Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications


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Chapter 6 – Overall conclusionsnew materials <strong>for</strong> specific biomedical <strong>applications</strong>, particularly since biomolecular<strong>and</strong> cellular interactions with material <strong>surfaces</strong> are complex <strong>and</strong> difficult to predict apriori.In summary, a number of biodevice <strong>applications</strong> will benefit from the furtherdevelopment of biomolecular manipulation <strong>and</strong> an advanced underst<strong>and</strong>ing of theinterface behaviour of biomolecules <strong>and</strong> cells. Here, it has been demonstrated thatthis can be achieved by introducing both patterned <strong>and</strong> <strong>switchable</strong> elements in orderto both spatially <strong>and</strong> temporally control the complex biological systems thatbiodevices interact with, coupled with the development of tools to analyse in depththe surface behaviour of biomolecules <strong>and</strong> living cells.6-212

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