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English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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Private sec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>in</strong> post-conflict state build<strong>in</strong>gcould help mitigate, and perhaps even prevent further armed-conflicts.The government needs <strong>to</strong> encourage <strong>in</strong>vestments <strong>in</strong> a number of criticalsec<strong>to</strong>rs and the private sec<strong>to</strong>r must take a leadership role <strong>in</strong> draft<strong>in</strong>g anational strategy for economic growth. The government has a critical role<strong>to</strong> play <strong>in</strong> creat<strong>in</strong>g a secure and bus<strong>in</strong>ess-friendly environment that willattract and susta<strong>in</strong> foreign <strong>in</strong>vestment, but, ultimately, only the privatesec<strong>to</strong>r can deliver last<strong>in</strong>g and susta<strong>in</strong>able economic growth.ReferencesDhakal A, Subedi J. 2006. The <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Private Sec<strong>to</strong>r: Wak<strong>in</strong>g up <strong>to</strong> Conflict.Kathmandu: International Alert.FNCCI [Federation of <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Chambers of Commerce and Industry]. 2009.<strong>Nepal</strong> and the World: A Statistical Profile 2008. Kathmandu: FNCCI.Joras U. 2008. F<strong>in</strong>ancial Peacebuild<strong>in</strong>g – Impacts of the <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Conflict on theF<strong>in</strong>ancial Sec<strong>to</strong>r and Its Potential for Peacebuild<strong>in</strong>g. Bern: Swisspeace.Mayer M, Salih M. 2006. Sri Lanka: Bus<strong>in</strong>ess as an Agent for Peace. Colombo:International Alert.MoF [M<strong>in</strong>istry of F<strong>in</strong>ance]. 2009. Economic Survey Fiscal Year 2008/09Kathmandu: M<strong>in</strong>istry of F<strong>in</strong>ance, Government of <strong>Nepal</strong>.NBI [National Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Initiative]. 2005 Information Booklet. Kathmandu: NBI.Sharma SR. 2000. The role of ODA and FDI <strong>in</strong> the development of <strong>Nepal</strong>. FukuokaUniversity Journal 32(2):1-26.Sharma SR. 2007. Planned development and conflict: The role of the privatesec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>in</strong> augment<strong>in</strong>g remittance <strong>in</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>. In: Dhungana H, Logan M,edi<strong>to</strong>rs. Susta<strong>in</strong>able Development <strong>in</strong> Conflict Environments: Challengesand Opportunities. Kathmandu: Centre for International Studies andCooperation, pp 271-279.Sharma SR. 2008. Role of foreign aid <strong>in</strong> transformation. In: Pyakuryal KN,Upreti BR, Sharma SR, edi<strong>to</strong>rs. <strong>Nepal</strong>: Transition <strong>to</strong> Transformation.Kathmandu: Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, KathmanduUniversity and the South Asia Regional Coord<strong>in</strong>ation Office of SwissNational Centre of Competence <strong>in</strong> Research North-South.The World Bank. 1995-2008. World Development Report 1995-2008. New Yorkand Geneva: United Nations.The World Bank. 2006. Resilience amidst Conflict: An Assessment of Poverty <strong>in</strong><strong>Nepal</strong> 1995-96 and 2003-04. World Bank Report No. 34834-NP.62

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