GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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12PAINT AND POLISHESAll material required for the works shall be of specified and approved manufacturer delivered to the site in themanufacturer's containers with the seals etc unbroken and clearly marked with the manufacturer's name or trade-mark adescription of the contents and color All materials are to be stored on the site off the work.Spray painting with approved machines will be permitted only if written approval has been obtained from the consultantsprior to painting No spraying will be permitted in the case of priming coats nor where the soiling of adjacent surfaces islikely to occur, The nozzle and pressure to be so operated as to give even surface The paint used for spraying is to complygenerally with the specification concerned and is to be specially prepared by the manufacturer for spraying Thinning ofready mixed paint made for brushing will not be allowed.Wood preservative shall be solignum or other equal and approved impregnating wood preservative and all concealedwoodwork shall be treated with wood preservative.All brushes, tools, pots, kettles etc used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter and are to bethoroughly cleaned out before being used on a different type or class of material.All iron or steel surfaces "shall be thoroughly scrapped and rubbed with wire brushes and shall be entirely free from rust,with scale etc. before applying the priming coat.Surfaces of new woodwork, which is to be painted, are to be rubbed down and cleaned down to the approval of theconsultants.Surfaces of previously painted woodwork which are to be painted are to be cleaned down with soap and water, detergentsolution or approved solvent to remove dirt, grease, etc. whilst wet, the surfaces shall be flatted down with a suitableabrasive and than rinsed down and allowed to dry. Minor areas of defective paint shall be removed by scraping back to afirm edge and the exposed surface touched in with primer as described and topped with putty. Where woodwork has beenpreviously painted or polished and is to be newly polished, scraping, burning off or rubbing down of the surface shall besatisfactorily done,Surfaces of previously painted metal, which is to be painted, are to be cleaned down and flatted woodwork. Minor areas ofdefective paint and any rust and loose scale shall be removed completely by chipping, scraping and wire brushing back tothe bare metal and touched up with primer, as described.Where glued joinery and carpentry work is likely to come in contact with moisture, the glue shall be waterproof. The useof animal glues will not be permitted.Timber is to be cut to the required sizes and lengths as soon as practicable after the works are began and stored undercover so that the air will circulate freely around it. Joinery is to be prepared immediately after the placing of the contract,framed up (but not bounded) and stored until required for fixing in position, when it is to be bonded and wedged up. Anyportion that warp or develop shakes or other defects are to be replaced before wedging up. The whole work is to beformed and finished in a proper and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the detailed drawings, and fitted with allnecessary metal ties, straps, belts, screws, etc. Tunning bended joints are to be cross-tongued with teak tongues and whereover 1 1/2" thick double cross tongued. Joiner's work generally is be finished with fine class prepared surfaces unlessotherwise specifiedTemplates, boxes and moulds shall be accurately set out and rigidly constructed so, as to remain accurate during the timethey are in useGrounds are to be cleansewn, free from large knots, splayed required plugged and fixing to walls etc at 150 - centersWood plugs are to be cut on the twist. Patent well plugs of plastic filling may be in lieu of wood plugs with the approvalof the Interior DesignerBlock board shall be of Mysore, Anchor or P.G. Brand shelves generally shall be constructed of plywood with edgings of1/2" teak tongued onOne of the following I.S. Specifications or such approved adhesives shall be usedIS: 851 - 1957 - Synthetic Resin adhesive for construction work in woodIS: 849 - 1957 - Cold setting case in glue for wood1. Hard wood - Means 1stquality C.P. Teak weighting not less than 45 lbs per cft.Seasoned - Kiln dried, moisture content less than 12% free from worm

13holes, loose or dead knots or other defects such as wraping, splitting chemicallytreated with wood preservative of approved manufacturer2 B. T C - B.T C. means Busher Teak cut size seasoned kiln driedmoisture content less than 1 1/2% weighting not less than 50 lbs per cubic foot. Freefrom worm holes, loose or dead knots or other defects such as wrapping, splittingChemically treated with wood preservative of approved manufacturer3. Plywood - Plywood shall be closed grain weather proof ply. It will be'Phenol bonded plywood shall be complying to IS: 308 - 1960.4. Block Board - Block board to comply with IS: 1659 - 1979.5. Teak Pascal - Teak partical boards shall have phenol bond and will complywith IS : Board 3478-19666. Veneer - Veneer to have straight grains and will selected from matchinggroup. Veneer to comply with IS: 1328 - 1970. 'Anchor' Brand of Indian Plywood.7. Laminate - Laminate should be 1 5 mm thick.8. Wooden flooring - Wooden flooring should be 8mm tk. Laminate floor colouring use 33, wetresistance AC5, impact resistance IC3 (as per EW 13325) with Multi levelcomposite high pressure laminate surface treated with aluminium oxidesurface good, treated on top of high density fibre board substrata density910 kg/m3. The joining & laying of flooring shall be as per manufacturer’sspecifications.

12PAINT AND POLISHESAll material required for the works shall be of specified and approved manufacturer delivered to the site in themanufacturer's containers with the seals etc unbroken and clearly marked with the manufacturer's name or trade-mark adescription of the contents and color All materials are to be stored on the site off the work.Spray painting with approved machines will be permitted only if written approval has been obtained from the consultantsprior to painting No spraying will be permitted in the case of priming coats nor where the soiling of adjacent surfaces islikely to occur, The nozzle and pressure to be so operated as to give even surface The paint used for spraying is to complygenerally with the specification concerned and is to be specially prepared by the manufacturer for spraying Thinning ofready mixed paint made for brushing will not be allowed.Wood preservative shall be solignum or other equal and approved impregnating wood preservative and all concealedwoodwork shall be treated with wood preservative.All brushes, tools, pots, kettles etc used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter and are to bethoroughly cleaned out before being used on a different type or class of material.All iron or steel surfaces "shall be thoroughly scrapped and rubbed with wire brushes and shall be entirely free from rust,with scale etc. before applying the priming coat.Surfaces of new woodwork, which is to be painted, are to be rubbed down and cleaned down to the approval of theconsultants.Surfaces of previously painted woodwork which are to be painted are to be cleaned down with soap and water, detergentsolution or approved solvent to remove dirt, grease, etc. whilst wet, the surfaces shall be flatted down with a suitableabrasive and than rinsed down and allowed to dry. Minor areas of defective paint shall be removed by scraping back to afirm edge and the exposed surface touched in with primer as described and topped with putty. Where woodwork has beenpreviously painted or polished and is to be newly polished, scraping, burning off or rubbing down of the surface shall besatisfactorily done,Surfaces of previously painted metal, which is to be painted, are to be cleaned down and flatted woodwork. Minor areas ofdefective paint and any rust and loose scale shall be removed completely by chipping, scraping and wire brushing back tothe bare metal and touched up with primer, as described.Where glued joinery and carpentry work is likely to come in contact with moisture, the glue shall be waterproof. The useof animal glues will not be permitted.Timber is to be cut to the required sizes and lengths as soon as practicable after the works are began and stored undercover so that the air will circulate freely around it. Joinery is to be prepared immediately after the placing of the contract,framed up (but not bounded) and stored until required for fixing in position, when it is to be bonded and wedged up. Anyportion that warp or develop shakes or other defects are to be replaced before wedging up. The whole work is to beformed and finished in a proper and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the detailed drawings, and fitted with allnecessary metal ties, straps, belts, screws, etc. Tunning bended joints are to be cross-tongued with teak tongues and whereover 1 1/2" thick double cross tongued. Joiner's work generally is be finished with fine class prepared surfaces unlessotherwise specifiedTemplates, boxes and moulds shall be accurately set out and rigidly constructed so, as to remain accurate during the timethey are in useGrounds are to be cleansewn, free from large knots, splayed required plugged and fixing to walls etc at 150 - centersWood plugs are to be cut on the twist. Patent well plugs of plastic filling may be in lieu of wood plugs with the approvalof the Interior DesignerBlock board shall be of Mysore, Anchor or P.G. Brand shelves generally shall be constructed of plywood with edgings of1/2" teak tongued onOne of the following I.S. Specifications or such approved adhesives shall be usedIS: 851 - 1957 - Synthetic Resin adhesive for construction work in woodIS: 849 - 1957 - Cold setting case in glue for wood1. Hard wood - Means 1stquality C.P. Teak weighting not less than 45 lbs per cft.Seasoned - Kiln dried, moisture content less than 12% free from worm

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