid then place back in pan and thicken with knobs ofbutter.Place potatoes in salted boiling water, cook until soft then drain. Addmilk, cream, butter and garlic then mash until smooth. Add more milk ifrequired. Season to taste.Slice fillet into (6-8) equal portions. To serve place mash on plate thentop with a 200g portion of the fillet then finish by drizzling the reducedstock around the mash. Garnish with parsnip chips and fresh choppedparsley.Beer Match: Boag’s StrongarmRecipe courtesy of Shoreline Hotel,

<strong>Love</strong> to drive?Authorised <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> van dealersIf you’re interested in becoming a better driver, or learning more about performance,handling and safety of our vans. The <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Active Safety Experience is avery enjoyable way to enhance your existing skills.It’s not everyday you get to push vehicles to their limits and we’ve developed a drivertraining programme specifically for commercial van owners. It’s certainly a day youwon’t forget. Under the guidance of one of Australia’s leading instructors, you’lllearn essential road skills and get the opportunity to develop driving confidence andvehicle control that has real-world applications.As part of a small group on a closed track, you’ll cover vital areas such asrecognising risks, avoiding danger and accident avoidance techniques in emergencysituations for both Sprinter and Vito vans. Included is a hot lap in one of the latest<strong>Mercedes</strong>-AMG vehicles, that’s something very few people get to experience.Sessions are half day and a delicious lunch is included. Vacancies are strictly limitedfor these popular sessions, so see your local authorised dealer for more information.VictoriaAlbury, Baker Motors T (02) 6041 8440Ballarat, Godbehears T (03) 5331 3717Bayswater, Knox Star T (03) 9729 0022Bendigo, Poyser Motors T (03) 5442 3999Berwick, Central Star Auto Haus T (03) 8794 0900Brighton, Barloworld Motor T (03) 9592 3099Fairfield, 3 Point Motors T (03) 9489 7777Geelong, Geelong City Motors T (03) 5244 3000Laverton, <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Commercials T (03) 9680 8777Mildura, North Star Motors T (03) 5021 3866Sale, Prestney Brothers T (03) 5144 2133Shepparton, Ken Muston Automotive T (03) 5821 6688Somerton, <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Commercials T (03) 9305 4152South Melbourne,<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> of Melbourne T (03) 9690 8833TasmaniaHobart, Performance Automobiles T (03) 6236 3771Launceston, Neil Buckby Motors T (03) 6334 8444South AustraliaAngle Park, <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Commercials T (08) 8348 5100Mt Gambier, Carlin and Gazzard T (08) 8723 8881Wayville, Australian Motors T (08) 8179 3666QueenslandBundaberg, Bundaberg Prestige T (07) 4151 1923Cairns, F.R. Ireland T (07) 4052 3666Gold Coast, Grand Motors Prestige T (07) 5569 5700Mackay, Carlisle Motor T (07) 4957 0700Noosavile, Garry Crick Auto Group T (07) 5440 3666Nundah, Norris Motor Group T (07) 3266 3000Rockhampton, DC Motors T (07) 4999 1200Rocklea, <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Commercials T (07) 3275 8711Toowoomba, West-Star Motors T (07) 4639 0111Townsville, Carmichael Motors T (07) 4750 0460New South WalesCampbelltown, Macarthur Motor Group T (02) 4229 8888Coffs Harbour, Skinner Motors T (02) 6652 1933Dubbo, Western Plains Automotive T (02) 6884 4577Gosford, Coast Star Motors T (02) 4323 9000Huntingwood,<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Commercials T (02) 8822 4800Lismore, North Coast Motor Group T (02) 6621 2611Miranda, Tynan Motors T (02) 9545 8800Mona Vale, GBrothers T (02) 9997 2455Newcastle, Hunter Star Motors T (02) 4974 4244Orange, West Orange Motors T (02) 6361 1000Port Macquarie, Andrew Miedecke Motors T (02) 6583 8855Tamworth, Peel Valley Motors T (02) 6768 3111Taree, Taree Motorama T (02) 6552 1200Wagga Wagga, Wagga Motors T (02) 6925 3411Warwick Farm, Peter Warren Group T (02) 9828 8888Wollongong, Illawarra Star Motors T (02) 4228 8933Zetland, <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> of Sydney T (02) 9697 7777Australian Capital TerritoryFyshwick, Capital Star Motors T (02) 6280 5500Western AustraliaBunbury, Coastal Automotive Centre T (08) 9721 8199Osborne Park, Westpoint Star T (08) 9492 8188Welshpool, Diesel Motors Trucks T (08) 9311 7400Northern TerritoryAlice Springs, Centralian Motors T (08) 8952 2333Darwin, Kerry’s Automotive Group T (08) 8980 808026<strong>Love</strong> to drive? You’ll love the <strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> Active Safety Experience and if youhaven’t already purchased a van it’s a great way to really “try before your buy.”27

Transfer lounge,now open.The new Sprinter Transfer 12-seater minibus.MBL 4886 IFC<strong>Mercedes</strong>-<strong>Benz</strong> & – are trademarks of Daimler AG.

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