GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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477.3.1.2 WorkmanshipHinges shall be of brass and butt type conforming to IS: 205. Size of hinges shall be inaccordance with shutter width and as per IS: 205.The particle board of required size and thickness shall be lipped on all the edges with T-type,teak wood lipping. The overall board lipping composition shall be uniform and specifiedthickness and shall be properly sized in view of the operation of shutter.All the four edges of the door shutter shall be square. The shutter shall be free from twist or warpin its plane. In case of double leaf shutters, the meeting of the stiles shall be rebated by one thirdthe thickness of shutter. The rebating shall be splayed.The shutter then shall be veneered on both faces by gluing approved shade and texturedcommercial type 0.5 mm thick veneering conforming to class 1 of IS 303.The veneering shall be done by gluing the veneer with BWP type, phenol formal dehydesynthetic resin conforming to IS 848 by not press process on the shutter. Workmanship and finishof the veneering shall conform to IS 303.The exposed surfaces of the lipping of the edges, shall be french polished in accordance withclause No. of specification No.6.The shutter shall be fixed to the door frame, by means of hinges @ minimum 3 hinges per leaf,maximum spacing of hinges being 600 mm or as per drawing with suitable sized screws.The shutter when fitted to the frame shall satisfy all operational aspects of the door like smoothmovement, proper closing against the door frame etc.7.3.2 Glazed Wooden Door shutter7.3.2.1 Materials7. WoodTeakwood for various members like stiles, rails etc., shall be as specified in clause No. GLAZINGGlass sheets for glazing shall bei. 4 mm thick plain glass (wt. 7.2 kg/m2) conforming IS : 2835, orii. 5.5 mm thick wired glass conforming to IS: 5437 oriii. 6.3 mm thick laminated glass conforming to IS: 2553 as case may be as per item description oriv. 5.5 mm thick toughened glass.Glass sheets shall be free from flaws, scratches, cracks, bubbles etc. WORKMANSHIPTeakwood stiles and rails of size as specified in item description shall be cut accurately and plannedsmoothly to required dimensions as per drawings. The stiles and rails shall be provided with rebates forfixing the glazing and shall be jointed together to form the profile of the shutter as per drawings. Thejoinery work shall be as approved by Engineer-in-charge. Only after such approval, the joints shall becoated with white lead, pressed and secured by hardwood pins of about 6 mm dia. All the four edges ofthe shutter shall be square. In case of double leaf doors, rebates shall be provided at the meeting of stiles.Rebates shall be splayed type and one third the thickness of the stiles.

48The glass sheets for glazing shall be fixed by teak wood beading having mitred joints as per drawings andshall be fixed by means of approved neoprene based adhesive and nailing, the spacing between the nailsbeing no more than 300 mm.All wooden surfaces shall be coated with 2 coats of approved make polyurethane with stainer mixed toachieve desired shade.The shutter shall be fixed to the door frame, by means of hinge @ minimum 3 hinges per leaf, maximumspacing of hinges being 600 mm or as per drawing with suitable sized screws.The shutter when fitted to the frame shall satisfy all operational aspects of the door like smoothmovement, proper closing against the door frame etc.7.4 SPECIFICAITON FOR STEEL / ALUMINIUM DOORS, WINDOWS & VENTILATORS7.4.1 Steel windows & VentilatorsSteel windows, ventilators shall in general conform to IS 1081, IS 1038, IS 7452.7.4.2 Materials7.4.2.1 Rolled Steel SectionsRolled steel sections for the fabrication of steel windows, ventilators shall conform to IS 7452. Glass panesGlass panes for glazing purpose shall be as specified in item description. All glass panes shall haveproperly squared corners and straight edges. Glass panes shall be of following types in accordance withitem description.i. 4mm thick transparent sheet glass conforming to IS 2835 (wt. 7.2 kg / m)ii. 5.5 mm thick wired glass conforming to IS 5437.iii. 6.3 mm thick laminated safety glass conforming to IS 2553. WorkmanshipThe profile and type of windows, Ventilators (glazed, partly glazed / louvered, side hung / top hung /fixed shutter, composite) shall be as per drawings.The frames shall be constructed of sections cut of size and mitred. Corners shall be welded to form afused welded joint. Process of welding shall be flash butt welding. The welded joints shall be grinded tosquare and flat edges.Where larger units are to be formed by coupling individual units, the mullions, transforms shall be beddedin mastic to ensure weather tightness. Mastic shall be applied liberally to the channels of the outside framesections before assembly, and the two units being coupled shall be drawn together tight with clamps, themastic being squeezed out and cut off neatly when the units shall be screwed together tight.Where fixed glazing units are placed over openable units a push fit weather bar shall be provided.Before glazing, all opening parts shall be checked for their operational smoothness. The frame shall becompletely cleaned and bedding putty shall be placed in the rebate before glazing. Glass then shall becushioned into the bedding and shall be fronted with front putty in a manner so as to enable the painting tobe done upto the sight line. The back putty oozing out over the glazing rebate shall be cut off square andsmoothed down.For panes exceeding 600 x 300mm in size, glass shall be secured by special glazing clips inserted in holesalready provided in the steel sections, before applying the front putty.

48The glass sheets for glazing shall be fixed by teak wood beading having mitred joints as per drawings andshall be fixed by means of approved neoprene based adhesive and nailing, the spacing between the nailsbeing no more than 300 mm.All wooden surfaces shall be coated with 2 coats of approved make polyurethane with stainer mixed toachieve desired shade.The shutter shall be fixed to the door frame, by means of hinge @ minimum 3 hinges per leaf, maximumspacing of hinges being 600 mm or as per drawing with suitable sized screws.The shutter when fitted to the frame shall satisfy all operational aspects of the door like smoothmovement, proper closing against the door frame etc.7.4 SPECIFICAITON FOR STEEL / ALUMINIUM DOORS, WINDOWS & VENTILATORS7.4.1 Steel windows & VentilatorsSteel windows, ventilators shall in general conform to IS 1081, IS 1038, IS 7452.7.4.2 Materials7.4.2.1 Rolled Steel SectionsRolled steel sections for the fabrication of steel windows, ventilators shall conform to IS 7452. Glass panesGlass panes for glazing purpose shall be as specified in item description. All glass panes shall haveproperly squared corners and straight edges. Glass panes shall be of following types in accordance withitem description.i. 4mm thick transparent sheet glass conforming to IS 2835 (wt. 7.2 kg / m)ii. 5.5 mm thick wired glass conforming to IS 5437.iii. 6.3 mm thick laminated safety glass conforming to IS 2553. WorkmanshipThe profile and type of windows, Ventilators (glazed, partly glazed / louvered, side hung / top hung /fixed shutter, composite) shall be as per drawings.The frames shall be constructed of sections cut of size and mitred. Corners shall be welded to form afused welded joint. Process of welding shall be flash butt welding. The welded joints shall be grinded tosquare and flat edges.Where larger units are to be formed by coupling individual units, the mullions, transforms shall be beddedin mastic to ensure weather tightness. Mastic shall be applied liberally to the channels of the outside framesections before assembly, and the two units being coupled shall be drawn together tight with clamps, themastic being squeezed out and cut off neatly when the units shall be screwed together tight.Where fixed glazing units are placed over openable units a push fit weather bar shall be provided.Before glazing, all opening parts shall be checked for their operational smoothness. The frame shall becompletely cleaned and bedding putty shall be placed in the rebate before glazing. Glass then shall becushioned into the bedding and shall be fronted with front putty in a manner so as to enable the painting tobe done upto the sight line. The back putty oozing out over the glazing rebate shall be cut off square andsmoothed down.For panes exceeding 600 x 300mm in size, glass shall be secured by special glazing clips inserted in holesalready provided in the steel sections, before applying the front putty.

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