GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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354.2 SUBMITALS4.2.1. BAR BENDING SCHEDULEThe Contractor shall prepare Bar Bending Schedule for reinforcement before fabrication4.3 MATERIALS4.3.1 STEEL REINFORCEMENTSteel reinforcement to be procured by the Contractor for works shall be either of the following types:-(a) Mild steel of Grade 1 tested quality conforming to IS: 432-Part(b) 3370 Code of practice for concrete structures for (Part 1 to IV) the storage of liquids(c) High yield strength cold worked deformed steel bars of tested quality conforming to IS: 1786 orhot rolled high tensile deformed steel bars of tested quality conforming to IS: 1139.(d) Hard drawn steel fabric conforming to IS: 1566.(e) Where galvanized reinforcement is specified in the drawings, the bars or mesh shall be hot-dipgalvanized after bending generally in accordance with IS: 2629 and IS: 4759. Galvanizedreinforcement shall be coated with a layer of zinc no where less than 0.05 mm in thickness.All reinforcement shall be stored horizontally above ground level on supports, skids or other approvedsupports, clear of any running or standing water. Contact with soil should be avoided. Proper drainage andprotection from the elements shall be provided to minimize corrosion.Before steel reinforcement is placed in position, the surface of the reinforcement shall be cleaned of rust,dust, grease and other objectionable substances. In order to confirm them self the quality periodical testsas specified as the relevant IS shall be conducted by the contractor at his own cost for the materialsprocured by the Contractor.4.3.2. BINDING WIREBinding wire shall be black annealed steel wire conforming to IS: 280 and of minimum 18 gauge.4.3.3. WELDING ELECTRODESElectrodes used for welding of steel bars shall be of ordinary mild steel grade electrodes conforming to IS:814 and shall be of the best quality approved by Consultant/Engineer-in-charge.4.4 STORAGEReinforcement steel shall be handled and stored in a manner that bending or distortion of the bars isavoided and contamination of steel is preventedAll reinforcement shall be stored horizontally above ground level on supports, skids or other approvedsupports, clear of any running or standing water Contact with soil should be avoided. Proper drainage andprotection from the elements shall be provided to minimize corrosionBars of different classifications and diameters shall be stored separatelyA record shall be kept of the batch numbers of reinforcement deliveries in such a form that the part of theworks in which particular reinforcement is used can be readily identified.Welding electrodes shall be. Stored in moisture control-led environment in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommendations.4.5 FABRICATIONReinforcement steel shall be carefully and accurately cut, bent or formed to the dimensions andconfigurations shown on the drawings and as per bar bending schedules approved by the Consultant /Engineer-in-charge.All reinforcement shall be bent cold using appropriate pin size. Bars may be preheated only on approvalof the Consultant. Quenching shall not cool hot bars. Bends shall be in accordance with IS: 2502.

36It shall be ensured that the bars are not straightened in any manner that will injure the material. Any barsincorrectly bent shall be used only if means for straightening and rebinding be such as not to affectadversely the material. Reinforcement shall not be re-bent or straightened without prior review by theConsultant. No reinforcement shall be placed in position on the works without approval of the Consultant,whether or not it is partially embedded in hardened concrete.Reinforcement steel having a reduced section, visible transverse cracks in bends, or otherwise damaged inanyway shall not be used.Spiral reinforcement shall be accurately fabricated to the diameter and pitch shown on the drawings. Oneand one half finishing turns shall be provided at both top and bottom unless shown otherwise.Cut ends of galvanized rods shall be given a protective coat of an approved zinc paint immediately aftercutting.4.6 LAPPINGAs far as possible bars of maximum length available shall be used. All bars shall be in one length unlessotherwise shown on the drawings or agreed with the Consultant/Engineer-in-charge.Laps shown on the drawings or otherwise specified by the Consultant shall be based on the used of bars ofmaximum length by the contractor. In case the Contractor wishes to use shorter bars, laps shall beprovided at the Contractor’s cost in the manner and locations approved by the Consultant /Engineer-incharge.Not more than 1/3 rd of the bars or as specified in the drawings shall be lapped at one section.Reinforcement bars shall not be welded unless shown on the drawings or instructed by the Consultant /Engineer-in-charge.4.7 PLACEMENTAll reinforcement shall be placed accurately and maintained in the position indicated on the drawings.The contractor shall provide approved type of supports for maintaining the bars in position and ensuringrequired spacing and correct cover of concrete to the reinforcement as called for in drawings. Pre-castcement concrete blocks of required shapes and size, MS. chairs and spacers bars shall be used in order toensure accurate positioning of reinforcement. Pre-cast concrete blocks shall be cast well in advance andshall be at least equal in quality to the class of concrete specified in the work.In fair faces of concrete, temporary spacers only shall be used and removed or withdrawn as compactionof concrete proceeds. Spacers will not be permitted to be left in fair faces of concrete.All intersections of the reinforcements shall be securely tied with two strands of binds wire twisted tightto make the skeleton or net work rigid so that the reinforcement is not displaced during placing ofconcrete.Tack welding of crossing bars shall not be done except as authorized or directed by the Consultant /Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra will be paid for tack welding.The contractor shall take all responsible precautions to ensure that when handling or erectingreinforcement no damage shall be done to finished concrete Bars that are partially embedded in concreteshall not be filed bent partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent unless concurrence has beenobtained from the Consultant / Engineer-in-charge.Walkways and borrow runs for placing and compacting the concrete shall be independent of thereinforcement.Loose binding wire and other extraneous metal shall be removed from inside the form work prior toconcrete placing.

354.2 SUBMITALS4.2.1. BAR BENDING SCHEDULEThe Contractor shall prepare Bar Bending Schedule for reinforcement before fabrication4.3 MATERIALS4.3.1 STEEL REINFORCEMENTSteel reinforcement to be procured by the Contractor for works shall be either of the following types:-(a) Mild steel of Grade 1 tested quality conforming to IS: 432-Part(b) 3370 Code of practice for concrete structures for (Part 1 to IV) the storage of liquids(c) High yield strength cold worked deformed steel bars of tested quality conforming to IS: 1786 orhot rolled high tensile deformed steel bars of tested quality conforming to IS: 1139.(d) Hard drawn steel fabric conforming to IS: 1566.(e) Where galvanized reinforcement is specified in the drawings, the bars or mesh shall be hot-dipgalvanized after bending generally in accordance with IS: 2629 and IS: 4759. Galvanizedreinforcement shall be coated with a layer of zinc no where less than 0.05 mm in thickness.All reinforcement shall be stored horizontally above ground level on supports, skids or other approvedsupports, clear of any running or standing water. Contact with soil should be avoided. Proper drainage andprotection from the elements shall be provided to minimize corrosion.Before steel reinforcement is placed in position, the surface of the reinforcement shall be cleaned of rust,dust, grease and other objectionable substances. In order to confirm them self the quality periodical testsas specified as the relevant IS shall be conducted by the contractor at his own cost for the materialsprocured by the Contractor.4.3.2. BINDING WIREBinding wire shall be black annealed steel wire conforming to IS: 280 and of minimum 18 gauge.4.3.3. WELDING ELECTRODESElectrodes used for welding of steel bars shall be of ordinary mild steel grade electrodes conforming to IS:814 and shall be of the best quality approved by Consultant/Engineer-in-charge.4.4 STORAGEReinforcement steel shall be handled and stored in a manner that bending or distortion of the bars isavoided and contamination of steel is preventedAll reinforcement shall be stored horizontally above ground level on supports, skids or other approvedsupports, clear of any running or standing water Contact with soil should be avoided. Proper drainage andprotection from the elements shall be provided to minimize corrosionBars of different classifications and diameters shall be stored separatelyA record shall be kept of the batch numbers of reinforcement deliveries in such a form that the part of theworks in which particular reinforcement is used can be readily identified.Welding electrodes shall be. Stored in moisture control-led environment in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommendations.4.5 FABRICATIONReinforcement steel shall be carefully and accurately cut, bent or formed to the dimensions andconfigurations shown on the drawings and as per bar bending schedules approved by the Consultant /Engineer-in-charge.All reinforcement shall be bent cold using appropriate pin size. Bars may be preheated only on approvalof the Consultant. Quenching shall not cool hot bars. Bends shall be in accordance with IS: 2502.

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