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English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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Chapter7Reconstruction anddevelopment <strong>in</strong>post-conflict <strong>Nepal</strong>1. Sett<strong>in</strong>g the contextBishnu Raj Upreti 1<strong>Nepal</strong>’s post-conflict development has <strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> achieve the aimof develop<strong>in</strong>g a peaceful, politically stable, economically prosperousand socially just federal republic. Therefore, new development policies,strategies, implementation modalities and planned outcomes have <strong>to</strong>focus on contribut<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> this aim. The ma<strong>in</strong> objective of this chapter is <strong>to</strong><strong>in</strong>itiate a debate on the various dimensions of post-conflict developmentand reconstruction as <strong>in</strong>tegral components of state build<strong>in</strong>g andstrengthen<strong>in</strong>g democracy and achiev<strong>in</strong>g durable and just peace. Thischapter attempts <strong>to</strong> answer the questions: what are the key issues andelements of post-conflict development? How can development contribute<strong>to</strong> state-build<strong>in</strong>g?Development <strong>in</strong> this paper refers <strong>to</strong> the broader concepts of both physicaland socio-economic components. Thus, reconstruction is focusedon build<strong>in</strong>g and rebuild<strong>in</strong>g of physical and social <strong>in</strong>frastructures. It isconsidered <strong>to</strong> be one of the fundamental pillars of post-conflict economicrecovery and development.Civil wars and armed <strong>in</strong>surgencies often target development<strong>in</strong>frastructures, obstruct construction process and ultimately affecteconomic growth. Obstruct<strong>in</strong>g development or damag<strong>in</strong>g development<strong>in</strong>frastructures are used by warr<strong>in</strong>g parties as their strategies. Countriesrecover<strong>in</strong>g from war need <strong>to</strong> revive the development process. Therefore,post-conflict reconstruction and development is considered as oneof the fundamental pillars of peace and stability (Upreti 2009). Violentconflict and development are often <strong>in</strong>versely related or caus<strong>in</strong>g negativeeffects <strong>to</strong> each other. When delivery of development fails <strong>to</strong> meet thelivelihood needs of people, social tension and violent conflict is mostlikely. If development fails <strong>to</strong> address <strong>in</strong>equality and discrim<strong>in</strong>ation,1South Asia Regional Coord<strong>in</strong>a<strong>to</strong>r, Swiss National Centre of Competence <strong>in</strong> Research (NCCR North-South); bupreti@nccr.wl<strong>in</strong>k.com.np129

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