Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications


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Andrew Hook – <strong>Patterned</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>switchable</strong> <strong>surfaces</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>biomaterial</strong> <strong>applications</strong>FN has a pI of 5.3 [288], thus at physiological pH this protein will possess a smallnegative charge. This suggests that electrostatic interactions may govern thisinteraction with the positively charged PEIc <strong>and</strong> PLLc [289, 290]. However, similarto the adsorption behaviour of CN type I, the measured s∞ on PEIc <strong>and</strong> PLLc issignificantly smaller than <strong>for</strong> adsorption to negatively charged PAAc. The s∞determined <strong>for</strong> FN adsorption to Au, Ti-oxide <strong>and</strong> Ta-oxide of 14.6, 10.6 <strong>and</strong> 11.0mg/m 2 [291] are comparable with the FN adsorption measured to PAAc. The pKa ofboth PAA <strong>and</strong> Ta-oxide are both approximately 3, thus, would both have a similarnegative charge [286, 291]. FN adsorption has also been reported onto othernegatively charged <strong>surfaces</strong> including anionic phospholipids <strong>and</strong> silica [292]. TheA biomol measured <strong>for</strong> FN adsorption to PAAc of 49 nm 2 (Table 5.2) is significantlylower than the size of FN of 384 nm 2 as measured by scanning electron microscopy[288], suggesting that FN adsorbs end on, with only a 12.8% of the protein in contactwith the surface. This allows <strong>for</strong> the <strong>for</strong>mation of a dense biomolecular layer. Asimilar A biomol <strong>for</strong> FN adsorption to gold of 45 nm 2 has been previously reported[291]. The A biomol measured <strong>for</strong> FN adsorption to PEIc of 234 nm 2 (Table 5.2) ismuch closer to the size of FN, <strong>and</strong> suggests that FN adsorbs side on in this case. TheA biomol measured <strong>for</strong> FN adsorption to PLLc of 2490 nm 2(Table 5.2) is largecompared to the size of FN <strong>and</strong> suggests only 15% surface coverage of FN to PLLcis possible under the experimental conditions used here.The counterintuitive adsorption of both CN <strong>and</strong> FN to PAAc, which shouldelectrostatically repel both CN <strong>and</strong> FN, suggests the net charge of the protein mustnot be dominating its surface adsorption behaviour in this case. Contributing factorsto FN adsorption may be electrostatic interactions between positively chargeddomains of the protein <strong>and</strong> negatively charge surface moieties, a specific interaction5-199

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