Sacia Findlay - Top Agent Magazine

Sacia Findlay - Top Agent Magazine

Sacia Findlay - Top Agent Magazine


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<strong>Sacia</strong> <strong>Findlay</strong>

<strong>Sacia</strong> <strong>Findlay</strong><strong>Sacia</strong> <strong>Findlay</strong>, owner of the Central Mississippioffice of Realty Executives—and one of themost successful agents in the Jackson area—had initially balked at the idea of a career in realestate. “My mother owned her own real estatebusiness, and I saw how long and hard sheworked,” says <strong>Sacia</strong>. “Becoming a REALTOR ®was never on my list of career choices growingup, but after getting my license in 1999, I foundthat not only was I good at it, I loved it.”Her outgoing nature and attention to detail, itseemed, was a perfect fit for a career selling realestate. After a three-year start, and already amulti-million-dollar producer for her mother’scompany, the team joined up with RealtyExecutives in 2002, and <strong>Sacia</strong> promptly becameone of their top agents, garnering numerousawards for her excellent salesmanship: TheExecutive Award, the 100% Club Award andthe Chairman’s Award were all presented to hermultiple times. In May of this year, <strong>Sacia</strong>started her own Realty Executives franchise,becoming one of the youngest owners in thehistory of the company, which boasts over10,000 agents and 600 offices in 20 countries.She is currently ranked #6 in the Region forvolume production with Realty Executives andrecently nominated for “Mississippi’s <strong>Top</strong> 40Under 40”, which recognizes the state’s 40 upand-comingbusiness leaders under the age of 40.<strong>Sacia</strong> takes pride in the Jackson area, and finds ita perfect place to raise a family. She and herhusband Garren reside in the county of Madisonand have three daughters that keep life full andexciting outside of real estate. “We are all veryactive in school, sports, and church, but we maketime to do things as a family.” They also try toparticipate in a few service projects each year.This year was for The Children’s Home, a fewlocal families, and they are currently working ona big food drive for the local homeless shelter inJackson. “We love Jackson. It is big enough toprovide everything you need, but small enoughthat it’s a great family environment.”<strong>Sacia</strong> prides herself on providing service to herclients that goes beyond the ordinary, andunderstands that in Mississippi, clients are morethan just buyers and sellers, they are neighbors.In addition to working closely with themthroughout the transaction, she laughingly statesthat as far as follow-up with clients, “most of thatoccurs just by running into them around town.”Between church, schools, stores, her children’sactivities, and the tennis court, she runs into past,present and future clients daily. Her personalwebsite, www. 331SOLD.com, in addition to herphone number 331-SOLD, has earned herbusiness the local moniker of “the 331-SOLDlady.” <strong>Sacia</strong> said it works out nice when theyremember her number even when they can’tremember her name. “I was once at a garage saleand overheard the homeowner say that if she wasever to sell her house she was calling the 331-SOLD lady. She gets them sold!’” Anotherpopular phrase among clients which <strong>Sacia</strong> nowuses in her advertising is “Don’t call <strong>Sacia</strong> untilyou are ready to start packing,” and <strong>Sacia</strong> cites arecent voicemail left by a prospective client whostated “I was told not to call you until I was readyto start packing, and girl—I am ready to start!”Already noted as a multi-million dollar producerfor the past ten years consecutively, <strong>Sacia</strong> isCopyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

“In Mississippi, clients are more than justbuyers and sellers, they are neighbors.”SOLDClosing this Southern Anntebellum home after Thanksgiving. It was fashioned after the antebellum mansionRosalie in Natchez, MS and sits on 8.5 acres on the water. “Nothing like Southern Charm and Beauty.”excited about growing her business further andturning her team of Executives into <strong>Top</strong>Producers. Recently returned from a week oftraining with Realty Executives International inPhoenix, and with the imminent expansion ofher team, <strong>Sacia</strong> is excited about implementingnew marketing technology that will give heroffice an extra edge in the business. Her currentteam, which she calls “amazing,” is alreadyexceeding normal production levels and they areexcited about the future executives who are inprocess of joining their team.The level of service <strong>Sacia</strong> provides her clients isevidenced by the scores of testimonials on herwebsite which emphasize the amount of personalattention given to each, the words “wonderful”and “hardworking” being the most common.Says <strong>Sacia</strong>, “I really care…my goal is not just tomake it through the transaction, but to becometheir trusted real estate advisor for life.” That themajority of her business is based upon referralsand repeat business is a testament to this. Onetestimonial sums it up best: “We were lucky tofind <strong>Sacia</strong>. Her expertise, thorough understandingof the area and insight into our family's needs wasinvaluable in finding, negotiating and securingthe right home for our family. Beauty, brains, andan eye for real estate—what a truly amazing assetto have on your team.”<strong>Sacia</strong> <strong>Findlay</strong>Broker/Owner Realty Executives Central MS(601)331-SOLD(7653)sacia@331sold.com | www.331SOLD.comCopyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

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