GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited GAIL (India) Limited
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17F) MODE OF MEASUREMENTS:Mode of Measurement for payment of items of ducting and piping & their insulation shallbe as follows:1.0 DUCTING:Payment for ducting shall be on the basis of the external surface area of the ducting includingall material and labour for installed duct.The rate per Sq. meter of the external surface shall include all wastage flanges, gaskets forjoints, bolts and nuts, duct supports and hanyer vibration isolation pads or suspenders,flexible connections, inspection doors, dampers, running vanes, straight vanes, and any itemwhich will be required to complete the external insulation and acoustic lining.The external area shall be calculated by measuring the over all width and depth(including the corner joints) in the centre of the duct section from flange face to flange face incase of ducts length with uniform cross section Total area will be arrived at by adding up thearea of all duct sectionsIn case of taper pieces average width and depth will be worked out as followsW 1 = Width of small cross section W 2 - Width of large cross section D 1 = Depth of smallcross section D 2 = Depth of large cross sectionAverage Width = W 1 + W 22 Average Depth = D 1 + D 2Width and depth in the case of taper pieces shall be measured at the edge of the collar of theflange for duct sections flatted with angle iron flanges, otherwise at the bottom of the flangewhere the flanges are of duct sheet.For circular pieces the diameter of the section midway between large and small diametersshall be measured and adopted as the mean diameter for calculating the surface area of the taperpiece. Duct measurements for calculation of area shall be taken before applications of insulationFor the special pieces like bends, branches and tee etc, same principles of areasmeasurements as for liner and outer periphery along the curvature angle of the piece shall apply2.0 DUCT INSULATION/ACOUSTIC LINING:This item is provided separately for various thickness and shall be paid for an area basis ofuninsulated duct The area of the duct to be insulated shall be measured before

0G) LIST OF APPROVED MAKES:The following guidelines are to be noted with regard to use of materials in the work.1 As far as possible, materials bearing "Standard Mark (ISI)" from Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS)shall be used in the work, unless make is specifically mentioned in Schedule of rate/ scope.2 Wherever, material bearing Standard Mark (ISI) are used the work, the following shall be ensured.a) The supplier has a valid license from BIS during the period the material is being used in the work.b) The Contractor should furnish necessary documents and proof of payments made for theprocurement of materials bearing Standard Mark (ISI).3. Due to non-availability of materials bearing ISI mark as detailed in para-2 above, the materials asper the list of approved makes of materials shall be used in the work and the Contractor can useany of makes given in the attached list.4. In case it is established that Standard material (bearing ISI mark) as well as the materials indicatedin the list (as mentioned in the above para) are not available in the market, then approvedequivalent materials may be used in the work subject to approval from the consultant andEngineer-in-Charge.5. For materials bearing "Standard Mark (ISI)" ordinarily no testing is to be done. However, in caseof doubt or with a view to check the quality of materials, Engineer-in-Charge may send samplesfor random testing.6. For use of materials other than materials bearing "Standard Mark (ISI)" Mandatory tests shall beconducted at the frequency specified in the contract. In case frequency of testing is not stipulatedin the contract then standard specification (CPWD, ISI etc.) may be considered for frequency atwhich materials are to be tested.7. Before bulk purchase of quantities of materials, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to get thesamples of materials approved from consultant and Engineer-in-Charge

17F) MODE OF MEASUREMENTS:Mode of Measurement for payment of items of ducting and piping & their insulation shallbe as follows:1.0 DUCTING:Payment for ducting shall be on the basis of the external surface area of the ducting includingall material and labour for installed duct.The rate per Sq. meter of the external surface shall include all wastage flanges, gaskets forjoints, bolts and nuts, duct supports and hanyer vibration isolation pads or suspenders,flexible connections, inspection doors, dampers, running vanes, straight vanes, and any itemwhich will be required to complete the external insulation and acoustic lining.The external area shall be calculated by measuring the over all width and depth(including the corner joints) in the centre of the duct section from flange face to flange face incase of ducts length with uniform cross section Total area will be arrived at by adding up thearea of all duct sectionsIn case of taper pieces average width and depth will be worked out as followsW 1 = Width of small cross section W 2 - Width of large cross section D 1 = Depth of smallcross section D 2 = Depth of large cross sectionAverage Width = W 1 + W 22 Average Depth = D 1 + D 2Width and depth in the case of taper pieces shall be measured at the edge of the collar of theflange for duct sections flatted with angle iron flanges, otherwise at the bottom of the flangewhere the flanges are of duct sheet.For circular pieces the diameter of the section midway between large and small diametersshall be measured and adopted as the mean diameter for calculating the surface area of the taperpiece. Duct measurements for calculation of area shall be taken before applications of insulationFor the special pieces like bends, branches and tee etc, same principles of areasmeasurements as for liner and outer periphery along the curvature angle of the piece shall apply2.0 DUCT INSULATION/ACOUSTIC LINING:This item is provided separately for various thickness and shall be paid for an area basis ofuninsulated duct The area of the duct to be insulated shall be measured before

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