GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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2I. SPECIAL NOTES TO TENDERERS1. The work under this tender shall be executed strictly in accordance with constructional and material requirementsdefined under these specifications and latest C.P.W.D specifications. The contractor shall carefully acquainthimself with these specifications to determine his contractual obligations for the work The conditions of thesespecifications will be binding on the contractor and no deviation shall be permissible unless specificallyapproved by the Engineer-in-charge / Consultant in writing In case of any doubt/ambiguity, CPWDspecifications shall prevail In absence of any detailed specifications in CPWD or these specifications, latestIndian standard specifications and code of practice shall become applicable. Wherever the codes andspecifications are silent, the Manufacturer's specification shall prevail and then the same shall be governed bysound engineering practice and the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge/consultant in matters of interpretation etcshall be final & binding on the contractor2. While quoting rates for each item of work, the contractor shall include for the following irrespective whether ithas been mentioned or not in the description of the item without any extra claim/payment3. All exposed surfaces of timber (any variety) shall also have necessary coat of wood primer/putty and paint/polishas per description in the item and specifications.4. The specifications, which are not included in the technical specification mentioned earlier, shall be as perCPWD/ISI specifications5. All exposed edges of ply board shall be fixed with C.P teak wood lipping.6. Thickness of laminate used shall be 1.5 mm.7. All items are to be supplied and placed in position8. As soon as the work is completed in all respect, the contractor should remove all surplus materials debris wastematerials etc. and clean the areas.9. Only superior and highest quality of joinery hardware fittings shall be used as per samples approved by theConsultant/GAILPlease refer the drawing for dimensions, sizes etc wherever not specified in the schedule of quantities and quoteaccordingly.10. Any sub standard materials used during execution will be rejected and has to be replaced by the Contractor at hisown cost. The rejected material shall be removed immediately.11. The Contractor shall engage one competent and qualified Engineer at Site, who shall take the instruction from theproject Engineer/Interior Designer and supervise the work. The work should not suffer due to lack of supervision(from the site).12. The contractor is required to coordinate his work along with other agencies working at site. He has to reimburseany of the damage made by him or any of his representative for any of the other agency or Engineer-in-charge atsite.13. Making of any cutout/opening for electrical wiring/fitting in any of the item of false ceiling, partitions, panelingmasonary work etc and providing panels of the same finish in partitions paneling shall not be paid extra.14. The Contractor is required to fabricate one or more samples of each item as instructed for approval. Any minorchanges in the sample to the specifications as mentioned in the tender shall not be deducted or paid extra Thebulk production of the furniture can only be taken in hand after the final approval of sample of each item Thesample of each item must be got approved with in two weeks of the date of order/Commencement It shall be theentire responsibility of the Contractor to get the sample approved by the Consultant/GAIL spending theminimum time and no extension of time shall be granted for getting the late approval of the samples15. All furniture bases shall be provided with nylon/hard wood supports for even distribution load, designed andshaped to minimize wear and tear of floor.

316. Unless otherwise provided specifically in the description of various items of the work, the rates tendered by thecontractor shall be for complete items of work covering all materials labor, carriage, royalties, fees, rents, salestax, octroi, wastage, tool plant, equipment, transport, temporary constructions over head charges and profits aswell as general liabilities, obligations and risks arising out of the conditions of contract and carrying the work inpart(s) or under/across/along pipes, cables drains etc. complete and shall apply to all heights, depths, leads andlifts. No extra charges whatsoever consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.17. Any damage caused to the existing work including finished work by the Contractor while executing the workshall be got done by the contractor at his own cost.18. The contractor shall provide all facilities to the Consultant/GAIL or his representative to make frequentinspection of his workshop and to ascertain the progress and quality of work undertaken in this contract.19. The dimensions mentioned in drawing and specification will be verified at site before fabrication of any item andcan vary by 5% during approval stage.20. The safe custody and up-keep till handling over, is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The Contractor shallemploy sufficient supervisory personnel and watchmen to ensure that the different items fabricated, supplied byhim are kept in fine condition till they are handed over satisfactory.21. All materials, articles and workmanship shall be the respective kind for the class of work described in thedrawings and specifications. All materials, so used in the different items of work shall be subject to the "BEST"used in the specifications shall mean that in the opinion of the Consultant/GAIL there is no superior quality offinished of material or article in the market available in the nature of the particular item described in the scheduleof quantities. The consultant/GAIL shall have the power to make the contractor purchase and use such materialsof particular make or from a particular source as may, in his opinion, be necessary for proper or reasonablecompliance with specifications and description of the different items of work.22. The Contractor shall keep the site of works neat and clean during the execution of the work. Any debris found ator near the site of work shall be got removed immediately as and when so required by the Engineer - In - ChargeThe Contractor shall be responsible for any objections from any local body for occupying approach roads/mainroad and nuisance to others including payments of penalties levied.23. The Contractor shall have complete coordination with other agencies employed by the GAIL. He shall ensurethat the works of other agencies are not hampered in any way during the duration of the Contract24. On completion of the work, the site of work shall be thoroughly cleaned and all debris removed before the workis handed over satisfactorily25. The Contractor shall provide all materials and/or fittings and perform any work which is obviously necessary tocomplete the works or which is generally provided in accordance with "Good accepted trade practice" eventhough such material of work may not be explicitly mentioned in the specification or shown in the drawing26. Approved hangers, bolts, screws and other metal fixing devices shall be used to secure frames, panels and otherunits in position Holes shall be formed with electrical drills wherever possible. Structural members shall not becut or drilled without prior consent of the Consultant/GAIL.27. Contractor shall carry out different tests of materials of works as directed by Consultant/GAIL at his own cost inapproved laboratories. All such test shall be carried out under the supervision/direction of Consultant/GAIL.

2I. SPECIAL NOTES TO TENDERERS1. The work under this tender shall be executed strictly in accordance with constructional and material requirementsdefined under these specifications and latest C.P.W.D specifications. The contractor shall carefully acquainthimself with these specifications to determine his contractual obligations for the work The conditions of thesespecifications will be binding on the contractor and no deviation shall be permissible unless specificallyapproved by the Engineer-in-charge / Consultant in writing In case of any doubt/ambiguity, CPWDspecifications shall prevail In absence of any detailed specifications in CPWD or these specifications, latest<strong>India</strong>n standard specifications and code of practice shall become applicable. Wherever the codes andspecifications are silent, the Manufacturer's specification shall prevail and then the same shall be governed bysound engineering practice and the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge/consultant in matters of interpretation etcshall be final & binding on the contractor2. While quoting rates for each item of work, the contractor shall include for the following irrespective whether ithas been mentioned or not in the description of the item without any extra claim/payment3. All exposed surfaces of timber (any variety) shall also have necessary coat of wood primer/putty and paint/polishas per description in the item and specifications.4. The specifications, which are not included in the technical specification mentioned earlier, shall be as perCPWD/ISI specifications5. All exposed edges of ply board shall be fixed with C.P teak wood lipping.6. Thickness of laminate used shall be 1.5 mm.7. All items are to be supplied and placed in position8. As soon as the work is completed in all respect, the contractor should remove all surplus materials debris wastematerials etc. and clean the areas.9. Only superior and highest quality of joinery hardware fittings shall be used as per samples approved by theConsultant/<strong>GAIL</strong>Please refer the drawing for dimensions, sizes etc wherever not specified in the schedule of quantities and quoteaccordingly.10. Any sub standard materials used during execution will be rejected and has to be replaced by the Contractor at hisown cost. The rejected material shall be removed immediately.11. The Contractor shall engage one competent and qualified Engineer at Site, who shall take the instruction from theproject Engineer/Interior Designer and supervise the work. The work should not suffer due to lack of supervision(from the site).12. The contractor is required to coordinate his work along with other agencies working at site. He has to reimburseany of the damage made by him or any of his representative for any of the other agency or Engineer-in-charge atsite.13. Making of any cutout/opening for electrical wiring/fitting in any of the item of false ceiling, partitions, panelingmasonary work etc and providing panels of the same finish in partitions paneling shall not be paid extra.14. The Contractor is required to fabricate one or more samples of each item as instructed for approval. Any minorchanges in the sample to the specifications as mentioned in the tender shall not be deducted or paid extra Thebulk production of the furniture can only be taken in hand after the final approval of sample of each item Thesample of each item must be got approved with in two weeks of the date of order/Commencement It shall be theentire responsibility of the Contractor to get the sample approved by the Consultant/<strong>GAIL</strong> spending theminimum time and no extension of time shall be granted for getting the late approval of the samples15. All furniture bases shall be provided with nylon/hard wood supports for even distribution load, designed andshaped to minimize wear and tear of floor.

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