CEANSIDE CHOOLS - Oceanside School District

CEANSIDE CHOOLS - Oceanside School District

CEANSIDE CHOOLS - Oceanside School District


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O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>S<strong>CHOOLS</strong>2 0 1 02 0 1 1

Notification to persons in parental relation and staff pursuant to Section 409-H of the State Education Law*Dear Parent, Guardian, and <strong>School</strong> Staff:New York State Education Law Section 409-H, effective July 1, 2001, requires all public and non-public elementary and secondary schools to provide written notificationto all persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the school year.The <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is required to maintain a list of persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification ofcertain pesticide applications. The following pesticide applications are not subject to prior notification requirements:• a school remains unoccupied for a continuous 72-hours following an application;• anti-microbial products;• nonvolatile rodenticides in tamper resistant bait stations in areas inaccessible to children;• nonvolatile insecticidal baits in tamper resistant bait stations in areas inaccessible to children;• silica gels and other nonvolatile ready-to-use pastes, foams, or gels in areas inaccessible to children;• boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate;• the application of EPA designated biopesticides;• the application of EPA designated exempt materials under 40CFR152.25;• the use of aerosol products with a directed spray in containers of 18 fluid ounces or less when used to protect individuals from an imminent threat from stinging andbiting insects including venomous spiders, bees, wasps, and hornets.In the event of an emergency application necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human health, a good faith effort will be made to supply written notification tothose on the 48-hour prior notification list.If you would like to receive 48-hour prior notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled to occur in your school, please complete the form below and return it toR. Schloth, The <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> pesticide representative at: 145 Merle Avenue, <strong>Oceanside</strong>, NY 11572.Please feel free to contact R. Schloth, the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> pesticide representative, at: 516-594-2333<strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>Request for Pesticide Application Notification(please print)Name:_______________________________ <strong>School</strong> BuildingAddress:Day Phone: Evening Phone: Email Address:*Written notification must be provided to all persons in parental relation and staff at the following intervals throughout the school year: at the beginning of the school year; withintwo school days of the end of winter recess; within two school days of the end of spring recess; and within ten days of the end of the school year.

SUPERINTENDENT OF S<strong>CHOOLS</strong>Dear Parents, Residents andCommunity Members,This <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Calendar for2010-11 contains school anddistrictwide events and meetings,information on some of our policies,our Board of Education, contactinformation for key staff and PTA,and more.As the school year progresses, wehope to see you at Board of Educationmeetings, which take place at least DR. HERB R. BROWNonce each month, PTA meetings,back-to-school night, sports events,concerts, plays, math and science fairs, Homecoming, the student filmfestival, and more. We realize that families are busy and we strive toaccommodate you with many opportunities to be involved.Together as a community, we are preparing our youngsters for abright future. I look forward to seeing your children on the first dayof school, September 7, and hope that they enjoy a wonderful andexciting school year.Sincerely,Dr. Herb R. BrownSuperintendent of <strong>School</strong>s

BOARD OF EDUCATION145 Merle Avenue<strong>Oceanside</strong>, NY 11572678-1226President – Kimberly Grim Garrity (2012)*Vice President – Allenby Lyson (2012)Maryanne Lehrer (2013)Donald Maresca (2011)Mary Jane McGrath-Mulhern (2011)Sandie Schoell (2011)Robert Transom (2013)*Year term as trustee expiresAPPOINTED OFFICERSDISTRICT CLERK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robin D. GreenTREASURER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis S. FrontarioCOUNSEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frazer & FeldmanSCHOOL DISTRICT PHYSICIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Eric Shoenfeld, M.D.SCHEDULE OF REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OFTHE BOARD OF EDUCATION 2010 - 2011Meetings start at 7:30 pmThe Board Room is located on the the 1st floor of theAdministration Building at 145 Merle Ave.THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTENDSeptember 20.............Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #7October 4...................Special Meeting...............................Board RoomOctober 18.................Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #9E/9MNovember 15.............Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #2December 6................Special Meeting...............................Board RoomDecember 20..............Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #5January 24..................Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #8February 7 ..................Special Meeting (B)........................<strong>School</strong> #6 CafeMarch 7 .....................Special Meeting (B)........................<strong>School</strong> #6 CafeMarch 21 ...................Regular Meeting (B) .......................<strong>School</strong> #3March 28 ...................Special Meeting (B) .......................<strong>School</strong> #6 CafeApril 4 .......................Special Meeting (B) (if necessary) .<strong>School</strong> #6 CafeApril 11 .....................Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #6 CafeMay 9.........................Regular Mtg. & Budget Hearing ....<strong>School</strong> #7May 17.......................Budget Vote & Elections.........Voting Locations on WebsiteJune 21.......................Regular Meeting..............................<strong>School</strong> #7*Visit our website at oceansideschools.org for your voting location.BOARD OF EDUCATIONThe BOARD OF EDUCATION is a policy-making body which governs the school districtin all educational matters. It has complete and final control over local school matterssubject only to pertinent state law, regulations and decisions of the StateCommissioner of Education, decisions of the courts, and the will of local residents asexpressed in district elections.The <strong>Oceanside</strong> Board is comprised of seven district residents who are elected at theannual school election, which is the third Tuesday in May. Two or three members areelected each year to serve three year terms which begin on July 1. Board membersreceive no salary or financial compensation of any kind for their services. They payschool taxes at the regular rate.A candidate for the Board must be a qualified voter of the <strong>District</strong> and must file anominating petition with the <strong>District</strong> Clerk not later than 30 days preceding the schoolelection. Each petition must be signed by at least twenty-five qualified voters of the districtOR two percent of the voters who voted in the previous election, whichever isgreater.The BOARD appoints the SUPERINTENDENT OF S<strong>CHOOLS</strong> to serve as itsexecutive officer in administering its policies in the operation of the schools. TheSuperintendent is responsible for informing and advising the Board on all matters. TheSuperintendent’s recommendations normally precede Board action on matters relatingto recruitment and supervision of staff, selection of textbooks and instructional materials,development of curriculum and the operation and maintenance of buildings andgrounds.

BOARD MEETINGSBOARD MEETINGS – Both regular and special meetings are scheduled in most months onselected Mondays, 7:30 pm, in one of the schools or in the Administration Building, 145 MerleAvenue. The dates and locations are listed in the Calendar and announced in the <strong>District</strong>Newsletter and in local newspapers. Notice of all meetings is released to the news media to theextent practicable and posted in the schools and at the <strong>Oceanside</strong> Library, 72 hours in advance,OR call the Board Secretary, 678-1226, to verify a meeting. The law also provides for closed executivesessions, but no action may be taken at such meetings. Board agenda and minutes can befound on our website.ANNUAL RE-ORGANIZATION MEETING – is held within the first two weeks of July,7:30 pm, Board Room (unless changed by Board resolution). Board officers are elected, salaries ofappointed officers fixed, and business policy matters are set for the forthcoming year.QUORUM – consists of four members. An affirmative vote of four members is required for actionto be taken. Abstention is considered a negative vote. The presiding officer may introduce or seconda motion and may vote on all issues. All official actions must be taken by resolution of theBoard at an open regular or special meeting.Although all meetings, except executive sessions, are open to the public, the law makes noprovision for the public to make motions. However, the Board of Education encourages questionsand comments from those present at the appropriate time during the meeting.CODE OF CONDUCTIn accordance with New York State legislation recently passed in Albany, our Board of Educationhas established a Code of Conduct for the school district. This Code of Conduct is published inthe Agenda Book, given to all students in Grades 3 - 12, and will be distributed directly to parentswhose children are in Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2.The Code of Conduct underscores the commitment of the Board of Education to provide asafe and orderly environment in which all children can learn and reach their potential. In orderto accomplish this goal, all members of the school community, teachers, students, parents, schooldistrict personnel as well as visitors to our buildings, must behave in a civil, respectful and responsiblemanner.The Code of Conduct clearly defines expectations of acceptable conduct on schoolproperty for students and all members of the school community. Students’ rights andresponsibilities are outlined. Board of Education and district policies, as well as buildingprocedures, are also explained.The requirements of the district’s discipline code and the possible behavioral consequences ofunacceptable conduct are outlined by educational level (elementary, middle and high school) inorder to ensure fair treatment for all when disciplinary action is required. A provision of the originallegislation permitting teachers to remove disruptive students from class is also clearly explained.This Code of Conduct is presented to and shared with all of the district’s faculty and staff.Students should review it with their teachers or guidance counselors. It is extremelyimportant, however, that parents also read and review it with their children. By workingtogether, all of us, with a shared understanding of what is expected of each of us, can create anenvironment which reflects good citizenship, mutual respect, tolerance and the principles of civilityfor all of <strong>Oceanside</strong>’s students.DELAYED OPENING PLAN FOR O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> S<strong>CHOOLS</strong>The <strong>Oceanside</strong> Board of Education has approved a “delayed opening” plan in case of inclementweather. A “delayed opening” might occur when it is obvious at 5 am or 6 am that a storm hasended or is about to end, the streets have not yet been satisfactorily cleared, but the roads shouldbe safe for travel within a few hours. By delaying the opening of school by two hours, we would beable to provide instruction to our students rather than close school for the entire day.A delayed opening would simply open all schools exactly two hours after they would normallyopen. The afternoon dismissals and bus schedules beyond the first two hours of the day wouldremain unchanged in all schools.TWO-HOUR DELAYED OPENING SCHEDULEFirst Bus Pickup<strong>School</strong>Starts atStarts<strong>School</strong> #6 – Kindergarten 10:45 am 11:30 am*<strong>School</strong>s #2, #3, #4, #5, #8, #9E 9:40 am 10:15 amMiddle <strong>School</strong> 9:05 am 9:40 amHigh <strong>School</strong> 9:07 am 9:45 am*Kindergarten Valet drop-off would begin at 11:10 am.Breakfast and Morning C.A.R.E.S. programs would be cancelled.The <strong>School</strong> #6 Pre-K 8:30 to 11 am session would be cancelled. All other morningsessions would begin at 10:30 am and end at their regular time.EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGWhen weather or emergency requires closing the <strong>Oceanside</strong> Public <strong>School</strong>s, the district willnotify parents via our automated telephone contact system, on our web site at oceansideschools.organd/or via announcements on WCBS radio (880 AM), WINS radio (1010 AM), and News 12Long Island (Cablevision’s Channel 12).When schools are closed for inclement weather, the bus company will not transport students toprivate, parochial and other special schools.

POPULATION (AS OF JUNE 2010)Total Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39,293Children (0-21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,543Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28,750Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13,790PROJECTED ENROLLMENTPublic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,034Parochial & Private . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445Breakdown of Public <strong>School</strong>s (projected for 2010-2011)Elementary <strong>School</strong>s<strong>Oceanside</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>School</strong> #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451 Grade 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .477<strong>School</strong> #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .508 Grade 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .485<strong>School</strong> #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329 Total: 962<strong>School</strong> #5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .524<strong>School</strong> #8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .489 <strong>Oceanside</strong> High <strong>School</strong><strong>School</strong> #9E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305 Grade 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .489<strong>School</strong> #6 (Kindergarten Ctr) . . . . . . . .452 Grade 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .486Total: 3,058 Grade 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526Grade 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .454Total: 1,955PLANTThe <strong>Oceanside</strong> Union Free <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, in the Town of Hempstead, occupies 17.3 squaremiles and includes, in addition to the unincorporated area of <strong>Oceanside</strong>, parts of Baldwin andRockville Centre. There are six elementary schools (Grades 1 - 6), one Middle <strong>School</strong>(7 - 8), one High <strong>School</strong> (9 - 12) and one Administration Building. <strong>School</strong> #6 houses theKindergarten Center, the Pre-K Program, Castleton Academy, the Buildings & GroundsDepartment, the Department of Community Activities and other activities. <strong>School</strong> districtproperty is approximately 105 acres, valued with contents in excess of $50,000,000.USE OF BUILDINGSPresent policy permits full use of buildings and grounds bycommunity organizations within the State Education Law andlocal by-laws. Applications may be obtained from theDepartment of Community Activities, 125 Merle Avenue.TRANSPORTATIONThe following eligibility limits apply to every student living in the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>.They have been established by the Board and approved by the voters.Students in Grades Distance from Home to <strong>School</strong>K - 6.8 miles to 15 miles7 - 9 1.2 miles to 15 milesTransportation to <strong>Oceanside</strong> High <strong>School</strong> is provided for grade 9 students only. It is notprovided for students in grades 10, 11, 12. However, State Law mandates transportation forstudents in grades 9 -12 attending schools between 3 and 15 miles from their homes. Forinformation, call the Transportation Office, 678-1211.DISTRICT PUBLICATIONSMailed or distributed through the schools:• Newsletter • Department of Community Activities Brochures• <strong>District</strong> Calendar • Proposed Budget BrochuresThe Board Policy Book and Official Minutes may be reviewed at the AdministrationBuilding during working hours. The Policy Book and minutes of Board meetings are also availableat the Public Library. Copies of minutes are also filed at each school.Other reference material at the Public Library:- McKinney’s Education Law- Handbook on Requirements for Elementary and Secondary <strong>School</strong>sIf you are not receiving publications, call: 678-7525.

BUDGETThe <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is supported by State Aid, Federal Aid, income from investments,fees, etc., and a direct tax on real estate. The school budget is discussed at public hearings andsubmitted to the voters at the annual election. (Taxes are levied on the net budget, the differencebetween the gross budget and revenues received from the above-named sources, except forreal estate taxes.) The district’s budget of $128,584,216 is needed for the purchasing of districtsupplies, materials, the payment of staff salaries and the maintenance of our buildings. Anyoneinterested in details regarding the budget may call Public Information at 678-7525 to obtaincopies of the annual Budget Brochure.STAFFINGThe district staff includes nearly 1,000 full-time and part-time employees which includes teachers,administrators, specialists, instructional and administrative assistants, nurses, occupationaltherapists, secretarial and clerical employees, teacher aides, monitors/security personnel, cafeteriaworkers, custodial and maintenance employees.<strong>Oceanside</strong> is committed to the ongoing training of its professional staff. The StaffDevelopment Policy Board, comprised of teachers and administrators, operates a Teacher Center,offers workshops, in-service courses and provides teachers with the opportunity to attend conferencesor visit other school districts. Teachers are eligible to receive internally funded grants ofmoney to conduct special projects or to write needed curriculum. Staff development remains apriority in <strong>Oceanside</strong>, as a valuable component towards excellence in education.STUDENT RECORDSThe <strong>Oceanside</strong> Public <strong>School</strong>s shall collect and maintain student records to provide for thegrowth and development of individual students, to provide information to parents and authorizedstaff, and to provide a basis for the evaluation and improvement of school programs. The districtshall preserve the rights to privacy of students and parents.CURRICULUMTo provide a greater assurance that all students will receive a common set of organized concepts,<strong>Oceanside</strong> educators have developed specific curriculum objectives, instructional support materials,and evaluation strategies designed to fit the needs of students in <strong>Oceanside</strong>. Designed tosupport instructional effectiveness and student learning, the curriculum is revised on a periodicbasis with careful consideration given to teacher feedback, school district data, parental input,and the New York State curriculum guidelines and new learning standards.Prepaid Lunch Tickets: Prepaid lunch tickets, available for purchase in your schoolbuilding, are a convenient way to insure that your child participates in the school lunch program.The tickets are valid until they are used; if your child is absent from school, his or her lunch ticketcan be used upon the child’s return to school. You may purchase prepaid lunch tickets fromthe food service person in charge of your school’s cafeteria.Free or Reduced Price Meals: Children from households that meet federal incomeguidelines are eligible for free or reduced price meals. To apply for free or reduced price meals,you must complete an application, which is available in the main office of your school. Returnthe completed, signed application to your school’s main office.HOMELESSNESSIf your family becomes homeless, please contact the social worker in your home school to determinewhat support you may receive from the school district.DISCIPLINEDiscipline is vital to maintaining an environment in which learning may flourish. The goal of aschool discipline program is to teach students to behave properly without direct supervision.Discipline must be used to educate or to establish useful habits as a step toward developing selfdiscipline.Corporal punishment is not to be used as a means of punishment and is prohibited.Members of the staff may use reasonable physical force to restrain an individual from harminghimself or others, or to remove an individual from a situation in which his continued presencemight lead to harm to himself or to others. The <strong>District</strong>’s Code of Conduct further describes students’rights and responsibilities, as well as interventions and range of consequences for behavioralinfractions in the school district.TITLE IX, SECTION 504 ANDSEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTSIn accordance with Title IX, the <strong>Oceanside</strong> Union Free <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> does not discriminate onthe basis of sex in its educational programs or employment practices. Inaccordance with Section 504, the <strong>Oceanside</strong> Union Free <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> does not discriminateagainst persons with handicapping conditions in its educational programs or employment practices.The <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is committed to the principle that all students and employees are entitledto an environment free from all forms of sexual harassment. For administrative proceduresrelating to grievances under Title IX or the policies on sexual harassment, call Robert Fenter at678-1221; for Section 504, call Jill DeRosa at 678-1218.LUNCH PROGRAMThe district’s menus offer the greatest variety available in school lunches. Students may choosefrom more than 11 options each day. Menus meet nutritional guidelines for children establishedby the Federal Government.Food allergies, although relatively rare, are taken into consideration. Parents whose childrenhave food allergies can request access to nutrition labels, which are stored on the computer, toidentify which items their children should avoid. Questions regarding food allergies and the needfor special consideration can be directed to Jane Blackburn, Director of Cafeteria Operations, at678-7548.

HEALTH SERVICES<strong>Oceanside</strong> employs full-time nurses in every school building and a <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Doctor toserve the health needs of all students. They work with students, parents and staff to maintain andimprove our children’s health and to detect deficiencies and/or disease. State Law prohibits thedispensing of a medication, including aspirin, except by a written request of the parent and aphysician’s direct order. Under Public Health and Education Law, all children must beimmunized against communicable diseases, prior to entering school, as follows:• 3 doses of diphtheria - containing toxoid (usually administered as DPT, DT or Td)• 3 doses of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) or enhanced inactivated poliovirus vaccine(EIPV)• 1 dose of mumps vaccine administered after 12 months of age• 1 dose of rubella vaccine administered after 12 months of age• 2 doses of measles vaccine, the first administered after 12 months of age and the secondafter 15 months of age. Second dose must be given more than 30 days after the first dose.• 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine• 2 doses of Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccineProof of having adequate immunizations or of having had the disease is required in writingand must be signed by a physician.In addition, physical examinations are required for all new entrants and students in gradesone, three, seven, and ten. The Health Services program provides for physicals to be completedby the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Doctor for those children not examined by their family doctor. Parentsreceive notification about and recommendations for the correction of identified deficiencies. Noremedial treatment may be provided by the school physician.SCREENINGIn compliance with State Regulations, all new school entrants are screened in order toidentify children who may possibly have an educational disability, or who may possibly be gifted.The process identifies pupils who may need to be referred to appropriate school and/or medicalpersonnel for further diagnostic evaluation. All kindergarten entrants are screened in the springbefore they enter school for the first time.INTERPRETERS FOR HEARING IMPAIRED PARENTSIt is the policy of the Board of Education to provide hearing impaired parents and guardians equalopportunity for meaningful participation in school district meetings and activities. Writtenrequests for interpreters at no cost to parents, must be received at the office of Special Educationfive days prior to the scheduled meeting or activity. For more information, please contact SpecialEducation and Pupil Services at 678-1218.ATTENDANCEStudents are required to be in attendance at all times that school is in session unlessappropriately excused. Accurate records of student attendance shall be kept at all times.Student attendance records shall be confidential and may not be released except under thefollowing conditions:a) By written consent of either or both parents, or the person exercising parental authorityover the student involved;b) Pursuant to a subpoena or court order duly served upon the <strong>District</strong>.Details regarding the attendance policy are outlined in the Agenda Books.INSTRUCTION ON DAYS OF LIMITED ATTENDANCEFrom time to time, attendance in the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is noticeably affected by pupilabsence for a variety of reasons. Those reasons may include inclement weather, largeincidences of illness or observance of religious Holy Days. There is a responsibility on such daysfor teachers to be sensitive to the type of instruction given and cognizant of their obligation toall pupils, those in attendance and those who are absent.On such days, operating procedures must enable all pupils to meet their academicresponsibilities without conflicting with the legitimate reasons for the absence. Normalprocedures for such days are described below.1. There is a responsibility for instruction to take place for those in attendance.2. No penalty shall be assessed against any student for being absent under thesecircumstances.3. Class procedures on these days should involve meaningful learningexperiences and may include activities such as review, enrichment, individualizedinstruction, remediation, corrective instruction, individual or group diagnostic testing,and those learning activities that can easily be made up by the absent student.4. There should be no major examinations given, such as unit examinations or standardizedexaminations. There should be no field trips or one time only special events. Classroomteachers should not introduce work that cannot readily be made up by the students whoare absent.5. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and administration to make available anequivalent opportunity for students to make up work requirements missed because of suchabsence. It shall be the responsibility of the student, upon returning to class, to availhimself/herself of the opportunity to make up all work.Of course, school is not in session on many days of Religious observance. Those days onwhich school is in session and on which the above policy applies include:• Feast of Immaculate Conception - December 8• Sukkot - September 23 & 24• Ascension Thursday - June 2• Shavuot - June 8 & 9

SPECIAL EDUCATION AND OTHER SPECIAL PROGRAMSSPECIAL EDUCATIONIn accordance with the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, special education servicesare provided to a student who is identified as having an educational disability. The Committeeon Special Education (CSE) is responsible for the referral, evaluation and placement of schoolagestudents with educational disabilities. The Committee on Preschool Special Education(CPSE) has similar responsibilities for preschool youngsters, ages 3-5.The <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> provides a full continuum of special education and relatedservices for school age students. Special education services may include resource room, consultantteacher, special class placements and integrated settings. Related services may includespeech/language therapy, counseling, services for the deaf and hearing impaired, physical therapyand occupational therapy.Parents/Guardians who suspect that their child may have an educational disability andrequire special education services may initiate a referral by writing to the building principal orthe Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Services, 145 Merle Avenue,<strong>Oceanside</strong>, NY 11572. For questions, you may call 678-1218 or 678-1219.SECTION 504Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provides for reasonable accommodations for students whohave a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.Each school has a Section 504 Team, which is responsible for determining a student’s initialeligibility for accommodations and for periodically reviewing the student’s functioning to determineongoing needs. Parents/Guardians who suspect their child may have a disability thatrequires Section 504 accommodations should initiate a referral in writing to the building principal.Questions about Section 504 and appeals of Section 504 decisions should be directed to theAssistant Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Services, 145 Merle Avenue,<strong>Oceanside</strong>, NY 11572. You may also call 678-1218 or 678-1219 with questions.ENRICHMENT/GIFTED EDUCATIONProject Extra, the district's elementary Enrichment/Gifted Education program for identified studentsin grades 4-6, provides engaging learning experiences to challenge students' intellectualand creative abilities. The middle school Enrichment Program provides recommended studentswith an opportunity to study a specific subject in depth through research and exploration.Subjects include Science Research, Math Research, Great Books, Art Enrichment, Music Theoryand Social Sciences Research (Gr. 8 only).SPEECH AND LANGUAGE SERVICESSpeech and Language Services are provided by speech and language teachers to thosechildren whose speech and language development is delayed or disordered. In addition tomandated services for students determined to have a speech or language disability, children,according to priority needs and staffing availability, may be seen by the speech and languageteacher for support and/or remediation in the following areas: listening skills, auditoryperceptual skills, language development, expression of ideas, fluency, voice and articulation.HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTIONHomebound instruction is provided to students who are temporarily unable to attend schoolbecause of injury or illness. A physician’s note is required. Applications should be made to theschool nurse for grades K - 6 and the guidance counselor for grades 7 - 12.ESLIn accordance with state regulations the district provides an English as a Second LanguageProgram to eligible students.PUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES<strong>Oceanside</strong> Pupil Personnel Services are intended to help all students grow and developemotionally as well as academically. Services are aimed at helping students make matureeducational, vocational and social decisions, maintain physical and emotional well-being, anddeal with individual problems.SCHOOL COUNSELING SERVICESGuidance Counselors provide students an opportunity to discuss and explore their abilities,needs, difficulties, and aspirations. They are concerned with each student’s social and academicgrowth and adjustment in school and beyond. Counselors provide help to students in makingschool transitions, understanding career choices, selecting courses of study, exploring specialprograms, applying to colleges, and seeking additional supportive services when appropriate.PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES<strong>School</strong> psychology focuses on the intellectual and emotional factors that influence astudent’s learning process. One basic responsibility of a school psychologist is to help determinethe reasons for an individual pupil’s difficulties in school. Psychologists provide assistance topupils, parents, teachers, and administrators in efforts to address children’s learning andadjustment needs. Referrals to a school psychologist may be made by school personnel or parentsthrough their principal or by directly contacting the school psychologist. Written parental consentalways precedes a psychological evaluation.SOCIAL WORK SERVICES<strong>School</strong> Social Workers assist students, families, and staff by offering consultations, visitinghomes, providing group and individual counseling, making referrals to outside agencies whenappropriate, and utilizing community resources.THE ELEMENTARY HEALTH TEAM<strong>Oceanside</strong> has a unique itinerant Pupil Personnel program at the elementary level. Inaddition to the psychologists and social workers assigned to the elementary schools, a team(which includes a guidance counselor and a social worker) provides specific mental healthservices by visiting kindergarten through third grade classes in order to discuss such vital topicsas self-esteem, personal safety, and feelings. A Health Education Teacher also serves on the Team.This member supports all Elementary teachers in the implementation of the Health curriculum.Parent education is also provided in a separate program of day and evening presentations. Aninformative newsletter to parents and staff is also published by the Elementary Health Team.

PTA/DISTRICT COMMITTEESArts in EducationThis organization co-funds artists in various fields who provide cultural enrichment andentertainment through creative and well-rounded performances in the schools.PTA Parents and <strong>School</strong> Seminars (P.A.S.S.)This committee serves as a forum for parents and educators to discuss current issuesaffecting students in all grades through information seminars with expert speakers.Meetings are listed on the calendar.Drug Advisory/Wellness Council (DAWC)This council acts in a regional advisory capacity on drug prevention and education. Thecouncil is comprised of students, staff, parents and members of the community. Their purposeis to encourage the coordination of drug and alcohol abuse education materials andprevention programs within the district.Technology Advisory CommitteeParents, teachers, administrators and community members work together to set goals, reviewhardware and software and develop appropriate staff training in the area of technology.Team for Educational Articulation (TEA)Representatives from the district's site-based teams meet twice yearly to share their successesand accomplishments.COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUPSUPPORT<strong>Oceanside</strong> GROUPS High <strong>School</strong> Band Parents AssociationThe Band Parents Association exists to support the <strong>Oceanside</strong> High <strong>School</strong> MarchingBand through fundraising activities and attendance at the various musical competitionsin which the band is involved. Band Parents have also been instrumental in raisingscholarships that have enabled students to further their interests and talents in music.Department of Community Activities Advisory CommitteeThis Board-appointed committee advises the Community Activities director and theBoard of Education as to the needs and interests of the community.Buildings and Grounds Advisory CommitteeThis Board-appointed committee reviews buildings and grounds annually, reports findingsconcerning regular maintenance and makes recommendations on preventive maintenanceand capital projects.the PTA has always demonstrated concern and dedication to the development of thewhole child through tireless efforts and interest in school district policy and proceedings.Each member’s gift of time is rewarded through his or her knowledge that PTA iscontributing to the excellence in education that has long been a trademark of the<strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong>s.O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> SCHOLARSHIP FUNDO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> SCHOLARSHIP FUND COMMITTEEOSF, formerly known as ODSF (<strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>District</strong> Scholarship Fund), offers needbased scholarships to graduating seniors who reside in the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>(public or private schools). Applications are available in the OHS Guidance Office.Co-Presidents . . . . . . . . . . Vicky Caraciolo . . . . . . . . . . 764-3122Beth Sporing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 536-1078Vice President . . . . . . . . . . Cookie Paczkowski . . . . . . . . 766-8910Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lois Lurie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608-5186Corresponding Secretary. . Margaret Whittle . . . . . . . . . 766-6073Recording Secretary . . . . . Leonore Laine. . . . . . . . . . . . 678-4341Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilene Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-5402Past Presidents . . . . . . . . . Ronnie Roth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 536-1893Meeting Dates – 2010/2011All are at 7:15pm in the High <strong>School</strong> Faculty Lounge - September 07, October 12,November 18, January 6, March 23, May 05, May 24Special EventsPhone-A-Thon November 15-17 • Scholarship Application DeadlineApril 15 • Interviews May 16 & 17PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATIONSPTA ProgramThe Parent-Teacher Associations in the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> have enjoyed anexcellent relationship within the district over the years that continues to prosper. ThePTA has implemented many fine programs and events within the schools. In addition,

SCHOOL #6KINDERGARTEN CENTER25 CASTLETON COURTRhonda B. Gelbwasser, Principal..............594-2345, 2346PRE-K PROGRAMThe Pre-K Program, located at <strong>School</strong> #6, offers both an educational andsocialization experience for three and four-year old children. The programprovides structured activities geared to each age level with an emphasis onreadiness skills for the next phase of the children’s education. Activities aredesigned to appeal to all of the children’s senses -- sight, sound, smell, tasteand touch. The learning atmosphere is a positive one, enabling children tobecome well-adjusted in a school environment, establish a rapport with adultsand peers and live and work together with respect within their Pre-K community.Each classroom is staffed by a teacher along with a teacher’s aide. Thechildren have access to an indoor and an outdoor playground, gym, library,kitchen, outdoor Nature Trail and Nature Center. Pre-K parents proudly participatein <strong>School</strong> #6’s PTA. A schedule of classes is available for offerings.For more information, please call 594-2345.• Children who reach their fifth birthday on or before December 31st may beenrolled in Kindergarten for the school year commencing prior to that date.• Students attend from all the elementary home schools.• Parent Orientation and Kindergarten Registration occur in January as per the<strong>District</strong> Calendar.• Bus transportation is provided for eligible students.• A breakfast program is available from 7:45 am - 8:30 am (fee charged).• An Early Morning C.A.R.E.S. Program is available from 8:30 am - 9:30 am(fee charged).• Full-Day Kindergarten: 9:30 am - 3:35 pm

Department of Community Activities (D.O.C.A.)125 Merle Avenue • 594-2336The Department of Community Activities offers something for everyone, from preschoolchildren through senior citizens. There are health and self-improvement courses,programs for children with disabilities, holiday celebrations and community-wide projectswhich build community spirit and cooperation, making <strong>Oceanside</strong> a special place to live.SPECIAL PROGRAMS & COURSESPrograms for children with disabilities are also offered. Registration for these andmany other programs listed in our brochure will begin in September for Fall 2010 and inJanuary for Spring 2011 programs.ADULT COURSES & PROGRAMSOur Continuing Education Program offers a wide range of interesting courses thatreflect the vocational, cultural and recreational desires and needs of the community.Brochures are mailed each semester to all residents. Registration forms are included.SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM(<strong>Oceanside</strong> residents age 55 or older)Location . . . . . . . . . . .Knights of Columbus Hall, Kenneth PlaceDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TuesdaysTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11 am to 3 pmActivities include Arts & Crafts, Card Playing, Table Games, Sing Along, Trips,Entertainment, Refreshments, plus surprises. Join at any time!COMMUNITY SPORTSInformation about the following youth athletic organizations can be obtained bycalling the Department of Community Activities at 594-2336.Roller HockeyGirls’ SoftballIce HockeyLittle League BaseballSoccerLacrosseFootballC.A.R.E.S. PROGRAMChildren’s After-<strong>School</strong> Recreational, Educational and SocialProgramC.A.R.E.S. is designed to meet children’s after-school needs in a professionallysupervised and caring atmosphere. CHILDREN ARE TRANSPORTED from their homeschools: #2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9E and from private schools by school bus to the C.A.R.E.S.site at <strong>School</strong> #6 located at 125 Merle Avenue. Professionally certified teaching staff,including experienced instructors for specialty areas, conduct classes with an averageratio of 8 children per staff member.C.A.R.E.S. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Daily snacks, arts and crafts,indoor/outdoor activities (volleyball, baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball, races, etc.),cooking (age appropriate), movies, homework/storytime, quiet games.Program begins on Sept. 7 for grades 1-6. Monthly fees listed below are calculatedbased on the total number of days in the school year.3 pm - 4:30 pm1st Child 2nd Child5 afternoons $117 $984 afternoons $98 $793 afternoons $70 $622 afternoons $60 $523 pm - 6 pm1st Child 2nd Child5 afternoons $232 $1954 afternoons $195 $1563 afternoons $143 $1172 afternoons $116 $103Morning and afternoon Kindergarten C.A.R.E.S. begins on Sept. 13. Call for feesand information. Mornings: Monday-Friday 8:30-9:15 am $72.00.3:30 pm - 5:00 pm1st Child 2nd Child5 afternoons $117 $984 afternoons $98 $793 afternoons $73 $652 afternoons $60 $523:30 pm - 6:00 pm1st Child 2nd Child5 afternoons $196 $1594 afternoons $164 $1253 afternoons $118 $932 afternoons $98 $84Tuition is due the 1st of each month. You may pay by check (made payable to <strong>Oceanside</strong> UFSD)or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover accepted). NO bill will besent. Parents/Guardians are responsible for keeping their account up to date. There is a $15 latefee for all payments received after the 15th of the month. Be aware of the pick-up schedule forwhich you have registered. An additional $25 charge will apply on the second late pick-upoccurrence. Thereafter, charges will increase accordingly. Payment schedule will not be adjustedfor absence due to illness, vacations or involvement in short-term activities such as clubs, etc.SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAMThe Summer Playground Program is held for all <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> boys andgirls entering grades 1-9. The program starts in early July and runs through the middle ofAugust. Hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 2 pm. A Summer PlaygroundEarly Childhood Program for 3, 4 and 5 year olds is also conducted. A SummerC.A.R.E.S. program will operate from 8 am to 6 pm for children entering grades K-6. Amoderate registration fee is charged for each child participating in the programs.Playground activities include: sports, games, arts and crafts, drama, music, nature, specialevents, storytelling, tournaments, sprinkler time, swimming at the <strong>Oceanside</strong> Pool and varioustrips. Youngsters are invited to bring their lunch and stay the day. Special snacks, as well as burger,pizza and bagel lunches will be available on various days which will be announced in advance.FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ANY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES PROGRAMS, PLEASE CALL 594-2336.

O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> LIBRARY30 DAVISON AVENUE766-2360BOARD OF TRUSTEESAngela Iovino, Daniel Faust, Florence Mensch, Ellen Sullivan,Cathy Dapolito, Syed A. Majid, Donna TaylorLibrary Board meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month at 7pm.The public is invited.All residents of the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> who are registered tovote in Nassau County are encouraged to join the Library Association.There are no dues. Association members elect the Library trustees.<strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents vote on the Library budget annually.Director..............Evelyn RothschildAsst. Dir. ...........Barbara MarkowitzAdmin. Asst. ..........Vivian MonacoReference.................Marcia RatcliffSTAFFYoung Adult Services.....Barbara MickowskiTechnical Service ...............Barbara ThomasPrograms .............................Michelle YoungChildren’s Services .............Barbara BuckleyHOURSWinter HoursSummer HoursSunday: (September – June) Noon – 5PM Sunday: Closed (Father’s Day – Labor Day)Monday – Friday: 9:30AM – 9PMMonday – Thursday: 9:30AM – 9PMSaturday: 9:30AM – 5PMFriday & Saturday: 9:30AM – 5PMHOLIDAY CLOSINGSSept 4 Sept 6 Labor Day Weekend Dec 31 New Year’s EveSept 8 Rosh Hashanah Eve – 5PM Jan 1 New Year’s DaySept 9 Rosh HashanahJan 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. DaySept 17 Yom Kippur Eve – 5PMFeb 21 Presidents’ DaySept 18 Yom KippurApril 18 Passover – 1PMOct 11 Columbus DayApril 22 Good Friday – 1PMNov 11 Veterans’ DayApr 24 Easter SundayNov 24 Thanksgiving Eve – 5PMMay 8 Mother’s DayNov 25 Thanksgiving DayMay 28 – 30 Memorial Day WeekendDec 24 Christmas EveJuly 2 – July 4 Independence WeekendDec 25 Christmas DayO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> COUNSELING CENTER, INC.71 Homecrest Court, 2nd FloorTelephone 766-6283 • Fax 766-3705oceansidecounselingcenter.comA community agency servicing the social health needs of <strong>Oceanside</strong> residents.Services are offered in substance misuse and other problem areas.BOARD OF DIRECTORSHarold Mahoney, Esq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PresidentJoseph A. Quagliata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice PresidentSheila D’Nodal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SecretaryAlex Balko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TreasurerEthel Simmons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director at LargeDirector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ellen Bambrick, LCSW-R, CASACMedical Director Drug/Alcohol Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Igbals Jangda, M.D.SERVICESCOUNSELING– individual sessions – group counseling– specialized family component – significant other services– psychoeducation chemical dependency componentRECREATIONAL & SOCIALCo-sponsored with Community Activities Department Night Program for Youth atMiddle <strong>School</strong>.EDUCATION– classroom and group presentations, raps, parent groups.CRISIS INTERVENTION– immediate or emergency situations.OUTREACH SERVICE– youth related projects in the community– youth recreational activitiesREFERRALS– to specialized professionals and agencies when appropriate, and to youthrelated projects.HOURS– Monday through Thursday - 9 am to 9 pmFriday - 9 am to 4 pmSaturday - 9 am to 1 pmBoard meetings are held quarterly.

Key To Regularly Scheduled Meetings In <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> CalendarAIEArts in EducationBoard Room at <strong>District</strong> Office, 10 amDAWCDrug Advisory & Wellness Council,<strong>District</strong> Office, Room W22, 11:30 amDOCA ADVDepartment of Community ActivitiesAdvisory Meeting, #6, 7:30 pmMBPAMarching Band Parents Association,HS Bandroom, 7:30 pmOSF<strong>Oceanside</strong> Scholarship Fund,HS Faculty Lounge, 7:15 pmPTA P.A.S.S.PTA Parents and <strong>School</strong> Seminars,#7 Library, 7:30 pmSDPBStaff Development Policy Board,Teacher Center, 3:45 pmTEATeam for Education ArticulationW22, 3:30 pmATHLETIC SEASON START DATESOHS FALL SEASONAugust 16 Football OnlyAugust 30 All Other SportsOMS FALL SEASONSeptember 13 All SportsOHS WINTER SEASONNovember 15 Wrestling, SwimmingNovember 17 All Other SportsOMS WINTER I SEASONNovember 8, 2010 - January 15, 2011OMS WINTER II SEASONJanuary 18 - March 26, 2011OHS SPRING SEASONMarch 7 - June 12, 2011 Most SportsMarch 21 Badminton, Tennis, GolfOMS SPRING SEASONMarch 28 - June 4, 2011

SUNDAYSEPTEMBER 2010MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYThe small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.• Staff Reports for Conference DayFRIDAYSATURDAY1 2 3 4• 9/11 Day of RemembranceCeremony, #6 <strong>School</strong>houseGreen, 4 pm• Driver’s Ed Classes Begin• DOCA Roller Skating Orientation(attend @ your class time)• DOCA Roller Skating Classes begin,#6 Gym5 6 7 8 9 10 11<strong>School</strong>s ClosedLabor Day• Kindergarten Bkfst. Pgm. &C.A.R.E.S. begin• PTA Council: PresidentsRoundtable, 7 pm; Mtg., 8 pm• Night <strong>School</strong> Registration,6-8:30 pm, #7 Main OfficeQBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm• #6K Back-To-<strong>School</strong> Night• #9M IS/Math Lab/ESL 6:30 pm;Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Night, 7:30 pmFIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FORSTUDENTS• C.A.R.E.S. begins: #6 Gr. 1-6• #5 Bring Your Own Coffee, 8:30 am• OSF• Football, Home v. Massapequa, 7 pmQ• DAWC• Driver’s Ed Reg., Merle Ave.,6:30-8:30 pm• #9M PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #6 Pre-K Parent Orientation, Aud.,7:30 pm• MBPA#6K 9:30 am - 12:30 pm R1 Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset 2<strong>School</strong>s Closed• AIE• #6 Pre-K begins• DOCA Adv.• PTA Mtgs. #2, 7 pm; #3, #4, 7:30 pm• #5 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• Football, Home v. Syosset, 7 pm• #8 PTA Mtg., 9:30 am• SDPB• SEPTA Mtg. @ #5, 7 pm• #7 9th Gr. Parent Orientation, Aud., 7 pm• #9M Parent Academy, Lib., 7:30 pm• Night school beginsDOCA Registration Youth Programs - Session I, Baton, Project Growth, Roller Skating & Wrestling3 45• #3 6th Gr. Plant Sale• #6 PTA Mtg., 9:45 am• #7 Club Fair, Café., 3:00 pm• Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Night: Elementary& OHS CastletonSukkot begins at sunset2 3 4• OHS (#7) Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Night• #8 Picture Day• #2 Class Parent Bkfst., 9:45 amSukkot• #5 Picture Day• #2 Gr. 6 Mum SaleRosh Hashanah65<strong>School</strong>s Closed• #6 Pre-K begins regular schedule• #9M Magazine Kick Off• #9E Class Parent Bkfst., 9 am/PTA Mtg., 9:30 am• #7 Thespian Show, #7 Aud., 7:30 pmWelcome Back Events• #3, 4 pm (rain date 10/1)• #4, 5 pm (rain date 10/8)• #5, 3:30 pm (rain date 9/25)• #8, 5 pm• #9E, 4:30 PMPatriot’s Day - Flags at half-staff12 13 14 15 16 17 18Yom Kippur begins at sunsetR1 Yom Kippur19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 306• Football, Away v. Hempstead,1:30 pm• DOCA Roller Skating Classes begin,#6 Gym• #4 Gr. 6 Car Wash, 9am-2pm,(rain date 9/26)• #2 Back to <strong>School</strong> BBQ, 2 pm(rain date 9/26)Shemini Atzeret begins at sunsetShemini Atzeret1 2 3 4oceansideschools.org

SUNDAYMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYThe small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.*Students must attend a 2-hour safety workshop with their parents, sponsored by Nassau County’s CRASH program.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.Board of Education SpecialMeeting, Board Room, 7:30 pmQ<strong>School</strong>s ClosedOCTOBER 2010• #6 Pre-K Back-To-<strong>School</strong> Night• #7 Senior College ApplicationsNight, Aud., 7:30 pm•DAWC• MBPA• Project Extra Back-To-<strong>School</strong>Night, Gr. 4-6, 7 pm• OSF• #5 Class Parent Bkfst., 8:30 am/PTA Mtg., 9:30 am• #9M Gr. 8 Photos• #8 New Student Party•SDPB• SEPTA @ #2, 7 pm• AIE• #6 Picture Day• #9E Picture Day•TEA• #9E PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #6 Family Picture NightR• #7 Advisory Board, 7:30 am• #9M Gr. 7 Photos• #7 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #6 Picture Day• #3 Fall Book Fair• #3 PTA/Class Parent Welcome,7 pm/Mtg., 7:45 pm• #7 Music Dept. College Prep Night,#7 Band Room, 7:30 pmFRIDAY• #4 Fall Photo Day• #2 Gr. 6 Mum Sale• Evacuation Drill• Early Dismissal for EmergencyDrill• #3 Fall Photos• #3 Fall Festival Gr. 1-3• #4 Fall Plant Sale• Football, @ Farmingdale, 7 pm#3 Ashokan6 1 2 3 4• #6 Movie Night, 7 pmSATURDAY1 2• Homecoming: Parade, 2 pm/Football, v. E. Meadow, 4 pm• DOCA Youth Programs begin,Session I• #8 Gr. 6 Car Wash (rain date 10/3)• Strawberry Fields FundraisingConcert, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9• SAT I/II 7:45 am10 11 12 13 14 15 165• PSAT/NMSQT, 7:45 am• #5 Gr. 6 Ashokan Car Wash,9 am-2 pm (rain date 10/17)• Football @ Plainview JFK, 2:30 pmHalloweenColumbus DayBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #8, 7:30 pm• Progress Report, SecondaryQ• PTA Council: PresidentsRoundtable, 7 pm; Mtg., 8 pmQ• #6 PTA Class Parent Bkfst.,9:45 am• #9M PTA Mtg., 7:30 pmQ• #9M Sports Physicals, 10 am• #6 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #8 PTA Mtg., 7 pm5 6 1 217 18 19 20 21 22 23Book Fairs @ #2, #9M• P.A.S.S.• #7 Newsday Marching Show,Hofstra Field, 7:30 pmRR• DOCA Family Pumpkin Decorating(bring pumpkin, supplies provided),#6 Gym & Café, 7 pm• #7 Art Portfolio Night, #7 Aud.,7:30 pmQR• #2 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• #5 Book Fair-Day/Eve• Mandatory Parent/Student DriverEd. Class, #7 Aud., 7 pm*• #4 Class Parent & PTA Mtg.,7:30 pm• #2 Picture Day (Re-Takes 12/9)• #5 Book Fair• #3 Sports Night, Gr. 4-6#9E Frost Valley3 4 5 6 1#2 Frost ValleyHalloween Events at <strong>School</strong> #6 & Elementary <strong>School</strong>s2 3 4 5 6R• DOCA Window Painting, H.S.,9 am (HS Cafe if rain)• Football, Home v. Uniondale, 5 pm• #4 Comedy Night, 7:30 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 3031• DOCA Halloween Parade, #6 Track,Castelton Gym, 12 Noon• Football @ Freeport, 1:30 pmoceansideschools.org

SUNDAYNOVEMBER 2010MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAY<strong>School</strong>s ClosedFRIDAYSATURDAY1 2 3 4 5 6Staff Reports for Conference Day• MBPA• SDPB• #9M Parent Academy, Lib., 7:30 pm• #6K Parent Teacher Conferences,per schedule• #5 Picture Re-takes & Gr. 6 ClubPhotos• Marking Period Ends, Elem.• SAT I/II, 7:45 am• Daylight Savings Time Ends, SetClocks BackAll Saint’s DayElection Day1 2 3 47 8 9 10 11 12 13• PTA Council; Legislation Mtg.,7:30 pm• DAWC• #7 European Handball, Gym, 7 pm• Esprit De Corps Marching BandDinner, #7 Cafe, 7 pm• AIE• DOCA Adv.• #3 Fall Event• Best Buddies Thanksgiving Feast,#7 Cafe, 6 pm<strong>School</strong>s Closed• #4 Fall Picture Re-takes• #4 Family Fun Night, 7-9 pm• #8 Fitness/Wellness Night, 7 pm• Marking Period Ends, Secondary• Report Cards, Elem.• NMEA Elementary PEAK MusicFestival, #9M Building, 8:30 amVeterans Day5 6 1 214 15 16 17 18 19 20Board of Education RegularMeeting, #2, 7:30 pmR• #4 PTA Mtg., 2 pm• DOCA Youth BasketballRegistration, #6 Gym, 7 pm• P.A.S.S.• #9M ESL Thanksgiving Feast, 6 pm• Report Cards, Secondary• #9M Picture Re-takes• #9M PTA Mtg., 7:30 pmOSF Phone-a-Thon• #7 Turkey Shoot• #6 PTA Mtg., 9:45 am• #5 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #7 PTA Mtg., 7 pmR• #3 & #8 Picture Re-takes• #8 Staff Recognition Dinner• OSF• Elementary Parent-TeacherConferences<strong>School</strong>s Closed• #9E PTA Mtg., 9 am• #4 Holiday Shopping Night,#6 Walker Gym, 6-9 pm3 4 5 6 1R<strong>School</strong>s Closed#7 Drama, #7 Aud., 8 pm• No DOCA Youth Classes• Family Math, Science & TechnologyDay, #9E/#9M, 8 am - noon21 22 23 24 25 26 27RR• SEPTA @ #9M, 7 pm• #9E Holiday Boutique, 7 pm• Holiday Boutiques: #3, #4, #5, #6,#8, #9E & #9M• #2 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #3 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pmR#5 6th Grade Ashokan2 3 428 29 30ThanksgivingThe small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.5 6oceansideschools.org

SUNDAYDECEMBER 2010MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYThe small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.• Holiday Boutiques; #3, #5, #6• #9E Picture Re-takes• SDPBFRIDAYSATURDAY1 2 3 4• #7 Advisory Board, 7:30 am• #9M Jr. Hon. Soc. Ind., 7:30 pm• #9E Concert Assembly• #7 Variety Show, Aud., 7 pm• #2 Holiday Shopping NightHanukkah begins at sunsetHanukkah1 2 35 6 7 8 9 10 11Board of Education SpecialMeeting, Board Room, 7:30 pm• #6 Picture Re-takes• #2 Holiday Boutique• #8 Concert Assembly• OFT Toy Party• #7 Winter Concert I, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm• #2 Holiday Boutique• #4 Fall Book Fair• Winter Sing-A-Long <strong>School</strong>houseGreen Gazebo, 6:30 pm• #7 Financial Aid Night, 7:30 pm• #8 Concert Assembly• #7 Career Awareness Day• #6 Movie Night, 7 pmPearl Harbor Remembrance - Feast of the Immaculate Conception4Flags at half-staff5 6 1 2• DOCA/Kiwanis HolidayHappenings, #6 Gym/Aud., 10 am• DOCA Chorale Concert, #8 Aud.,8 pm12 13 14 15 16 17 18• PTA Council; Presidents-Principals Dinner, 7 pm• DAWC• #2 Concert Assembly• #9M 8th Gr. Winter Concert,#7 Aud., 7:30 pm• #3 Concert Assembly• #8 Frost Valley Parent Mtg., 7:30 pm• #4 Frost Valley Mtg., Aud., 7:30 pm• #7 Winter Concert II, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm• #4 Concert, Assembly• Progress Reports, SecondaryBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #5, 7:30 pm3 4 5 6 119 20 21 22 23 24 25• #5 Concert Assembly• #9M Gr. 7 Winter Concert, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm• #7 Winter Concert III, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm<strong>School</strong>s Closed2 3 4 526 27 28 29 30 31<strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed<strong>School</strong>s ClosedChristmasNew Year’s Eveoceansideschools.org

SUNDAYJANUARY 2011MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYThe small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.FRIDAYSATURDAY1**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.• 9M Sports Physicals, 10 am• #7 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #3 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• SDPB• #9M PTA Mtg., 7:30 pmNew Year’s Day2 3 4 5 6 7 8• OSF• #7 8th Gr into 9th Gr. ParentOrientation, Aud., 7 pm• #4 5th Grade Circus, #9M Gym,7 pm• Battle of the Classes, Gym, 7 pm• #6 Pre-K Buddy Breakfast• #4 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• PTA Council: PresidentsRoundtable 7 pm; Mtg., 8 pmR<strong>School</strong>s ClosedMartin Luther King, Jr. BirthdayBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #9E/9M, 7:30 pm• #6 Pre-K Parent Teacher conferences,per schedule26 1 23 4• #2 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• #5 Book Fair, Day & Eve• DAWC• #6 Incoming K Parent Orientation,#6 aud., 7:30 pm• #9M Parent Academy, Lib., 7:30 pm5 61• #9E PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• Spring Driver’s Ed Reg, Merle Ave.,6:30 - 8:30 pm• #9E Book Fair, 7 pm• #6 Incoming K Spec. Ed. ParentOrientation, 7:30 pm, Rm. W-23• #6 Pre-K Evening Parent-TeacherConferences• AIE• #8 PTA Mtg., 9:30 am• #5 Book Fair, Day• DOCA Adv.• P.A.S.S.• #9M 6 Into 7 Grade Parent Mtg.,7:30 pmDOCA Registration Youth Programs - Session II1• #5 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• #7 Road Show Elementary Tour• SEPTA Mtg., & Special EducationExpo @ #8, 7 pm• #9M Science Fair, 6:30 pm4 5 6• #9E Book Fair• #6 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #9M 6 Into 7 Grade Parent Mtg.,Spec. Ed., 7:30 pm• Music Dept. Faculty ScholarshipConcert, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm2 35RRRRegents and Mid-Terms#6 Pre-K Parent Teacher conferences, per schedule3 4RRR• #9E Family Fun Night• #3 Family Reading Night(snow date 1/28)• #2 Gr. 6 Supermkt. Game Night,Gym• Marking Period Ends, Elem.• #2 Book Discussion Day• #7 Model Congress• #4 Kids Night Out, 7 pm• Marking Period Ends, Secondary• Report Cards, Elem.#9M Musical, Merle Aud., 8 pm9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22R#6 Book FairR• DOCA Youth Programs begin,Session II#7 Road Show, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm123 24 25 26 27 28 2930 316RRRoceansideschools.org

SUNDAYFEBRUARY 2011MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAY• #9M PTA Mtg., 7:30 pmFRIDAYSATURDAY1 2 3 4 5• #8 Musical Assembly• SDPB• P.A.S.S.• Night <strong>School</strong> Registration,6-8:30 pm, #7 Main Office• #9E Community Reading Day• #8 Book Fair• #6 Pre-K 4 Registration, MerleAve., Gym, 9 am (snow date 2/18)• #5 Musical Assembly, #6 Aud.• #4 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #8 Musical, #8 Aud., 7:30 pm• #6 Pre-K Registration, Merle Ave.,Gym, 9 am (snow date 2/18)• #5 Musical, #6 Aud., 7:30 pm• Driver’s Ed Classes BeginBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #4 Aud., 7:30 pm•DAWC• #3 Blood Drive, Gym, 3:30 pm• #3 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm2 3 46 7 8 9 10 11 12• Night <strong>School</strong> Begins• <strong>District</strong>wide Spelling Bee,<strong>School</strong> #2 Aud., 3:30 pm• #7 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• Report Cards, Secondary• #9E Musical Assembly• SEPTA Mtg. & Staff Appreciation@ #7 Cafe, 7 pm• Site-Based Letters of Intent Due• #9E PTA Mtg., 9 am• #6K 100th Day of <strong>School</strong>• #4 Staff Appreciation Lunch• #9E Musical, 7:30 pm, #9M Aud.5• #3 Gr. 6 Valentine’s Craft• #9E Gr. 6 Valentine’s Day Sale6 1 2 313 14 15 16 17 18 19• #8 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #9M Art Enrichment & MusicTheory Showcase, 9M Aud,7:30 pm• #2 Musical Assembly, #2 Aud.• <strong>District</strong>wide Family Life Mtg.,Mr. Risola, #5 Aud., 7 pm• #7 Advisory Board, 7:30 am• #2 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• #2 Musical, 7:30 pm• #9M Phone-a-thon, 5-9 pm• #3 Staff Appreciation Luncheon• #6 Movie Night, 7 pm45 6 1 220 21 22 23 24 25 26<strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed<strong>School</strong>s Closed3President’s Day27 28The small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.4oceansideschools.org

SUNDAYMARCH 2011MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYBoard of Education SpecialMeeting, #6 Cafe, 7:30 pm• #7 Getting into College Night, Aud.,7:30 pm• #4 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm•DAWC• #8 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #9E PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• MBPA• AIE• #6 PTA Mtg., 9:45 am• #3 Spring Book Fair• #3 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• DOCA Adv.• SDPB• SEPTA @ #3, 7 pm• DOCA Roller Skating Show(Dress Rehearsal), #9M Gym• #8 6th Gr. AIDS Awarenessprogram• #9M PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #5 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am• #4 Musical Assembly, #6 Aud.• #2 PTA Dinner DanceFRIDAY• #3 Family Fun & Fitness• #4 Musical, #6 Aud., 7:30 pm• #8 Bingo NightSATURDAY1 2 3 4 55 6 1R2• DOCA Summer PlaygroundRegistration, #6, 9 am-12 Noon• #7 Sports Night, Gym, 7 pmDOCA Roller Skating Show, #9M Gym, 7:30 pm6 7 8 9 10 11 12R•Daylight Savings Time Begins -Set Clocks AheadR• PTA Council: PresidentsRountable 7 pm; Mtg., 8 pm• Progress Reports, Secondary#6K Certificate Photos3 4 5 6• #9M Sports Physicals, 10 am• #2 PTA Mtg., 7 pmRAsh Wednesday13 14 15 16 17 18 19• Site-Based Profiles Due• #7 PTA Mtg, 7 pm• #2 Family Fun & Fitness NIght• #5 Family Fun Night, 7 pm• #9E Primetime1RNYSSMA, #9M, 4 pm - 9:30 pm2 3 4 56Purim begins at sunset20 21 22 23 24 25 26• #6 K Hops into Spring for SIBSPlace• P.A.S.S. • OSF • #5 Staff Appreciation Luncheon• #9M Staff AppreciationR• #3 Spring Pictures• #4 Spring Book Fair• #9M 3 v. 3 Basketball Tournament• #4 Annual Spring Event, 7:30 pmPurimBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #3, 7:30 pmBoard of Education SpecialMeeting, #6 Cafe, 7:30 pmR1 2 4 4 5• #7 Musical Elementary Tour• #7 Dawn Delirium Fashion Show,#7 Café, 7 pm• #3 Spring Event#8 Gr. 6 Frost Valley27 28 29 30 31RPTA meetings this month will include nominations.The small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicatethe 6-day cycle used at the High <strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusionof the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, music and physicaleducation twice during the 6-day cycle.61 2 3**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room.Council meetings are held in the student cafeteria.oceansideschools.org

SUNDAYMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYPTA meetings during this month will be Election meetings.The small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.APRIL 2011FRIDAY• #2 6th Grade Follies• Marking Period Ends, Elem.SATURDAY1 2**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.Board of Education SpecialMeeting (if necessary), #6 Cafe,7:30 pm• #6 PTA Mtg., 9:45 am• #9E Fashion Show• #6K Certificate Photo Retakes• #3 Musical Assembly, #6 Aud.•SDPB• #9M Parent Academy/PTA, Lib.,7:30 pm• #9M/#7 Jazz Night, #7 Aud. &Cafe, 7:30 pm• #7 Advisory Board, 7:30 am• #3 Musical, #6 Aud., 7:30 pm• #4 Spring Pictures• #4 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #9E PTA Mtg., 9 am• DOCA Baton Twirling DressRehearsal, #9M Gym, 6 pm• Student Film Festival, #7 Aud., 7 pm• Report Cards, Elem.• Marking Period Ends, Secondary#7 Musical, #7 Aud., 8 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9R4• DOCA/Kiwanis Egg Hunt, #6,11 am-1 pm• DOCA Baton Twirling Show, #9MGym, 3 pmR5 6 1 2 310 11 12 13 14 15 16Board of Education RegularMeeting, #6 Aud., 7:30 pm4•DAWC• PTA Mtgs.#2, 7 pm#3, 7:30 pm#5, 7 pm#8, 7 pm• #7 Mother Daughter Dinner, Cafe,7 pm• MBPA• #8 Concert Assembly, #8 Gym• #6 Spring Boutique• #9M Gr. 7 Spring Concert, #7 Aud.,7:30 pmR• #6 Spring Boutique• 9M Math Fair, 6:30 pm• #8 Spring Concert, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm#4 Frost Valley• Save the Earth Events, <strong>School</strong> #6/<strong>School</strong>house Green• #2 Circus, #9M Gym, 7 pm5 6 1 217 18 19 20 21 22 23<strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s Closed <strong>School</strong>s ClosedRPalm SundayPassover begins at sunsetPassover24 25 26 27 28 29 30<strong>School</strong>s Closed• Report Cards, Secondary• #7 Advanced Art Showcase, Lib.,7:30 pm• #7 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #7 Hon. Soc. Induction, Aud., 7 pm• Center for Cultural DiversityFamily Night, Castelton Gym, 7 pm• SEPTA @ #6, 7 pm• #7 Thespian Inductions,#7 Theatre, 7:30 pm• #4 Spring Plant Sale• #7 Battle of the Bands, Aud., 7 pmEaster3 4 5 6oceansideschools.org

SUNDAYRMAY 2011MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYFRIDAYAP Exams1 23 4 5• DAWC• #2 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am - Budget• #6 PTA Mtg., 9:45 am• DOCA Adv.•SDPB• #7 Staff Appreciation Luncheon• #6 Staff Appreciation Luncheon• OHS Castleton Staff AppreciationLuncheon• #9E PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #5 Plant Sale, Day/Eve• #2 Plant Sale• OSF• Plant Sales @ #2, #3, #5, #9E• #7 Fine and Performing ArtsSr. Citizen Appreciation Night,Cafe, 7 pm• #2 Car WashRRSATURDAY1 2 3 4 5 6 7• #4 Incoming 1st Gr. Parent Mtg.,9:30 am• PTA Council: Mtg. & Elections,7 pm/PTA Candidates Forum, 8 pmBoard of Education RegularMeeting & Budget Hearing,#7 Aud., 7:30 pm• Site-Based Elections• #8 Plant Sale• #4 Beginners Concert• #4 PTA Mtg., 7:30 pm• #7 Spring Concert I, #7 Aud.,7:30 pmRNYS ELA/Math Tests, Gr. 3-8• SAT I/II, 7:45 am8 9 10 11 12 13 14• <strong>District</strong>wide Art Festival, #7 Gym,7 pm• Operation Medicine CabinetMother’s DayRR• H.O.L.L.E.R. College Consortium• #9M Parent Academy, Lib., 7:30 pmAP Exams6 1 2 3BUDGET VOTE & ELECTIONS,7 am to 10 pm• #8 Visitors DayNYS ELA/Math Tests, Gr. 3-815 16 17 18 19 20 21•SDPB• SEPTA @ #4, 7 pm• #7 Gr. 9 Research Fair, Cafe & Aud.• #2 Staff Luncheon• #7 Spring Concert II, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm• #9E Staff Appreciation Luncheon• #6 Movie Night, 7 pm• Progress Reports, SecondaryRR4• #9M 8th Gr. Spring Concert, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm• #2 Concert Assembly<strong>School</strong>s Closed5 6 1 2 3• #3 Concert Assembly• #7 World Language Honor Soc.,Induction, Aud., 3 pm• OSF• #7 Spring Concert III, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm4 5 6 1• #3 PTA Presidents Dinner• #8 Summer Fling/PTA Install.Dinner, 7 pm• #7 College Bound Student Athlete:NCAA Night, Aud., 7 pm• #8 Gr. 5 Blood Drive• #5 PTA Mtg., 8:30 am/New ParentsTea, 9:45 am• #9E Concert Assembly•TEA• #7 PTA Mtg., 7 pm• #5 New Parents Tea, 7 pm• #3 Spring Concert, #9M Aud., 7 pm• #2 Spring Concert, #7 Aud., 7:30 pmBook Fair, #9MRRNYS ELA/Math Tests, Gr. 3-8RR#6 Pre-K Charity Run22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31RR• #2 Incoming Gr. 1 Parent Bkfst.,Café, 9:45 am• #5 Beginners Concert, #5 Gym• #7 Research Symposium, 6:30 pm• #6 PTA Volunteer Recognition/Installation Evening• #9E Spring Concert, #9E Aud.,7:30 pm<strong>School</strong>s will be closed if no snowdays have been used.The small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.2Memorial Day3oceansideschools.org

SUNDAYJUNE 2011MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUHURSDAYThe small numbers in the bottom right corner of the days of the month indicate the 6-day cycle used at the High<strong>School</strong> and Elementary <strong>School</strong>s. The inclusion of the 6-day cycle enables all elementary students to have art, musicand physical education twice during the 6-day cycle.**PTA Council Roundtables are held in the high school cafeteria faculty room. Council meetings are held in thestudent cafeteria.• #6 Pre-K “3” Moving Upceremonies• #7 Hall of Fame Induction, 5:45 pm• #7 Varsity Awards, 7 pm• #6 Pre-K “4” graduation10:30 am & 1 pm• #9E Beginners Concert• AIE• #6 Pre-K Spring Fling• #9M 6 Into 7 Grade CounselorsNight, 7:30 pm• #7 Honor Night, 7:30 pm•SDPBRR• #8 PTA Mtg./New ParentsWelcome, 9:30 am• #9E Field DayAscension Thursday• #3 Beginners Concert, #3 Gym• PTA Calendar Mtg., 7 pm• #7 Arts Awards, #7 Aud., 7:30 pmFRIDAY• #9E New Parent Welcome Bkfst.,9:30 am• #9E Field Day• #5 Field Day, Gr. 1-6 (rain date 6/13)• #2 Fun Day• #9M 8th Grade Day• #8 Field Day (rain date 6/15)• #5 Concert Assembly, #5 Gym• #4 Field Day (rain date 6/13)• #3 Field Day (rain date 6/14)• #2 Gr. 6 SocialSATURDAY1 2 3 4#6K Home <strong>School</strong> VisitsRRNYS Science Performance Test Gr. 4 & 84 5 6• SAT I/II, 7:45 am• #8 5th Grade Car Wash(rain date 6/5)• #5 5th Grade Ashokan Car Wash9 am- 2 pm (rain date 6/5)5 6 7 8 9 10 11• DOCA Chorale Concert, #8 Aud.,8 pm• #4 5th Grade Car Wash(rain date 6/12)Father’s DayRNYS Science Written Test,Gr. 4 & 8• #9E PTA Installation Dinner• #4 Presidents/Awards/InstallationDinner, 7 pm• #5 Spring Concert, #7 Aud.,7:30 pm• #8 6th Grade Day• #2 Gr. 6 Pool Party• #7 Prom• #7 Dawn Deliruim, Post-PromParty, begins at midnightRShavuot begins at sunset1 2 3 4 5• Flag Day Events @ Elem. <strong>School</strong>s•#6 PTA Mtg., 9:45 am• DAWC• #6K early dismissal, 11:30 am/Incoming K Orientation, per schedule• #9M Arts Awards, #9M Aud.,7:30 pmBoard of Education RegularMeeting, #7 Aud., 7:30 pmR• #4 Concert Assembly, #4 Gym• PTA Council, OHS, OMS, SEPTA,Installation Dinner, 7 pm• Elementary Moving Up Day• C.A.R.E.S. Last Day• #9M Honor Night, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm• Marking Period Ends, Elem.• Report Cards, Elem.• #8 Beginners Concert• #3 PTA Mtg., 7 pm - Installations• #2 PTA Mtg., 7 pm - Installation/Dinner• #4 Spring Concert, #7 Aud., 7:30 pm<strong>School</strong>s ClosedClerical Day• #3 6th Grade Day• #4 6th Grade Day• #9E 6th Grade Day• #2 Beginners Concert6 1 2 3 45 6 1 2• #7 Dawn Deliruim, Post-PromParty, Ends at 5 amR12 13 14 15 16 17 18RRNYS Social Studies Test Gr. 8RRRegents & Finals• Secondary Report Cards MailedShavuot#6K Field Day, per scheduleRegents & Finals19 20 21 22 23 24 25• #9M Moving Up, #7 Aud.,10 am & noon• Marking Period Ends, Secondary26 27 28 29 30RR• LAST DAY OF SCHOOL• #6K reports 9:20-10:20 am• #7 Graduation, 5 pmRRoceansideschools.org

DISTRICTWIDE STAFFHealth, ElementaryJoseph Risola (#5)Ocupational TherapyJanet Barker-SorenVera GallagherVivian LobellMichael MeyersElisa PomeranzSocial Worker (Bi-lingual)Betzaida Nieves, 678-8559Teacher of Deaf, Hearing Impaired & SpeechTara Tynan (#7)Melissa Melissinos (#9M)JULY 2011SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2AUGUST 2011SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2 3 4 5 63 4 5 6 7 8 9Independence Day10 11 12 13 14 15 167 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2017 18 19 20 21 22 2321 22 23 24 25 26 2724 25 26 27 28 29 303128 29 30 31oceansideschools.org

SCHOOL #2FLORENCE A. SMITH SCHOOL2745 TERRELL AVENUETHOMAS CAPONE, PRINCIPAL - 678-7557 • 678-7558INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFSCHOOL #3OAKS SCHOOL2852 FORTESQUE AVENUEBETH-ANN CASTIELLO, PRINCIPAL - 678-7564 • 678-7565INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFSCHOOL #4SOUTH O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROAD SCHOOL3210 O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROADJOANNA KLETTER, PRINCIPAL - 678-7581 • 678-7582INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFGrade 1Deb CohenDeb LoughmanJoanne CostantinoGrade 2Diane CelibertiCarol KrucherShannon KeanDeirdre McCourt (Teacher Asst.)Paul GinocchioGrade 3Susan FoxDeb WernerTrisha WalshGrade 4Sue HoppLynda FahertyAndrea MarzanoGrade 5Mary HegmannLore SweglerOni SundebergGrade 6Donna GalesChristina OlsonCharles PhelanArtAllison StevensESLMarissa HermanInstructional SupportEllyn LevineShelley RosenbergNancy VarthalamisTBALibrary/MediaChristine Sartory, 678-8557MusicSteven DunnPatricia HamiltonMary MugnoPhysical EducationMichael PostilioJamie DellaRoccoPsychologistMichelle Hertz, Ph.D.678-8542Reading-GuidedSue MatuszewskiPaige KaudererReading RecoveryShelley RosenbergSocial WorkersLynn Fishkind, 678-7562Betzaida Nieves, 678-8559SpeechTara McEvoyWorld LanguagesKendra Di MaioGrade 1Jill CombsStacey PekorIrene PlutzerWendy RossbergGrade 2Nancy CaponeLori PedowitzKaren PhuaGrade 3Judy AckerDebra DiamondMichele ReillyDawn SharpeLisa Gerace (collab.)Grade 4Kristine RyanTonie-Ann SellittoStacey StarkWendy WeinsteinWendy Ritholtz (collab.)Grade 5Stacey GreenfieldToni OlivieroJoan SommersGrade 6Sande DeStefanoGail LevineMichael PalermoCara ReingArtLaura JacobsESLJackie BeckerInstructional SupportKathi LismoreNancy ReillyLibrary/MediaMary DaultonMusicBruce BiderMary CassagnolRobert LiquoriMegan ZarchyPhysical EducationJoseph BoninPsychologistDr. Joann VaccaroReading-GuidedAndrea StasiukRebecca TepperKaren PeacockReading RecoveryAlison MunroSocial WorkerJennifer Connolly, 678-8549Special EducationRenee ZeberskySpeechMarie HealeyWorld LanguagesLee AnselmoDonnie GomezGrade 1Paula BorowkaJanet OtisGrade 2Mary Ann FormisanoMary RalphAmy SimonGrade 3Mary BlancoMarybeth CoyneJami RosarioGrade 4Kerri GreisheimerLinda McGrathGrade 5Stacey MaddenIlyse SilversteinGrade 6Susan BrunoKaren FlynnMaura McFeely (collab.)Victoria TrumArtJean Marie ToyESLDanielle GuerraInstructional SupportChristine DinolfoBarbara RingelLibrary/MediaMary HermanMusicRobert CiuffoMargaret GruberFrank ManiscalcoPhysical EducationRobert RovegnaPsychologistStephen LambrosReading - GuidedDiane FischettiSuzanne JaegerTara ThielReading RecoverySusan ComerfordSocial WorkerJacqueline Horcher, 678-2726SpeechMary PriestonWorld LanguagesChristina Castilla LysonSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst. .................................................................Arlene SessaInstructional Asst........................................................Lu Ann DelioSecy. to Principal......................................................Marie DiDonnaOffice Staff ......................................................................Ann NellerNurse, x7559 .............................................................Sharon HughesHead Custodian ...................................................Jovanny RodriguezSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst..........................................................Michele CadoganInstructional Asst......................................................Anne SaccenteSecy. To Principal .............................................Dory Anne DeMilleOffice Staff.........................................................Rosemary McIntyreNurse, x7566 ...................................................Phyllis Callahan, RNHead Custodian ............................................................Dennis MillsSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst. ..........................................................Victoria DeSanoInstructional Asst.......................................................................TBASecy. to Principal ......................................................Maryann NashOffice Staff .....................................................Rosemary MastandreaNurse, x7574, Fax 678-6583 .........................Paulette Randell, RNHead Custodian, 678-2363.......................................Kenneth Bruce

SCHOOL #5NORTH O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROAD SCHOOL2440 North <strong>Oceanside</strong> RoadDIANE PROVVIDO, PRINCIPAL - 678-7585 • 678-7586Grade 1Shannon FogelbergKathie KellyAlyssa MaltzChristine RoccoLeslie VanegasGrade 2Joanne KopackCarly LustigJeanne MenoutisMariana MillsGrade 3Angela GomezDenise KassJoan KeeganJennifer PiernoGrade 4Ramona D’AulisaEda MartinKristin SteaCarolyn KayeGrade 5Elisabetta BavaroJessica KeeganMelissa LucasMary Ruth MaguireGrade 6Angela ArkinAnthony MarinoCaroline MohiuddinArtNadine RossenTBAESLFlorence RossiINSTRUCTIONAL STAFFInstructional SupportMaggie CurranRobin HerbstAllison KamletMargie PetrignaniRobin SmithLibrary/MediaLin StoraekreMusicBruce BiderVincent FontanettaSteven DunnPatricia HamiltonPhysical EducationDawn HowardMichael JanoskoAngelo NatoliPsychologistAnn MelucciReading - GuidedDawn ThompsonKathleen McCannKaren PeacockReading RecoveryFrieda BaileySocial WorkersDoreen CroninBetzaida NievesSpecial EducationKristin DiNoiaMelanie PosporelisSpeechCarina DillonJill SchubertWorld LanguagesEvan MaroudasSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst.............................................................Laurie FranconeInstructional Asst. .............................................Barbara BeauchesneSecy. to Principal .................................................Maureen BacciottiOffice Staff ...............................................................Angelina KellerNurse..........................................................Bernadette Bigansky, RNHead Custodian .........................................................................TBASCHOOL #5SCHOOL #6SCHOOL #6KINDERGARTEN CENTER25 Castleton CourtRHONDA B. GELBWASSER, PRINCIPAL - 594-2345 • 594-2346MaryAnn ArnoneErica ChasanElaine EckersHope FreedDawn GoldbergRhona KahnMarlene KiescheMaryann AckelsbergCarmela BavaroKaren BishopPat BragaMary BreinerAnnmarie CozziMaria CantoneBetty ColonBrandi HernstatLeslie BrodiePriscilla BrowerLisa CruzINSTRUCTIONAL STAFFJoan KleinKerry KnoxDenise LaRosaDebbie LebowitzCindy LinesKim MaccaDeana MarescaCLASSROOM AIDESJanet DomanickPauline FlorioAdele HenriquesPhyllis LubertiCarol MininniTheresa MonioudisPRE-K CENTERINSTRUCTIONAL STAFFToni MarchettaMichele MichaelsonChristina PeruffoJoan NorrisMelanie OrlandoCarol StogerRobin TarrashSusan MontefiniseLynne SlottDeborah SpotoFrances WolynskiMichele WorleyMarion RosenSharon VilchezWendy WoodsCLASSROOM AIDESDonna Dolan Barbara PumaPhyllis Kudlek Pat SwintonAnnaMarie Loise Hollie TommasinoComputer Instructional Assistant ..............................Leigh SchirmerLibrary Aide ...........................................................Paulette CorcoranESL ................................................................Dominique MartellucciOccupational Therapists .....................Vera Gallagher, Vivian LobelPsychologist 678-7599......................................................Laura BradyReading Teacher ....................................................Elisabetta RazzanoSocial Workers 594-2356....................Greer Slovin, Betzaida NievesSpecial Education........Sujata Cirbirka, Amy Corso, Stacy Lanzetta,Mariellen McShane, Robin WittlederSpecial Education Aides.............Myrtis Anderson, Paula Poveromo,Amanda Romeo, Gina SlappaySpeech..................................................Amy Raimondi, Karen TraverWorld Languages ..........................Christina Castilla, Donnie GomezSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst. ................................................................Beth SporingSecy. to Principal ...........................................................Linda KogutOffice Staff .........................................Gail Aronoff, Diane MarshallNurse, x2347, Fax 678-7330..........Susan Helmsley, Fran MulqueenHead Custodian, x7596 .............................................................TBA

SCHOOL #8FULTON AVENUE SCHOOL3252 Fulton AvenueRONALD T. SCHOEN, PRINCIPAL - 678-8503 • 678-8504Grade 1Beth DavisVanessa DeMeglio (collab.)Denise Klodzinski (collab.)Lois NevittAllison OkunJillian WeismanGrade 2Jennifer ConteJaclyn GaulrappMargaret HenggelerGrade 3Myra AckermanJennifer CasconeNicole ClearyPaula St. AubinGrade 4Christine Blake-JeremiasStefanie CookAmy GigliobiancoGrade 5Nicole Fetter (collab.)Jaclyn GoldsteinTerry HarrisDebbie HermanJanelle Hintz (collab.)Kim RoggemanGrade 6Laura CassarIvy CibranoArlene WegardArtKristen DiDioESLBetsy WeinmanHearing ImpairedMelissa MelissinosInstructional SupportKathi LismoreAlisa RothSari WeberINSTRUCTIONAL STAFFLibrary/MediaHeidi Gourley Burns x8507MusicMegan ZarchyRobert LiquoriNicole HaglundPhysical EducationJohn MessinaMichael JanoskoPsychologistDr. Laurie Zelinger, 678-8509Reading - GuidedPatricia GlassAlison MarooneyReading RecoveryShirley CappellSocial WorkerSusan Keilson, 678-2477SpeechCaron MargolinWorld LanguagesPeppy Vainstein-GorenSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst. ..........................................................Barbara BenedettiInstructional Asst. .......................................................Joanne HiskeySecy. to Principal ..........................................................Angela AdlerOffice Staff ..................................................................Diane O’KeefeNurse, x8505 ......................................................Diane Sheehan, RNHead Custodian .................................................................Jim LicardiSCHOOL #9EWALTER S. BOARDMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL170 Beatrice AvenueDR. KAREN SIRIS, PRINCIPAL - 678-8510 • 678-8511INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFGrade 1Eileen BensenCynthia LucasSusan VelellaGrade 2Susan FrankClare MoranGwyn SolomonGrade 3Jennifer SelhornElizabeth TsangGrade 4Lorianne ForthoferCherie MeyersGrade 5Amanda IemmaJennifer WhyteGrade 6Karen HannonChristine RosenbergTBAArtMaria AnisanselESLJackie BeckerInstructional SupportAlison MorrisAllison CurranLibrary/MediaSharonann KatcherMusicErin DegnanRobert CiuffoFrank ManiscalcoPhysical EducationJeff RisenerReading - GuidedRosalia VecchioLisa LamontReading RecoveryJennifer PhillipsPsychologistDr. Lori BorelliSocial WorkerDavid Stein, 678-1391SpeechEmily WeinsteinWorld LanguagesJanene GarciaSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst. ................................................................Gail AlazrakiInstructional Asst. ....................................................Paula CimagliaSecy. To Principal.......................................................Annette FerrisOffice Staff .................................................................................TBANurse, x8514 ......................................................Carol Garofalo, RNHead Custodian, x8528 ......................................................Ed LoftusSCHOOL #9MO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> MIDDLE SCHOOL186 Alice AvenueALLISON GLICKMAN-ROGERS, PRINCIPAL - 678-8518 • 678-8520CHRISTINA SAPIENZA, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL - 678-8524INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFArtDenise NicholasFrancine RossanoLucette StapletonEnglish/ReadingBeth Zirogiannis, Dir.Lisa AndreoliAdrienne ChertoffLinda GinsburgBonnie HennessyJoe LatorreDiane MillerEvelyn PineiroCathy RossoDenise RothmanMelissa SellittiBrian WeinsteinDecision-Making/Personal FInanceAllison KryderESLJesse PerlmutterFamily & ConsumerSciencesBarbara MorrisseyFrancine SlovinGreat BooksNancy MorrisGuidance CounselorsDeirdre BroderickRosanne DalyKathleen DunneRobert HelmrichHealthCarol GallofTrish MaguireHuman RelationsLaura BauerLibrary/MediaJeanmarie Johnson, LibraryMedia SpecialistCathie DatoChristine BertramVelisha SimmsMathematicsTara Werle, Sup.Daniel ArtRita ByrnesKristin CountessKrista CaraccioloSherryl GarryJohn HeronAllyson StumacherSusan TantleffJenna TuckStephanie ZerilliMath ResearchSharri SandlerMusicStephen Martin, Coord., x4816Noah GlassPatricia JohnsonGeraldine LekhwaniKevin WeibleyGlenn WeissPhysical EducationLyle HerschMarianna WinchesterGeorge WynnPPS SupervisorIna LeventhalPsychologistsDr. David FleischerDr. Kristen LamparelloSocial WorkerBetzaida Nieves, 678-8559Melissa Salzberg. 678-8523ScienceKathy Chapman, Dir.Rosaria AnselmoGregory GiulianiAdriana MinchilliDavid NudlemanRobert PittmanJoseph PumoJeanette VitaleSofia VoutsinasScience ResearchLeroy Gerber

Social StudiesDanielle Bartolo, Dir.James ByrnesKerry CordovaMichael DeMarcoJoseph KachubaDaniel KeeganFran MinessMorgan SaatchiNancy TreanorSpecial EducationChristina Sapienza, Sup. x8518Joyce BlockKerri BullisCecilia GuerinJennifer PaganoMichael RadiconeSuzanne ScullyLisa SilkowitzEric Van EronSpeechCarina DillonLori MartinezTechnologyDamian Trum, Sup.Michael LawtonWilliam KippFrancine RosannoAndrea SmithBrian SternWorld LanguagesDr. David Rose, Dir.Maria BowersRochelle BrandwinAmy Brown-RandFrancisca D’AgostinoJanene GarciaRichard GennaAbigail HijarFrances MishlerCelia NybergSuzanne ValerianoSUPPORT STAFFAdmin. Asst., x8523.......................................................Dolly BhattSecy. to Principal ....................................................Carolyn MorenoMain Office Staff .........Helen Dreyfuss, Carla Leon, Ellen SullivanGuidance Office Staff, x8523, 8524.............................Debra Finley,Eileen Selzer, Helaine LaMantiaNurse, x8526................Karen Hirsch, R.N., Grace Impastato, R.N.Head Custodian ..................................................................Ed LoftusSCHOOL #7O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> HIGH SCHOOL3160 Skillman AvenuePRINCIPAL, 678-7526, 7527............................................MARK SECAURASSOC. PRINCIPAL, Div. I (A-L), 678-8531.....................FRED KOLLERASSOC. PRINCIPAL, Div. II (K-Z), 678-7539.....GERALDINE DECARLOArtAudrey Miller, Coord., x8548Jennifer BonillaDanielle CasquarelliKristin GeminoKarin HandrakisCarol MaranoNanci NigroChristina FerraraBusiness MarketingIlene Klein, Dir., x5402Frieda BondellKeith MekeelEnglishBeth Zirogiannis, Dir., x8568Antonia Alberga-ParisiJanet BevilacquaDonna CaietJennifer FrascaErin GilreinYornell GoireClaire GroganKathleen HoldenMichael HowleyJoanne InfiestaIrene KossarisAndrea LevineFrank LuisiStephen MinorFrank NappiAileen O’ConnellNancy PadgettJoseph PerriJames SkinnerKathleen SmithAudrey TenenhausTimothy WatkinsStephanie WilliamsINSTRUCTIONAL STAFFFamily & ConsumerSciencesIlene Klein, Dir., x5402Theresa BonaimoHelen DixonJanice ImbrognoHealth EducationTamara BarbourSara DowlerLibrary/MediaExt. 7534, 7535Suzanne DwyerRita KaikowMathematicsRhonda Eisenberg, Sup., x8567Nina AtkinsonLisa ComunielloMichael ComunielloKimberly EppsFallon FlynnSarah HauschildYves Jean-PierreEileen KellyChristine LaneCasey LeeClarise McGourtyCarlo QuagliataMichelle RinaldiLeanne SchultzJames SmithKerry SmithLaurie SpectorNeil SullivanNancy XavierMusicMichael Vetter, Coord., x8547Stephanie GallucciLynne GarciaGeorge GrossmanAlexandrina LeahuLauren McGloinPhysical EducationDenise Kiernan, Dir., x7530Cathleen DynprowskyJim GillisClaire JohnsonSean KeenanAlyson LaMonteRyan LucasJoe SuppleEvelyn SweeneyScienceKathy Chapman, Dir., x2359Monica BennettDanielle BlockMaureen BodkinJohn GangiMark GaryHeather HallChris HarkinLinda HorowitzMarc KaplanJoyce MargolisLisa MehrTory PalazzoloJosephine PrestigiacomoHarvey RabinowitzFrank RugoloMatt SheinkopfBarbara SpeightBreanne SuhrlandCecily TrenkaDaniel WolfsonJeanette WolfsonRichard WoodsEvan YoungJessica ZimaSocial StudiesDanielle Bartolo, Dir., x7532Talia AdolfMitchell BickmanRobert BlountMichael BrunoKen DwyerTheodor EhrmanGerard GambardellaJoshua HickeyGavin KalnerMarla KilfoyleKaren KosakoffJason ManningThomas MontefiniseAndrew MorrisJulia NappiTodd NussenLori PattonDaniel RadzickiRichard RoschelleJulianne SavaresePeter SteinLaura TrongardPatrick TurkChristine Valentino ThurberJennifer WolfeSpecial EducationVera Gallagher, Sup., x7551Robert CaridiVeronica ChabackRachael DiPasqualePenny EllisDana FerraraDiana FischerLori GambardellaLaura GarelickGabrielle HoffmanChristine LaneAnna LevendelRalph Montera, Jr.Kathleen OttElizabeth SarliLinda SchochKatherine WahlStudent ProjectsCoordinatorJulia Nappi, x7546Pat TurkSpeech & LanguageTeacher of Deaf, HearingImpaired and SpeechHandicappedLuisa AlbanoCheryl ErnstTara TynanTechnologyStephen OttWorld LanguagesDr. David Rose, Dir., x7533Bridgette AmthorDebbie BenjaminPatricia Ciccone

#7 Staff (cont’d)Elizabeth CorvoFrancisca D’AgostinoJennifer GoldsteinRabbi Uri GorenIrene HermanChristina LangNieves LaRoccaAngelo MustoFrank PepiniKathy RosenblumShari SpanierNicole TsaiGiselle VargasCoordinator,New HorizonsStephanie Matina#7 GUIDANCE STAFFIlene Klein, Dir., x5402Ext. 7537 Ext. 7540Jayne GordonMargaret BarnesRenee LochridgeLisa FazioCarla MesquitaPat ForieGreg SloanMichele MelilloMindy StecklowAdam UtrechtSUPPORT STAFFPrincipal’s Office, x7526, 7527Admin. Assistant ...................................................Tina StolzenbergSecy. to Principal .............................................................Susan HayOffice ......................................Piera Starna, Maureen Kelly-MurrayNurses, x7549, 7550 ......................................Arlene Parmelee, RN,Maribeth Murphy, RNIlene Klein’s Office, x5402.......................................Leslie RaymondFred Koller’s Office, x8531............................................Robin AielloGeraldine De Carlo’s Office, x7539 ................Jennifer SammartanoGuidance, x7537, 7538..................Arlene Parker, Andrea QuilliamGuidance, x 7540.................................................Rosemary TraversoPsychology/Social Work, x7542...................................Lenore FalleyRegistrar, x7541......................................................... Karen LambertAttendance, x8532.....................Phyllis Amisano, Brenda Kleiman,Barbara SchillingDeans’ Office ............................................Marilyn May, Lila RousakSpecial Education, x7551................................................Janet CreggPhysical Ed./Athletics, x7530.........................................Janet MarksStudent Projects & Activities, x7546........................................TBAMath Resource Room, x8567 ................................Suzanne WeinickSocial Studies Resource Room, x7532 .........................Pam CastaldiLibrary, x7534, 7535 ...............................................Jean DiLeonardoComputer Lab, x7554 ......................Michael Negron, Lisa SaracinoEnglish, x8568...............................................Marianne SammartanoForeign Language, x7533 ........................................Danielle MatanaLibrary, x7534......................................Diane Cascino, Pat DiBlasio,Elizabeth SchaefferScience, x7528 .................................................................Carol FestaOperations Manager-Cafeteria, x7548 ......................Jane BlackburnHead Custodian, x7545................................................Ralph VenutiO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> HIGH SCHOOL CASTLETON145 Merle Avenue, Third Floor, <strong>Oceanside</strong>, NY 11572DORIE CIULLA, PRINCIPAL - 678-7593INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFArtCarol MaranoCareer PrepStephanie MatinaEnglishFrances GillespieHealthTBAMathDanielle BorroniJess ResnickPhysical EducationClaire JohnsonSean KeenanResource RoomRachael DiPasqualeSocial StudiesEdward DempseyScienceGreg WrobelTechnologyBrian SternWorld LanguagesKathy RosenblumSOCIAL WORKERSArlene Parker, 678-7542Annie O’Hara, 678-7542Betzaida Nieves, 678-8559PSYCHOLOGISTSMichael CohenJune NussbaumNina WeisenrederSTUDENT DEANSAnthony CaiazzaRoslyne JohnsonAngelica ZambranoSUPPORT STAFFSecy. to Principal...................................................Susan McConnellInstructional Assistant ..........................................Andrea WeinbergSecurity Monitor.........................................................Joan ManninoPUPIL PERSONNEL STAFFGuidance CounselorCarla MesquitaPsychologistDr. Marc MetzgerSocial WorkerPearl Greenfield

O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> COUNCIL OFPARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATIONSMEETINGS 2010-2011Unless otherwise noted, Round Tables are held at 7 pm in HSCafeteria Faculty Room. Council Meetings are held at 8 pm inthe HS Cafeteria.Sept. 13 ..........................................Pres. Round Table/Council Mtg.Oct. 25 ...........................................Pres. Round Table/Council Mtg.Nov. 8.............................................Legislation Council Mtg., 7:30 pmDec. 13 ...........................................Presidents/Principals Dinner, 7 pmJan. 10 ............................................Pres. Round Table/Council Mtg.Mar. 14 ...........................................Pres. Round Table/Council Mtg.,NominationsMay 2..............................................Council Mtg., Elections, 7 pmMeet the Candidates Forum, 8 pmMay 3..............................................<strong>District</strong>-wide Site Based ElectionsJune 5 .............................................PTA Council Dinner, 7 pmPTA COUNCIL OFFICERSPresident Karen Rizzo 536-4067Past President Debbie Cohen 766-7923Vice President Jodi Katz 766-1207Corresponding Secy. Josette Ragona 766-3215Rec. Secretary Ellen Hisiger 594-9732Treasurer Jill Bonacasa 521-7825Teacher Advisor Laura Bauer 678-8518Counselor Ron Schoen 678-8503Advisor Dr. Herb Brown 678-1215Arts in Education Lisa Dahlem 678-0658Blood Drive Barbara Boschert 536-7756Buildings & Grounds Brigitte Misitano 678-0115Bylaws/Procedures Mara Weintraub 763-2949DAWC Marylee Scharfberg 849-2921Dawn Delirium Liaisons Brigitte Misitano 678-0115Sandie Schoell 766-0381Legislation Jill Bonacasa 521-7825Life Membership Jodi Katz 766-1207Nutrition Nancy Forlader 536-9788PARP Stefanie Sguera 763-5344PASS Ellen Hisiger 594-9732Susanne Cavale 536-3919Scholarship Margaret Whittle 608-8841SDPD Debbie Cohen 766-7923SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association)145 Merle Ave, <strong>Oceanside</strong> NY 11572www.septaoceanside.comMEETINGS 2010-2011September 15 (#5) • October 6 (#2) • November 29 (#9M)January 19 (#8) • February 10 (#7) • March 2 (#3)April 28 (#6) • May 18 (#4)PresidentPaulette E. Palmer..................678-1212Past Co-Presidents Ellen Caprino ........................317-1059Valerie DeClara......................763-4912VP Membership Kathy Kaminsky ....................764-5683VP Fundraising Ellen Hisiger ..........................594-9721TreasurerVicky Caraciolo......................764-3122Corresponding Secretary Mary Messler ..........................766-1833Recording Secretary Pat Block ................................223-4938Council Delegates Shari Kwait ............................764-6140Diane Olmsted ......................608-0353AdvisorDr. Jill DeRosa........................678-1217Teacher Delegates:Elementary Ellyn Levine ..........................678-7557Middle <strong>School</strong> Joyce Block ............................678-8524High <strong>School</strong>Penny Ellis..............................678-7551Laura Garelick........................678-7551BOE Representative Hollie Tommasino..................594-1614Committee-At-Large Meryl Cohen ..........................766-5282Pete Amato ............................766-5927LegislationDanielle Brooks......................766-2830Web Site Marianne Hutcheson ............678-5598Tom Hutcheson......................678-5598WorkshopsDanielle Brooks......................766-2830<strong>Oceanside</strong> SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association) isan organization whose members include: parents, caregivers, teachers,and therapists of exceptional children as well as other staff and membersof the <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> community. We sponsor workshops,speakers and events about a variety of issues and concerns of exceptionalstudents and their families and their inclusion in our community.We keep abreast of recent educational legislation that affects ourstudents. Anyone connected to the <strong>Oceanside</strong> school district isencouraged to join.Our mission is to provide a resource for information applicable to awide variety of exceptional children through presentations, workshopsand the Internet; to improve communication between parents, schoolstaff and administration; to be involved in decisions affecting exceptionalchildren in the school community; and to educate and sensitizethe <strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> community to children who are differentlyabled.SEPTA has a resource library located in the district office. Anyoneconnected to the <strong>Oceanside</strong> school district is encouraged to join.Visit our website at www.septaoceanside.com to access informationand connect with other parents and teachers through our bulletinboard.SPECIAL EDUCATION DISTRICTWIDE TEAMTeam Leader Marianne Hutcheson 678-5598<strong>District</strong> Advisor Dr. Jill DeRosa 678-1217Parent Members: Danielle Brooks 766-2830Debbie Cohen 766-7923Ellen Hisiger 594-9732Paulette Palmer 868-1476Patti Rizzo 766-2253Lynn Woods 536-3091Administrative Members: Vera Gallagher 678-7551Christina Saplenza 678-8518SCHOOL #2 PTAFLORENCE A. SMITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL2745 TERREL AVE., O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011September 16, 7:00 pm • October 21, 8:30 amNovember 30, 7:00 pm • January 11, 8:30 amFebruary 17, 8:30 am • March 15, 7:00 pm (Nominations)April 12, 7:00 pm (Elections) • May 10, 8:30 am (Budget)June 16, 7:00 pm (Installation/Member Recognition Dinner)Co-Presidents Dina Pepe ...............................536-3783Wendy Swords ........................678-2826Past Presidents Marcie Cutler ........................678-3611Angela Spitzer ........................536-14851st Vice Presidents Joanne Jackson .......................536-2458(Membership)Chris Weidel...........................766-09342nd Vice Presidents Beth Rosenthal .......................536-1562(Arts in Education) Kim Verdino ...........................594-80093rd Vice Presidents Kelly Lark ...............................594-2091(Fundraising) Jill Thorne ..............................647-1189Corresponding Sec’y Justan Kraemer........................536-1106Recording Sec’y Robin Berry.............................804-4864TreasurerLissette Resnick...............917-734-7949Delegates to Council Lisa Gutman ...........................766-0449Meloi Policastro......................594-7889Faculty Advisors Debra Cohen ..........................678-7557Paul Ginocchio.......................678-7557Counselor Tom Capone ...........................678-7557Barbecue Laura Ennis .............................594-4411Dee Martellucci ......................678-1257Justan Kraemer ......................536-1106Kim DiDominica.....................536-9508BeautificationBig HelpBlood DriveBook FairBox TopsMichelle Flavin.......................705-6536Jeanne Justin...........................766-1515Patricia Ward..........................594-2185Kim Conger ............................678-9654Lissette Resnick...............917-734-7949Julie Brooks.............................678-8859Paula Bandini ........................764-5714Patricia Barnett.......................608-4038Joyce Krouse-Coulon..............241-3285

<strong>School</strong> & Community Mary Jane McGrath Mulhern536-6912<strong>School</strong> Safety Liaison Frank Corona........................868-3393Senior Connection Denise Berg...........................868-5634S.E.P.T.A. Karin Nilsen .........................379-9724MicheleVentura....................678-3554Spring PhotosCarol Tropp...........................771-6807Staff Appreciation Anna Kolenovic ...................594-7998LuncheonMelissa Adler........................764-5718Student Supply Packs Amy Curcio ..........................766-6584TechnologyMary Jane McGrath Mulhern536-6912Welcome Committee Karen Citarella .....................763-52636th Grade Chairpersons Barbara Valentin...................594-0869Grace Alamia .......................766-0581Jennifer Burnside ..................872-34976th Grade DayLori McKee...........................992-25246th Grade Moving Up Day Susan Hoffman .....................594-00696th Grade Fundraising Eva Seychell .........................678-83376th Grade Yearbook Jennifer Burnside ..................872-34976th Grade T-Shirts Terri O’Shea .........................223-2041Site-Based Management Laura Mauro .........................385-5982Diane Montuoro...................764-7051Cara Reing............................678-7564Tonie-Ann Sellitto...............678-7564Beth Castiello.......................678-7564SCHOOL #4 PTASOUTH O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL3210 O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROAD, O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011September 16, café, 7:30 pm • October 21, café, 7:30 pm (ClassParent) • November 22, café, 2:00 pm • January 10, café, 8:30 am• February 3, café, 7:30 pm • March 1, café, 7:30 pm(Nominations) • April 7, café, 7:00 pm (Elections/Reflections)May 3, café, 7:30 pmPresident Grace Soria ...........................536-1907President-ElectTeri Mallozzi..........................678-0639Past PresidentHelene Piarulli......................428-98321st VP Membership Lara Garguilo ........................766-29562nd VP Arts in Ed. Marsha Cilento.....................594-18323rd VP Fundraising Laura Hennett ......................208-3867Corresponding Secretary Geralyn Grassi ......................766-6131Recording Secretary Michele Pitkowsky................594-1921TreasurerAnna Greco..........................764-3853Delegates to Council Jamy O’Rourke......................766-1716Danny Ramos........................644-3009Teacher Delegates Kerri Greisheimer .................678-7581Amy Simon...........................678-7581CounselorJoanna Kletter.......................678-7581Beautification (Interior) Regina Flynn.........................536-2452Christine Mooney.................992-0105Blood DriveLori McMahon......................594-9290Board of Education Liaison Regina Flynn.........................536-2452Herb Pitkowsky.....................594-1921Book Fairs Geralyn Grassi ......................766-6131Ro Prendergast......................255-0064Laura Shapiro........................766-1625Box Tops Michelle Lippi ......................764-0360Karen Rullo...........................608-8322Bulletin BoardStefanie Paras........................729-1078Bylaws/Procedures Susanne Cavale ....................536-39195th Grade Circus Michelle Lippi ......................764-0360Rona Lutzker.........................678-2585Comedy Night Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Gina Musto...........................431-0906Danny Ramos........................644-3009Committee at Large Marsha Cilento.....................594-1832Melanie Cohen.....................766-1698Lisa Derasmo.........................764-0237Gillian DiNapoli...................764-3280Robin Esposito......................766-1566Michelle Forte ......................594-7866Frances Gallin.......................678-9674Shari Gise .............................208-6236Colleen Hirdt........................764-4360George Kavadias ...................992-2212Alison Krauss........................763-4629Lisa Kucharnik......................305-1110Shari Kwait ...........................764-6140Vaishali Mehta......................208-3543Laura Shapiro........................766-1625Claudia Rico .........................766-1750Barbara Risi...........................208-7127Marisol Rodriguez .................764-0063Contract Advisor Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Curriculum (P.A.S.S.) Herb Pitkowsky ....................594-1921DAWCLisa Kucharnik......................305-1110Michele Pitkowsky................594-1921DOCA Representative Geralyn Grassi .....................766-6131Vaishali Mehta......................208-3543Ecology & Earth Day Jenn Burns ............................678-1039Frances Gallin.......................678-9674Fall Fundraiser (Gift Wrap) Denise Mister........................764-4359Viviana Morales....................764-4356Family Fun Night Laura Hennett ......................208-3867Regina Flynn.........................536-2452Jamy O’Rourke......................766-1716Stefanie Paras........................729-1078Field DayFlag DayHistorianNurys Dixon..........................632-8303Regina Flynn.........................536-2452Gina Musto...........................431-0906Stefanie Paras........................729-1078Marisol Rodriguez .................764-0063Gillian DiNapoli...................764-3280Nurys Dixon ........................ 632-8303Robin Esposito......................766-1566Robin Esposito......................766-1566Holiday Boutique Vaishali Mehta......................208-3543Stefanie Paras ......................729-1078Danny Ramos........................644-3009Jackie Stiansen......................763-2866Hospitality Geralyn Grassi .....................766-6131Legislation Lara Garguilo ........................766-2956Lifetime PTA Awards Susanne Cavale ...................536-3919Laura Hennett ......................208-3867Teri Mallozzi..........................678-0639Helene Piarulli......................536-5142Grace Soria ...........................536-1907Math, Science & Tech. Day Marsha Cilento.....................594-1832Sandra Mordenfeld ...............546-0074Claudia Rico .........................766-1750Biagio Rosano .......................594-5018NewsletterChristine Mooney.................992-0105NutritionMelanie Cohen.....................766-1698PARPVaishali Mehta......................208-3543Stefanie Paras........................729-1078Debby Yanover......................594-1840Photo Days Diana Ciminera ....................594-1910Vaishali Mehta......................208-3543Gina Musto...........................431-0906Michele Pitkowsky................594-1921Plant SalesRegina Flynn.........................536-2452Vaishali Mehta......................208-3543Michele Pitkowsky................594-1921Reflections Awards Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Diana Ciminera ....................594-1910Teri Mallozzi..........................678-0639Grace Soria ...........................536-1907Safety Patrol/ Drop Off Michelle Forte .....................594-7866Luis Perez ..............................536-1771Scholarship Fund Robin Esposito......................766-1566<strong>School</strong> #6 Liaison Alison Krauss........................763-4629Jill Maier ...............................992-2781<strong>School</strong> #9M Liaison Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919<strong>School</strong> Spirit SaleRobin Esposito......................766-1566George Kavadias ...................992-2212Kathleen Rodriguez ..............808-7477<strong>School</strong> Supply Kits Michelle Lippi ......................764-0360Rona Lutzker.........................678-2585SEPTA Shari Kwait ...........................764-6140Kathleen Rodriguez ..............808-7477

Shopping NightMattie Alduino.....................568-6092Tara Conigliaro.....................608-1560Viviana Morales....................764-4356Claudia Rico .........................766-1750Site-Based Management Michelle Lippi ......................764-0360Herb Pitkowsky.....................594-1921Spring Event Executive Committee ..........................Staff Appreciation Lunch Carole Fitzsimmons ..............594-1906Laura Shapiro........................766-1625Barbara Vlahakis...................763-4936TechnologyAnna Greco..........................764-3853Vacation Days Ro Prendergast .....................255-0064Laura Shapiro........................766-1625Welcome Back BBQ Mattie Alduino ....................568-6092Simona DiOrio .....................561-0482Gina Musto ..........................431-0906Danny Ramos........................644-30096 Grade Fundraising Advisor Susanne Cavale ....................536-39196 Grade Treasurer Gina Musto...........................431-09066 Grade Ices/Pretzels Mattie Alduino.....................568-6092Gina Musto ..........................431-09066 Grade Car Wash Gillian DiNapoli...................764-3280Carole Fitzsimmons ..............594-1906Maryann Monaghan .............992-0592Stefanie Paras........................729-10786 Grade Chocolate Sale Jenn Burns ............................678-1039Colleen Hirdt........................764-43606 Grade Halloween Party Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Simona DiOrio ....................561-0482Gina Musto...........................431-0906Jamy O’Rourke......................766-1716Stefanie Paras........................729-1078Grace Soria ...........................536-19076 Grade Pie Sale Denise Mister........................764-4359Laura Shapiro........................766-16256 Grade Kids Night Out Robin Esposito......................766-1566Jamy O’Rourke......................766-1716Stefanie Paras........................729-10786 Grade Moe’s Night Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Ro Pendergast .......................255-00646 Grade Yearbook Simona DiOrio .....................561-0482Carole Fitzsimmons ..............594-1906Ro Pendergast .......................255-0064Sue Rosenbaum ....................632-5380Laura Shapiro........................766-16256 Grade Moving Up Day Al Cavale..............................536-3919Gina Musto...........................431-0906Henry Soria...........................536-19076 Grade Day Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Gillian DiNapoli...................764-3280Robin Esposito......................766-1566Denise Mister........................764-4359Gina Musto...........................431-0906Stefanie Paras........................729-1078Grace Soria ...........................536-1907SCHOOL #5 PTANORTH O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL2440 NORTH OO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> ROAD, O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572All Meetings are held in the <strong>School</strong> #5 Cafeteria.MEETINGS 2010-2011September 7, Bring Your Own Coffee, 8:30 amSeptember 15, Meeting 8:30 am • October 6, Class Parent Breakfast,8:30 am, Meeting, 9:30 am • November 17, Meeting 7:00 pm •January 19, Meeting 8:30 am • March 10, Meeting 8:30 am(Nominations) • April 12, Meeting 7:00 pm (Elections) •May 25, Meeting 8:30 am, New Parents Tea 9:30 am and 7:00 pmPresident Donna Rubino .......................678-3906President ElectTBA..............................Check WebsitePast President Tricia Powers .........................763-51081st VP Arts in Education Marcie Levine ........................678-11792nd VP Teacher Relations Tricia Powers..........................763-51083rd VP Ways and Means Paulette Palmer......................678-1212Treasurer Karen Vaseghi ........................766-3707Corresponding Secretary Lori Gilbert ............................223-8188Recording Secy/Historian Rachel Walsh.........................632-8053Volunteer Coordinator Rachel Walsh.........................632-8053LegislationDanielle Brooks......................766-2830SEPTA Representatives Rajenie Somra........................455-2114BOE/Council Delegates Danielle Brooks......................766-2830Paulette Palmer......................678-1212DOCA Representative Barbara McGuinness..............536-8932DAWC Lorissa McFall ........................378-0045Nutrition Tracey Revere ........................594-1011PARP (Parents/Reading) Rachel Walsh.........................632-8053Jeanne Oliver.........................223-3342Karen Harkins........................766-2460ReflectionsDanielle Brooks......................766-2830Ecology FairCaroline Hawk.......................763-0160Flag Day BBQ Jennifer McGuinness .............764-4220Barbara McGuinness..............536-8932Bulletin Boards/Marketing Danielle Brooks......................766-2830Lynn Rapp..............................377-3670Lunch Clubs/RainyDay GamesHelen Prudente......................608-2662Newsbeam Editor Joan Cohen ............................378-2914Field Day/Water Carole Snow ..........................678-2276Book FairsJane Cunningham..................837-3314Back to <strong>School</strong> BBQ Jane Cunningham..................837-3314Trisha Daly.............................536-1559Apparel SaleBarbara Schwasnick...............379-9461Kristen Schmitt......................255-0829Family Fun Nights Tracey Fay ..............................763-1737Movie Nights Darlene Brunetta ...................377-4229Dinner DanceLaura Knipe............................992-8424Michelle Condoleo ................764-2845Gift WrapKelly McCormack..................705-0554Box TopsTrisha Daly.............................536-1559Holiday Boutique Jean Roughan.........................594-0429Barbara Schwasnick...............379-9461PTA DirectoryBarbara McGuinness..............536-8932Erin Reddy .............................623-1341Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Night Karen Harkins........................766-2460Cara Ortiz ..............................678-2083PTA Kitchen/Supplies Rose Fonte .............................763-9149Sue Cinetti.............................594-0044Plant SaleDanielle Brooks......................766-2830Paulette Palmer......................678-1212Fall Festival Jennifer McGuinness .............764-4220Staff Appreciation Week Rick & Sue Cinetti................594-0044Photo Day/Family Photos Trisha Daly.............................536-1559Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Kits Lori Gilbert ............................223-8188Carole Snow ..........................678-2276PTA Membership Jean Roughan.........................594-0429Grade Level Chairpersons1st Grade Jennifer McGuinness .............764-42202nd GradeDanielle Brooks......................766-28303rd Grade Dawn Ruderman ....................766-16794th GradeJean Roughan.........................594-04295th GradeBarbara McGuinness..............536-89326th GradeKelly McCormack..................705-0554Helen Prudente......................608-2662SCHOOL #6 PTA25 CASTLETON COURT, O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011September 21, 9:45 am • October 26, 7:30 pm • November 23, 9:45 amJanuary 26, 7:30 pm • March 2, 9:45 amApril 5, 9:45 am • May 10, 9:45 am • May 26, 7:00 pmInstallation Dinner • June 14, 9:45 amCo-Presidents Darlene Brunetta ...................377-4229Andrea Failla .........................608-5544Past PresidentsJoanne Jackson.......................536-2458Michael O’Malley ..................317-6829Past President Advisor Joanne Jackson.......................536-24581st Vice President ~ Michele LoPiccolo.................263-6212MembershipRachel Walsh.........................361-72472nd Vice President ~ Paulina Baratta ......................319-6989Cultural ArtsSharon Kantrowitz.................766-2514

Pre-K Cultural Arts Sarah Campbell .....................458-77043rd Vice President ~ Patricia Abela ........................705-5799Fundraising Jen Milillo ..............................763-2242Pre-K Representative Toni Marchetta .....................594-2345Kindergarten Reps Elaine Eckers..........................594-2345Joan Norris.............................594-2345Secretary Kathy Steiger .........................594-1870TreasurerDanny Ramos.........................644-3009Board Of EdKaren Harkins........................766-2460DOCA RepCommittee Chairpersons:Blood DriveRachel Walsh.........................361-7247Board of Ed Liaison Karen Harkins........................766-2460Book FairAmee Feldman.......................208-8715BoutiquesDebbie Goetz .........................766-1545Vicky Diminico......................456-1718Christine Gerbasio.................510-2826Janet Grech............................536-5993Box Tops Sarah Campbell .....................458-7704Ellen LiBassi ...................718-734-8097By Laws Kathy Steiger .........................594-1870Class Parents ListMichelle Gehrig(kindgtn.)....546-3888Stephanie Sheriff(kindgtn.) ..992-2753Jen Milillo (pre-k) ................763-2242Council Delegates Martha Raimondi ..................763-9133Dawn Ruderman ....................766-1679Counselor Rhonda Gelbwasser ..............594-2345CurriculumDrug & Alcohol Janet Grech............................536-5993Fall Festival Paulina Baratta ......................319-6989Michele LoPiccolo.................263-6212Field DayHospitalityDawn Caputo.........................208-6019Jessica Curley .........................705-5245Jessica Dellamorte..................442-3405Christine Gerbasio.................510-2826Michael O’Malley ..................317-6829Stephanie Sheriff ...................992-2753Allison Sackstein...................665-2580Christine Venezio ..................763-0572Legislation Martha Raimondi ..................763-9133Dawn Ruderman ....................766-1679Life Membership Michele LoPiccolo.................263-6212Rachel Walsh.........................361-7247NewslettersAmee Feldman.......................208-8715Lisa Thornton ........................764-9285NutritionSharon Kantrowitz.................766-2514Parents-as-reading Partners Michelle Gehrig.....................546-3888Jaime Green ...........................972-6618Mary Ligarzewski....................608-0892Nancy O’Malley.....................678-1477Kathy Steiger .........................594-1870Picture Days/Family Photo Marci Levine..........................678-1179Night Dawn Ruderman ....................766-1679Danae Schneider....................764-2817Pre-K Spring Fling Patricia Abela ........................705-5799Kathy Steiger .........................594-1870<strong>School</strong> SpiritAllison Sackstein...................665-2580Christine Venezio ..................763-0572Screening Beth Sporing ..........................594-2345SEPTALynn Cesiro............................766-2144Site-base Mgmt Paulina Baratta ......................319-6989Felicia Furst............................594-4636Staff Recognition Lunch Patricia Abela ........................705-5799Paulina Baratta ......................319-6989Michele LoPiccolo.................263-6212Rachel Walsh.........................361-7247TechnologyYearbookTBADawn Caputo.........................208-6019Jessica Dellamorte..................442-3405Beth Kowalski ........................766-6161Bonnie Miller.........................705-5585Martha Raimondi ..................763-9133Alison Rubin..........................594-1851K-Dance Patricia Abela ........................705-5799Jeanine Badalamenti..............984-4639Danny Ramos.........................644-3009Kathy Steiger .........................594-1870Movie Nights Carolyn Bonn ........................766-7713Jessica Curley .........................705-5245Jaime Green ...........................972-6618Kathy Schirrmacher...............643-1377Pre-K Buddy Breakfast Mary Chaisson .......................608-9960Sarah Campbell .....................458-7704Volunteer Coordinator Kathy Steiger .........................594-1870SCHOOL #8 PTAFULTON AVENUE SCHOOL3252 FULTON AVENUE, O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, N.Y. 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011September 15, 9:30 am • October 26, 7 pmJanuary 12, 9:30 am • February 15, 7 pmMarch 8, 7 pm • April 12, 7 pmJune 8, 9:30 amCo-President Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Co-President Shira Schuberg .....................369-7398Past PresidentFara Orner.............................763-30071st Vice President – Cindy Sommer-Fleisig ..........766-7757Membership Lori Chodash ........................766-05722nd Vice President – Ellen Fogel ...........................563-4114Cultural Arts Sheri Tesoriero ..............347-731-02303rd Vice President - Lydia Camileri ......................763-1441Fundraising Geannine Milo .....................678-5184Stacey Kessler .......................428-4400Corresponding Secretary Lisa Dempsey .......................678-2577Recording Secretary Laurie Krell...........................678-1070TreasurerJoelly Leidner........................766-3726HistorianJennifer Famighetti...............764-2065Delegates to Council Lisa Wertling ........................594-0904Tara Dreyfus..........................763-0816Alternate Delegate toCouncil Michelle Snider ...................764-1185Teacher Delegate to Council Ivy Cibrano...........................678-8503Counselor Ron Schoen ..........................678-8503Teacher LiaisonIvy Cibrano...........................678-58035th Grade Blood Drive TBABoard of Ed Liaison Annette Vitale......................594-6624Maria Lindh..........................852-2916BookFairLaurie Krell...........................678-1070Jennifer Famighetti...............764-2065Stacey Kessler .......................428-4400Lisa Dempsey ........................678-2577Box TopsMaria Lindh..........................852-2916Allison Wasserman...............764-0292Class PicturesLaurie Krell...........................678-1070Sheri Tesoriero ..............347-731-0230Lisa Dempey .........................678-2577Jennifer Famighetti...............764-2065DAWC Lisa Dempsey .......................678-2577DOCA Community Susan Shore ..........................763-1659EcologyAnnette Vitale......................594-6624Field DayLaurie Krell...........................678-1070Karen Recchia ......................766-0825Nicole Weinstein..................594-0699Family Fun Night Laurie Krell...........................678-1070Stacey Kessler .......................428-4400Leslie Levine.........................766-0825Grade Level ChairpeopleGrade 1Jenna Maughn......................................Grade 2Nicole Weinstein..................594-0699Grade 3 Lydia Camileri ......................763-1441Grade 4 Geannine Milo .....................678-5184Grade 5Laurie Krell...........................678-1070Grade 6Tara Dreyfus..........................763-0186Halloween Dance Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Shira Schuberg .....................369-7398Cindy Sommer-Fleisig ..........766-7757Holiday Boutique Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Fara Orner.............................763-3007Stacey Kessler .......................428-4400Merrill Eisenberg ..................536-6147HospitalityLeslie Levine.........................766-0825Sheri Tesoriero ..............347-731-0230Internet SafetyCindy Sommer-Fleissig.........766-7757Laurie Krell ..........................678-1070Kindergarten <strong>School</strong>#6 Liaison Cynthia Fiumara...................946-2165Legislation Lisa Wertling ........................594-0904

Life Membership Fara Orner.............................763-3007Diane Sheehan .....................678-8505Ron Schoen ..........................678-8503Math, Science, Technology Maria Lindh..........................852-2916Middle <strong>School</strong> Liaison Haley Manyin.......................987-7436Nutrition-Wellness Audry Einhorn .....................594-5091PARPKaren Rechhia......................766-3147Francesca Romagno..............620-0530Allison Sackstein..................655-2580PASSAnnette Vitale......................594-6624Plant Sale Amee Feldman .....................208-8715Jennifer Famighetti...............764-2065Reflections Lisa Dempsey ........................678-2577Tali Oberstein.......................678-1117Laurie Krell...........................678-1070Safety Drop Off Dawn Funaro ........................764-1859Joann Hupolsky ....................594-2533SEPTA Shira Schuberg .....................369-7398Jennifer Famighetti...............764-2065Site-based ManagementLaurie Krell...........................678-1070Randi Costa ..........................536-7923Laura Cassar..........................678-8503Jennifer Cascone...................678-8503Ron Schoen ..........................678-8503Summer Fling Dinner/Dance Lydia Camileri ......................763-1441Shira Schuberg .....................369-7398Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Steamboat Shira Schuberg .....................763-9287Teacher Appreciation Dinner Tara Dreyfus..........................763-0186Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Amee Feldman .....................208-81751st Grade Welcome Wagon Laurie Krell...........................678-1070Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Shira Schuberg .....................369-7398Geannine Milo .....................678-5184Welcome Back to<strong>School</strong> BBQ6th Grade EventsLeslie Levine.........................766-0825MaryBeth Ringhauser...........536-0250Dawn Frangos .......................764-7089Haley Manyin.......................987-0816Tara Dreyfus..........................763-01866th Grade Fundraising Tami Patton ..........................763-9185Robin Jennings .....................678-89486th Grade Car Wash Susan Ducorsky.....................641-2929Robyn Levitt.........................632-8586Jeannine Wynne...................779-48866th Grade Day Susan Shore ..........................763-1659Ellen Fogel ............................536-4114Tami Patton ..........................763-9185Jeannine Wynne...................779-48866th Grade Yearbook Shira Schuberg .....................369-7398Lydia Camileri ......................763-1441Ellen Fogel ............................563-4114Committee at Large Lori Chodash ........................766-0572Filomena O’Sullivan.............343-6460Maria Lindh..........................852-2916Randi Costa ..........................536-7923Rochelle Sanchez .................384-5535Dawn Funaro ........................764-1859Francesca Romagno..............620-0530Allison Sackstein..................665-2580Laurie Krell...........................678-1070Jeannine Wynne...................779-4886SCHOOL #9E PTAWALTER S. BOARDMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL170 BEATRICE AVE., O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011September 24, 9:30 am • October 13, 7:30 pmNovember 19, 9:00 am • January 18, 7:30 pmFebruary 11, 9:00 am • March 8, 7:30 pm • April 8, 9:00 amMay 11, 7:30 pm • June 16, Installation DinnerCo-Presidents Gayle Somerstein .................678-3495Debbie Schneider .................764-3781Past PresidentHaley Albertario...................764-46971st Vice President(Cultural Arts) Kim Pinkiert .........................526-5213Sara Moy...............................992-1747Mary Mandaro ......................208-75852nd Vice President(Fundraising)Abby Spanier........................678-4799Alice Burak...........................764-44913rd Vice President(Membership) Ilyse Millberg ........................678-0962Dorothy Scott.......................678-81574th Vice President(Teacher Delegate)Karen Hannon......................678-8510Susan Velella ........................678-8510Corresponding Secretary Selena DiFusco .....................763-3080Recording Secretary (day) Joanna Peters ..............536-4598(eve) Jeanine Korotki...........678-0149Treasurer Tammy Carlins .....................456-4214Delegates to CouncilSandy Champagne................594-9603Allison Swerdloff..................536-1159Counselor Dr. Karen Siris .....................678-8510Back-to-<strong>School</strong> BBQ Aaron Champagne ...............594-9603Haley Albertario...................764-4697Family Fun Night Claude Albertario.................764-4697Blood DriveJeanine Korotki.....................678-0149Boardman Observer Erica Denman.......................536-3556Board of Ed Liaison Seth Blau ..............................766-2267Book Fair Cindy Bentsen ......................255-0831Linda Levine.........................763-9155Kim Pinkiert .........................526-5213Beautification Committee Jamie Green..........................972-6618Bulletin BoardSara Moy...............................992-1747Box Tops Lori Blau ...............................766-2267DAWC Peter Maschuch ....................536-0533DOCA LiaisonNancy Thailer.......................536-0392Fashion Show Jodi Kessler ...........................536-5524Sherri Katzman.....................766-4378Family Movie Sara Moy ..............................992-1747Field DayRoseanne Schnell.................536-2785Dorothy Scott ......................678-8157Holiday Boutique Debbie Schneider .................764-3781Stacey Weissman ..................594-8147Hospitality Gayle Somerstein .................678-3495LegislationLuisa Pennella.......................992-0988Lifetime Membership Haley Albertario...................764-4697Math, Science & TechNutritionPARPPicture DaySandy Champagne................594-9603Roseanne Schnell.................536-2785Dorothy Scott.......................678-8157Tammy Carlins .....................678-1608Stephanie Ricottone.............678-7972Laura Blankoph ....................208-5472Jeanine Korotki.....................678-0149Maria Prendergast.................766-8866Plant Sale Betty Avshalamov ................678-9058Linda Levine.........................763-9155Prime Time Patricia Henn .......................764-5746Missy Kornbluth ...................678-6020Pumpkin Patch Lisa Amber ...........................678-2081ReflectionsAndrea Mascuch...................536-0533Peter Mascuch ......................536-0533<strong>School</strong> #6 Liaison Liza Sklar ..............................330-0219<strong>School</strong> #9M Liaison Betty Avshalomov ................678-9058SEPTAJeanine Korotki.....................678-0149Site-Based Seth Blau ..............................766-2267Gayle Somerstein .................678-3495Staff Recognition Luncheon Sara Moy...............................992-1747Cindy Bensen .......................255-0831Linda Levine.........................763-9155Sixth Grade CommitteeChairpersons Faythe Sabety .......................678-7453Carol Ann Kemp..................632-5290Follies Betty Avshalomov ................678-9058Jennifer DeLeonardis............536-6410FundraisingYearbookSixth Grade DayDorothy Scott.......................678-8157Tammy Carlins .....................678-1608Stephanie Ricottone.............678-7972Maria Prendergast.................766-8866April Weiner.........................208-3839Lori Axelrod .....................536-1280

SCHOOL #9M PTAO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> MIDDLE SCHOOL186 ALICE AVE., O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011All meetings begin at 7:30 in the LibrarySeptember 14 • October 19 • November 16January 5 • February 1 • March 3 Nominations •April 6 ElectionsCo-Presidents Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Danielle Brooks ....................766-2830Past President Nancy McNally ....................678-03531st VP Membership Suzanne Sacks.......................594-29142nd VP Ways & Means Paulette Palmer.....................678-12123rd VP Arts in Education Betty Ozadovsky ...................992-2292Corresponding Secretary Garnet Ardila .......................766-2037Recording Secretary Beth Rosenthal.....................536-1562TreasurerHelene Piarulli......................428-9832Delegates to Council Stefani Sguera.......................763-5344Laura Hennet........................208-3867Alternate to Council Cyndi Silberman...................632-8260Teacher Delegates Jenna Tuck............................678-8518Kristin Countess ...................678-8518Counselor8th Grade DayBake SalesBlood DriveAllison Glickman-Rogers.....678-8518Trisha Daly............................536-1559Jayme Joseph.........................678-0828Diane Montuoro...................764-7051Tricia Powers.........................763-5108Laura Farber..........................763-1715Janice Totino ........................996-7853Carol Tropp...........................771-6807Tracey Fay.............................763-1737Nina Gregory........................536-1480Book Fair Susanne Bologna ..................764-0627Janice Duffy ..........................766-1521Francine Meyer.....................536-9590Carol Tropp...........................771-6807Board of EducationRobyn Drangel......................623-3933Brid Halter............................678-7206Cyndi Silberman...................632-8260Bylaws/Procedures Helene Piarulli......................428-9832DAWC Betty Ozadovsky ...................992-2292DOCA Donna Rider ........................351-1370Elaine Zeller..........................678-3025Holiday BoutiqueKaren Grodsky......................678-0519Sue LaFragola .......................766-7599Nadine Teman ......................766-3946Hospitality Catalina DeHaertig ..............469-9777Legislation Laura Hennett ......................208-3867Magazine Drive Lori Chodash ........................766-0572Janice Duffy ..........................766-1521Lori Gilbert...........................223-8188Karen Recchia ......................766-3417Nutrition Lynn Bert ..............................594-1337OMS ApparelRobyn Drangel......................623-3933Stacey Farber ........................678-3175Parliamentarians Danielle Brooks ....................766-2830Paulette Palmer.....................678-1212PASS Betty Ozadovsky ...................992-2292Elaine Zeller..........................678-3205Photo Day CoordinatorsJayme Joseph.........................678-0828Janice Totino ........................996-7853Nurys Dixon .........................632-8303PTA Awards Danielle Brooks ....................766-2830Susanne Cavale ....................536-3919Diane Montuoro...................764-7051Helene Piarulli......................428-9832Gayle Somerstein .................678-3495Newsletter -The Wave Maylene Santiago.................608-5120Cyndi Silberman...................632-8260Reflections Lynn Bert ..............................594-1337Scholarship<strong>School</strong> SuppliesSEPTA LiaisonStaff AppreciationCyndi Silberman...................632-8260Helene Piarulli......................428-9832Lori Gilbert...........................223-8188Brid Halter............................678-7206Diane Montuoro...................764-7051Paulette Palmer.....................678-1212Jennifer Carrano...................766-4032Trisha Daly............................536-1559Lori Chodash ........................766-0572Diane Montuoro...................764-7051Committee at Large/ Lynn Bert ..............................594-1337Volunteer Coordinators Janice Duffy ..........................766-1521Lori Gilbert...........................223-8188WebsitePaulette Palmer.....................678-1212Cyndi Silberman...................632-8260SCHOOL #7 PTAO<strong>CEANSIDE</strong> HIGH SCHOOL/CASTLETON HIGH SCHOOL3160 SKILLMAN AVENUE; O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572145 MERLE AVENUE; O<strong>CEANSIDE</strong>, NY 11572MEETINGS 2010-2011(Meetings begin at 7 pm in the Library)October 7 • November 17 • January 4 • February 9 •March 16 (Nominations) • April 27 (Elections) • May 25Co- Presidents Marylee Scharfberg ................849-2921Josette Ragona .......................766-3215Past PresidentDebbie Cohen........................766-79231st Vice President Margaret Whittle...................608-8841Fundraising2nd Vice President Ellen Hisiger ..........................594-9721Art in Education3rd Vice President Lynn Woods ...........................536-3091MembershipCorresponding Secretary Carolann Kemp......................632-5290Recording Secretary Shira Shuberg ........................763-9287Treasurer Lisa Dahlem ...........................678-0658Delegates to Council Nancy Forlader ......................536-9788Stefani Sguera ........................763-5344High <strong>School</strong>Richard Roschelle..................678-7526Teacher AdvisorHigh <strong>School</strong> Counselor Mark Secaur...........................678-7526CastletonTeacher Advisor Greg Wroble ..........................678-7593Castleton Counselor Dorie Ciulla ...........................678-7593Bake SaleMarcie Cutler.........................678-3611Josephine Cipriano ................678-1048Blood DriveLorraine Smith.......................764-4334Board of Ed. Liaison Brid Halter .............................678-7206By- Laws Vicky Caraciolo .....................764-3122DAWC Doreen Borstock ....................536-3476Dawn DeliriumBrigitte Misitano....................678-0115Karen Rizzo ............................536-4067DOCA Liaison Lynn Bert ...............................594-1337Fashion ShowJill Bonacasa...........................536-5324Debbie Cohen........................766-7923Jodi Katz.................................766-1207Hospitality Brigitte & Bill Misitano ........678-0115LegislationDebbie Cohen........................766-7923Liaison (Middle <strong>School</strong>) Helene Piarulli.......................536-5142Life Membership Debbie Cohen........................766-7923NewsletterAmy Bermudez.......................384-9566Nutrition Nancy Forlader ......................536-9788MST DayDonna Dotzler........................536-5142PASS Ellen Hisiger ..........................594-9732Scholarship Vicky Caraciolo .....................764-3122Mara Weintraub.....................736-2949<strong>School</strong> & Community Jill Bonacasa...........................536-5324Sandie Schoell .......................766-0381SEPTA Liaison Ellen Hisiger ..........................594-9732Sited-Based Management Pat Block................................223-4938Joann Calabro.......................315-8537Vicky Caraciolo .....................764-3122Ed Scharfberg.........................317-5880Staff Recognition Luncheon Nancy Forlader ......................536-9788Ellen Hisiger ..........................594-9732Margaret Whittle...................608-8841Committee at LargeAnna Angelillo......................678-5966Lynn Bert ...............................594-1337Helene Cassandra ..................678-0501Lauren Jackson.......................766-5039Ketti Krieger ..........................632-5385Tami Patton ...........................763-9185Luisa Pennella........................992-0988Barbara Risi............................208-7127Karen Rizzo ............................536-4067Hollie Tommasino .................594-1614Lisa Yedid...............................652-0209

<strong>Oceanside</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Telephone DirectoryBoard of Education SecretaryMary Ann Marino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1226<strong>District</strong> ClerkRobin Green. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8580SuperintendentDr. Herb R. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1215Assistant Superintendent, BusinessLouis S. Frontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1209Assistant Superintendent,Curriculum, Instruction & ResearchRobert Fenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1221Assistant Superintendent,Special Education/Pupil ServicesDr. Jill DeRosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1218Director, Administrative Technology, K-12Dr. David Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8571Director, Activities ProgramsFred Koller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8531Director of FacilitiesRobert Schloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2333Director, Fine and Performing ArtsRobert Brase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1220Director, GuidanceIlene Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-5402Director, Physical Education,Health and Interscholastic AthleticsDenise Kiernan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7530Director, Science K-12Kathy Chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2359Director, World Languages , K-12Dr. David Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7533Business AdministratorRobin Green. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1205Supervisor, Department of Community ActivitiesMaria Bavaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2336Personnel AssistantCamille Felici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1213Public Relations CoordinatorDonna Kraus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7525Transportation SecretaryLori Ann Savino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1211visit us at oceansideschools.org<strong>School</strong> #2:PrincipalThomas Capone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7557Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7559Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8542Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7562<strong>School</strong> #3:PrincipalBeth Castiello. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7564Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7566Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7570Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8549<strong>School</strong> #4:PrincipalJoanna Kletter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7581Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7574Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2355Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-2726<strong>School</strong> #5:PrincipalDiane Provvido. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7585Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7587Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7590<strong>School</strong> #6 Kindergarten:PrincipalRhonda Gelbwasser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2345Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2347Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7599Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2356<strong>School</strong> #8:PrincipalRonald Schoen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8503Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8505Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8509Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-1391<strong>School</strong> #9E:PrincipalDr. Karen Siris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8510Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8514Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8516Middle <strong>School</strong> (<strong>School</strong> #9M):PrincipalAllison Glickman-Rogers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8518Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8526Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8525*Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8523*9M Guidance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8523/8524High <strong>School</strong> (<strong>School</strong> #7):PrincipalMark Secaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7526Attendance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8532Associate PrincipalsGeraldine DeCarlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7539Fred Koller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8531BOCES - Nassau TechCounselor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7537Guidance Office (Pupil Services)A to K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7537L to Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7540Psychologist & Social Workers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7542Department Offices:Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8548Business Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-5402English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8568Family & Consumer Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-5402Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8567Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8547Physical Education/Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7530Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594-2359Social Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7532Special Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7551Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-8554World Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7533Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7549Student Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7546Professional Development Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7598<strong>Oceanside</strong> High <strong>School</strong> CastletonPrincipalDorie Ciulla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7593Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7594Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-7595DISTRICT INFORMATIONSCHOOL HOURSElementary <strong>School</strong>sGrades 1-6, 8:15 am - 3:05 pm<strong>School</strong> #6 Kindergarten Center9:30 am - 3:35 pmMiddle <strong>School</strong> 7:40 am - 2:25 pmHigh <strong>School</strong> 7:50 am - 2:35 pmOHS Castleton 8:10 am - 2:30 pm

Board of Education<strong>Oceanside</strong>, NY 11572NON-PROFIT ORG.U.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Oceanside</strong>,NYPERMIT NO. 417<strong>Oceanside</strong> Union Free<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>Board of EducationKimberly Grim Garrity, PresidentAllenby Lyson, Vice PresidentMaryanne LehrerDonald MarescaMary Jane McGrath-MulhernSandie SchoellRobert M. TransomDr. Herb R. BrownSuperintendent of <strong>School</strong>sDonna KrausPublic Information Coordinator; EditorAdministrative Offices: 145 Merle Avenue, <strong>Oceanside</strong>. Residents are invited tocall 678-7525 with any questions concerning the schools.2 0 1 02 0 1 1

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