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English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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Chapter14Contradiction and duality:Deterr<strong>in</strong>g state build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>post-conflict <strong>Nepal</strong>Prab<strong>in</strong> Manandhar 1Ramji Neupane 21. Introduction<strong>Nepal</strong> is emerg<strong>in</strong>g from violent conflict and currently stands at a crossroadof conflict transformation and status quo. The new <strong>Nepal</strong> is expected <strong>to</strong> takeon a federal character, democratic polity and <strong>in</strong>clusive state. People havehigh expectations of change <strong>in</strong> terms of secured livelihoods, function<strong>in</strong>gof state, public security and social justice. At this juncture, this countryfaces a number of challenges <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g contradiction and duality on majorissues for state build<strong>in</strong>g. This chapter deals with concepts, <strong>in</strong>ternationalexperience, state build<strong>in</strong>g challenges and <strong>Nepal</strong>ese experience oncontradiction and duality. It also offers suggestions on how <strong>Nepal</strong> couldmanage contradiction and duality for state build<strong>in</strong>g.Conceptually, many people are uncomfortable with contradictions.Contradictions are largely perceived as a misfit with<strong>in</strong> elements, betweenthem, between different activities, or between different developmentphases of a s<strong>in</strong>gle activity (Kuutti 1996). They have also been characterisedas conflicts (Dippe 2006), as tensions (Bashar<strong>in</strong>a 2007; Berge and Fjuk 2006)and as his<strong>to</strong>rically accumulat<strong>in</strong>g tensions (Engestrom 2001). Contradictionsemerge as disturbances which are visible manifestations of contradictions(Capper and Williams 2004). They are confrontations, oppos<strong>in</strong>g ideas,disruptions, problems, as well as ruptures, breakdowns and clashes <strong>in</strong>activities. However, Engestrom (2001) argues that contradictions are notsimply conflicts and problems but are his<strong>to</strong>rically accumulat<strong>in</strong>g structuraltensions with<strong>in</strong> and between activity systems. They generate not onlydisturbances and conflicts, but also <strong>in</strong>novative attempts <strong>to</strong> change theactivity and/or the proposition <strong>in</strong> question. Contradictions are importantnot <strong>in</strong> and of themselves, but because they can result <strong>in</strong> change anddevelopment.1Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Canadian Cooperation Office, <strong>Nepal</strong> and Visit<strong>in</strong>g Faculty, Kathmandu University; prab<strong>in</strong>@canadanepal.org2Programme Coord<strong>in</strong>a<strong>to</strong>r, Canadian Cooperation Office, <strong>Nepal</strong>; ramji@canadanepal.org; ramj<strong>in</strong>eup@yahoo.com287

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