GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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27Before commencement of work, the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer, thedetails of the methods he proposes to adopt for concreting.The placement of concrete shall preferablybe by tremie chute or any other approved method.In structures of heavy/complicated reinforcement or in complicated form works, the Contractor shallprovide sufficient number of windows in the form works as directed by the Engineer to check theplacement and compaction of concrete in different stages. Such windows shall be closed as soon as theconcreting reaches the bottom level of the same.3.28.2 Concreting Under WaterThe mix and method of concrete to be placed under water shall be approved by the Engineer.Under water, concrete shall contain at least ten (10) per cent more cement over that required for normalplacement.An account of extra cement so used shall be maintained by the Contractor and the Engineer jointly andthe extra cement used shall be separately paid for. Plumbing of water shall not be permitted for twentyfour (24) hours after completion of placement. No flow of water, natural or artificial, shall bepermitted during placement and upto twenty four (24) hours after completion of placement.3.28.3 Cold Weather ConcretingWhen conditions are such that the ambient temperature may be expected to be 4.5oC or below duringthe placing and curing period, the work shall conform to IS: 7861 (Part-II).3.28.4 Hot Weather ConcretingConcrete shall not normally be placed when the atmospheric temperature exceeds 40°C in the open. If,in spite of programming concrete work in the cooler hours of early morning, evening or night,placement is necessary in too hot a weather, then the Contractor shall take at least the followingadditional precautions:1. Stock-pile aggregates in shade2. Do not use fresh, factory hot cement3. Use cold water4. Cool form work by sprinkling water without collecting water inside5. Reduce to minimum the time interval between mixing and placing6. Place, vibrate and finish as quickly as possible7. Initiate curing as soon as concrete hardens.Positive temperature control by methods like pre-cooling, post cooling or cooling of concrete bycirculating cold water through small embedded pipe lines inside concrete, if required, shall be specifiedand shall be undertaken.3.28.5 Concreting in Large Pours (Mass Concrete)The aim of controlling the concreting in large pours is to reduce cracking caused by shrinkage due toheat of hydration. The Contractor shall submit detailed proposal to the Engineer for approval about themethod of pouring and the measures to reduce heat of hydration, which he proposes to adopt.The maximum height of lifts will depend on the type of cement used. The use of cement having lowheat of hydration, could allow greater lifts.The Contractor shall provide all the necessary arrangements like pre-cooling of aggregates, cooling offresh concreting by passing cold water through pipes placed inside the concrete or such other measuresat least 38 hours before the placement of concrete and also provide the facility for recording oftemperature at least 24 hours prior to placement of concrete.The minimum interval between concreting of successive lifts, separated by horizontal constructionjoint, shall be six days or as directed by the Engineer.

28The minimum interval between the concreting of adjacent pours separated by vertical constructionjoints shall be three (3) days, or as directed by the Engineer.3.29 Finishes to Exposed Surface of ConcreteThe Contractor is to include his quoted rate for concrete, the provision of normal finishes in bothformed and unformed surfaces as and where required by the Engineer without any extra cost to GAIL(INDIA) LTD., Some common finishes are indicated below:3.29.1 Surfaces which do not Require PlasteringSurface in contact with casing shall be brought to a fair and even surface by working the concretesmooth against casings with a steel trowel while it is being deposited and also by working over thesurface with a trowel immediately after the removal of the casings or centering, removing anyirregularities and stopping air holes, etc. Use of mortar plaster is not permissible for correcting levels,removing unevenness etc. However, if in the opinion of the Engineer, such plastering is unavoidable,then the thickness of plaster shall in no case exceed 5 mm and the plastering shall be in CM (1:3).3.29.2 Faces of Foundations which will be Back FilledNeither the smoothness of the surface not the positions of the joints in the form work are important.Small blemishes caused by entrapped air are permitted. No special surface finish is required.3.29.3 Exposed SurfacesSurface of beams/columns flushing with the block work or other structures where it is intended toplaster, shall be backed adequately as soon as the shuttering is stripped off so that proper bond with theplaster can develop.3.29.4 Surface for Non-integral FinishWhere a non integral finish such as floor finish is specified or required, the surface of the concrete shallbe struck off at the specified levels shall be furnished and finished rough.3.29.5 For Monolithic FinishWhere no more finishing course is to be supplied as in the case of basement floor, industrial flooring orthe screed concrete flooring etc., the concrete shall be completed and struck off at the specified levelsand slopes in a screed board and then floated with a wooden float. Steel trowel ling is then started afterthe concrete has hardened enough to prevent the excess of fines and water to rise to the surface but nothard enough to prevent proper finishing. Trowelling shall be such that the surface is flat, smooth andneatly finished.3.30 Curing of Concrete3.30.1 GeneralThe purpose of curing is either to provide sufficient water at optimum temperature or to prevent loss ofmoisture from the concrete itself so that the cement inside the concrete is sufficiently hydrated which,of course, is a slow and prolonged process. As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently, thecuring shall be started.3.30.2 Different Methods of CuringAny one of the following may be used for curing as approved by the Engineer.a) Curing by Direct WaterThis is done either by pounding or spraying water.

27Before commencement of work, the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer, thedetails of the methods he proposes to adopt for concreting.The placement of concrete shall preferablybe by tremie chute or any other approved method.In structures of heavy/complicated reinforcement or in complicated form works, the Contractor shallprovide sufficient number of windows in the form works as directed by the Engineer to check theplacement and compaction of concrete in different stages. Such windows shall be closed as soon as theconcreting reaches the bottom level of the same.3.28.2 Concreting Under WaterThe mix and method of concrete to be placed under water shall be approved by the Engineer.Under water, concrete shall contain at least ten (10) per cent more cement over that required for normalplacement.An account of extra cement so used shall be maintained by the Contractor and the Engineer jointly andthe extra cement used shall be separately paid for. Plumbing of water shall not be permitted for twentyfour (24) hours after completion of placement. No flow of water, natural or artificial, shall bepermitted during placement and upto twenty four (24) hours after completion of placement.3.28.3 Cold Weather ConcretingWhen conditions are such that the ambient temperature may be expected to be 4.5oC or below duringthe placing and curing period, the work shall conform to IS: 7861 (Part-II).3.28.4 Hot Weather ConcretingConcrete shall not normally be placed when the atmospheric temperature exceeds 40°C in the open. If,in spite of programming concrete work in the cooler hours of early morning, evening or night,placement is necessary in too hot a weather, then the Contractor shall take at least the followingadditional precautions:1. Stock-pile aggregates in shade2. Do not use fresh, factory hot cement3. Use cold water4. Cool form work by sprinkling water without collecting water inside5. Reduce to minimum the time interval between mixing and placing6. Place, vibrate and finish as quickly as possible7. Initiate curing as soon as concrete hardens.Positive temperature control by methods like pre-cooling, post cooling or cooling of concrete bycirculating cold water through small embedded pipe lines inside concrete, if required, shall be specifiedand shall be undertaken.3.28.5 Concreting in Large Pours (Mass Concrete)The aim of controlling the concreting in large pours is to reduce cracking caused by shrinkage due toheat of hydration. The Contractor shall submit detailed proposal to the Engineer for approval about themethod of pouring and the measures to reduce heat of hydration, which he proposes to adopt.The maximum height of lifts will depend on the type of cement used. The use of cement having lowheat of hydration, could allow greater lifts.The Contractor shall provide all the necessary arrangements like pre-cooling of aggregates, cooling offresh concreting by passing cold water through pipes placed inside the concrete or such other measuresat least 38 hours before the placement of concrete and also provide the facility for recording oftemperature at least 24 hours prior to placement of concrete.The minimum interval between concreting of successive lifts, separated by horizontal constructionjoint, shall be six days or as directed by the Engineer.

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