ACCT 335 – COST ACCOUNTING – SYLLABUS - Campbell University

ACCT 335 – COST ACCOUNTING – SYLLABUS - Campbell University

ACCT 335 – COST ACCOUNTING – SYLLABUS - Campbell University


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MUST be informed prior to the exam date. If a student fails to inform theinstructor, no make-up will be allowed and a grade of zero will be given.Students allowed a make-up are then responsible for completing it withinone week of the scheduled exam. If a make-up exam is not completedwithin the allotted time, a grade of zero will be given.- Homework 100 total points. Assignments will be turned in each week onSaturday evenings by midnight (Eastern Standard Time). If anassignment is not turned in by that time, a grade of zero for theassignment will be given.- Participation 55 total points. Correspondence on the discussion boardeach week.CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Statement of Purpose: <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> is auniversity of the liberal arts, sciences, and professions which is committed tohelping students develop an integrated Christian personality characterized by awholeness that includes: a method of critical judgment; an appreciation of ourintellectual, cultural, and religious heritage; and a sensitive awareness of theworld and society in which they live and work with persons.<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a Baptist university affiliated with the Baptist StateConvention of North Carolina. Both in and out of the classroom, the <strong>University</strong>endeavors to present Christian principles to students and to foster theirapplication to daily life.This course is consistent with the aforementioned purpose and providesstudents a positive environment for learning.ADA Statement: Students with documented disabilities who desiremodifications or accommodations should contact the Office of Student SupportServices located in the <strong>University</strong>’s Hight House.Attendance: <strong>Campbell</strong>’s attendance policy states that regular attendance ismandatory. Students may miss only 15% of classes. Any student missing morethan 15% of classes may fail the course due to a lack of attendance. DistanceEducation students will be required to fulfill the weekly assignment andparticipation requirements set forth in their instructor’s syllabus.- Classes meeting 1 time per week – 1 class per 9 week term (This includesblended classes.)- Classes meeting 2 times per week – 3 classes per 9 week term- Classes meeting 3 times per week – 4 classes per 9 week term

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