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English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...

English - Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal ...


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The Remake of a Statenation from <strong>to</strong>urism perspective. This will help address poverty alleviation<strong>in</strong>itiative through <strong>to</strong>urism.<strong>Nepal</strong> is not only one of the least developed countries <strong>in</strong> Asia Pacificregion, but also land-locked – a double disadvantage <strong>in</strong> her efforts <strong>to</strong> fulfildevelopment aspirations. Approximately 83 per cent of land mass from a<strong>to</strong>tal of the 1,41,181 square km area of <strong>Nepal</strong> is covered with mounta<strong>in</strong>landscapes <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Himalayas, however, attributed with prist<strong>in</strong>e natureand culture (Shrestha 2000).The backwardness of the country, <strong>in</strong>habited densely with a populationof 26.44 million, is evident while look<strong>in</strong>g at average per capita <strong>in</strong>comeUS$ 383.00, 30.8 per cent of its population below poverty l<strong>in</strong>e, sluggisheconomic growth with average 3 per cent, low rate of domestic sav<strong>in</strong>gsand unequal distribution of <strong>in</strong>come whatever made (CBS 2007).The landlocked position, diversified <strong>to</strong>pography, geography and climate;harsh terra<strong>in</strong> provid<strong>in</strong>g limited useable natural resources; heterogeneousdistribution of people with specific lifestyles, traditions and needs <strong>in</strong>remote and isolated pocket economies have posed major challenges forher economic growth and development. The unavailability of requiredcapital, high technology and technical experts <strong>in</strong> desired scale have posedmajor challenges <strong>in</strong> the efforts <strong>to</strong> identify and mobilise resources fordesired economic growth and development.However, the same diversified mounta<strong>in</strong> landscapes, vary<strong>in</strong>g vegetation,different climatic conditions and seasons possess excessive scenic beautyand excellent environment for the flourish<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>to</strong>urism <strong>in</strong>dustry. Themounta<strong>in</strong>s and Himalayas <strong>in</strong> the mid and high lands <strong>in</strong> eastern, centraland western regions along with a number of national parks, conservationareas and wildlife reserves <strong>in</strong> the southern pla<strong>in</strong>s are endowed with richnatural resources and cultural heritage. Almost 20 per cent of <strong>Nepal</strong>’sland is designated as 16 protected areas, represent<strong>in</strong>g all the eco-regions,ecosystem and mostly the flora and fauna and heir habitats (ADB 2004).The southern pla<strong>in</strong>s from the east <strong>to</strong> the west <strong>Nepal</strong> also embracepotential <strong>to</strong>urist spots. These <strong>in</strong>clude popular Buddhist and H<strong>in</strong>dupilgrims and places like Birat Tourism area, Bideh area, Salhesh area, andSimraon area consist<strong>in</strong>g of heritages of archeological, his<strong>to</strong>rical, culturaland religious importance (The Kathmandu Post 2009). These endemicattributes of <strong>Nepal</strong> are supposed <strong>to</strong> offer her with immense potentials forthe development of <strong>to</strong>urism and establish her as one lead<strong>in</strong>g dest<strong>in</strong>ations93

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