Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications

Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications


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Reflectivity (%)Reflectivity (%)Chapter 5 – Surface plasmon resonance imaging of polymer microarrays(A)100908070605040302010048 49 50 51 52 53 54 55Angle of incidence ( o )(B)604020048 49 50 51 52 53 54 55-20-40-60-80Angle of incidence ( o )Figure 5.5. Theoretical (A) SPR reflectivity (%) <strong>and</strong> (B) change in SPR reflectivity(%) against angle of incidence as modelled by Fresnel equations usingWinspall software based on a four-layer system of a glass prism (η =1.71129), a 45 nm gold layer (η = 0.16 + 4.84i), a PLL polymer layer ofvaried thickness; (■) uncoated, (■) 1 nm, (■) 5 nm, (■) 10 nm, (■) 20 nm,(■) 30 nm, (■) 40 nm, (■) 50 nm, (■) 75 nm, (■) 100 nm, (■) 200 nm (η =1.37) <strong>and</strong> an infinite water layer (η = 1.32908).5-176

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