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English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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The post-conflict Trojan horseThe chapter <strong>in</strong>corporates both descriptive and explora<strong>to</strong>ry study designs.More qualitative and a bit of quantitative <strong>in</strong>formation are gathered <strong>to</strong>have <strong>in</strong>tact analysis. Almost all of the data are secondary <strong>in</strong> nature. Theseare bagged from published materials from various newspapers, journals,magaz<strong>in</strong>es, books, and souvenirs of security agencies as well. Some grayliteratures are also consulted. In addition, <strong>in</strong>formation was also providedby the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) Ranipokhari, Kathmandu andsome other police officials. Yet, as per the design of this study, plethoraof <strong>in</strong>formation is excerpted from the analyses of reputed national dailies,weeklies and fortnightlies such as Kantipur, Himal Khabarpatrika and<strong>Nepal</strong> National Weekly. The authors have clustered some data and giventhem a new form so as <strong>to</strong> make the study comprehensive and sound.Trend and timel<strong>in</strong>e analysis are the basic <strong>to</strong>ols employed <strong>in</strong> this study.In addition <strong>to</strong> domestic references, some <strong>in</strong>ternational <strong>in</strong>stances are alsocompared so as <strong>to</strong> reach mean<strong>in</strong>gfulness <strong>in</strong> logic.2. Crime: The thrill<strong>in</strong>g buzzHear<strong>in</strong>g the word ‘crime’ sounds thrill<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> itself. In fact, it thrills peopleand threatens security. The causes and consequences of crime are mos<strong>to</strong>f the times associated with the rule of law and sense of security. Rajak(2008) op<strong>in</strong>es crime as “not do<strong>in</strong>g the deeds assigned by the law anddo<strong>in</strong>g the deeds not assigned by the law”. He reiterates such th<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>to</strong> belegally punishable. It seems that crime is somewhat related <strong>to</strong> morality orthe breach of pre-def<strong>in</strong>ed standards. It generally refers <strong>to</strong> a morally wrongor an ethically unacceptable act. There are violent and sexual crimes <strong>to</strong>organised and corporate crimes and the crimes of the state (Sabhapati2004). Incorporat<strong>in</strong>g theft, robbery, fraud, corruption, assault, rape,murder and other activities, crime usually goes aga<strong>in</strong>st the establishedlaw. We f<strong>in</strong>d different authors diversely <strong>in</strong>terpret<strong>in</strong>g crime with theirpeculiar <strong>in</strong>tellectual dimensions. Bose (1992) def<strong>in</strong>es it as a product of aperson’s decision <strong>in</strong> achiev<strong>in</strong>g a goal or purpose. For Bose, crime refers <strong>to</strong>an apt solution, where usual procedure is confronted with <strong>in</strong>surmountablebarrier. It is a self-improvised strategy <strong>to</strong> achieve a goal, ignor<strong>in</strong>g orunderm<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g other’s <strong>in</strong>terest (Ghimire 2010). It is often said <strong>to</strong> be aga<strong>in</strong>stthe other’s <strong>in</strong>terest. Hence, we can generalise crime as a breach of lawand an outcome emerged as per one’s wish <strong>to</strong> meet his/her end.It is not surpris<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> f<strong>in</strong>d that the notion and def<strong>in</strong>ition of crime oftendiffers from each other depend<strong>in</strong>g upon culture, religion and nation. Butalmost all agree that it is the <strong>in</strong>fr<strong>in</strong>gement of a preset legal provision. Theliteratures on crime seem <strong>to</strong> make morality and humanity the foundation212

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