GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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5512.8.4 WATER PROOFING COMPOUNDFOSROC, ROFFE Chemicals or approved equivalent as approved by Consultant / Engineer-in-chargewherever specified.12.9. CEILING PLASTER6mm thick Ceiling plaster shall be completed before commencement of wall plaster.Plastering shall be started from the top and worked down towards the floor. To ensure even thickness andtrue surface, plaster about 15 x 15 cm shall be first applied, horizontally and vertically, at not more than 2meters intervals over the entire surface to the plaster to serve as gauges. The surface of these gauged areasshall be truly in place of the finished plaster surface. The mortar shall be laid between the gauges with atrowel ensuring through filling of joints. The mortar shall be applied in a uniform surface slightly morethan the specified thickness and then brought to a true surface, by working a wooden straight edgereaching across the gauge, with small upward and side movements at a time. Finally the surface shall befinished off true with trowel or wooden float according as a smooth or a sandy granular texture isrequired. Excessive trawling or over working the float shall be avoided.All corners, arises angles and junctions shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be and shall becarefully finished. Rounding or chamfering corners, arises, junctions etc. Where required shall be donewithout any extra payment. Such rounding shall be carried out with proper templates to the sizes required.No portion of the surface shall be left out initially to be patched up late on. Grooves shall be provided atthe junction of ceiling and wall plaster without any extra costIn suspending work at the end of the day, plaster shall be left, cut clean to line both horizontally andvertically. When recommencing the plastering, the edge of the old work shall be scraped, cleaned andwetted with cement slurry before plaster is applied to the adjacent areas, to enable the two to be properlyjoined together. Plastering work shall be closed at the end a of day on the body of the surface and notnearer than 15 cm to any corners or arises. It shall not be closed on the body of the features such aspilasters, bands and cornices. Horizontal joints in plaster work shall not also occur on parapet tops andcopings, as these invariably lead to leakages.12.9.1 GROOVESWherever directed all joints between concrete and brick masonry besides other locations as called forshall be expressed by a groove cut in plaster at no extra cost12.9.2 FINISHThe plaster shall be finished to a true and plumb surface and to the proper degree of smoothness asrequired The work shall be tested frequently as the work proceeds with a true straight edge not less than2.5 m long and with plumb bobs All horizontal lines and surfaces shall be tested with a level and all jambsand corners with a plumb bob as the work proceeds.12.9.3 CURINGCuring shall be started as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently not to be damaged when watered.The plaster shall be kept wet for a period of atleast 7 days. During this period, it shall be suitablyprotected from all damages12.9.4 PRECAUTIONAny cracks which appear in the surface and all portions, which sound hollow when tapped or are found tobe soft or otherwise defective shall be cut out in rectangular shape and redone as directed by theConsultant

5612.9.5 FLOATING COAT OF NEAT CEMENTWhere finishing with a floating coat of neat cement is specified in the drawings or directed by theConsultant, specification, for this item of work shall be same described above except for the additionalfloating coat which shall be carried out as below. When the plaster has been brought to a true surface withthe wooden straight edge, it shall be uniformly treated over its entire area with a paste of neat cement andrubbed smooth, so that the whole surface is covered with neat cement coating. The quantity of cementapplied for floating coat shall 1 kg. per sq. mt. smooth finishing shall be completed with trowelimmediately and in no case later than half an hour of adding water to the plaster mix.12.10 BEARING PLASTERThis shall be consist of cement plaster 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) 20 mm thick finished with a coatneat cement laid on top of walls as bearing for RCC lintels, beams and slabs. When dry, a thick coat oflime wash shall be given.12.11 DOUBLE COAT SAND FACE PLASTER.12.11.1 In case of double coat sand face plaster, the surface shall be prepared in same manner as item no. 1. Thefirst thin coat of c.m. 1:4 having 12mm thickness shall be applied with level and finishing and wateredatleast 3 days. Then second coat of cement mortar 1:3 having 6mm thickness shall be applied withaverage thickness of 18 mm and leveled horizontally and vertically with aluminium tube. Top surfaceshall be rubbed hard with steel plate without any lean finishing coat. The edges shall be finished partlysharp and mildly rounded. When finished the entire surface shall be in line, level and plumb, reasonablysmooth to touch and all corners perfect right angles. The surface shall be sponged to have grains.13. SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING WORK13.1 WHITEWASHING13.1.1 SCAFFOLDINGWherever scaffolding is necessary, it shall be erected on double supports ties together by horizontalpieces, over which scaffolding planks will be fixed No ballies, bamboos or planks shall rest on or touchthe surface which is being white washedWhere ladders are used, pieces of old gunny bags shall be tied on their tops to avoid damage or scratchesto walls.13.1.2 PREPARATION OF SURFACEBefore new work is white washed, the surface shall be thoroughly brushed free from mortar dropping andforeign matter.13.1.3 PREPARATION OF LIME WASHThe wash shall be prepared from stone white lime. The lime shall be thoroughly slacked on the spot,mixed and stirred with sufficient water (approx. 5 kg of water to one kg of lime) to make a thin cream.This shall be allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours and then shall be screened through a clean coarsecloth. 4 kg of gum dissolved in hot water, shall be added to each cum of the cream. Indigo (Neel) up to 3gm per kg of lime dissolved in water, shall then be added and washed stirred well. Water shall then beadded at the rate of about 5 liters per kg of lime to produce a milky solution.13.1.4 APPLICATIONThe washing on ceiling should be done prior to that of walls. The white wash shall be applied with moonbrushes to the specified number of coats. The operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brushgiven from the top downwards, another from the bottom upwards over the first stroke, and similarly onestroke horizontally from the right and another from the left before it dries.

5612.9.5 FLOATING COAT OF NEAT CEMENTWhere finishing with a floating coat of neat cement is specified in the drawings or directed by theConsultant, specification, for this item of work shall be same described above except for the additionalfloating coat which shall be carried out as below. When the plaster has been brought to a true surface withthe wooden straight edge, it shall be uniformly treated over its entire area with a paste of neat cement andrubbed smooth, so that the whole surface is covered with neat cement coating. The quantity of cementapplied for floating coat shall 1 kg. per sq. mt. smooth finishing shall be completed with trowelimmediately and in no case later than half an hour of adding water to the plaster mix.12.10 BEARING PLASTERThis shall be consist of cement plaster 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) 20 mm thick finished with a coatneat cement laid on top of walls as bearing for RCC lintels, beams and slabs. When dry, a thick coat oflime wash shall be given.12.11 DOUBLE COAT SAND FACE PLASTER.12.11.1 In case of double coat sand face plaster, the surface shall be prepared in same manner as item no. 1. Thefirst thin coat of c.m. 1:4 having 12mm thickness shall be applied with level and finishing and wateredatleast 3 days. Then second coat of cement mortar 1:3 having 6mm thickness shall be applied withaverage thickness of 18 mm and leveled horizontally and vertically with aluminium tube. Top surfaceshall be rubbed hard with steel plate without any lean finishing coat. The edges shall be finished partlysharp and mildly rounded. When finished the entire surface shall be in line, level and plumb, reasonablysmooth to touch and all corners perfect right angles. The surface shall be sponged to have grains.13. SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING WORK13.1 WHITEWASHING13.1.1 SCAFFOLDINGWherever scaffolding is necessary, it shall be erected on double supports ties together by horizontalpieces, over which scaffolding planks will be fixed No ballies, bamboos or planks shall rest on or touchthe surface which is being white washedWhere ladders are used, pieces of old gunny bags shall be tied on their tops to avoid damage or scratchesto walls.13.1.2 PREPARATION OF SURFACEBefore new work is white washed, the surface shall be thoroughly brushed free from mortar dropping andforeign matter.13.1.3 PREPARATION OF LIME WASHThe wash shall be prepared from stone white lime. The lime shall be thoroughly slacked on the spot,mixed and stirred with sufficient water (approx. 5 kg of water to one kg of lime) to make a thin cream.This shall be allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours and then shall be screened through a clean coarsecloth. 4 kg of gum dissolved in hot water, shall be added to each cum of the cream. Indigo (Neel) up to 3gm per kg of lime dissolved in water, shall then be added and washed stirred well. Water shall then beadded at the rate of about 5 liters per kg of lime to produce a milky solution.13.1.4 APPLICATIONThe washing on ceiling should be done prior to that of walls. The white wash shall be applied with moonbrushes to the specified number of coats. The operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brushgiven from the top downwards, another from the bottom upwards over the first stroke, and similarly onestroke horizontally from the right and another from the left before it dries.

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