SECT2.05 - Recommended Practices for Electrosurgery - Medline

SECT2.05 - Recommended Practices for Electrosurgery - Medline

SECT2.05 - Recommended Practices for Electrosurgery - Medline

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RP: <strong>Electrosurgery</strong>Monopolar electrosurgery: <strong>Electrosurgery</strong> inwhich only the active electrode is in the surgicalwound, and the electrical current is directed throughthe patient’s body, received by the dispersive pad,and transferred back to the generator, completing themonopolar circuit.Oxygen-enriched environment: Atmospherecontaining more than 21% oxygen, frequentlyoccurring in the oropharynx, trachea, lower respiratorytract, and near the head and neck duringadministration of oxygen to the patient.Return electrode continuity monitor: A safetyfeature of a single foil dispersive electrode thatdetects an unconnected dispersive electrode or abreak in the return electrode cord.Return-electrode contact quality monitoring: Adynamic monitoring circuit measuring impedanceof the dispersive return electrode. If the dispersiveelectrode becomes compromised, the circuit inhibitsthe ESU’s output.Ultra low particulate air (ULPA): Theoretically, aULPA filter can remove from the air 99.9999% ofbacteria, dust, pollen, mold, and particles with asize of 120 nanometers or larger.Ultrasonic scalpel: A cutting/coagulation devicethat converts electrical energy into mechanicalenergy, providing a rapid ultrasonic motion.Vessel sealing device: Bipolar technology thatfuses collagen and elastin in the vessel walls andpermanently obliterates the lumen of the vessel.References1. Association <strong>for</strong> the Advancement of MedicalInstrumentation. ANSI/AAMI HF18:2001. ElectrosurgicalDevices. Arlington, VA: Association <strong>for</strong> the Advancementof Medical Instrumentation; 2001.2. ECRI. <strong>Electrosurgery</strong>. Healthcare Risk Control RiskAnalysis. 2007;4(Surgery and Anesthesia 16).3. Electrosurgical units. Health Devices. 1998;27(3):93-111.4. Odell RC. 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