English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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The Remake of a Statethe essential fac<strong>to</strong>rs which helped account for their success. She tried <strong>to</strong>establish why it is that collective action groups <strong>in</strong> some common propertysystems create solutions and therefore resist the ‘tragedy of the commons’while others collapse. The key <strong>to</strong> long endur<strong>in</strong>g common property systemsshe suggests is the existence of endogenous rules and regulations; thosecommunities which are able <strong>to</strong> set and enforce mutually acceptablerules will have a greater likelihood of <strong>in</strong>stitut<strong>in</strong>g effective collectiveaction. Ostrom (1990) describes the eight ‘design pr<strong>in</strong>ciples’ which shebelieves are the essential elements or conditions that help <strong>to</strong> account forthe success of collective action. Such action occurs <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>stitutions whichfunction <strong>to</strong> susta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the common property resource and ga<strong>in</strong> compliance(see Table 6.2). These design pr<strong>in</strong>ciples will affect <strong>in</strong>centives <strong>in</strong> such a waythat ‘appropria<strong>to</strong>rs’ (resource users) will be will<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> commit themselves<strong>to</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g rules and moni<strong>to</strong>r<strong>in</strong>g one another.Clearly def<strong>in</strong>ed resourceand user group boundariesOperational rules suited <strong>to</strong>local conditionsTable 6.2 Ostrom’s design pr<strong>in</strong>ciplesIndividuals or households who have the use rights must beclearly def<strong>in</strong>ed, as must the common property resourceitself.Operational rules govern<strong>in</strong>g time, place, technology and/orquality of the resource used and cost <strong>in</strong> terms of labour,materials and/or money need <strong>to</strong> make it appropriate <strong>to</strong> localconditions.CollectivearrangementschoiceIndividuals affected by the operational rules can participate <strong>in</strong>modify<strong>in</strong>g the operational rules.Moni<strong>to</strong>r<strong>in</strong>gGraduated sanctionsConflictmechanismsresolutionRecognition of the right <strong>to</strong>organiseMultiple layers of nestedenterpriseSource: Ostrom (1990, p 90)Moni<strong>to</strong>rs, who actively audit common property resourceconditions and user behaviour, are the users, or areaccountable <strong>to</strong> them.Users who violate operational rules are subject <strong>to</strong> sanctionsdependent on the seriousness and the context of theoffence.Users and their officials have rapid access <strong>to</strong> low-cost localarenas <strong>to</strong> resolve conflicts among users, or between usersand officials.The right of users <strong>to</strong> devise their own <strong>in</strong>stitutions isacknowledged and therefore not challenged by externalgovernmental authorities.Institutional mechanisms of common property resources areorganised <strong>in</strong> multiple layers of nested enterprise.115

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