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English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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The Remake of a State5. Foreign direct <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong><strong>Nepal</strong> opened the doors <strong>to</strong> foreign <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> recent times. S<strong>in</strong>ce thegovernment opened some service sec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> foreign <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> 2005,progress has been made <strong>in</strong> allow<strong>in</strong>g private operations <strong>in</strong> sec<strong>to</strong>rs thatwere previously government monopolies, such as telecommunicationsand civil aviation. Licens<strong>in</strong>g and regulations have been simplified, andeven 100 per cent foreign ownership is now allowed <strong>in</strong> some sec<strong>to</strong>rs. Asa result, the <strong>to</strong>tal number of FDI projects has <strong>in</strong>creased almost tenfold <strong>in</strong>the last decade.Table 3.3 Jo<strong>in</strong>t-venture <strong>in</strong>dustries <strong>in</strong> operation <strong>in</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>(as of mid-April 2008)SN CountryCons -tructionSec<strong>to</strong>rTotalNo. ofIndustriesAgrobasedEnergybasedManufactur<strong>in</strong>gM<strong>in</strong>eralServiceTourismTotalProjectCost(MillionNRs)1 India 1 89 1 17 10 118 13468.212 The USA 1 1 13 23 12 51 8924.543 Japan 4 1 9 10 20 44 1329.054 Ch<strong>in</strong>a 1 15 7 7 30 1869.175 SouthKorea11 3 6 20 528.286 Germany 1 7 4 6 18 278.887 The UK 1 6 2 6 15 326.748 Switzerland1 2 2 4 9 147.249 France 5 1 3 9 129.4710 Norway 1 3 1 1 6 6690.9511 Others 1 1 38 21 21 81 6144.0412 Total 9 3 6 196 1 91 95 401 39836.57Source: Adapted from FNCCI (2009)Most of the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g FDI is <strong>in</strong> the form of jo<strong>in</strong>t ventures <strong>in</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>, thelatest figures of which are shown <strong>in</strong> Table 3.3. Most of these <strong>in</strong>vestmentsare <strong>in</strong> manufactur<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>to</strong>urism and service sec<strong>to</strong>rs. However, this muchtalked about foreign private <strong>in</strong>vestment has not been forthcom<strong>in</strong>g so far<strong>to</strong> catalyse the private sec<strong>to</strong>r and <strong>to</strong> meet the grow<strong>in</strong>g needs for capital<strong>in</strong>vestment. The primary reasons for this have been the cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g politicaland adm<strong>in</strong>istrative <strong>in</strong>stability, and lack of adequate basic <strong>in</strong>frastructure.Cont<strong>in</strong>ued political and social stability, <strong>to</strong>gether with economic prosperity53

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