GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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87open or burst pipes or failure of fittings, to the building, furniture and fixtures shall be made good duringthe defects liability period without any extra cost.e) After commissioning of the water supply system, contractor shall test valve by closing and opening it anumber of times to observe if it is working efficiently. Valves which do not effectively operate shall bereplaced by new ones at no extra cost and the same shall be tested as above.5.6 DISINFECTIONa) After completion of the work, contractor shall flush clean the entire system with the City’s filtered waterafter connection has been made.b) After the first flushing, add commercial bleaching powder to achieve a dosage of 2 to 3 mg/Ltr of water inthe system and flushed. This operation should be performed twice to ensure that the system is fullydisinfected and usable.5.7 PRE-COMMISSIONINGa) Ensure that all pipes are free from debris and obstructionsb) Check all valves and for effective opening and closing action Defects should be rectified or valvesreplacedc) Ensure that all connection to branches have been maded) Ensure that mains have been connected to the respective pumps, underground and overhead tankse) Water supply should be available at main underground tankf) All main line valves should be closed5.7.1 COMMISSIONINGa) Fill underground tank with water Add 1 kg of fresh bleaching powder after making a solution, to be addednear inletb) Start water supply pump and allow water to fill main under ground tank Water will first fill the fire tankand then overflow to the domestic tanks.c) After overhead reservoir drain the same to its one forth capacity through tank scour valve. This is toensure removal of all mud, debris, etc. in the tankd) Fill overhead tank to fulle) Release water in the main lines by opened valves in each circuit Drain out water in the system throughscour valves in lower regions Ensure clean water is now coming out of the systemf) Open valves for individual sectors Observe for leakages or malfunctions, check pressure and flow at endof line by opening hydrants etc., remove and rectify defects notice.g) The entire water supply system should be disinfected with bleaching powder and system flush clean.h) Send four samples of water drawn from four extreme locations for testing for bacteriological test insterilized bottles obtained from the concerned laboratory. Laboratory personal may collect the samplesthemselves.5.7.2 RESPONSIBILITY:Responsibility for various activities in pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures will rest withthe contractor.STORM DRAINS6. GENERAL REQUIREMENTSa) All materials shall be new and of the best quality conforming to specification and subject to the approvalof the Consultant/Engineer-in-charge.b) Drainage lines shall be laid to the required gradients and profiles.c) All drainage work shall be done in accordance with the local municipal by laws.d) Contractor shall obtain necessary approval and permission for the drainage system from the municipal orany other competent authority.

88e) Location of all manholes, catch basins etc., shall be got confirmed by the Consultants before the actualexecution of work at site.f) All works shall be executed as directed by Consultants.6.1 RUBBLE MASONRYAs specified under item No. 6.3 of civil works for rubble masonry with black granite stones.6.2 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE PIPESUnderground storm water drainage NP2 pipes shall be centrifugally spun RCC pipes of specified size.Pipes shall be true and straight with uniform bore throughout. Cracked, warped pipes shall not be used onthe work. All pipes shall be tested by manufacturer and the contractor shall produce, when directed acertificate to the effect from the manufacturer.6.3 TESTINGAll pipes shall be tested to a hydraulic test of 1.5 M head for atleast 30 minutes at the highest point in thesection under test. Test shall be carried out similar to those for stoneware pipes given above The smoketest shall be carried out by the contractor, if directed by the Consultant, at the expense and charges of thecontractor. A test register shall be carried out similar to those for stoneware pipes given above. The smoketest shall be carried out by the contractor, if directed by the Consultant, at the expense and charges of thecontractor. A test register shall be maintained which shall be signed and dated by theContractor/Consultant.6.4 PRE CAST SLABSPre cast layer slabs shall be casted in RCC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 coarse aggregate of 20 mmaggregate) and shall be placed over RR masonry drain as per drawing.

88e) Location of all manholes, catch basins etc., shall be got confirmed by the Consultants before the actualexecution of work at site.f) All works shall be executed as directed by Consultants.6.1 RUBBLE MASONRYAs specified under item No. 6.3 of civil works for rubble masonry with black granite stones.6.2 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE PIPESUnderground storm water drainage NP2 pipes shall be centrifugally spun RCC pipes of specified size.Pipes shall be true and straight with uniform bore throughout. Cracked, warped pipes shall not be used onthe work. All pipes shall be tested by manufacturer and the contractor shall produce, when directed acertificate to the effect from the manufacturer.6.3 TESTINGAll pipes shall be tested to a hydraulic test of 1.5 M head for atleast 30 minutes at the highest point in thesection under test. Test shall be carried out similar to those for stoneware pipes given above The smoketest shall be carried out by the contractor, if directed by the Consultant, at the expense and charges of thecontractor. A test register shall be carried out similar to those for stoneware pipes given above. The smoketest shall be carried out by the contractor, if directed by the Consultant, at the expense and charges of thecontractor. A test register shall be maintained which shall be signed and dated by theContractor/Consultant.6.4 PRE CAST SLABSPre cast layer slabs shall be casted in RCC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 coarse aggregate of 20 mmaggregate) and shall be placed over RR masonry drain as per drawing.

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