February - Ramsay Community Association in Calgary

February - Ramsay Community Association in Calgary February - Ramsay Community Association in Calgary

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P R U D E N T I A L T O O L E P E E T R E A L E S T A T E400, 1135-17th Avenue S.W.<strong>Calgary</strong>, AB T2T 0B6Cell 403-869-9730Bus 403-869-9730Fax: 403-592-8025E-mail: mckennahomes@telus.netTisha McKenna<strong>Ramsay</strong> Real Estate UpdateAs the graph below shows we have had a large number of active properties<strong>in</strong> <strong>Ramsay</strong> sell over the last couple of months. In December more propertiessold than came onto the market as new list<strong>in</strong>gs. It’s a great time to sell<strong>in</strong> <strong>Ramsay</strong> as there is not allot of competition out there at the moment.Wait<strong>in</strong>g on Trisha McKenna’s adInterested <strong>in</strong> a freehome evaluation?Feel free contact meany time at 403-869-9730.

<strong>Ramsay</strong> Logo designed by Janice Thoroughgood<strong>Ramsay</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Association</strong> & HallBoard of Directors & <strong>Community</strong> Chairs1136 - 8th St SE T2G 2Z7• T: 403.265.4898 • F: 403.265.4858Position Name Contact InfoPresident Kev<strong>in</strong> president@ramsaycalgary.caCunn<strong>in</strong>ghamPast President —Vice President– ExternalJenny Jensen vpexternal@ramsaycalgary.caVice President– InternalJosie Casale vp<strong>in</strong>ternal@ramsaycalgary.caTreasurer Shelia treasurer@ramsaycalgary.caWetankoSecretary Vacant secretary@ramsaycalgary.ca2 yr Member Sean Dennie sean@ramsaycalgary.ca2 yr Member Andrew andrew@ramsaycalgary.caSquires1 yr Member At Mart<strong>in</strong> mart<strong>in</strong>@ramsaycalgary.caLarge L’Heureux1 yr Member At Allan Baker allan@ramsaycalgary.caLarge1 yr Member At Carolyn carolyn@ramsaycalgary.caLarge GrahamHall Manager Gisele Ruel hallmanager@ramsaycalgary.caSafety Nicole Schon 403-605-1074CommitteeW<strong>in</strong>ter Sports Shannon Fox wslpaterson@shaw.caCas<strong>in</strong>o Pat Baker bakerpals@shaw.caBeautification AndrewSquiresbeautification@ramsaycalgary.ca<strong>Community</strong>GardenCarolEngstrom<strong>Ramsay</strong> SchoolLiaisonJenny Jensen 403-248-9335ramsayschool@hotmail.comWebsitewebsite@ramsaycalgary.caSupportWebsitewww.ramsaycalgary.caNewsletternews@ramsaycalgary.caTeamNewsletterAdvertis<strong>in</strong>gJosie Casale advertis<strong>in</strong>g@ramsaycalgary.caNewsletterLayoutFred Holliss 403-815-3733fred@holliss.caAnyone above can be contacted by leav<strong>in</strong>g a message at the<strong>Community</strong> Hall at 403-265-4898.General Meet<strong>in</strong>gs are held on the first Tuesday of the monthat the Hall. Elections are held <strong>in</strong> October.Compla<strong>in</strong>ts about Lilydale smells:• City of <strong>Calgary</strong> 311• Alberta Environment 1800-222-6514• <strong>Calgary</strong> Health Region 403-943-8060Police Contacts • Emergency: 911If you see crimes <strong>in</strong> the area, please contact the police byphone at 403-266-1234 or : pol4177@calgarypolice.ca<strong>Community</strong> liaison officer: Const. Simon Staples 403-567-6146Drug Hotl<strong>in</strong>e 403-206-8100 leave msg.Newsletter ContributionsAny community member is welcome to contribute to thisnewsletter. The deadl<strong>in</strong>e for submissions for each upcom<strong>in</strong>gmonth’s issue is the 15 th of the preced<strong>in</strong>g month. Please emailyour contributions, comments, and articles to:news@ramsaycalgary.ca or drop it off the Hall.The op<strong>in</strong>ions expressed by the writers of some of the articles<strong>in</strong>cluded here<strong>in</strong> do not necessarily agree with the position ofthe newsletter Editor or Committee.C ommunity<strong>Ramsay</strong> Residents ShareYour NewsEmail us at news@ramsaycalgary.ca bythe 15th of each month to share yourevents and <strong>in</strong>itiatives.Inn From The ColdInn from the Cold and Encana proudlypresent Play<strong>in</strong>g for Change at MacEwanHall Ballroom at the University of<strong>Calgary</strong> on <strong>February</strong> 19, 2012 for anight of music to kick off the Inn’s15-year anniversary and raise awarenessabout family homelessness. Play<strong>in</strong>g fora Change features former and currentstreet buskers from around the world.The band was created to <strong>in</strong>spire, connectand br<strong>in</strong>g peace to the world throughmusic. Tickets are $41.50 each and canbe purchased through Prime Box Office.Get INN to help<strong>in</strong>g homelessness andCOMMUNITY MEMBERSHIPContact Josie Casale at 403-265-4898You are the community – Your voice is important!Annual Membership allows you to: Participate <strong>in</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Sports • Voice your concerns to the CivicGovernment • Beautify our <strong>Community</strong>$10 Family • $8 S<strong>in</strong>gle • $6 Senior, Disabled, AssociatePlease cut out this form and mail with your cheque or money order to:<strong>Ramsay</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, <strong>Ramsay</strong> 1136 <strong>Community</strong> – 8th Street SE, Membership <strong>Calgary</strong>, AB, T2G Form 2Z7<strong>Ramsay</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Membership FormFamily Name(s): <strong>Ramsay</strong> _________________________________________________________<strong>Community</strong> Membership FormFamily Name(s): Your Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________Spouse’s Name:____________________Family Your Name: Name(s): Address: __________________________Spouse’s _______________________________________________________________Name:____________________Your Address: Name: _______________________________________________________________Postal __________________________Spouse’s Code: Name:____________________Telephone: Address: Postal Code: _______________________________________________________________Email: _________________________________________________________________Telephone: Postal Email: Code: _________________________________________________________________Children:Telephone: Email: Children: _________________________________________________________________1. Age: Children: 1. 2. _______________________________________ Age: _________ Age: _________1. 2. 3. _______________________________________ Age: _________ Age: _________I 2. 3. would _______________________________________ like to become <strong>in</strong>volved with:Age: ___________Board 3. _______________________________________ of Directors I would like to become <strong>in</strong>volved __Heritage with: __Beautification Age: _________ __Civic Affairs__Membership I would like ___ to become Board <strong>in</strong>volved of Directors with: __Cas<strong>in</strong>o ___ History __Sports ___ Beautification __Technology ___ Civic Affairs__Newsletter I ___ would Board like of ___ to Directors become Membership <strong>in</strong>volved ___ History with: __Safety ___ Cas<strong>in</strong>o ___ Beautification __Traffic ___ Sports _____SocialCivic Affairs ___ Technology___ Board Membership of ___ Directors Newsletter ___ History Cas<strong>in</strong>o ___ Safety ___ Beautification Sports ___ Traffic ___ Civic Technology Affairs ___ As required__As required___ Membership Newsletter ___ Cas<strong>in</strong>o Safety ___ Sports Traffic ___ Technology As requiredPlease ___ Newsletter note: Picture Identification ___ Safety with current <strong>Ramsay</strong> ___ address Traffic for eligible vot<strong>in</strong>g ___ members As required is requiredat AGMs and may also be asked for at General Meet<strong>in</strong>gs.Advertise With Us!<strong>Ramsay</strong> News is the perfect way to communicate with yourneighbours! The <strong>Ramsay</strong> News is a non-profit newsletter offeredfree of charge to the community each month. With a circulation of1200, the <strong>Ramsay</strong> News is a fun and affordable way to advertiseyour bus<strong>in</strong>ess.Submission deadl<strong>in</strong>e is the 10 th of the month.• Email us at advertis<strong>in</strong>g@ramsaycalgary.caT idbitsjo<strong>in</strong> us for a night filled with <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>gmusic. For more <strong>in</strong>formation visit www.<strong>in</strong>nfromthecold.org.Big Brothers Big SistersWe are a donor supported, volunteerdrivenorganization recognized for ourmentor<strong>in</strong>g programs for children andyouth <strong>in</strong> schools and communitiesthroughout <strong>Calgary</strong> and surround<strong>in</strong>gareas. We match young people 6 to 18years of age with car<strong>in</strong>g volunteers <strong>in</strong>a variety of mentor<strong>in</strong>g programs. Lastyear we served 1763 children and youth<strong>in</strong> our various mentor<strong>in</strong>g programs.Our goal for this year is to serve 2142children and youth and we cannot dothis without your help. If you have anyquestions, you may reach me at 403-692-1865 or by email at sabr<strong>in</strong>a.maschmeyer@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.Ad size 1 mo. 5 mo. 10 mo.bus<strong>in</strong>ess card $45 $210 $400¼ page $75 $350 $650½ page $100 $475 $900Full page $180 $875 $1600Flyer <strong>in</strong>serts No longer available* special rates may apply for designated pages<strong>Ramsay</strong> News page 3

President’s MessageKev<strong>in</strong> Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham, President, <strong>Ramsay</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Association</strong>So much has happened s<strong>in</strong>ce I last wrote my first presidentsmessage, that it would be difficult to address everyth<strong>in</strong>g, so Ijust want to touch on some of the bigger po<strong>in</strong>ts.<strong>Ramsay</strong> Vision<strong>in</strong>gWe had the big kick off workshop/ <strong>in</strong>fo session back <strong>in</strong>November and I want to say that every one of the presenterswho came up to me afterward were blown away at howmany residents attended! I was happy to <strong>in</strong>form them that<strong>Ramsay</strong>ites are a passionate group of people and are very active<strong>in</strong> our community. At the vision<strong>in</strong>g session and ever s<strong>in</strong>ce thatpo<strong>in</strong>t, we have been gett<strong>in</strong>g many people stepp<strong>in</strong>g up and putt<strong>in</strong>gtheir names forward to be a part of this project. I th<strong>in</strong>kthat’s awesome, I love the excitement and enthusiasm our communityis show<strong>in</strong>g. We are go<strong>in</strong>g to make sure everyone is apart of this.Steer<strong>in</strong>g CommitteeAt the last Board meet<strong>in</strong>g on Dec. 13th, the board appo<strong>in</strong>tedChuck Smith as chair, and by the time this newsletter isdelivered we will have a full committee of about 15 peoplefrom all different area’s of <strong>in</strong>terest for <strong>Ramsay</strong>. The goal ofthe vision<strong>in</strong>g exercise is to gather <strong>in</strong>formation, perspectives,concerns and views of as many <strong>Ramsay</strong> residence and <strong>Ramsay</strong>stakeholders as possible with the end goal be<strong>in</strong>g a documentthat frames who and what our community is today and whatwe want it to become <strong>in</strong> the years to come. The steer<strong>in</strong>g committeeis go<strong>in</strong>g to organiz<strong>in</strong>g and be allocat<strong>in</strong>g all the resourcesneeded to make this happen. We want to have a guide ordocument that everyone stands beh<strong>in</strong>d and can be used by allthe stakeholders go<strong>in</strong>g forward. Look for more to come <strong>in</strong> thenear future from the steer<strong>in</strong>g committee.CommunicationI don’t want to steal any thunder from the progress made byour communications team, so I will just say that I’m very excitedabout what they have com<strong>in</strong>g up! I’m go<strong>in</strong>g to talk moreabout external communications. It’s been a busy few monthsfor me with relationship build<strong>in</strong>g be<strong>in</strong>g a priority. Here is alist of just some of the event’s I’ve attended: Alexander centreAGM, Inglewood community association general meet<strong>in</strong>g,beltl<strong>in</strong>e community plann<strong>in</strong>g committee meet<strong>in</strong>g, Wayne CaoChristmas event, ward 9 communities governance workshop,meet<strong>in</strong>gs with stampede representatives and our alderman,meet<strong>in</strong>g with Carlee Bojarski (our community liaison officer),Lilydale action series and as well meet<strong>in</strong>g with RCA committee’s.It’s been busy! My future plans are to get togetherand establish relationships with East Village, Erlton andBridgeland.Natural StepAt the vision<strong>in</strong>g session we had a presentation from theNatural Step group. They are a global organization that workswith nations all the way down to communities on develop<strong>in</strong>gsusta<strong>in</strong>ability plans. They are currently look<strong>in</strong>g for a community<strong>in</strong> <strong>Calgary</strong> to work with and help them build a communitysusta<strong>in</strong>ability guidebook, offer<strong>in</strong>g tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and facilitat<strong>in</strong>gto get the guid<strong>in</strong>g document completed. We have put <strong>in</strong> anapplication to be the community they work with, we will beable to report what the results of this are at the Feb. 7th generalmeet<strong>in</strong>g.Fire <strong>in</strong> Our <strong>Community</strong>On Saturday January 7th, there was a tragic house fire <strong>in</strong> ourcommunity, our hearts go out to Ed and Vanessa Wadd<strong>in</strong>gtonwho have lived <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ramsay</strong> for many, many years. Nicole Schonof the Safety Committee has been solicit<strong>in</strong>g household goodsand other donations on their behalf. She can be contacted at403-605-1074. We welcome any ideas or feedback on ways tohelp this family with their immediate and long-term needs.cheers, — kev<strong>in</strong> cunn<strong>in</strong>gham 403.680.0854Hon. Jonathan Denis Q.C.Solicitor General & M<strong>in</strong>ister of Public SecurityMLA, <strong>Calgary</strong>-Egmont#10, 8318 Fairmount Dr. SE, T2H 0Y8Constituency 403-640-1363, f: 403-640-2970Legislature 780-427-3305, f: 780-422-1671Edmonton - toll free - 310-0000 and key <strong>in</strong> 780-415-9406calgary.egmont @assembly.ab.caThe Earl of Egmont: A historicalpicture of our areaI’m often asked how our constituency, <strong>Calgary</strong>-Egmont,received its name. I wanted to share with you a brief historicalpicture of the history of our area, particularly because after thenext election is called the name will change to <strong>Calgary</strong>-Acadia.<strong>Calgary</strong>-Egmont is named after Frederick George MoorePerceval (the 11th Earl of Egmont), who was born <strong>in</strong> <strong>Calgary</strong><strong>in</strong> 1914. In 1939, the British House of Lords recognized hisfamily with the title of “Earl of Egmont”. After receiv<strong>in</strong>g thistitle, Mr. Perceval built a 26-room home which was, at thetime, outside of <strong>Calgary</strong> near what is now the <strong>in</strong>tersection ofWillow Park Drive and MacLeod Trail. This house wouldrema<strong>in</strong> Mr. Perceval’s home until 1959, when he moved withhis family to the Two Dot Ranch near Nanton.Although Mr. Perceval’s orig<strong>in</strong>al house was demolished <strong>in</strong>1967 to make way for the development of our area, I’m toldthat the staircase from the house is now at the Black Swan pubon Southport Road.Despite numerous pressures and opportunities to return toLondon to take up his seat <strong>in</strong> the House of Lords, Mr. Percevalwas committed to his friends, neighbours, and our prov<strong>in</strong>ce,cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g to make Southern Alberta his home until his death<strong>in</strong> 2001. Although our constituency name is set to change, weshould all be proud of the prestigious name that our area hashad s<strong>in</strong>ce 1971 <strong>in</strong> honor of Mr. Perceval and his family’s manycontributions to our prov<strong>in</strong>ce.<strong>Ramsay</strong> News page 4

House Party of the Century<strong>Community</strong> Garden NewsCalgarians to Celebrate Their HistoricHomes this Year -Jo<strong>in</strong> the House Party of the Century!Is your house 100 years old — built <strong>in</strong>1914 or earlier? If so, it’s time to celebrate your home’s place <strong>in</strong><strong>Calgary</strong>’s history — and your role <strong>in</strong> look<strong>in</strong>g after it.“<strong>Calgary</strong> Century Homes” is a citywide celebration commemorat<strong>in</strong>ghomes constructed dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Calgary</strong>’s first build<strong>in</strong>gboom. Owners and residents are <strong>in</strong>vited to share details andstories about their house, particularly dur<strong>in</strong>g, “Historic <strong>Calgary</strong>Week 2012”, start<strong>in</strong>g on Friday, July 27, through Monday,August 6.Participants will receive a free kit to help them create aCentury Homes yard sign with historic photos and <strong>in</strong>formationsuch as stories of former residents, special events thathappened there, a description of the home’s style and orig<strong>in</strong>alfeatures. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the celebration they will hang a banner toidentify their home as a Century Home and display their yardsign to the public. There will be opportunities to share storieson a website and to network with other residents and admirersof Century Homes.This project is headed by volunteers from a variety of partnerorganizations, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>Calgary</strong> Heritage InitiativeSociety, <strong>Calgary</strong> Heritage Authority, City of <strong>Calgary</strong> HeritagePlann<strong>in</strong>g, The Federation of <strong>Calgary</strong> Communities, <strong>Calgary</strong>Public Library <strong>Community</strong> Heritage & Family History, andHillhurst-Sunnyside and Cliff Bungalow-Mission HeritageCommittees. Other organizations are <strong>in</strong>vited to jo<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>.Want to sign up as a participat<strong>in</strong>g house and/or communityco-ord<strong>in</strong>ator, or simply f<strong>in</strong>d out more? Contact MarilynWilliams at , the <strong>Calgary</strong> HeritageInitiative at (website calgaryheritage.org),or phone the Federation of <strong>Calgary</strong> Communities at(403)244-4111.Not sure if you live <strong>in</strong> a “Century Home”? F<strong>in</strong>d outyour house’s age and explore its past at a free workshop —“Research the History of Your House”Sat., March 3, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.Local History Room at the <strong>Calgary</strong> Public Library (Central).Register at or call 403-260-2620.<strong>Ramsay</strong> is start<strong>in</strong>g to build community around our communitygarden. Ben Falconer who is the owner of the <strong>Ramsay</strong>Hardware Apartments at 17thAve and 9thSt SE has becomea partner <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Ramsay</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Garden. He has offeredthe backyard of his build<strong>in</strong>g to be the “Hardware <strong>Community</strong>Garden”. This is very generous of Mr. Falconer and he wantsto give back to the community. The <strong>in</strong>volvement of communitymembers <strong>in</strong> this way also contributes to the “green<strong>in</strong>g”of <strong>Ramsay</strong>. “Gardens are active places that people make themselves,use for work and socializ<strong>in</strong>g, and can ”love” “.The site needs some preparation work, and will be ready forthe 2012 garden<strong>in</strong>g season. Please contact garden@ramsaycalgary.caif you are <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> a hav<strong>in</strong>g a plot <strong>in</strong> this new garden.The earlier you get <strong>in</strong>volved the more you can participate<strong>in</strong> the design and construction of the garden.This will be the second community garden site and the<strong>Community</strong> Garden Committee is excited about the garden<strong>in</strong>gseason already. There will be space for at least 5-10 gardeners.Through the w<strong>in</strong>ter the Garden Committee will also cont<strong>in</strong>ueits speaker series it has run <strong>in</strong> the past few years as well as theseed exchange <strong>in</strong> May.allalbertaeconomybutm<strong>in</strong>epick<strong>in</strong>guplookslikeit’stimetogetarealjobyoulazygoddamnhippytokeepth<strong>in</strong>gsrunn<strong>in</strong>gsmoothlyoratall403-815-3733fred@holliss.caweb design pr<strong>in</strong>tpray for ra<strong>in</strong> and prepare for drought<strong>Ramsay</strong> News page 5

Yoki & Jeff’s Real Estate Report4th Quarter ReportOctober - December 2011SALES RAMSAY INGLEWOOD BRIDGELAND# ofSalesAvg. ListPriceAvg. SalePrice# ofSalesAvg. ListPriceAvg. SalePrice# ofSalesAvg. ListPriceAvg. SalePriceBungalow 2 434,900 416,450 5 389,340 374,700 3 529,967 482,6671.5 Storey 2 419,900 404,750 -- -- -- -- -- --2 Storey 1 624,900 595,000 2 594,450 576,250 1 478,000 480,000Attach/Twnh 2 733,450 713,750 8 473,338 460,600 2 494,450 471,500ACTIVES RAMSAY INGLEWOOD BRIDGELAND# ofActivesAvg. ListPriceAvg.SF# ofActivesAvg. ListPriceAvg.SF# ofActivesAvg. ListPriceAvg.SFBungalow 1 325,000 893 3 375,000 814 6 337,450 7221.5 Storey 1 460,000 1571 1 446,600 946 1 339,900 9692 Storey 2 709,450 2011 5 778,520 1859 3 738,267 1758Attach/Twnh 2 784,700 1621 5 456,480 1203 6 446,267 1279Yoki & Jeff NicholTOP 1% <strong>in</strong> Canada S<strong>in</strong>ce 1983Bus: 252-5900From one Generation to the Next…Both work<strong>in</strong>g for you withSINCERITY AND INTEGRITYRelocation Specialist with over 300 Corporate ClientsWe appreciate and we thank you for your loyalty.www.yoki.caLicensed AgentLicensed 14 years Agent sales experience Assoc. to8 years Yoki MLS 6 years Million sa 2 Dollar ClubLicensed Agent Assoc. toYoki 6 years sa 2yoki@yoki.cajeff@yoki.caSOLUTIONS

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Visit our showroom for abigger display of <strong>in</strong>terior doors,mould<strong>in</strong>gs, and door and bathhardware.MOULDINGS#411 MDF Cas<strong>in</strong>g 3”89¢/lf#412 MDF Cas<strong>in</strong>g 4 1/4”99¢/lf15% OFFAll Special Order W<strong>in</strong>dow andDoor Packages by All Weather W<strong>in</strong>dows#423 MDF Cas<strong>in</strong>g 3”79¢/lf#425 MDF Base 4”99¢/lf#5000 MDF Architrave 3 3/4”1 75 /lf15% OFFAll In-Stock Productby Pittsburgh Pa<strong>in</strong>tsATTICAT BLOWN-IN WOOL INSULATIONSku #11010810Reg. 37.9931 99 /bagInsulation CalculatorRentals available.<strong>in</strong> the ad may not be exactly the item we have for sale, but we work hard to ensure it is of equal value/ties based on projected sales volumes, except <strong>in</strong> circumstances beyond our control. All prices are cashsatisfied with your purchase, please talk with us and we will do everyth<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> reason to make it right.Inches of <strong>in</strong>sulaton to add to your attic:Multiply by total attic square footage: ft 2Divide this total by 750: 750Number of bags you’ll need:x=÷=<strong>in</strong>.bags

Alexandra Centre Society2010 /2011 Annual Report To Our Communities- Napoleon HillNon-profit service providers face new challenges due to constantchanges <strong>in</strong> our f<strong>in</strong>ancial landscape. The Alexandra Centre Society(ACS) hopes to f<strong>in</strong>d creative ways to build a susta<strong>in</strong>able <strong>in</strong>come base.The capital project funds, which we received last year through TheCity of <strong>Calgary</strong>’s Capital Conservation Fund, The Prov<strong>in</strong>cial CFEPfund<strong>in</strong>g, and generous donations from the Fort <strong>Calgary</strong> Lions andFleischmann’s Yeast have given our build<strong>in</strong>g a much needed faceliftand improved accessibility.The Alexandra Centre is a unique and vibrant community resourceand an <strong>in</strong>tended legacy, for future generations. The Centre rema<strong>in</strong>strue to its found<strong>in</strong>g mandate and values, while cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g to evolvewith its communities, and the unique skills and strengths of its Boardof Directors.The ACS cont<strong>in</strong>ues to be guided by its philosophy of, A heritage ofpeople meet<strong>in</strong>g people. ACS programs are stable. ACS Early Childhoodprograms rema<strong>in</strong> popular and timely for the grow<strong>in</strong>g number ofyoung families <strong>in</strong> the area. Yoga too rema<strong>in</strong>s popular and ever <strong>in</strong>demand. We were thrilled to work <strong>in</strong> partnership with The <strong>Calgary</strong>Fr<strong>in</strong>ge to debut a youth performance at the 2011 Fr<strong>in</strong>ge Festival.Please read on to ga<strong>in</strong> a better <strong>in</strong>sight of our programs directly fromour <strong>in</strong>structors.2010 / 2011 Summary of Activities & Programs Over $48,000.00 <strong>in</strong>vested <strong>in</strong> community services through ProgramSponsorship Grants; Partnerships & Collaboration with The City of <strong>Calgary</strong> and YMCA<strong>Calgary</strong> Kids <strong>in</strong> Motion for youth programm<strong>in</strong>g; Suzuki Music for Babies… 50 registrants; Alexandra Centre Playschool is a Waldorf-<strong>in</strong>spired, play basedprogram for children 3 to 5 years old… 41 registrants; Play School Camp…8 registrants; DRAMANTICS CAMP!! 9 registrants; Yoga… 191 registrants; Aikido… 86 registrants; Spanish… 16 registrants; Income Tax Returns…19 returns completed; & (2010)Christmas Hampers… 62 hampers <strong>in</strong> collaboration with theInner City Family Resource Centre.YOGAMondays,Wednesdays &Saturdays.Call Sarah aboutavailability.SUZUKI MUSICPREPARATIONFridays 9:30AM or10:45AMFeb 10 – June 8M<strong>in</strong>imum 8 registrantsper class.SPANISH (8 weeks)Tues 7 – 8:30M<strong>in</strong>imum 6 registrants.Call Sarah or e-mailher for <strong>in</strong>formation onclasses such as Yoga,Spanish, Suzuki & PlaySchool.2012Board of DirectorsPat Abbott-PresidentJessica Tamblyn-Vice PresidentJosie Casale-TreasurerJoanne Sharpe-SecretaryMichele Itterman-Cas<strong>in</strong>o DirectorDirectors:Peter AbbottRia BuurMolly CropperEla<strong>in</strong>e HighMarilyn HorneJim TamblynRose DelMistroCongratulationsThank-youFor <strong>in</strong>formation on all programs, call Sarah 269-5588 or email <strong>in</strong>fo@alexandracentresociety.orgA heritage of people meet<strong>in</strong>g people.

<strong>Community</strong> Liv<strong>in</strong>g…The Alexandra Centre Society wishes you a happy and healthy 2012.CHRISTMAS HAMPERS… 52 HappyHouseholds!Volunteers are our cornerstone. Thank-you to allthe great volunteers who helped with ourChristmas Hampers. The care and time that youhave given was a great help and we loved yourcompany… That is what community is all about.This year we had an opportunity to meet manynew friends and neighbours from our localbus<strong>in</strong>ess community.Worker Bees:Anke Weichel, Anne Bell, Barry Chubb, Bobbie-Jo Harris, Cam Veitch, Gary Spear, Jim &Jessica Tamblyn, , Jessica Tanff, Josie & TerryCasale, Ken & Michele Itterman, Kimber-leeSilas, Loralee Silas, Lisa Kuntz, Madele<strong>in</strong>eHenderson, Marcia Chapman, Marilyn Horne,Marilyn Paillard, Nick Jenn<strong>in</strong>gs, Pat & PeterAbbott, Ria Buur, Lorne Atk<strong>in</strong>son, RosemaryAsh, Heather O’Reilly, Sarah Gladue, ShelleyWheaton, Shirley Meyer, Trevor Rutherford,John Howard Society Staff, and Wow Light<strong>in</strong>gStaff: Carianne Flegg, Carson, Keen, Dan Parker,Dean Hitchcock, Diane Sebastian, Gord McKay,Kelly Inglis, Leah Henderson, Marta Hernandas,Mili Villabos, Richard McDonald, SamanthaBeaupre, Tammy MacLennan.We apologise for <strong>in</strong>correct spell<strong>in</strong>g or missednames; our list was compiled from volunteersign-up sheets. Please let us know.Santa’s Elves:Fulcrum Communications, Liberty LandCorporation, and Jim & Jessica Tamblyn filledthe wish lists; andFort <strong>Calgary</strong> Lions Club packed beautiful giftbags filled with toiletries and all sorts of goodies.Inglewood Silver Threads’ members providedbeautiful and warm knitted items, as well as acollection of plush tigers.<strong>Calgary</strong> HitMen provided loveable plush friends.Marks Work Warehouse supplied various itemsof <strong>in</strong>door & outerwear.Canadian Pacific Railway staff carefully shoppedfor gifts for one of our larger families (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gpets)Our very own program participants and EarlyChildhood Program families donated pounds ofbutter & sugar.SponsorsRug Rat Ltd., and Fleischmann’s Yeast andInglewood Law office were generous f<strong>in</strong>ancialsponsors.AK Brownprovided Flamestickets to fundraise.Generous Friends & NeighboursInglewood Pizza, Individual Fort <strong>Calgary</strong> Staffand many of our community residents donatedpersonally to the cause.Gatherers:Kanes Harley Davidson, Penelope Designs,Inglewood Silver Threads, The Down UnderClub, Reality is Optional Youth Group and theInglewood <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Association</strong> all collecteddonations of non perishable food and other items.Scrumptious Factor ProvidersLilydale Inc. donated all the turkeys.Fort <strong>Calgary</strong> staff donated hams. Tea Traderdonated wonderfully aromatic tea.Wild Gra<strong>in</strong>z Bakery provided 50 dozen deliciousbuns, a very special treat.Fun FactorCalaway Park and Heritage Park provided passesfor some of our families to enjoy.Santa’s HelpersSteele’s Transfer delivered supplies.Pat & Peter Abbott, Michele Itterman, & JessicaTamblyn shopped and picked up donated items.THANK-YOU TO ALL.Anyone <strong>in</strong>terested<strong>in</strong> <strong>February</strong>Flames Tickets?For <strong>in</strong>formation on all programs call Sarah 269-5588 or email <strong>in</strong>fo@alexandracentresociety.orgA heritage of people meet<strong>in</strong>g people

Otter & ‘Wolves NewsScouter Rick, 403-278-2547The last month we havebeen busy almost everyweekend. The Otters ,the5 to 7 year boys and girls had a bottledrive followed by a trip to the zoo. theymostly wanted to see a real Otter andsure enough the Otters were asleep anddidn’t wake up. With October of courseyou have to have a Halloween partywith lots of spooky characters. Theymade a special cross for RememberanceDay and took it to the Battalion RidgeCenotaph. Their visit was followed by atrip to Weasehead park where they f<strong>in</strong>ishoff requirements for a badge. Their uniformscame <strong>in</strong> and now the parents havelots of badges to put on!The Timberwolves, the 8 to 10 yeargang and the Explorers the 11 to 14 yeargang have been busy as well gett<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>lots of outdoor adventure before we get<strong>in</strong>to the ski season. They had a camp onthe Red Deer early <strong>in</strong> the month. TheExplores had a chance to practice theirnewly learned canoe<strong>in</strong>g skills with a 10km. trip.Morn<strong>in</strong>g came with the thermometerregister<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> at m<strong>in</strong>us 10 degrees. Wecould see from the valley bottom the sunhitt<strong>in</strong>g the top of the hills so we had aquick breakfast and headed for the hillsto warm up.If the sun didn’t warm usup the exertion did scrambl<strong>in</strong>g up anddown d<strong>in</strong>osaur country. We came awaywith no more than a few prickles fromthe cactus. They have been help<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>the community screw<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> light bulbsfor the Lions Christmas lights at confederationPark.Check them out over the Christmasseason.In the next couple of weeks theyare off aga<strong>in</strong> to a survival camp up WaterValley way. This will be a cozy camp <strong>in</strong>cab<strong>in</strong>s with a few challenged to sleep out<strong>in</strong> their lean-to’s.Call Rick for more <strong>in</strong>fo on the Mighty70th group. 403-278-2547.5 Otters be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>vested. Charlee Humphrey,Amaru Ali;Dom<strong>in</strong>icKenyon;Keegan Hopk<strong>in</strong>s;Thomas Rilett<strong>Ramsay</strong> News page 13

Just So You Know…1032 ~20th Ave S.E.11 Active List<strong>in</strong>gs$364,500 > $1,150,0004 Sales for 2012$213,000 > $550,000Interest rates are so low ~ real estateprices are Excellent ~ it's time to<strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> your very own home foryour f<strong>in</strong>ancial future!Who wouldn't want to own a home<strong>in</strong> <strong>Ramsay</strong>!?www.patriciacranwell.comBuilt <strong>in</strong> 1992 this classy 2 storey home features woodfloors, generous kitchen, a total of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathsplus fabulous lower level development, an oversize doublegarage and more! Don't miss this opportunity!$479,000Your home is unique and has its very own “Top” marketvalue. Call me for a complimentary, confidential and upto date evaluation! 253-5678This communication is not <strong>in</strong>tended to causeor <strong>in</strong>duce a breach of an exist<strong>in</strong>g agencyagreement.I’m not #1 <strong>in</strong> my career – You are!

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