Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications


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Chapter 5 – Surface plasmon resonance imaging of polymer microarraysbetween CN <strong>and</strong> FN with PAAc, an entropy effect as a result of proteinrearrangement or con<strong>for</strong>mational changes upon surface adsorption that may exposepositively charged domains embedded with the protein resulting in a change in theprotein pI upon adsorption [293].The k a measured <strong>for</strong> FN adsorption to PAAc, PEIc <strong>and</strong> PLLc were 69.9x10 3 ,35.9x10 3 <strong>and</strong> 88.6x10 3 s -1 M -1 , respectively (Table 5.1). Interestingly, FN adsorptionto PLLc had a higher k a than to PEIc, despite both polymer being positively charged.Moreover, FN adsorption to PAAc also had a higher k a than to PEIc. The reason <strong>for</strong>the relatively fast rate of adsorption of FN to PLL is unclear.BSA adsorption was observed on both PEIc <strong>and</strong> PLLc, with adsorption <strong>for</strong> 1500 sat 10 mg/ml resulting in protein layers of thickness 0.4 <strong>and</strong> 0.2 nm, respectively(Figure 5.16B <strong>and</strong> C). Conversely, little to no BSA adsorption was measurable on thePAAc (Figure 5.16A). In fact, a negative change in mass was measured <strong>for</strong> PAAc(Figure 5.16A). Since the SPR sensorgrams shown in Figure 5.14-Figure 5.16 havehad the signal from the unmodified HDI PEG background subtracted, this negativeresult is likely due to the PAAc resisting BSA adsorption more effectively than thePEG background. BSA has a pI of 4.7 [294] <strong>and</strong> is, thus, negatively charged atphysiological pH. The resistance of BSA adsorption by PAAc is there<strong>for</strong>e likely tobe due to the electrostatic repulsion of the overall negative charge of the protein withthe negative charge of PAA. Likewise, the adsorption to PEIc <strong>and</strong> PLLc is likely dueto electrostatic attraction between the overall negative charge of BSA <strong>and</strong> thepositive charge of PEI <strong>and</strong> PLL. Adsorption of BSA has been previously shown to beelectrostatically mediated [281, 295]. The s∞ of BSA adsorption to PEIc <strong>and</strong> PLLcwas found to be 3.8 <strong>and</strong> 3.2 mg/m 2 , respectively (Table 5.1), which is significantlylower than the s∞ of CN type I <strong>and</strong> FN adsorption to PAAc of 15.7 <strong>and</strong> 15.3 mg/m 25-200

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