English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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Reconciliation and re<strong>in</strong>tegrationemotion and hatred of the people who or whose family member(s) arekilled, <strong>to</strong>rtured, bereaved, maimed, assaulted, raped, <strong>in</strong>jured, abducted,homeless, <strong>in</strong>timidated and humiliated is difficult and time-consum<strong>in</strong>g(Por<strong>to</strong>, and Parsons 2003).Bloomfield et al. (2004) describes the follow<strong>in</strong>g th<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> the guid<strong>in</strong>gframework for heal<strong>in</strong>g:• Social justice as a foundation of heal<strong>in</strong>g,• Proper understand<strong>in</strong>g of the context,• Us<strong>in</strong>g local resources and capacity,• L<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g heal<strong>in</strong>g with broader post-conflict transformationprocess,• Implement<strong>in</strong>g psychological and counsell<strong>in</strong>g programmes for<strong>in</strong>dividuals,• Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g local communities with psychological support skills,• Organis<strong>in</strong>g victims <strong>in</strong> self-help groups and economic activities,• Implement<strong>in</strong>g symbolic forms of heal<strong>in</strong>g (symbolis<strong>in</strong>g memory ofthe past <strong>in</strong> monuments, museums, plaques etc.),• Reparation and compensation,• Organis<strong>in</strong>g specific rituals and ceremonies,• Apologies and forgiveness.In the heal<strong>in</strong>g process, localised cop<strong>in</strong>g mechanisms and models of socialand emotional resilience need <strong>to</strong> be supported and strengthened. Hence,heal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>itiatives need <strong>to</strong> be a part of socio-economic and politicalstrategy of the government <strong>in</strong> the post-conflict phase.4.4. Recognition, respect and collaborationRecognition and respect <strong>to</strong> conflict victims is a crucial psychological force<strong>to</strong> br<strong>in</strong>g them <strong>in</strong><strong>to</strong> social ma<strong>in</strong>stream. Recognition and respect developconfidence of conflict victims and promotes their <strong>in</strong>tegration <strong>in</strong><strong>to</strong> society,encourages <strong>to</strong> collaborate <strong>in</strong> social and political activities and forget thebitter past memories.One of the best ways of promot<strong>in</strong>g R&R is <strong>to</strong> <strong>in</strong>clude people <strong>to</strong> bere<strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> development activities, social service and political process.Literatures have documented that extend<strong>in</strong>g collaboration with them and274

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