English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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The Remake of a Statechange. Democratisation process of the <strong>Nepal</strong> Army has been halted afterthe Maoists-led government tried <strong>to</strong> sack the then Chief of Army Staff <strong>in</strong>March 2009. This was taken by the other political parties <strong>in</strong> opposition as aMaoist’s strategy <strong>to</strong> capture the state power. This resulted <strong>in</strong> the Presidentrevok<strong>in</strong>g that decision with support of all other parties <strong>in</strong> opposition. Cit<strong>in</strong>gthe reason of lack of civilian supremacy and foreign <strong>in</strong>terference <strong>in</strong> all thedevelopment lead<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> President’s decision, Maoist supremo Prachandaresigned as the Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister that led <strong>to</strong> further deteriorations <strong>in</strong>relationship among the parties. Exist<strong>in</strong>g contradictions among the partiesrang<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>in</strong>tegration of two armies, state restructur<strong>in</strong>g and forms ofgovernment <strong>to</strong> provisions for <strong>in</strong>clusive participation of all the excludedgroups and communities widened further. It slowed down the postconflictstate build<strong>in</strong>g process.In some cases, the most difficult contradictions, hard <strong>to</strong> identify and<strong>in</strong>visible <strong>in</strong> the society, could deter the transformation. Political parties <strong>in</strong><strong>Nepal</strong> may not even recognise such contradictions as difficulties, such asunderstand<strong>in</strong>g each other’s position over certa<strong>in</strong> issues (can be a case ofmanagement of disqualified combatants). Government could not agree <strong>to</strong>the Maoists’ demand of provid<strong>in</strong>g cash compensations or any <strong>in</strong>centivepackage <strong>to</strong> former disqualified combatants <strong>to</strong> start an economic activity(such as fruit farm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Karnali region <strong>in</strong> government land leased fornumber of years). Other parties and the government were <strong>in</strong> favour ofprovid<strong>in</strong>g skill development tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g so that they could be employed <strong>in</strong> thissec<strong>to</strong>r. This was rejected by the Maoists as well as the combatants. F<strong>in</strong>ally,the Maoists agreed <strong>to</strong> discharge them from the camp without a clear<strong>in</strong>centive package <strong>to</strong> start a ‘new life’. The contradictions here are ma<strong>in</strong>lyrelated <strong>to</strong> how certa<strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong>gs are <strong>to</strong> be done or how certa<strong>in</strong> relationshipsare <strong>to</strong> be managed. The United Nations Mission <strong>in</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (UNMIN) withoutmajor decision-mak<strong>in</strong>g role and not hav<strong>in</strong>g sufficient mandate <strong>to</strong> pressurethe parties had <strong>to</strong> complete the discharge process. Another example is thedemocratisation process of the <strong>Nepal</strong> Army. It appears <strong>to</strong> be the forgottenissues <strong>in</strong> the current political debates on the ability of <strong>Nepal</strong>i politicalleaders/ forces <strong>to</strong> resolve the contradictions amicably.Equally, contradictions can also help <strong>to</strong> identify ‘dynamic forces of change’.Introduction of <strong>in</strong>clusive policies by the government of <strong>Nepal</strong> (quotasystems, reservation while recruit<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> civil service and universities) afterthe CPA-2006 are the results of efforts of the political forces <strong>to</strong> resolveexist<strong>in</strong>g contradictions. Such policy changes are expected <strong>to</strong> br<strong>in</strong>g positivechanges <strong>in</strong> the socio-political situation of the disadvantaged communities295

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